Democrats Can Turn Anything Into A Total Crapfest.

These people are in the middle of an investigation......that means they aren't supposed to be going on television
and talking about it. They're supposed to be investigating....not making wild unsubstantiated claims.

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"Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Sunday on ABCā€™s ā€œThis Weekā€ that he believes former President Donald Trump was guilty of ā€œseditious conspiracy.ā€

Kinzinger said, ā€œWhat we can do from the committeeā€™s perspective is show, as we have so far, for instance, the pressure that was coming down on Mike Pence and how the president knew what he was doing.ā€

He added, ā€œThis attack on January 6 is unprecedented, and the rot that led up to it is unprecedented. Itā€™s essential at this moment that we get a grip on this and figure out how to defend our democracy.

Anchor George Stephanopoulos asked, ā€œItā€™s up to the Justice Department in the end but have you reached the conclusion that President Trump should be prosecuted?ā€

Kinzinger said, ā€œI certainly think the president is guilty of knowing what he did, seditious conspiracy, being involved in these kinds of different segments of pressuring DOJ, vice president etcetera. Obviously, as you know, weā€™re not a criminal charges committee. I want to be careful in specifically using that language. But what we are presenting before the American people would rise to the criminal involvement by the president and definitely failure of the oath. The oath has to matter here. Your personal demand to stand for the Constitution has to matter. If you have people that donā€™t regard that at all, thereā€™s no law in the world that we can pass that will make a bit of difference.ā€

Meanwhile the DOJ continues to be a no show on Prosecuting Trump....,

Why is that?
Yes.....he has evidence....just like he had evidence of Russian Collusion.


'Most individuals reveal their true colors in relaxed settings.

Schiff began by conceding that his previous efforts -- the Mueller hearing and the Ukraine hearing -- were flops because they were monotonous and marred by partisan disagreements. Schiff then claimed that the January investigation is ā€˜non-partisanā€™ which meant there will be no bickering.

The nonchalant reference to the partisan bickering of the previous probes is quite telling.

Schiff probably forgot that partisan squabbling is how democracy functions. Only totalitarian regimes are devoid of partisan divide because dissent is crushed using draconian methods.

This reference to 'non-partisan' is similar to the ā€˜diversityā€™ claim that liberals make. The differences are superficial, but there is consensus on key issues.

All the Committee members, especially the ā€˜Republicans,ā€™ share a consensus that Trump is guilty. They are merely working their way backward, hoping to entrap Trump or his allies. The goal of the hearings is not to find facts, but to push a narrative. These kinds of biased ā€˜probesā€™ occur only in third-world dictatorships.

This probe and the hearing is a prolonged Democrat campaign event for the mid-terms and for 2024.

Colbert asked Schiff about the ā€˜fancy TV producerā€™ hired for the broadcast of the hearings.

Schiff complained that, unlike the Watergate hearings during the '70s, TV channels no longer broadcast such hearings live and audiences donā€™t watch hearings for prolonged periods of time.

He is wrong. Some 20 million people, which is a sizable audience in todayā€™s times, tuned in to watch the Schiff show. But they rapidly gave up, perhaps upon deducing the partisan motives of the committee and the fact they had nothing new to reveal.

Schiff was actually lamenting that the Democrats no longer have a monopoly over narratives. People have myriad outlets to discover facts. No longer are the words of the NYT or a partisan committee treated like Godā€™s truth.

Schiff then said that he wanted to tell 'the story of the insurrection in a clear and compelling way' to engage the viewers. It was an admission that a made-for-TV spectacle, where style triumphs because of the lack of substance.

Next, both Colbert and Schiff accused their opponents of what they are guilty of. They claimed that the occurrences on January 6 were the culmination of a slow-moving coup that involved months of conspiring and electoral malpractice to overturn the 2020 presidential elections.

We all know that Schiff was among the leading proponents of the Russia collusion hoax that was aimed at overturning the 2016 election. We also know that Colbert used his show as a platform to push these lies. But the sanctimonious rarely have self-awareness.

Colbert asked Schiff if there would be any startling new revelations during the hearings.

Schiff claimed that the public is desensitized due to the relentless barrage of news of the ā€˜tragic and incredible breakdown' of the 'American democratic systemā€™ under Trump. Schiff added that the committee had an uphill task to break through the numbness and ā€˜grab people by the lapelā€™ to tell them that they "came close to losing our democracy."

Beneath these polite words, both Colbert and Schiff are furious that citizens donā€™t believe their narrative. They wish they had obedient subjects rather than questioning citizens.
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The only good thing about COVID meant that Democrats would focus on something besides mass-shootings or whining about Global Warming.

What was nice about COVID was the absolute lack of coverage of cops shooting so-called unarmed blacks.
There were no mass-shootings in schools......and they turned the Climate Change rhetoric down to about a 3 instead of a constant 10.
Every once in awhile somebody would blame COVID on Greenhouse emissions......but the focus was on COVID.....and I knew there wouldn't be any school shootings or any mass-shootings at all.
This is why I believe the US Marshals are grooming shooters.
They only seem to commit their crimes when the Dems need to make another push for stricter gun-legislation.

The war in Ukraine was yet another respite from gun-grabbing and Climate Change. But then somebody did mention Climate Change did cause the war once.....and they were totally ignored.
They also tried to say COVID was caused by too many people on the planet....and that 2 billion less would stop COVID or another pandemic from happening.
The problem seems that the only good thing about bad things happening is that it gets the media and Democrats to shut up for awhile about something else.
The rub is that the media and the left tend to blow everything out of proportion.

I'm just hoping that it doesn't take something horrible to stop Dems from destroying our energy industry.....because I think an invasion by our enemies would probably do that....or result in our destruction.

Ask a leftist....and they say that wars overseas are fine.....but a war here in the states isn't a possibility.
2 years ago I would have agreed with them on the war in our country being imminent. Now it's becoming a real possibility.

My thoughts are that no matter what happens...Democrats will make it worse. They're not here to solve problems....they're here only to make them worse....or even create them from scratch. Jan 6th is a perfect example.
What was a simple riot has been turned into insurrection and a tool with which to steal elections.
Jan 6th is the club that Democrats have been using to beat over the heads their opposition. They can't imagine anything worse happening. We can....but they can't. Even Uvalde didn't meet the level of horror that Democrats imagined happened on Jan 6th. It's the only thing they feel is worth investigating right now. Not assassination attempts against supreme court justices. Not the origins of COVID. Not massive runaway inflation. Not even the source of the leak in the SCOTUS.

That is literally ALL they have done since Donald J Trump rocked their world in 2016. One manufactured crapfest after another after another after another........

Democrats Can Turn Anything Into A Total Crapfest.​

Democrats served as a proficient catering service, but it is the course after course of savory sworn testimony by Republicans of integrity providing substantive hearty fare that makes the banquet so appetizing.

The dead-ender weird worshipers can't seem to even set a kiddy table in the corner from which to mount a feeble food fight.
Democrats served as a proficient catering service, but it is the course after course of savory sworn testimony by Republicans of integrity providing substantive hearty fare that makes the banquet so appetizing.

The dead-ender weird worshipers can't seem to even set a kiddy table in the corner from which to mount a feeble food fight.
Yep....and the same people that brought you Russian Collusion are now bringing you another high-tech televised lynching courtesy of the Deep State Democrats and Never Trumpers.

BTW, the Jan 6th hearings are so compelling....even though they're an example of the best fertilizer I've ever seen.

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Yep....and the same people that brought you Russian Collusion are now bringing you another high-tech televised lynching courtesy of the Deep State Democrats and Never Trumpers.
Trump bum kissers are very pissy that so many conservative Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders are exposing the Cry Baby Loser's anti-American antics, but that is the sort of sleazeball stuff that caused Putin to conspire to hurt Clinton and help Trump in 2016.

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Well fuck you too.
Should we take that as your methodical refutation of then sworn testimonies of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers (R, Trump Attorney General William Barr (B), etc., etc., etc. as well?
Should we take that as your methodical refutation of then sworn testimonies of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers (R, Trump Attorney General William Barr (B), etc., etc., etc. as well?
The usual suspects?
No....they're lying, and no....they weren't under oath either.
The usual suspects?
No....they're lying, and no....they weren't under oath either.
Lying is saying what can be proven to be untrue, e.g., the conservative Republicans of integrity who appeared before the committee to expose the foul Trumpery being all sworn in before their damning testimonies that even the most fanatical weird worshipper cannot refute.

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Lying is saying what can be proven to be untrue, e.g., the conservative Republicans of integrity who appeared before the committee to expose the foul Trumpery being all sworn in before their damning testimonies that even the most fanatical weird worshipper cannot refute.

What's amazing is how constant Dem hypocrisy is as well as the fact that they're trying to make the things they did in 2017 a crime. It is pretty nauseating.

There's nothing these people have testified to that is a crime. It's just a matter of making Trump look bad. Everything Trump did to reverse a stolen election was legal....even though every one of these folks claims it was a crime....while not being able cite the US Code involved.

That's all this hearing is about. Trying to make Trump look bad.
it's not worth watching.
What's amazing is how constant Dem hypocrisy is as well as the fact that they're trying to make the things they did in 2017 a crime. It is pretty nauseating.

There's nothing these people have testified to that is a crime. It's just a matter of making Trump look bad. Everything Trump did to reverse a stolen election was legal....even though every one of these folks claims it was a crime....while not being able cite the US Code involved.

That's all this hearing is about. Trying to make Trump look bad.
it's not worth watching.
Desperate diversion fails miserably.

The damning testimony of one conservative Republican officeholder after another - in their sworn statements - exposing squalid Trumpery defies refutation.
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Desperate diversion fails miserably.

The damning testimony of one conservative Republican officeholder after another - in their sworn statements - exposing squalid Trumpery defies refutation. all of the sudden you want to trust Republicans.
The fact you cannot fathom is that there are plenty of NeverTrumpers and RINOs willing to fuck over Trump for the right price.
And lots of times some of them have been used by Democrats to make statements that later they have said were total hogwash. Bill Barr comes to mind.

One fundamental fact remains......none of them has been cross-examined by Trump's legal council to see if they aren't full of horse manure. This is what is called 'Due Process', and the right to question your accusers has been totally removed from two Impeachments and now this clownshow. The American people aren't buying it. all of the sudden you want to trust Republicans.
No, it's not a matter of wanting to trust anyone. It is a matter of objectively assessing the credibility of sworn testimony by respected individuals that is consistent with what is known and corroborative with that of others.

Obviously, integrity is not a hyper-partisan matter.

The fact you cannot fathom is that there are plenty of NeverTrumpers and RINOs willing to fuck over Trump for the right price.
Conservative Republican officeholders who supported Trump's election are poor candidates for the Trump cult's paranoia.
And lots of times some of them have been used by Democrats to make statements that later they have said were total hogwash. Bill Barr comes to mind.
Barr investigated Trump's self-serving fake claims concerning election fraud and an imaginary stolen "Landslide!" and stated his conclusion that it was "bullshit" - a conclusion supported by all recounts, audits, court challenges, and by the certification of all states, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, of the legitimacy of their vote totals.
One fundamental fact remains......none of them has been cross-examined by Trump's legal council to see if they aren't full of horse manure. This is what is called 'Due Process', and the right to question your accusers has been totally removed from two Impeachments and now this clownshow. The American people aren't buying it.
It is not a trial. It is an investigative committee.

There is nothing to prevent Trump fanatics in Trump propaganda media and/or the Loser's disgruntled lickspittles in Congress and elsewhere from documenting any instances of false testimony they can expose. If they want to wage a fatwa against Bowers, Raffensperger, Sterling and so many other Republicans who provided damning testimony under oath, they can. They can continue to harass and threaten them and their families, and smear them all as being pedophiles.

The fact that Trump and his groveling Republican cheerleaders rejected the independent commission Republicans had once supported cannot be blamed on anyone else, as desperate as are their attempts to transfer blame.

Senate Republicans Block Jan. 6 Independent Commission
Republicans were instead siding with Trump, who had been adamantly opposed to such a commission

to not be represented on the January 6 panel.

He and Republican lawmakers rejected a bipartisan commission last year.

Yea, because neither of those are worth talking about.

No.....that wasn't my point. The media has an agenda. When the agenda has been set on an issue....that's almost the only thing they'll cover. The reason they do this is because they try to generate interest.....and if that doesn't work...they move on to the next issue quickly.

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