Democrats are Trumps Best Friend

Rasmussen is about as credible as Alex Jones or Sean Hannity when it comes to Trump.

It seems that some close Senate races have Republicans closing in and some surpassing their Democrat opponents.

You on the left think everybody is stupid enough to not see through the BS. I don't follow polls and never will for obvious reasons, but I do think people are just fed up with this kind of crap.
Kavanaugh is perfectly qualified to sit on SCOTUS.

DEMS tried, and lost.

Suck it.
Trump does not have any friends

Trump does not have any friends

Certainly not in the White House, anyway.
Maybe his kids still like him.
And the rednecks

Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20, 2017.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the unAmerican pukes of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.
Rasmussen is about as credible as Alex Jones or Sean Hannity when it comes to Trump.

Go ahead and admit to yourself you libtards are in for an ass kicking...

You will be better for it in the long run if you are honest with yourself.....
Rasmussen is about as credible as Alex Jones or Sean Hannity when it comes to Trump.
Did you get a thrill up your leg when Obama put his dick in your mouth? You sure do have some great liberal talking points...Also those talking points got Hitlery NOT elected bigly.. Please keep them up, we want more US citizens to hate you immoral mother fuckers..

I can't understand you.
Take Trump's cock out of your mouth and try again.
Original.....Of couse you cant understand me, not with all that shit in your ears...


I don't read with my ears.
But you do think from your anus.
With all that shit for brains, it is amazing that you survived this long. Maybe one day a box truck carrying Muslims or MS-13 will run down the sidewalk, you are walking on. That would be Karma.
If you don’t believe polls, then look at what Americans are doing.

Like the ratings of Last Man Standing blowing away their previous numbers. America is tired of the craziness of the Left.
President Trump wins either way the Kavanaugh vote goes.

The vote is in our favor now. Collins and SnowFlake are on board and even one Democrat defector. We now have a conservative leaning court and likely more constitutional decisions in the future.
Rasmussen is about as credible as Alex Jones or Sean Hannity when it comes to Trump.

Go ahead and admit to yourself you libtards are in for an ass kicking...

You will be better for it in the long run if you are honest with yourself.....

Democrats are sore losers. They are the kind of people that would cut off their nose to spite their face.

I'm expecting protests and perhaps riots in the coming days. I have no objection because we need them to chase as many voters our way as possible for the midterms. The MSM will certainly help by trying to appease the victims in our country, while making all others vomit with their comments and columns.

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