Democrats can win if we Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!
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We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

You’re delusional. Dems will never give up their hatred for whites, Christians, and capitalism. Dems have no intentions of bringing back jobs or creating new ones, especially for white people. The progressive Agenda is to destroy white culture. Once you accept this fact, all actions of progressive c*nts makes perfect sense.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs

Get an army of Tom Joad's to build a dam?

Not sure that would generate as much enthusiasm as it did back in his day.

The Tom Joad's of today don't do physical labour. They sit in drum circles and play hacky-sack.
Food stamps before jobs?? Not bloody likely. Hillary tried that and FAILED!!!

Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
Translation: offer more free shit
We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................

We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................


Find me a company that actually pays those rates .
In a way, you are actually right. Regarding the Unions. They have for decades supported the Democrats, while the Democrats have relentlessly pursued globalization, which harms those same unions. One of the favorite complaints from Democratic Supporters not just on these boards, but across the nation, is that people are voting against their interests. My often stated response is that you have to listen to the people to hear their interests, not lecture them on what those interests should be.

We don’t need another New Deal however. You don’t want to use the phrase Contract with America, but that is what is needed.

The Contract with America was a brilliant play. It identified a number of populist issues, and promised nothing more than bringing it up for a vote within a hundred days. Every day here I read at least one post that ignores populist issues, or denigrates them, or the people who follow them. Yet, without those populist issues, you can’t win elections, and remaining in the minority for all time is not a great way to build party power.

The truth is that the Republicans are not great for the Middle Class, but the rest of that truth is the Democrats are no better, and actually could be considered worse.

The problem with attacking the corporations is that historically it hasn’t done much. Attacking Microsoft over the stupid web browser didn’t accomplish anything. Today Google is far worse on many things than Microsoft ever dreamed of being. Only now, people want those mega corporations to push a message, and punish the ones sounding a different message.

Microsoft was terrible because they bundled the Internet Explorer with their software. This supposedly limited the choices of the consumer. That the consumer was free to download any damned browser they wanted, and able with three mouse clicks to make the new browser default was obvious and ignored by the break them up demands.

Yet today, Google, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, and many others are called upon to limit choice because of... Um... Protecting the consumer, or something.

You seem to think that improvements to the social condition can be achieved through greater control of various things. The reality is that the greater control actually reduces choice, reduces freedom, reduces opportunity, and harms the very people you are claiming to be interested in.

My Space and Yahoo were too big and powerful. Now they are either gone, or gasping their dying breaths. In time, Google will go the same way as something new catches the public’s attention.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.

Hi ScienceRocks
Yes i agree with the overall message and plans for sustainable development and equal access.
We won't need to scream this, if we build and practice it directly ourselves.
Currently the Democratic party raises and wastes billions of dollars of donations on campaigns that do nothing for the working people and minorities.
instead of doing the same thing over and over, why not
invest those resources DIRECTLY into the programs we want to fund.

Those programs will speak and advertise for themselves,
where actions speak louder than words.

Here's the plan that came out of my own Democratic
Precinct 30 in the national historic district of Freedmen's Town
which is a landmark to Freed Slave churches, military and civil rights history.

The idea is to take this model for sustainable communities,
where education, jobs and services are combined in a campus setting
managed by democratically elected resident councils and leadership,
and replicate this same structure along the border

to create resident-owned and managed
campus towns, military bases and city-states for sustainable economic development
by reforming:
prisons to provide educational rehab, job mentorship, and medical and counseling treatment
sweatshops and production factories to create safe and legal jobs, work-study and internships
immigration centers and programs

I planned to start with the district where I live using that as a national model.
Our Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has pledged to restore
Freedmen's Town as a national landmark site, and signed onto
the campus plans as part of HUD reforms under HOPE VI.

With Ben Carson taking over HUD we may have a chance to fufill these plans
that have been censored and destroyed by the politics destroying the
Democrats by buying and selling out voters and leaders for corporate interests
to finance and decide candidates for office.

So when that monopoly goes down, and the real people push forward,
we will finally see the prison and health care reforms long promised but never delivered.

It will sooner come from the grassroots up, not the top down.
By creating and promoting a better model for social programs,
we can attract interest, support and investors to fund these directly
and locally, and deduct the costs from taxes as either business or charity.

So we can build and fund these solutions ourselves instead of fighting
with other people or parties to try to go through govt as a middle man.

As for Republicans and what they can fund: the GOP and conservatives
I know believe in funding and supporting veterans through VA reform.
So I would lobby leaders from both major parties to offer BOTH
choices for taxpayers to invest either their taxes or tax deductions:

A. prison reform including defunding executions in order to convert
that whole system into medical education, training and services
for meeting the demands of the greater population and not just inmates
but using the same resources and billions in taxes already being expended

B. VA and veteran health care reform, to fix the current system that is broken
and expand on it to then serve disabled, elderly and low income
with effective services so that the rest of the population that can afford
to pay for medical care can also access affordable services where the
money pays for the others who can't

If we set up choices that align with party goals, then both parties
have a vested interest to make sure their reforms work cost-effectively
in order to afford to serve their members and the greater population.
If their reforms don't work and waste resources, the party members
suffer the consequences, just like a poor run business will fail, or an
effective organization like Doctors without Borders, Americares
or St Jude's Childrens Hospital will attract funding and continue
to expand and grow to serve more and more areas.

I was going to post thanks on your profile and ask to join
forces in setting up sustainable health care and service programs,
but this got so long maybe it's better to spell it out on your threads
where you are lobbying for longterm solutions that require more
discussion in depth and detail.

Thanks ScienceRocks
Who is your Congress rep Senators and/or Governor?
Let's write to them and let's get this campaign rocking!!!
Food stamps before jobs?? Not bloody likely. Hillary tried that and FAILED!!!


Nope, even through food stamps do go towards the business just like dollars do that shouldn't be the focus.

The focus should be 1. To allow more small businesses to have a chance at competing and 2. rebuilding the unions so the workers doing the work get a larger share of the pie. With a larger share they can have a chance at 1....

I am all for food stamps but lets be honest my friend...We need to focus on improving the situation so the worker doesn't have to rely on those.
We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................


Find me a company that actually pays those rates .
LOL. They pass it on to the consumer unless you live under a rock...........

You fools just don't get it.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
Translation: offer more free shit

Dear Bootney Lee Farnsworth
Anyone has the right to offer free help as a volunteer as in a charity, nonprofit or not for profit business
designed with that purpose in mind, of public service to those in need.

But NOT to volunteer the goods, services, or money of others.

So the key here is to help those who believe in social equality
to GENERATE and manage sustainable assistance
so they CAN operate but WITHOUT imposing or co-opting the resources of others without consent.

If everyone volunteers because the programs work so well
they are worth investing in, that's free choice. That's the
way the best charities work, they attract donor support
because the resources aren't wasted but are used as effectively as possible
for maximum impact to meet the greatest need.

Instead of saying no no no
why not focus on how to get a yes out of these plans.

Bill Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, the TED conferences
there are ways to get funding organized,
or also Microlending, that would allow workers
and health care coops to provide affordable access
to services on a sustainable basis while teaching
independent business and management so people quit
depending on govt or charity handouts and pay help forward.
We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................


Find me a company that actually pays those rates .
LOL. They pass it on to the consumer unless you live under a rock...........

You fools just don't get it.

It worked in the early to mid 20th century when the ceo paid 70-80% in taxes and had to pay his workers much better because most companies had unions. Guess what, the worker could typically afford a house, a wife, 3-4 kids and a car.The ceo today has made 950% more wealth since the 1980's, while the workers get shit on!

What we do is make damn sure they can't offshore, outsource or get away with screwing over the workers. With the profit more evenly spread out the consumer will also be vastly better off and can pay the slight uptick.
We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................


Find me a company that actually pays those rates .
LOL. They pass it on to the consumer unless you live under a rock...........

You fools just don't get it.

It worked in the early to mid 20th century when the ceo paid 70-80% in taxes and had to pay his workers much better because most companies had unions. Guess what, the worker could typically afford a house, a wife, 3-4 kids and a car.The ceo today has made 950% more wealth since the 1980's, while the workers get shit on!

What we do is make damn sure they can't offshore, outsource or get away with screwing over the workers. With the profit more evenly spread out the consumer will also be vastly better off and can pay the slight uptick.
After WWII and the world was vitrually destroyed..............Who had the biggest Industrial base to rebuild it..............hmmmmm

And they didn't really pay it................

We are not the industrial Giant now as we were then...............others are producing more..........and taxing those left so they will leave too is dumber than dirt.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to dn out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
Won't happen because the Ds are corporatists just like the Rs. When will you recognize this fact?

The unions need to abandon the D party altogether and start a new one. This might be enough to KILL the Ds and maybe with a little luck, take out the Rs too. Problem is the establishment media and the two parties will do anything to keep their duopoly...and we know many on the Left you included, were duped into supporting the establishment in condemning the Tea Party.

Unions are planning it as we speak.
AFL-CIO calls for a break with “lesser of two evils” politics
AFL-CIO calls for a break with “lesser of two evils” politics
Democrats have no use for the American middle class; their Party is Soros and the Illegals.

They're doing everything they can to eradicate whites and the middle class
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
Bwaaaaaaahhhhaaaaahaaaaaa... After the New Deal was FORCED upon the US back over 70 years ago, the Congress decided that 2 terms was enough for a president who thought he was going to change the constitution. After 8 years of Obama, Hitlery was the chosen one(because Debbie WasAmanSnitch rigged the election against Bernie) but the US citizens of the fly over country said bullshit and voted for the pussy grabber over the corrupt, lying, rapist enabler, and oh yeah, the "smartest"(Why didn't she know Bill was cheating on her) woman in the world......who would of brought in millions of more Moooslims that vowed to kill US and enslave our women...Just cant be more stupid than a liberal..

We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................


Find me a company that actually pays those rates .
LOL. They pass it on to the consumer unless you live under a rock...........

You fools just don't get it.

It worked in the early to mid 20th century when the ceo paid 70-80% in taxes and had to pay his workers much better because most companies had unions. Guess what, the worker could typically afford a house, a wife, 3-4 kids and a car.The ceo today has made 950% more wealth since the 1980's, while the workers get shit on!

What we do is make damn sure they can't offshore, outsource or get away with screwing over the workers. With the profit more evenly spread out the consumer will also be vastly better off and can pay the slight uptick.

No problem ScienceRocks
Let's organize Democrat and Green workers and leaders
to invest in worker owned coops, show how this works,
deduct business and charity expenses from taxes,
and build all this ourselves. Prove it works by example
and experience, and more people will invest and replicate that model in every field and industry.

Best thing is, workers on both the far left and far right agree with local ownership.
One side calls it socialistic the other calls it capitalistic
but it's about people owning and managing resources locally
and not getting ripped off exploited or hijacked by corporate profiteers in the middle.
Govt has become that because of corporate raiding and exploitation.

So we avoid the middle man and DIY.
the conservatives already know and use this trick of
investing resources directly into building your own programs
and deducting from taxes. We all do that, we control resources ourselves.
And with the D party reorganizing with workers taking over the mic,
we can take back the party and use it to manage workers
and resources like a union that takes over whole facilities.

We take back the party, the prisons and schools,
and start running programs locally.

Here ScienceRocks maybe this Democrat theme song is for you:
I wrote it for Clinton before Obama came along
and then it became about Clinton again, and not
giving away power and authority to corporate elitists

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