Democrats are Welfare Sponges...Bad for America

Republican sponsored corporate welfare cost much more than social welfare and adds nothing for the economy. Welfare is needed because corporate America doesn't pay a living wage.

We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

I am sick and tired of idiot righties bitching about what everyone else is doing. It's asinine and I don't know how they do it.

I get up in the morning, I go to work. I don't worry about rather everyone else is working. I worry about getting my work done. I go to the grocery store, I buy my damn groceries. I don't walk around looking at everyone being so damn insecure in myself that I have to judge those around me.

It is stupid. I can't make the food stamp beneficiary work, or work more. I can't make the welfare queen marry her boyfriend. So why the FAWK would I waste my time bitching about it. It is STUPID.

If every damn asshole righty spent half the time they do bitching about other people focusing on themselves, then we could afford to double the number of lazy assholes on welfare.

And this dipshit. If the welfare people have it so much better than the working people, he is a stupid SOB for fawking working. Don't want to pay taxes, don't freaking work. Enjoy the good life, sucking off the government teat. But mostly, get the hell out of my way. If you can be satisfied sucking off the government teat I don't want you working anywhere near me. Hell, I am more than happy to pay you to stay at home and play the Xbox. It's more work, and more money, for me.

Years ago I waited tables. Every night you would hear the other servers bitching about "tipout". They would cry and cry about how much money they had to "tipout" to the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys. And then they would wonder why I made twice the money they did. It was simple, I was damn proud of what I tipedout. Hell, the more I did the more money I made. And every single one of the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys knew who paid them the most and treated me accordingly. Which, of course, helped me make more money and I ended up marrying the hot hostess while they scratched their damn head.

Taxes are the same way. A man, a REAL MAN, doesn't bitch about his taxes. He proudly pays them. He strives to pay more taxes, because just like the tipout, the more taxes he pays the more money he made.

In short, the righties need to get a damn life.

I strive to pay more taxes for welfare bums? Many people struggle to even stay in the middle class spoiled rich shut the fuck up...get out and try to make it in the world on your own pampered little shit.

You strive to pay more in taxes because, when you pay more in taxes, you have made more money. I don't think anyone pays a one hundred percent marginal tax rate. Taxes are the price one pays to work. If the price is too high, don't work. Is that not the way a "free market" is suppose to work.

And maybe you might get rich if you would spend your time wondering on how you could improve yourself rather than spending all your time bitching about what other people should do. Like I said, it is asinine and a total waste of time.

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

Why would I want to pay for lazy fucks?

What exactly is corporate welfare? Be specific.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

I am sick and tired of idiot righties bitching about what everyone else is doing. It's asinine and I don't know how they do it.

I get up in the morning, I go to work. I don't worry about rather everyone else is working. I worry about getting my work done. I go to the grocery store, I buy my damn groceries. I don't walk around looking at everyone being so damn insecure in myself that I have to judge those around me.

It is stupid. I can't make the food stamp beneficiary work, or work more. I can't make the welfare queen marry her boyfriend. So why the FAWK would I waste my time bitching about it. It is STUPID.

If every damn asshole righty spent half the time they do bitching about other people focusing on themselves, then we could afford to double the number of lazy assholes on welfare.

And this dipshit. If the welfare people have it so much better than the working people, he is a stupid SOB for fawking working. Don't want to pay taxes, don't freaking work. Enjoy the good life, sucking off the government teat. But mostly, get the hell out of my way. If you can be satisfied sucking off the government teat I don't want you working anywhere near me. Hell, I am more than happy to pay you to stay at home and play the Xbox. It's more work, and more money, for me.

Years ago I waited tables. Every night you would hear the other servers bitching about "tipout". They would cry and cry about how much money they had to "tipout" to the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys. And then they would wonder why I made twice the money they did. It was simple, I was damn proud of what I tipedout. Hell, the more I did the more money I made. And every single one of the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys knew who paid them the most and treated me accordingly. Which, of course, helped me make more money and I ended up marrying the hot hostess while they scratched their damn head.

Taxes are the same way. A man, a REAL MAN, doesn't bitch about his taxes. He proudly pays them. He strives to pay more taxes, because just like the tipout, the more taxes he pays the more money he made.

In short, the righties need to get a damn life.

"I am sick and tired of idiot righties bitching about what everyone else is doing. It's asinine and I don't know how they do it."

Easy there're steering this one just a tad...Whats "asinine' is when illegitimate people bitch about legitimate people bitching about illegitimate people yet never bitch about illegitimate people bitching about legitimate people.
Further, we don't bitch about what EVERYONE else does. We bitch about filthy lowlifes, illegals robbing American taxpayers blind, men in dresses who want to shit next to my 14 year old daughter and the un-American piece of shits.
You see, the real problem is that your twisted, whack-job friends on the Left don't see these as legitimate complaints.
Republican sponsored corporate welfare cost much more than social welfare and adds nothing for the economy. Welfare is needed because corporate America doesn't pay a living wage.
No one is under any obligation to pay your perception of a "living wage." Don't like your pay...get another job or ask for a raise. Go back to school improve your circumstance.

It's not my perception, it's fact.

Living Wage Calculator
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

I am sick and tired of idiot righties bitching about what everyone else is doing. It's asinine and I don't know how they do it.

I get up in the morning, I go to work. I don't worry about rather everyone else is working. I worry about getting my work done. I go to the grocery store, I buy my damn groceries. I don't walk around looking at everyone being so damn insecure in myself that I have to judge those around me.

It is stupid. I can't make the food stamp beneficiary work, or work more. I can't make the welfare queen marry her boyfriend. So why the FAWK would I waste my time bitching about it. It is STUPID.

If every damn asshole righty spent half the time they do bitching about other people focusing on themselves, then we could afford to double the number of lazy assholes on welfare.

And this dipshit. If the welfare people have it so much better than the working people, he is a stupid SOB for fawking working. Don't want to pay taxes, don't freaking work. Enjoy the good life, sucking off the government teat. But mostly, get the hell out of my way. If you can be satisfied sucking off the government teat I don't want you working anywhere near me. Hell, I am more than happy to pay you to stay at home and play the Xbox. It's more work, and more money, for me.

Years ago I waited tables. Every night you would hear the other servers bitching about "tipout". They would cry and cry about how much money they had to "tipout" to the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys. And then they would wonder why I made twice the money they did. It was simple, I was damn proud of what I tipedout. Hell, the more I did the more money I made. And every single one of the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys knew who paid them the most and treated me accordingly. Which, of course, helped me make more money and I ended up marrying the hot hostess while they scratched their damn head.

Taxes are the same way. A man, a REAL MAN, doesn't bitch about his taxes. He proudly pays them. He strives to pay more taxes, because just like the tipout, the more taxes he pays the more money he made.

In short, the righties need to get a damn life.

I strive to pay more taxes for welfare bums? Many people struggle to even stay in the middle class spoiled rich shut the fuck up...get out and try to make it in the world on your own pampered little shit.

You strive to pay more in taxes because, when you pay more in taxes, you have made more money. I don't think anyone pays a one hundred percent marginal tax rate. Taxes are the price one pays to work. If the price is too high, don't work. Is that not the way a "free market" is suppose to work.

And maybe you might get rich if you would spend your time wondering on how you could improve yourself rather than spending all your time bitching about what other people should do. Like I said, it is asinine and a total waste of time.

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

How about I pay less in taxes...and use that savings to start my own business?

As an Angel Investor I can tell you that anyone that thinks they can start a business using tax savings in this business climate is a fool. To be viable you need a minimum of five years total cost.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

I am sick and tired of idiot righties bitching about what everyone else is doing. It's asinine and I don't know how they do it.

I get up in the morning, I go to work. I don't worry about rather everyone else is working. I worry about getting my work done. I go to the grocery store, I buy my damn groceries. I don't walk around looking at everyone being so damn insecure in myself that I have to judge those around me.

It is stupid. I can't make the food stamp beneficiary work, or work more. I can't make the welfare queen marry her boyfriend. So why the FAWK would I waste my time bitching about it. It is STUPID.

If every damn asshole righty spent half the time they do bitching about other people focusing on themselves, then we could afford to double the number of lazy assholes on welfare.

And this dipshit. If the welfare people have it so much better than the working people, he is a stupid SOB for fawking working. Don't want to pay taxes, don't freaking work. Enjoy the good life, sucking off the government teat. But mostly, get the hell out of my way. If you can be satisfied sucking off the government teat I don't want you working anywhere near me. Hell, I am more than happy to pay you to stay at home and play the Xbox. It's more work, and more money, for me.

Years ago I waited tables. Every night you would hear the other servers bitching about "tipout". They would cry and cry about how much money they had to "tipout" to the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys. And then they would wonder why I made twice the money they did. It was simple, I was damn proud of what I tipedout. Hell, the more I did the more money I made. And every single one of the bartenders, hostesses, and busboys knew who paid them the most and treated me accordingly. Which, of course, helped me make more money and I ended up marrying the hot hostess while they scratched their damn head.

Taxes are the same way. A man, a REAL MAN, doesn't bitch about his taxes. He proudly pays them. He strives to pay more taxes, because just like the tipout, the more taxes he pays the more money he made.

In short, the righties need to get a damn life.

I strive to pay more taxes for welfare bums? Many people struggle to even stay in the middle class spoiled rich shut the fuck up...get out and try to make it in the world on your own pampered little shit.

You strive to pay more in taxes because, when you pay more in taxes, you have made more money. I don't think anyone pays a one hundred percent marginal tax rate. Taxes are the price one pays to work. If the price is too high, don't work. Is that not the way a "free market" is suppose to work.

And maybe you might get rich if you would spend your time wondering on how you could improve yourself rather than spending all your time bitching about what other people should do. Like I said, it is asinine and a total waste of time.

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

How about I pay less in taxes...and use that savings to start my own business?

As an Angel Investor I can tell you that anyone that thinks they can start a business using tax savings in this business climate is a fool. To be viable you need a minimum of five years total cost.

Venture capital...that which socialism does not produce.
Republican sponsored corporate welfare cost much more than social welfare and adds nothing for the economy. Welfare is needed because corporate America doesn't pay a living wage.
No one is under any obligation to pay your perception of a "living wage." Don't like your pay...get another job or ask for a raise. Go back to school improve your circumstance.

It's not my perception, it's fact.

Living Wage Calculator
Tis not fact. Go back to school. Get a real degree instead of some bullshit like "communications."
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.
Ask Trump about the tax abatements he has gotten whereby his company did not pay taxes for 40 year the come back and tell us about how you don't know what corporate welfare is.
Republican sponsored corporate welfare cost much more than social welfare and adds nothing for the economy. Welfare is needed because corporate America doesn't pay a living wage.
Corporate America. You mean "job providers?"

Jobs that don't provide a living wage.
You want a "living wage?" Go find it. Its
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.

"Targets of Trump?" Really? Get a life.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.'re still confused. The government did not GIVE Trump $900 million...the government simply did not GET $900 million from Trump. Hopefully you see the difference.

ShaQuita and Guadalupe are GIVEN their $2,000 per month for their six money trees (children) which comes straight from the wallets of productive taxpayers...Meanwhile they contribute NOTHING positive whatsoever.
Come on fellas...extract head from anus.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.'re still confused. The government did not GIVE Trump $900 million...the government simply did not GET $900 million from Trump. Hopefully you see the difference.

ShaQuita and Guadalupe are GIVEN their $2,000 per month for their six money trees (children) which comes straight from the wallets of productive taxpayers...Meanwhile they contribute NOTHING positive whatsoever.
Come on fellas...extract head from anus.

No the government gave Trump 900 million dollars he would have had to pay.
Republican sponsored corporate welfare cost much more than social welfare and adds nothing for the economy. Welfare is needed because corporate America doesn't pay a living wage.
Corporate America. You mean "job providers?"

Jobs that don't provide a living wage.
You want a "living wage?" Go find it. Its
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.

"Targets of Trump?" Really? Get a life.

Your post is just an attack, nothing else. hardly surprising, hey?
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.'re still confused. The government did not GIVE Trump $900 million...the government simply did not GET $900 million from Trump. Hopefully you see the difference.

ShaQuita and Guadalupe are GIVEN their $2,000 per month for their six money trees (children) which comes straight from the wallets of productive taxpayers...Meanwhile they contribute NOTHING positive whatsoever.
Come on fellas...extract head from anus.

I don't give a damn how you choose to twist it. Giving or not collecting doesn't make any difference at the end of the day. Trump still ended up with $900 million he shouldn't have had to make his businesses overly competitive and putting other, poorer, people out of business because they couldn't compete.

It's still the same as welfare no matter what dress you put on it.
Republican sponsored corporate welfare cost much more than social welfare and adds nothing for the economy. Welfare is needed because corporate America doesn't pay a living wage.
Corporate America. You mean "job providers?"

Jobs that don't provide a living wage.
You want a "living wage?" Go find it. Its
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.

And a country which has given someone like Trump more in welfare than 1,000 people will get in their lifetime, oh, the poor rich people.

How much has this country "GIVEN" Trump?
Didn't Trump pay 38 million in income tax in one year?
Isn't that more than your 1,000 people will pay in income tax in their lifetimes?
How much do you think Trump pays in property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes...etc etc every year?
Sorry chose the wrong's not even close.

Trump was given as estimated $900 million by New York state.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks"

"an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes, with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980."

"Since then, Mr. Trump has reaped at least $885 million in tax breaks, grants and other subsidies for luxury apartments, hotels and office buildings in New York, "

"Mr. Trump successfully sued the administration of Mayor Edward I. Koch after being denied a tax break for Trump Tower"

"Two decades later, in a lawsuit that spanned the administrations of Mayors Rudolph W. Giuliani and Michael R. Bloomberg, he won a similar tax break for Trump World Tower, a building on First Avenue with some of the city’s highest-priced condominiums in 2001."

"The tax breaks for those two projects alone totaled $157 million."

"After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Trump lined up a $150,000 grant for one of his buildings near ground zero, taking advantage of a program to help small businesses in the area recover,"

"“Donald Trump is probably worse than any other developer in his relentless pursuit of every single dime of taxpayer subsidies he can get his paws on,” said Alicia Glen, "

And that's just New York. Florida and Chicago have also been targets of Trump.

"Targets of Trump?" Really? Get a life.

Your post is just an attack, nothing else. hardly surprising, hey?

It's the truth.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.




Blow the RACIST DOG WHISTLE and TRUMPY ALT-WHITIES will swarm like flies to shit.

Have fun maggots with your little circle jerk of hate...
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.




Blow the RACIST DOG WHISTLE and TRUMPY ALT-WHITIES will swarm like flies to shit.

Have fun maggots with your little circle jerk of hate...

How is it racist? Your nuts.
We live in a world where the Democrat Party acts like they are the champions of poor folks. They are just the opposite.




Blow the RACIST DOG WHISTLE and TRUMPY ALT-WHITIES will swarm like flies to shit.

Have fun maggots with your little circle jerk of hate...

You are a racist.

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