Democrats Don't Hate America......They Simply Hate Americans

Who do you think cares more about us. The President or the Democrats

  • Total voters
I don’t hate African-Americans.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Hispanics.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate gay people.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Muslims.

Republicans do.

What was this thread about again?
Your ass and it’s similarity to a hole in the ground!
Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Is Asset Forfeiture | National Review
And, so, here we are again: The kulaks must be liquidated as a class. But who is a kulak?

We might glean some insight into that from the progressives’ thinking in the recent free-speech debates, which goes something like this: “We’re all in favor of free speech, but Nazis should be chased from the public square, by violence if necessary, and we should harass their employers in order to ruin them financially. Also, everybody who disagrees with me is a Nazi, including children wearing hats that I don’t like.”
Diatribes don't mold American opinion unless they can be expressed in a single line on a bumper strip.


Yet undeniably true.
Both parties suck and don't give a shit about anything but money...
Good thing you're not religious.....or I'd tell you're going straight to Hell with your eyes wide open.
As long as our own govt. makes war on its own people things are gonna stay wac...


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