Democrats are still accusing the President of doing what THEY have done

So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

You are the lying little weasel. Biden was not talking about China when he made that comment. He was talking about Trump's hateful attitude towards Hispanics, Muslims and other minority groups.
BUT the LEADER of the country outright lying about how serious the virus is goes right past you ??

Never happened.

If he " downplayed" it, he was saying what idiot Fauci was telling him . Which is what Fauci just said a couple of days ago. He was trying to CALM you morons hoarding toilet paper down. And he was right about the nascent OVERREACTION by so many filthy Dem-led states.

Because it is now more than obvious that BLUE states were far more onerous in damaging the economy, putting people out of work and needlessly closing schools ( of the 20,000 college students who have tested positive? Zero have been admitted to hospitals) than RED states.

And NO ONE can deny this election was a driver in this needless excessive " cure" which was far worse than the disease.

Republican and Democrat governors took strong actions to combat the coronavirus. Voters have recognized this and give them high marks. Governors who have not are getting low marks. The Republican Governor of Iowa has a 30% approval rating and is threatening Ernst's Senate seat.
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

You are the lying little weasel. Biden was not talking about China when he made that comment. He was talking about Trump's hateful attitude towards Hispanics, Muslims and other minority groups.
Learn the English language, snowflake. Biden himself has said several times now that ha called the TRAVEL BAN 'Xenophobic'...which means he opposed implementing the LIFE SAVING ban he and Democrats not only opposed it but also tried to BLOCK IT...once again proving the title / point of my thread. You lose.
Trump downplayed the virus. He didn't want a panic.

Of course, when leftards read the word downplay, they read the word lie. Criminy, they're stupid.
It was going to disappear like magic ?? It was a hoax?? After he knew it was deadly?? Come on man ,get a gd brain.
Pull your Trump-hating partisan head out of your ass, and stop denying / ignoring the PROVEN facts that China Joe and Nancy 'Rinse & Blow' Pelosi lied to Americans, downplayed the virus, & attempted to undermine the President / US govt.
The guy who said a caravan is coming to rape and murder your wives didn't want to cause a panic ?? All you republicans, I don't know how all your heads fit up trumps ass BUT they do
Your all-out effort to avoid addressing China Joe's & Nancy 'Rinse & Blow' Pelosi's down-playing the virus is truly impressive...and pathetic, snowflake.
BUT the LEADER of the country outright lying about how serious the virus is goes right past you ?? It wasn't Biden or Pelosi causing all that extra death toll It was your lying moron So stop trying to shift the GD blame
No. YOU stop lying and trying to blame Trump for the FAILURE of DIM governors. You know, like Cuomo and Whitmer who murdered how many elderly people? That’s your “extra death toll”. Now STFU moron. Adults are talking.

The good news? This technique has grown TIRED and blatantly obvious. They are folling no one. Trump en route to record landslide.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

Both of those are correct. Democrats downplayed it when it suited you and you hyperbolically hyped it when it suited you. Yes, you are that dishonest. You're welcome. Any more questions?
So are you snowflakes saying Biden NEVER said this:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

IF you are, you have already proven to be liars. If you are saying China Joe's calling the life saving travel ban 'Xenophobic' was not down-playing the virus then you are a proven liar.

You are the lying little weasel. Biden was not talking about China when he made that comment. He was talking about Trump's hateful attitude towards Hispanics, Muslims and other minority groups.
Learn the English language, snowflake. Biden himself has said several times now that ha called the TRAVEL BAN 'Xenophobic'...which means he opposed implementing the LIFE SAVING ban he and Democrats not only opposed it but also tried to BLOCK IT...once again proving the title / point of my thread. You lose.

The time line Karl Rove read on Hannity the other night is devastating and undeniable,. They were busing solely walking the articles of Impeachment to the House of Rep in their Kabuki theatre while Trump was imposing the China travel ban. Imposing travel bans , esp Europe carries with it the potential for PANIC and this he correctly tac;ked down the pandemic while taking ACTION to contain it.

Everyone is a BLUE city / state knows who to blame and it is not Trump.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

Both of those are correct. Democrats downplayed it when it suited you and you hyperbolically hyped it when it suited you. Yes, you are that dishonest. You're welcome. Any more questions?

They not only were encouraging tourism in Chinatown , FFS, but to attend SUPER BOWL and Mardi Gras in February.
  • Thanks
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Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

Both of those are correct. Democrats downplayed it when it suited you and you hyperbolically hyped it when it suited you. Yes, you are that dishonest. You're welcome. Any more questions?

Where did Dems downplay it? Let’s talk.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

Both of those are correct. Democrats downplayed it when it suited you and you hyperbolically hyped it when it suited you. Yes, you are that dishonest. You're welcome. Any more questions?

Where did Dems downplay it? Let’s talk.

Um ... read the OP ...
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.
There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.
Their buffoon has been caught red-handed, by his own words.

They have to attack back, since they're not allowed to hold him accountable for anything.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve
Um ... read the OP ...
Very well.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fearmongering,” Biden said after the ban was announced."

For starters, this statement has no relation and never mentions any travel ban. Second, this could hardly be called "downplaying" the coronavirus as the words from Biden immediately preceding this statement is: “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus."

This is lazy and makes you look foolish. Use your heads and not your right wing programming.

"On February 24, Nancy Pelosi infamously visited San Francisco’s Chinatown section and told Americans that “everything is fine,” and “all is well,” and encouraged Americans to shop and eat there. “Come to Chinatown,” she said. “We just want everybody not to be afraid to come to Chinatown.”

Chinatown is not China. At the time, Asian Americans were facing a backlash of fear due to Trump's xenophobia. It makes no sense to avoid Chinatown or any Asian American in particular. There were zero cases of community spread in the country on February 24th. This is not downplaying the virus.

Back in February, Dr. Fauci said the risk was “low for the American public.”

Pulling one quote out of a paragraph does not encapsulate the entirety of the statement. Fauci was discussing that the virus was low risk to Americans in the country as a whole, since there were overall very few cases at that time but in the same statement he was saying that outbreaks that had happened in Italy and South Korea could very well happen here. Fauci was giving a picture of the status at the present, which was accurately, and warning that the future could get bad. This is not downplaying the virus.

You idiots needs to have a scrap of honesty before you post garbage.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve
Hi LIED to the American people about a deadly global pandemic bearing down on us, and then he MOCKED AMERICANS who tried to protect themselves and their families.

He is a sociopath, and so are his little Trumpsters.
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve

You hate the guy. Got it. Yawn
Lord. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of overplaying COVID. Half the time y’all accuse Democrats of downplaying COVID.

There’s no consistency here because there’s no honest on your side. Reality changes depending on whatever is most convenient to y’all at the time.

This is not as hard as it appears for you.

I can re post this in crayon for your dumb ass if requested. Apologies to others for this didactic reply, but you need it:

  • 1. Early on , when Trump was TAKING action to restrict travel and thus contain the spread, acting on the best info our top scientists were providing to him and us via daily briefings, and after it became clear China was FUCKING around ( there is , btw, growing evidence that the virus was CREATED in Wuhan not just spread there) and the W.H.O. had grossly misled the world about the contagious, and growing epidemic

  • 2. Democrat's were distracted and were distracting the POTUS, tangled up in their PHONY Kabuki theatre IMPEACHMENT trial. Did you forget that? THAT was their and the media's TOP priority and FOCUS. Denying the threat, downplaying it's seriousness , and encouraging Americans to travel to San Fran's Chinatown , Miami ( Super Bowl) and the Crescent City ( Mardi Gras) and THUS hastening the spread of the virus

  • 3. As the Impeachment failed, and virus spread and it was clear the perfidious Dems had to take it seriously, they seized on yet another opportunity to harm Trump and set out to destroy the economy and damage Trump as a result. A most cynical exploitation born out in subsequent months by the schockingly OBVIOUS pattern of BLUE vs RED state lockdowns, etc. The Dems sold their souls to the Devil , again in order to hurt Trump. NY's gov Shithead Cuomo went so far as to DENY infected nursing home residents with care at mostly empty USS COMFORT and Javits Center solely due to the fact that it was Trump who provided the resources. Along with all the medical care and respirators Cuomo had asked for.

I used to think this shit fooled NO one , except I read idiots like you and realize SOME are as gullible today as they were when the Dems were barking about Russian collusion, before that trope was thoroughly discredited and debunked. Oh. Do you per chance think Trump colluded with Russia to influence and win the 2016 election?
Trump’s action was insufficient and largely late. His travel bans were ineffective. The testing and screening at entry points was botched. The administration had to be talked into emergency declaration and extra funding in the earliest of days. The briefings of the Congress were insufficient and made classified so that Congress couldn’t even speak about them publicly.

Trump’s administration was in charge. He was receiving all the information from our agencies and he ridiculed people for being honest about it.

Wow, that's a serious condemnation of the Democrats then since you're saying Trump's actions weren't sufficient and yet they were undercutting him the whole time for doing what he did. Democrats suck, you're totally right
Undercutting him for NOT doing what he SHOULD have done.. Republicans are fn traitors and deserve what Trump and all traitors deserve
Hi LIED to the American people about a deadly global pandemic bearing down on us, and then he MOCKED AMERICANS who tried to protect themselves and their families.

He is a sociopath, and so are his little Trumpsters.

That hyping a virus for political benefit is not worse than trying not to cause a panic is perfectly fine is only true to a true Biden lover who worships your wrinkly lily white messiah

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