Democrats determined to cut off nose just below the chin.

Before you can take power in Congress you have to win elections. This little secret is apparently not part of the discussions in the DNC.

I'll be honest. I had hoped that the Democratic Party would learn from the loss and return to their roots. The big tent that gave them electoral victory in the past.

In the interest of full disclosure I'll tell you that by rural Georgia standards I'm pretty Liberal. By the standards of San Francisco or Greenwich Village I'm a radical right wing nut.

Let's post the link and then talk truth.

DNC Chair declares there is no place for pro-life Democrats in today’s party - Hot Air

Now what this all means. The Democrats refuse to admit that the nation is diverse. The reality is that a San Francisco approved Liberal just can't win an election in Rural Georgia. They really can't win outside of the larger metropolitan areas. This limits the potential power of the party. If the Democrats are going to exclude anyone who doesn't check all the blocks of the most Liberal members then they just aren't going to win the majority. Requiring a candidate in Rural Georgia to run as a full throated Abortion Cheerleader is a recipe for disaster.

I admit to being reluctantly pro choice but that is because I believe you can't get the genie back in the bottle. Abortion is here and it's not going anywhere. Women have the power to plan B themselves with their birth control pills already.

However that as may be as I said I'm pretty Liberal for Georgia. I know my fellow citizens don't all feel as I do.

The point is that the Democratic Party continues to abort their chances of electoral victory by coming up with the restrictions to a more moderate or even conservative Democrat winning.

Ten Years ago the Democrats were in control of the House and Senate. They lost that majority because of those purity purges. When a Conservative Democrat was defeated in an election the party laughed and said good riddance.

Before you can govern you have to win. You can't win if you cut your own throat with the voters.
Democrats are only pro-life for criminals awaiting execution.

I am pro-medical science which has extended life spans at least 20 years.
I am pro-feeding our children.
I am pro helping the poor

That is pretty pro life.
They've got much bigger problems with that.

The Democrats have come to be widely seen as being on the side of criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, terrorists, and other undesirables; and against that of mainstream decent, honest, law-abiding citizens. And it is the latter group that makes up the overwhelming majority of voters. No matter how many votes the Democrats may be able to gain by pandering to tiny minorities of subhuman filth, it will never make up for the votes that they will lose by alienating mainstream Americans.

Their mantra does not allow compromise because they have taken the stance that anyone who is not 100% in lockstep with the Dem Party is a bad person.
As Hillary put it, deplorable.

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