Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Great news 22 Trump said we've turned the corner
ONLY 35000 cases YESTERDAY
I hope the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates do not plunge before the election - Democrats are so desperate to win in November I truly believe they would not be above forcing more elderly people I to nursing hopes just to get the numbers back up. Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history, publicly declared he knew seniors were the most likely to die from the virus..
.before forcing infected patients into busing homes, resulting in the preventable murders of over 11,000 American citizens.
Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Americans are not stupid, and we have a better memory than Democrats wish we had.

As usual, Democrats have begun to accuse the President of what THEY have done regarding COVID-19: DOWN-PLAYING THE SEVERITY OF THE VIRUS:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

“Although we don’t want people to be worried now, I think we need to realize that this could change,” he said on February 18. “So right now, don’t worry about it, be more concerned about influenza…”
- Dr. Fauci

So, clearly, once again we’ve got another coordinated bogus hit against Trump, which is largely a rehash of past criticisms that Trump “downplayed” the virus.

Pelosi was denied the same info the schmuck trump was getting Trump lied and 1000's died That's on you republicans for not calling out Trump long ago

Pelosi wasn't denied jack shit, and if you believe she was, then I have to suspect you were denied sufficient oxygen as a fetus.
Did I tell you you're FOS lately ..If so let me tell you again Pelosi doesn't get the same info your moron does Stick that in your pipe and smoke it
You gotta love all those republicans,1000's of them gathering around with no masks to listen to their lying pos trump
If liberal terrorists can gather together in huge numbers to loot, burn the American flag, assault and murder innocent Americans...if Democrats can march side-by-side with these domestic terrorists, if Nancy Pelosi can go get a 'rinse and a blow' without wearing a mask in her personal / favorite hair salon without fear of catching COVID-19 then I'm thinking it's not as bad as the known fear-mongering Democrats are making it out to be. If its ok for Pelosi and Democrats its ok for EVERYONE.
Great news 22 Trump said we've turned the corner
ONLY 35000 cases YESTERDAY
I hope the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates do not plunge before the election - Democrats are so desperate to win in November I truly believe they would not be above forcing more elderly people I to nursing hopes just to get the numbers back up. Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history, publicly declared he knew seniors were the most likely to die from the virus..
.before forcing infected patients into busing homes, resulting in the preventable murders of over 11,000 American citizens.
How great it is to see 1000's of republicans at trump rallies wearing no masks 35000 cases just yesterday I'm going to have a celebration drink now
Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Americans are not stupid, and we have a better memory than Democrats wish we had.

As usual, Democrats have begun to accuse the President of what THEY have done regarding COVID-19: DOWN-PLAYING THE SEVERITY OF THE VIRUS:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

“Although we don’t want people to be worried now, I think we need to realize that this could change,” he said on February 18. “So right now, don’t worry about it, be more concerned about influenza…”
- Dr. Fauci

So, clearly, once again we’ve got another coordinated bogus hit against Trump, which is largely a rehash of past criticisms that Trump “downplayed” the virus.

You have to go back to February. Democrats realized they were wrong. It is September and Trump is still downplaying it.

What Democrats realized is that they had a golden opportunity to create panic and havoc for their own ends, and they've been lying to the public about how it's the second coming of the Black Plague ever since.

Please show me where Trump's public statements or policies have been completely contrary to what his experts have told him.
CECILIE and Easy Great news Trump said we've turned the corner ONLY 35000 cases reported YESTERDAY Thanks republicans

Eddiew, great news! We can interpret your feeble attempt to deflect onto, "Well, Trump sucks, because I hate him!" as the admission of surrender that it is.

Call me the next time you need me to slap you back to reality.
You gotta love all those republicans,1000's of them gathering around with no masks to listen to their lying pos trump

You gotta love all those Democrats, thousands of them gathering around to burn buildings, loot stores, and kill people for . . . no reason other than leftists being evil pieces of shit.
Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Americans are not stupid, and we have a better memory than Democrats wish we had.

As usual, Democrats have begun to accuse the President of what THEY have done regarding COVID-19: DOWN-PLAYING THE SEVERITY OF THE VIRUS:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

“Although we don’t want people to be worried now, I think we need to realize that this could change,” he said on February 18. “So right now, don’t worry about it, be more concerned about influenza…”
- Dr. Fauci

So, clearly, once again we’ve got another coordinated bogus hit against Trump, which is largely a rehash of past criticisms that Trump “downplayed” the virus.

Pelosi was denied the same info the schmuck trump was getting Trump lied and 1000's died That's on you republicans for not calling out Trump long ago

Pelosi wasn't denied jack shit, and if you believe she was, then I have to suspect you were denied sufficient oxygen as a fetus.
Did I tell you you're FOS lately ..If so let me tell you again Pelosi doesn't get the same info your moron does Stick that in your pipe and smoke it
We covered this pathetic excuse earlier, this admission that the Democrats were so busy running their own failed partisan coup that they failed to do their jobs, that their House Intel Committee run by Schiff was too busy authoring false evidence to submit against Trump, was too busy demonstrating to the world they had no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses to see the pandemic coming!

The Democrats' hate had also conditioned themselves, like Pavlov's Dog, to reflexively claim the opposite Trump did and choose the opposite opinion no matter when Trump implemented the life saving travel ban before the Democrats knew what they had done they had followed China Joe's lead in opposing it, calling it Xenophobic - they F*ed themselves!

Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

Americans are not stupid, and we have a better memory than Democrats wish we had.

As usual, Democrats have begun to accuse the President of what THEY have done regarding COVID-19: DOWN-PLAYING THE SEVERITY OF THE VIRUS:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

“Although we don’t want people to be worried now, I think we need to realize that this could change,” he said on February 18. “So right now, don’t worry about it, be more concerned about influenza…”
- Dr. Fauci

So, clearly, once again we’ve got another coordinated bogus hit against Trump, which is largely a rehash of past criticisms that Trump “downplayed” the virus.

Pelosi was denied the same info the schmuck trump was getting Trump lied and 1000's died That's on you republicans for not calling out Trump long ago

Pelosi wasn't denied jack shit, and if you believe she was, then I have to suspect you were denied sufficient oxygen as a fetus.
Did I tell you you're FOS lately ..If so let me tell you again Pelosi doesn't get the same info your moron does Stick that in your pipe and smoke it

Did I tell you that your opinion matters slightly less to me than my dog's feces? If not, let me tell you again that just because your mistress Pelosi told you something, that doesn't make it fact and it sure as shit doesn't impress me when you repeat it to me as fact.
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

Calling the travel restrictions (there was never a "ban"), "xenophobic", is in no way downplaying the seriousness of the virus. Not only were the restrictions xenophobic, they resulted in the spread of the virus because 400,000 Americans working or travelling in China, immediately flew back to the United States and were neither tested nor quarantined upon their return.

Trump's failure to get adequate testing organized is STILL hampering your fight in this pandemic, and you're here trying to say that Biden was wrong to call out Trump's abject failure to deal properly with the threat of the pandemic?

You're fighting a losing battle here easy. This is Trump's worst failure of his Presidency. He failed to listen to the scientists and he's killed 200,000 Americans, by the end of this week. Trump owns this. Lock, stock, and smoking barrels.
Great news 22 Trump said we've turned the corner
ONLY 35000 cases YESTERDAY
I hope the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates do not plunge before the election - Democrats are so desperate to win in November I truly believe they would not be above forcing more elderly people I to nursing hopes just to get the numbers back up. Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history, publicly declared he knew seniors were the most likely to die from the virus..
.before forcing infected patients into busing homes, resulting in the preventable murders of over 11,000 American citizens.
How great it is to see 1000's of republicans at trump rallies wearing no masks 35000 cases just yesterday I'm going to have a celebration drink now

How great to see idiot Democrats cheering for the thought of fellow Americans dying . . . on the basis of their childishly ignorant idea that catching Covid-19 is an automatic death sentence. Or your childish belief that all those cases MUST be from Trump rallies, because your masters have told you to think that Covid doesn't infect "woke" people.

I'm going to have a celebration drink at the knowledge that you're apparently too dumb to find a ballot, let alone fill it out and turn it in correctly.
The Democrats' hate had also conditioned themselves, like Pavlov's Dog, to reflexively claim the opposite Trump did and choose the opposite opinion no matter when Trump implemented the life saving travel ban before the Democrats knew what they had done they had followed China Joe's lead in opposing it, calling it Xenophobic - they F*ed themselves!


There was no "life-saving travel ban". There were some flimsy travel restrictions which allowed business travel to continue unabated, but ended tourism with China. The reason why the restrictions cost tens of thousands of lives was the calling home of 400,000 people from China without testing them.

If Donald Trump's actions "saved lives", why is that Canada, which didn't institute any travels bans, and went with the WHO tests - both things the opposite of what Trump did, has both a case rate a death rate which is 1/3 that of the USA, while the USA leads the world in both death and disease?

The USA is about to enter the grim world of 600 deaths per million of population. You've now surpassed Italy in deaths per million of population. Half of the nations which are members of this sad club are from South America, with deep poverty, and slums where disease spreads unabated. All of the European nations which belong all have one thing in common: autocratic leaders who failed to take the virus seriously. Guys like Trump.
The Democrats' hate had also conditioned themselves, like Pavlov's Dog, to reflexively claim the opposite Trump did and choose the opposite opinion no matter when Trump implemented the life saving travel ban before the Democrats knew what they had done they had followed China Joe's lead in opposing it, calling it Xenophobic - they F*ed themselves!


There was no "life-saving travel ban". There were some flimsy travel restrictions which allowed business travel to continue unabated, but ended tourism with China. The reason why the restrictions cost tens of thousands of lives was the calling home of 400,000 people from China without testing them.

If Donald Trump's actions "saved lives", why is that Canada, which didn't institute any travels bans, and went with the WHO tests - both things the opposite of what Trump did, has both a case rate a death rate which is 1/3 that of the USA, while the USA leads the world in both death and disease?

The USA is about to enter the grim world of 600 deaths per million of population. You've now surpassed Italy in deaths per million of population. Half of the nations which are members of this sad club are from South America, with deep poverty, and slums where disease spreads unabated. All of the European nations which belong all have one thing in common: autocratic leaders who failed to take the virus seriously. Guys like Trump.

Brilliant observation...Canada has 1/3 the death rate...Canada also has 1/10 the population of the US.

Snowflakes on this board even offered up their inputs, acknowledging it to be true. Of course when they realized they had done so they quickly offered up the fact that Pelosi and the Democrats did so partially because they failed to do their jobs, were too distracted with their partisan coup attempt that they never saw the pandemic coming until joining China Joe in calling Trump's life saving travel ban 'XENOPHOBIC', legislatively opposing it (for the official record), and downplaying the severity of the virus.

I would like to thank these snowflakes for so readily assisting me in proving that what they are accusing the President of doing, again, is already EXACTLY what Democrats did...and are doing.

Great news 22 Trump said we've turned the corner
ONLY 35000 cases YESTERDAY
I hope the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates do not plunge before the election - Democrats are so desperate to win in November I truly believe they would not be above forcing more elderly people I to nursing hopes just to get the numbers back up. Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history, publicly declared he knew seniors were the most likely to die from the virus..
.before forcing infected patients into busing homes, resulting in the preventable murders of over 11,000 American citizens.
How great it is to see 1000's of republicans at trump rallies wearing no masks 35000 cases just yesterday I'm going to have a celebration drink now

How great to see idiot Democrats cheering for the thought of fellow Americans dying . . . on the basis of their childishly ignorant idea that catching Covid-19 is an automatic death sentence. Or your childish belief that all those cases MUST be from Trump rallies, because your masters have told you to think that Covid doesn't infect "woke" people.

I'm going to have a celebration drink at the knowledge that you're apparently too dumb to find a ballot, let alone fill it out and turn it in correctly.

I have to laugh at all of the foolish assumptions on your part in that post. Nowhere in the post you responded to is there any indication that the poster believes that everyone who gets covid19 dies, or even shows symptoms. But holding maskless rallies and demanding states fully open, encourages the spread of the disease. Anyone stupid enough to go to such a rally is not deserving or sympathy or ever concern for the outcome of their foolishness. If they get sick and die, one less gullible idiot in the world.

You cannot protect people from themselves, but it doesn't absolve Trump is his responsibility in encouraging this behaviour.
The Democrats' hate had also conditioned themselves, like Pavlov's Dog, to reflexively claim the opposite Trump did and choose the opposite opinion no matter when Trump implemented the life saving travel ban before the Democrats knew what they had done they had followed China Joe's lead in opposing it, calling it Xenophobic - they F*ed themselves!


There was no "life-saving travel ban". There were some flimsy travel restrictions which allowed business travel to continue unabated, but ended tourism with China. The reason why the restrictions cost tens of thousands of lives was the calling home of 400,000 people from China without testing them.

If Donald Trump's actions "saved lives", why is that Canada, which didn't institute any travels bans, and went with the WHO tests - both things the opposite of what Trump did, has both a case rate a death rate which is 1/3 that of the USA, while the USA leads the world in both death and disease?

The USA is about to enter the grim world of 600 deaths per million of population. You've now surpassed Italy in deaths per million of population. Half of the nations which are members of this sad club are from South America, with deep poverty, and slums where disease spreads unabated. All of the European nations which belong all have one thing in common: autocratic leaders who failed to take the virus seriously. Guys like Trump.

Brilliant observation...Canada has 1/3 the death rate...Canada also has 1/10 the population of the US.

You really are stupid. Our death rate per million of population is 1/3 of yours. In terms of the numbers of overall deaths, our death rate is less than 1/20th of yours, even though our population is 1/10th of yours.

Because our rates of disease and death are so much lower than yours, our economy hasn't been as negatively impacted either, and we're fully re-opened, although we're having spikes just as schools are opening so we are pulling back some. Our GDP loss in Q1 was half that of the USA, and Q2 was 1/3 that of the USA, even though we didn't really start reopening until after July 1st.
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

Calling the travel restrictions (there was never a "ban"), "xenophobic", is in no way downplaying the seriousness of the virus. Not only were the restrictions xenophobic, they resulted in the spread of the virus because 400,000 Americans working or travelling in China, immediately flew back to the United States and were neither tested nor quarantined upon their return.

Trump's failure to get adequate testing organized is STILL hampering your fight in this pandemic, and you're here trying to say that Biden was wrong to call out Trump's abject failure to deal properly with the threat of the pandemic?

You're fighting a losing battle here easy. This is Trump's worst failure of his Presidency. He failed to listen to the scientists and he's killed 200,000 Americans, by the end of this week. Trump owns this. Lock, stock, and smoking barrels.
Canada Death rate: 6.77%

US Death Rate: 2.88%

STFU, Canuck.
It is AXIOMATIC: Whatever they accuse Trump or GOP of THEY are guilty of. ALWAYS. 100%.

If Nancy Pelosi drunkenly crashed her car into a group of kids leaving school the would demand the principal be fired for allowing them on the street.
Yeah it was Dems who lied about virus ? We didn't want to jump up and down and cause a panic? Isn't there just ONE smart Republican that can call Trump a disaster ,a filthy liar ?? We know cowards Cruz and Graham can't.
Is there one thing you won’t lie about? Yes you assholes did tell people to come out and party or you’re racist. I call you a disaster. A filthy liar. Cowards like your fellow Dims won’t.
The Democrats' hate had also conditioned themselves, like Pavlov's Dog, to reflexively claim the opposite Trump did and choose the opposite opinion no matter when Trump implemented the life saving travel ban before the Democrats knew what they had done they had followed China Joe's lead in opposing it, calling it Xenophobic - they F*ed themselves!


There was no "life-saving travel ban". There were some flimsy travel restrictions which allowed business travel to continue unabated, but ended tourism with China. The reason why the restrictions cost tens of thousands of lives was the calling home of 400,000 people from China without testing them.

If Donald Trump's actions "saved lives", why is that Canada, which didn't institute any travels bans, and went with the WHO tests - both things the opposite of what Trump did, has both a case rate a death rate which is 1/3 that of the USA, while the USA leads the world in both death and disease?

The USA is about to enter the grim world of 600 deaths per million of population. You've now surpassed Italy in deaths per million of population. Half of the nations which are members of this sad club are from South America, with deep poverty, and slums where disease spreads unabated. All of the European nations which belong all have one thing in common: autocratic leaders who failed to take the virus seriously. Guys like Trump.

Brilliant observation...Canada has 1/3 the death rate...Canada also has 1/10 the population of the US.

You really are stupid. Our death rate per million of population is 1/3 of yours. In terms of the numbers of overall deaths, our death rate is less than 1/20th of yours, even though our population is 1/10th of yours.

Because our rates of disease and death are so much lower than yours, our economy hasn't been as negatively impacted either, and we're fully re-opened, although we're having spikes just as schools are opening so we are pulling back some. Our GDP loss in Q1 was half that of the USA, and Q2 was 1/3 that of the USA, even though we didn't really start reopening until after July 1st.
Canada Death rate: 6.77%

US Death Rate: 2.88%

STFU, Canuck.
Great news 22 Trump said we've turned the corner
ONLY 35000 cases YESTERDAY
I hope the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates do not plunge before the election - Democrats are so desperate to win in November I truly believe they would not be above forcing more elderly people I to nursing hopes just to get the numbers back up. Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history, publicly declared he knew seniors were the most likely to die from the virus..
.before forcing infected patients into busing homes, resulting in the preventable murders of over 11,000 American citizens.
How great it is to see 1000's of republicans at trump rallies wearing no masks 35000 cases just yesterday I'm going to have a celebration drink now

How great to see idiot Democrats cheering for the thought of fellow Americans dying . . . on the basis of their childishly ignorant idea that catching Covid-19 is an automatic death sentence. Or your childish belief that all those cases MUST be from Trump rallies, because your masters have told you to think that Covid doesn't infect "woke" people.

I'm going to have a celebration drink at the knowledge that you're apparently too dumb to find a ballot, let alone fill it out and turn it in correctly.

I have to laugh at all of the foolish assumptions on your part in that post. Nowhere in the post you responded to is there any indication that the poster believes that everyone who gets covid19 dies, or even shows symptoms. But holding maskless rallies and demanding states fully open, encourages the spread of the disease. Anyone stupid enough to go to such a rally is not deserving or sympathy or ever concern for the outcome of their foolishness. If they get sick and die, one less gullible idiot in the world.

You cannot protect people from themselves, but it doesn't absolve Trump is his responsibility in encouraging this behaviour.
Funny how you didn't have that attitude for the Dimwinger rioters and looters without masks......
Trump downplayed the virus. He didn't want a panic.

Of course, when leftards read the word downplay, they read the word lie. Criminy, they're stupid.
It was going to disappear like magic ?? It was a hoax?? After he knew it was deadly?? Come on man ,get a gd brain.
Pull your Trump-hating partisan head out of your ass, and stop denying / ignoring the PROVEN facts that China Joe and Nancy 'Rinse & Blow' Pelosi lied to Americans, downplayed the virus, & attempted to undermine the President / US govt.
The guy who said a caravan is coming to rape and murder your wives didn't want to cause a panic ?? All you republicans, I don't know how all your heads fit up trumps ass BUT they do
Your all-out effort to avoid addressing China Joe's & Nancy 'Rinse & Blow' Pelosi's down-playing the virus is truly impressive...and pathetic, snowflake.
BUT the LEADER of the country outright lying about how serious the virus is goes right past you ?? It wasn't Biden or Pelosi causing all that extra death toll It was your lying moron So stop trying to shift the GD blame
No. YOU stop lying and trying to blame Trump for the FAILURE of DIM governors. You know, like Cuomo and Whitmer who murdered how many elderly people? That’s your “extra death toll”. Now STFU moron. Adults are talking.

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