‘Democrats Are In A Box’: Graham Says Pelosi’s Impeachment Push Is Backfiring In Senate

While the spineless Republican Senators try to hide behind the FALSE narrative that this impeachment is unconstitutional, all Schumer needs to do is pass a rule that the final vote will be done by secret ballot, and then Trump is screwed.
Ohhhh secret ballot.....a great Gestapo tactic there America hater.
Hey, nothing could go wrong with a secret ballot, right? Just pick the number of yes votes and no votes you want an no one is the wiser. As long as you don't make the total unanimous one way or the other, everyone will think they were either part of the majority or minority and life goes on. The only way that fails is if the vote is truly unanimous, but that won't happen in this case.

The ballots could be witnessed by the Senate Republican leadership when they're counted. Everyone one of them can be held as proof of the validity of the count.
Sieg Heil Herr Goebbels!
While the spineless Republican Senators try to hide behind the FALSE narrative that this impeachment is unconstitutional, all Schumer needs to do is pass a rule that the final vote will be done by secret ballot, and then Trump is screwed.
Ohhhh secret ballot.....a great Gestapo tactic there America hater.
Hey, nothing could go wrong with a secret ballot, right? Just pick the number of yes votes and no votes you want an no one is the wiser. As long as you don't make the total unanimous one way or the other, everyone will think they were either part of the majority or minority and life goes on. The only way that fails is if the vote is truly unanimous, but that won't happen in this case.

The ballots could be witnessed by the Senate Republican leadership when they're counted. Everyone one of them can be held as proof of the validity of the count.

It's not the way it works.

Did you email Schumer with your idiotic plan?

Secret ballots have been discussed by the Senate the last time Trump was impeached. Nothing new here:

There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office - POLITICO Magazine

Capitol Violence Sparks Discussion Of Secret, Safer Impeachment Trial Vote | HuffPost
Democrats are checking off boxes:

House Check that box
Senate. Check that box
Oval Office. Check that box
The issue is really the House in 22. AOC and defund the police cost them most of the moderate seats they picked up in 18. But Trump's insurrection cannot have been popular. imo Biden is correct that if the dems respond to covid by improving things, then they should be ok.

The entire impeachment thing is batshit stupid on the part of the democrats. They operate under the absolutist view that everything is just as important as everything else. Politically...it isn't.

It might not be as dumb as you think. They can bar Trump from future office with a simple majority vote in the Senate impeachment trial.
You just beat him by 'millions of votes', so why are you worried about him running in the future?? Trump is gone, maybe you should concern yourself with what your leaders are currently doing, destroying thousands of union jobs and the US energy sector?


If you want accountability, let's start with the democrats and the crimes they committed at the beginning of the Trump administration.
Democrats are checking off boxes:

House Check that box
Senate. Check that box
Oval Office. Check that box
The issue is really the House in 22. AOC and defund the police cost them most of the moderate seats they picked up in 18. But Trump's insurrection cannot have been popular. imo Biden is correct that if the dems respond to covid by improving things, then they should be ok.

The entire impeachment thing is batshit stupid on the part of the democrats. They operate under the absolutist view that everything is just as important as everything else. Politically...it isn't.

It might not be as dumb as you think. They can bar Trump from future office with a simple majority vote in the Senate impeachment trial.
You just beat him by 'millions of votes', so why are you worried about him running in the future?? Trump is gone, maybe you should concern yourself with what your leaders are currently doing, destroying thousands of union jobs and the US energy sector?
Its a mistake the Democrats are making. I want Trump to be around forever dividing the GOP into smaller and smaller pieces.
I hope you get your wish, I don't want there to be any possible entity to blame when this country goes down in flames with leftists completely and totally in control at the helm.
Rand Paul killed any chance of an impeachment trial.

It's dead on arrival.

Somebody's gotta lead, after all.

Gosh darned gangster...

Democrats are checking off boxes:

House Check that box
Senate. Check that box
Oval Office. Check that box
The issue is really the House in 22. AOC and defund the police cost them most of the moderate seats they picked up in 18. But Trump's insurrection cannot have been popular. imo Biden is correct that if the dems respond to covid by improving things, then they should be ok.

The entire impeachment thing is batshit stupid on the part of the democrats. They operate under the absolutist view that everything is just as important as everything else. Politically...it isn't.

It might not be as dumb as you think. They can bar Trump from future office with a simple majority vote in the Senate impeachment trial.
You just beat him by 'millions of votes', so why are you worried about him running in the future?? Trump is gone, maybe you should concern yourself with what your leaders are currently doing, destroying thousands of union jobs and the US energy sector?
Its a mistake the Democrats are making. I want Trump to be around forever dividing the GOP into smaller and smaller pieces.
I hope you get your wish, I don't want there to be any possible entity to blame when this country goes down in flames with leftists completely and totally in control at the helm.

While the spineless Republican Senators try to hide behind the FALSE narrative that this impeachment is unconstitutional, all Schumer needs to do is pass a rule that the final vote will be done by secret ballot, and then Trump is screwed.
Ohhhh secret ballot.....a great Gestapo tactic there America hater.
Hey, nothing could go wrong with a secret ballot, right? Just pick the number of yes votes and no votes you want an no one is the wiser. As long as you don't make the total unanimous one way or the other, everyone will think they were either part of the majority or minority and life goes on. The only way that fails is if the vote is truly unanimous, but that won't happen in this case.

The ballots could be witnessed by the Senate Republican leadership when they're counted. Everyone one of them can be held as proof of the validity of the count.

It's not the way it works.

Did you email Schumer with your idiotic plan?

Secret ballots have been discussed by the Senate the last time Trump was impeached. Nothing new here:

There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office - POLITICO Magazine

Capitol Violence Sparks Discussion Of Secret, Safer Impeachment Trial Vote | HuffPost

Go play with your lil Willie and fantasize about it.... that's as close as you'll get to your idiotic wet dream, Gomer
Democrats are checking off boxes:

House Check that box
Senate. Check that box
Oval Office. Check that box
The issue is really the House in 22. AOC and defund the police cost them most of the moderate seats they picked up in 18. But Trump's insurrection cannot have been popular. imo Biden is correct that if the dems respond to covid by improving things, then they should be ok.

The entire impeachment thing is batshit stupid on the part of the democrats. They operate under the absolutist view that everything is just as important as everything else. Politically...it isn't.

It might not be as dumb as you think. They can bar Trump from future office with a simple majority vote in the Senate impeachment trial.
You just beat him by 'millions of votes', so why are you worried about him running in the future?? Trump is gone, maybe you should concern yourself with what your leaders are currently doing, destroying thousands of union jobs and the US energy sector?
Its a mistake the Democrats are making. I want Trump to be around forever dividing the GOP into smaller and smaller pieces.
I hope you get your wish, I don't want there to be any possible entity to blame when this country goes down in flames with leftists completely and totally in control at the helm.

Didn't you guys predict a Trump re-election?

You may want to swap out the Magic 8 ball you're using to predict the future. The one you're using appears to be broken.
Rand Paul killed any chance of an impeachment trial.

It's dead on arrival.

Gosh darned gangster...


How so?

The impeachment trial is still scheduled. And the dems need a simple majority to enact the only penalty that impeachment trial conviction can practically result in for Trump.
‘Democrats Are In A Box’:
Graham Says Pelosi’s Impeachment Push Is Backfiring In Senate
‘Democrats Are In A Box': Graham Says Pelosi's Impeachment Push Is Backfiring In Senate - Conservative Brief
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Marin Walsh

Even though some establishment Republicans have sided with Democrats in their support of an impeachment effort against former President Donald Trump, plenty of other GOP leaders are vehemently opposed to the idea.
In fact, GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham recently told Fox News host Sean Hannity that even some Senate Democrats are souring on the idea based on its perceived political downsides to the effort pushed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“There’s more than a handful of Democrats praying that [President] Joe Biden will get on the phone and call [Senate Democratic Leader Chuck] Schumer and say it’s over because they understand this is going to blow up in their face politically,” he said.
As a result, Graham predicted that the Senate will “have an overwhelmingly Republican vote that this second impeachment of Donald Trump in unconstitutional.”
While Graham praised McConnell as a “good leader” and “great street fighter,” he said that the Republican leader is “giving some legitimacy to this impeachment process,” which he said he believes is “wrong.”

Hmm....., What 'foresight' in the House. Every Democrat and Rino with defective brain synapse in the last month knew this would die in the Senate. Never mind it being unconstitutional ... the left hates said document.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in their insane hate for Trump wanted impeachment. They got impeachment and unconstititionally so.
The elephant in the room is, Democrats and Rino's don't have the courage of their convictions. If that handful stood up and told leadership that they were opposed, rather than being given cover, Americans would have respect for them.
Obviously Pogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats led by Pelosi and Schumer will continue on their insane path because they know it’s a distraction from Chona Joey Xi's EOs, pending authoritarian legislation, etc. They know their quisling media will continue to give it positive spin.
A snap impeachment in the highest government building of our nation with NO actual evidence presented and an obvious kangaroo court is a crack in the very foundations of the Republic and Constitutional Law and highly reminiscent of Marxist Russian and Chinese sham trials.

Indeed, it was always a losing proposition. But I say let the the statists of the Democrat and Republican parties hang themselves.

While the spineless Republican Senators try to hide behind the FALSE narrative that this impeachment is unconstitutional, all Schumer needs to do is pass a rule that the final vote will be done by secret ballot, and then Trump is screwed.
Ohhhh secret ballot.....a great Gestapo tactic there America hater.
Hey, nothing could go wrong with a secret ballot, right? Just pick the number of yes votes and no votes you want an no one is the wiser. As long as you don't make the total unanimous one way or the other, everyone will think they were either part of the majority or minority and life goes on. The only way that fails is if the vote is truly unanimous, but that won't happen in this case.

The ballots could be witnessed by the Senate Republican leadership when they're counted. Everyone one of them can be held as proof of the validity of the count.

It's not the way it works.

Did you email Schumer with your idiotic plan?

Secret ballots have been discussed by the Senate the last time Trump was impeached. Nothing new here:

There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office - POLITICO Magazine

Capitol Violence Sparks Discussion Of Secret, Safer Impeachment Trial Vote | HuffPost

This would be a horrible solution. There should never be "secret" votes in Congress. The people should always know how their rep voted.
Rand Paul killed any chance of an impeachment trial.

It's dead on arrival.

Somebody's gotta lead, after all.

Gosh darned gangster...


No, Rand Paul just proved that 45 Republican Senators are chicken shit spineless weenies who will not vote their conscience out of abject fear of Trump scum.

The Republican Senators know very well that a post-Presidential impeachment is perfectly Constitutional, but they're too scared to vote against the orange Führer.

It only justifies Schumer & the Dems making the impeachment vote a secret ballot.
Rand Paul killed any chance of an impeachment trial.

It's dead on arrival.

Somebody's gotta lead, after all.

Gosh darned gangster...


No, Rand Paul just proved that 45 Republican Senators are chicken shit spineless weenies who will not vote their conscience out of abject fear of Trump scum.

The Republican Senators know very well that a post-Presidential impeachment is perfectly Constitutional, but they're too scared to vote against the orange Führer.

It only justifies Schumer & the Dems making the impeachment vote a secret ballot.

You need help, kid
Democrats are checking off boxes:

House Check that box
Senate. Check that box
Oval Office. Check that box
The issue is really the House in 22. AOC and defund the police cost them most of the moderate seats they picked up in 18. But Trump's insurrection cannot have been popular. imo Biden is correct that if the dems respond to covid by improving things, then they should be ok.

The entire impeachment thing is batshit stupid on the part of the democrats. They operate under the absolutist view that everything is just as important as everything else. Politically...it isn't.

It might not be as dumb as you think. They can bar Trump from future office with a simple majority vote in the Senate impeachment trial.
You just beat him by 'millions of votes', so why are you worried about him running in the future?? Trump is gone, maybe you should concern yourself with what your leaders are currently doing, destroying thousands of union jobs and the US energy sector?
Its a mistake the Democrats are making. I want Trump to be around forever dividing the GOP into smaller and smaller pieces.
I hope you get your wish, I don't want there to be any possible entity to blame when this country goes down in flames with leftists completely and totally in control at the helm.

Didn't you guys predict a Trump re-election?

You may want to swap out the Magic 8 ball you're using to predict the future. The one you're using appears to be broken.
Who are 'you guys', I didn't predict anything. I'm glad the leftists own the federal government, all three branches, no one to blame for your failures, Trump is gone now. 'You guys' really need to move on, this is what you wanted, support or defend everything your corrupt party does over the next several years.
Vote for acquittal (R) Senators. Trump needs to be able to win the GOP nomination for President in 2024.

His impending loss in the general election would be the kind of joy that money can't buy.
How so?

The impeachment trial is still scheduled. And the dems need a simple majority to enact the only penalty that impeachment trial conviction can practically result in for Trump.

Ain't happening, bro. Take it to the bank.

Says you and your magic 8 ball.

And when the impeachment trial does happen.....what then?

You left loons will be left looking stupid again

Over and over and over.....

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