Democrats For Romney

Some of you, I think, believe your white man opinions of what should be done in America represent the majority of Americans.

Not any more.

White men make up all of 34% of the voting public.

Women make up more than 50% of the voting public.

Minorities make up about 22%, and Latinos 10% of that.

The GOP must cotton up to women and Latinos if it thinks it is going to win much of anything.

I agree. But Romney dug himself into a hole with Latinos by courting the Minuteman vote to defeat Perry and Gingrich.

The LDS church is very pro-immigrant and has a lot of impact with Latinos and their causes. I have no doubt it will work quietly of MR's behalf.

The bigger issue will be women. I wish the GOP would stay quiet on women's issues. No matter what any natterers say here, these are issues the GOP cannot win against.
You are by your lonesome when it comes to Mitt's religion. He has been in politics long enough that it hasn't been an issue. Obama on the other hand has three years and look how he has split the country in terms of class warfare and race problems. Obama is doing nothing but trying to tear this country apart.

Well, not really. I think a lot of folks supporting and opposing Romney's nomination think his religion is as absolutely batshit crazy as I do. It's just that we are all such whipped dogs of political correctness we just can't say it out loud.

I'm old, and I honestly no longer give a fuck. I'll say it out loud.

For Obama, absolutely, he's been a not particularly good president, but there's plenty of blame to go around for BOTH parties on the state of things today.

But you ever notice that any defense of Romeny inevitably morphs into a criticism of Obama? I have.

Well Joe, Democrats have basically been in charge of the purse strings and oversight of government operations for almost the past 6 years now. Sure, Bush deserves some blame but Republican leadership have only the power to block leftist policies and have their legislation held up in the Senate.

I believe Democrats hold the highest responsibility for the state of the union but it's always interesting that Democrats are willing to share their failures and avoid stepping up to the plate.

I think trying to blame it on one side or the other is just slightly sillier than the rivalries between Cubs adn White Sox fans.

Where the Democrats are responsible- Encouraging spending through the roof.

Where the REpublicans are responsible- Insisting on tax cuts and wars without paying for them.

So, yeah, both parties are to blame, and it's partisan bullshit to claim either side has any more responsibility.
Some of you, I think, believe your white man opinions of what should be done in America represent the majority of Americans.

Not any more.

White men make up all of 34% of the voting public.

Women make up more than 50% of the voting public.

Minorities make up about 22%, and Latinos 10% of that.

The GOP must cotton up to women and Latinos if it thinks it is going to win much of anything.

I agree. But Romney dug himself into a hole with Latinos by courting the Minuteman vote to defeat Perry and Gingrich.

The LDS church is very pro-immigrant and has a lot of impact with Latinos and their causes. I have no doubt it will work quietly of MR's behalf.

The bigger issue will be women. I wish the GOP would stay quiet on women's issues. No matter what any natterers say here, these are issues the GOP cannot win against.

The economy is The major Issue of this campaign all other issues are pretty well even..
The LDS church is very pro-immigrant and has a lot of impact with Latinos and their causes. I have no doubt it will work quietly of MR's behalf.

The bigger issue will be women. I wish the GOP would stay quiet on women's issues. No matter what any natterers say here, these are issues the GOP cannot win against.

Romney's numbers with Hispanics right now are 71% for Obama and 14% of him. And between statement like "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office" and his bashing Perry for something as common sense as in-state tuition, I think he's going to have a very tough road to hoe on that one.

The Women problem is one the GOP can't get away from. Keep in mind, Romney had to suddenly pretend he hates abortion in order to get the nomination and not end up like John Huntsman. I just don't see how he gets around the problem.

If you give up on the religious issues, which I take is exactly what you want, then you have the problem of arguing only the economic issues.

And frankly, the guy in the working class neighborhood who cares deeply about abortion but is also worried about his job getting shipped to China isn't going to vote for the latter if Romney abandons the former.
I agree. But Romney dug himself into a hole with Latinos by courting the Minuteman vote to defeat Perry and Gingrich.

The LDS church is very pro-immigrant and has a lot of impact with Latinos and their causes. I have no doubt it will work quietly of MR's behalf.

The bigger issue will be women. I wish the GOP would stay quiet on women's issues. No matter what any natterers say here, these are issues the GOP cannot win against.

The economy is The major Issue of this campaign all other issues are pretty well even..

To an extent. But the fact is that if women and latinos in large numbers say "Mitt is our guy", the election is over.
Well, not really. I think a lot of folks supporting and opposing Romney's nomination think his religion is as absolutely batshit crazy as I do. It's just that we are all such whipped dogs of political correctness we just can't say it out loud.

I'm old, and I honestly no longer give a fuck. I'll say it out loud.

For Obama, absolutely, he's been a not particularly good president, but there's plenty of blame to go around for BOTH parties on the state of things today.

But you ever notice that any defense of Romeny inevitably morphs into a criticism of Obama? I have.

Well Joe, Democrats have basically been in charge of the purse strings and oversight of government operations for almost the past 6 years now. Sure, Bush deserves some blame but Republican leadership have only the power to block leftist policies and have their legislation held up in the Senate.

I believe Democrats hold the highest responsibility for the state of the union but it's always interesting that Democrats are willing to share their failures and avoid stepping up to the plate.

I think trying to blame it on one side or the other is just slightly sillier than the rivalries between Cubs adn White Sox fans.

Where the Democrats are responsible- Encouraging spending through the roof.

Where the REpublicans are responsible- Insisting on tax cuts and wars without paying for them.

So, yeah, both parties are to blame, and it's partisan bullshit to claim either side has any more responsibility.

I can only see this debate only going in circles..

The fact is, Democrats have held the greatest power over legislation, oversight and therefore the responsibility for the results over the past 6 years. I don't see how you could dispute that without insulting their leadership abilities.
I can only see this debate only going in circles..

The fact is, Democrats have held the greatest power over legislation, oversight and therefore the responsibility for the results over the past 6 years. I don't see how you could dispute that without insulting their leadership abilities.

Because it isn't true.

Not even by a longshot.

And because the real problems (Free Trade, deficit spending) aren't even the ones either party is really talking about.
The LDS church is very pro-immigrant and has a lot of impact with Latinos and their causes. I have no doubt it will work quietly of MR's behalf.

The bigger issue will be women. I wish the GOP would stay quiet on women's issues. No matter what any natterers say here, these are issues the GOP cannot win against.

The economy is The major Issue of this campaign all other issues are pretty well even..

To an extent. But the fact is that if women and latinos in large numbers say "Mitt is our guy", the election is over.

If Mitt chooses a minority specifically Latino running mate, Biden will be thrown under the bus, no doubt.

I think Obama will continue his women's rights card threats that abortion and other major women's rights issues will be taken away but any level headed woman knows that these are feeble political ploys at best.

I believe women are more concerned with their families and friends economic well being in this election.
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I can only see this debate only going in circles..

The fact is, Democrats have held the greatest power over legislation, oversight and therefore the responsibility for the results over the past 6 years. I don't see how you could dispute that without insulting their leadership abilities.

Because it isn't true.

Not even by a longshot.

And because the real problems (Free Trade, deficit spending) aren't even the ones either party is really talking about.

What..?... Democrats have held 2/3 or all of the Legislative & Executive branch power over the past 5+ years.. you can't dispute that. The fact that they blew their opportunity to get the country on the right track is obvious.
Well, if I don't talk about my valid concerns about the LDS cult in a position of power, you will.

Joe - "Romney's a flip-flopper"
BP - "YOu just hate him because he's a Mooooooormon!"

Well I think the point you are missing is that you have made such incredible noise for so long about your absolute hatred of anyone or anything Mormon that it's pretty damned hard to take you seriously where Romney is concerned because it's obvious as hell that you do not approach him objectively. You are the one who took great pains in the past to make this bias of yours well known. You are the one who on other threads refer to him as the weird Moron robot, the wacky Mormon, etc. So where Romney is concerned you have destroyed any credible argument you might make and you have done it all by yourself.

I will be real honest with you Joe...your words, your posts, your attitude is such that you are really not worth listening to where debate between Obama and Romney is concerned because no one can have any measure of faith that your bigotry is being held in check by your reasonable mind.

It, unfortunately, renders your input as stuff more suitable for the flame threads instead of legitimate political discourse.
Well, if I don't talk about my valid concerns about the LDS cult in a position of power, you will.

Joe - "Romney's a flip-flopper"
BP - "YOu just hate him because he's a Mooooooormon!"

Well I think the point you are missing is that you have made such incredible noise for so long about your absolute hatred of anyone or anything Mormon that it's pretty damned hard to take you seriously where Romney is concerned because it's obvious as hell that you do not approach him objectively. You are the one who took great pains in the past to make this bias of yours well known. You are the one who on other threads refer to him as the weird Moron robot, the wacky Mormon, etc. So where Romney is concerned you have destroyed any credible argument you might make and you have done it all by yourself.

I will be real honest with you Joe...your words, your posts, your attitude is such that you are really not worth listening to where debate between Obama and Romney is concerned because no one can have any measure of faith that your bigotry is being held in check by your reasonable mind.

It, unfortunately, renders your input as stuff more suitable for the flame threads instead of legitimate political discourse.

Just so.

He still has not gotten over that girl almost 50 years ago who dumped him for the Mormon boy.
What..?... Democrats have held 2/3 or all of the Legislative & Executive branch power over the past 5+ years.. you can't dispute that. The fact that they blew their opportunity to get the country on the right track is obvious.

Well, okay, if you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of how the federal government works, you can actually make this claim with a straight face.

In fact, the ONLY period the Democrats had any meaningful control was the period between when Arlen Specter jumped ship and Scott Brown got elected. That was less than a year and a half.

Your argument also persumes that all of our problems really started within the last 5 1/2 years, which is ridiculous. Most of those bombs were planted long before then. They just happened to go off in the last five and a half years.
Well, if I don't talk about my valid concerns about the LDS cult in a position of power, you will.

Joe - "Romney's a flip-flopper"
BP - "YOu just hate him because he's a Mooooooormon!"

Well I think the point you are missing is that you have made such incredible noise for so long about your absolute hatred of anyone or anything Mormon that it's pretty damned hard to take you seriously where Romney is concerned because it's obvious as hell that you do not approach him objectively. You are the one who took great pains in the past to make this bias of yours well known. You are the one who on other threads refer to him as the weird Moron robot, the wacky Mormon, etc. So where Romney is concerned you have destroyed any credible argument you might make and you have done it all by yourself.

I will be real honest with you Joe...your words, your posts, your attitude is such that you are really not worth listening to where debate between Obama and Romney is concerned because no one can have any measure of faith that your bigotry is being held in check by your reasonable mind.

It, unfortunately, renders your input as stuff more suitable for the flame threads instead of legitimate political discourse.

Okay, so what you are admitting is that you don't want to have a debate on Romney, and you'll always use the "you hate Mormons" line to avoid ANY meaningful debate. Got it.

Totally understand.

I mean, deep down, you wingnuts are engaging in a horrible bit of hypocrisy here. YOu don't want Romney any more than I do, but you know your philosophy has become so discredited that you have to try to fool people into voting for you.

I think both the non-Mormon and Mormon objections to Romney have validity. But I understand, you really, really don't want to debate either. Got it.
Lumpy I agree with you. The problem is getting the democrats to realize this and to recognize the fact that Obama has let them down and everyone in this country. I am happy that my neighbor who is a democrat has seen the facts about how terrible Obama has been on all of us, and won't be voting for him a second time around.
we are in such hard times right now, that people should forget about what party they belong too and all ban together and vote out all these in washington that have been a disaster on us all. I am dead set against the two party system, which seperates people. We need to stand together as citizens, not a party affliation. "united we stand"
What..?... Democrats have held 2/3 or all of the Legislative & Executive branch power over the past 5+ years.. you can't dispute that. The fact that they blew their opportunity to get the country on the right track is obvious.

Well, okay, if you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of how the federal government works, you can actually make this claim with a straight face.

In fact, the ONLY period the Democrats had any meaningful control was the period between when Arlen Specter jumped ship and Scott Brown got elected. That was less than a year and a half.

Your argument also persumes that all of our problems really started within the last 5 1/2 years, which is ridiculous. Most of those bombs were planted long before then. They just happened to go off in the last five and a half years.

Yes I know how it should work and the requirement for it working is compromise. Democrat leadership is to far left and incapable of meaningful compromise.

No, I did not presume this all started within the last 5 1/2 years but I do believe Democrat leadership failings have only exacerbated the economic uncertainty and mood within the country.. ie the country is moving in the wrong direction.
What..?... Democrats have held 2/3 or all of the Legislative & Executive branch power over the past 5+ years.. you can't dispute that. The fact that they blew their opportunity to get the country on the right track is obvious.

Well, okay, if you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of how the federal government works, you can actually make this claim with a straight face.

In fact, the ONLY period the Democrats had any meaningful control was the period between when Arlen Specter jumped ship and Scott Brown got elected. That was less than a year and a half.

Your argument also persumes that all of our problems really started within the last 5 1/2 years, which is ridiculous. Most of those bombs were planted long before then. They just happened to go off in the last five and a half years.

Yes I know how it should work and the requirement for it working is compromise. Democrat leadership is to far left and incapable of meaningful compromise.

No, I did not presume this all started within the last 5 1/2 years but I do believe Democrat leadership failings have only exacerbated the economic uncertainty and mood within the country.. ie the country is moving in the wrong direction.

Guy, it seems you live in a world where Republicans never have any responsibility for what happens, no matter how guilty they are.

The Republicans have never done anything but obstruct the president at every turn. You can't blame him for that.

And if you really think our economic problems are anything but corporations trying to grind the working class down, you are delusional.
Mitt Romney balanced his state budget without raising taxes.
it went from a 3 billion deficit to a 720 million surplus at the end of his term in 2006.
When Gov. Deval Patrick ( a Dem) was elected after Mitt Romney the state budget had a 307.1 million deficit in 2007.
Obama wanted to borrow another trillion dollars for 2013. He does not want to pay down the deficit.
Think about this when you vote in Nov.

If the romney back then were the romney of today, I'd sure be taking a good look at him. In fact, before he went all tea party on us, I was interested in him as well as John Huntsman.

B/C they were effectively Democrats. Huntsman is such a Rino. I can't stand the guy. And Romneycare was liberal social engineering. But I think he learned his lesson and I feel great about him going forward.
Well, okay, if you are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of how the federal government works, you can actually make this claim with a straight face.

In fact, the ONLY period the Democrats had any meaningful control was the period between when Arlen Specter jumped ship and Scott Brown got elected. That was less than a year and a half.

Your argument also persumes that all of our problems really started within the last 5 1/2 years, which is ridiculous. Most of those bombs were planted long before then. They just happened to go off in the last five and a half years.

Yes I know how it should work and the requirement for it working is compromise. Democrat leadership is to far left and incapable of meaningful compromise.

No, I did not presume this all started within the last 5 1/2 years but I do believe Democrat leadership failings have only exacerbated the economic uncertainty and mood within the country.. ie the country is moving in the wrong direction.

Guy, it seems you live in a world where Republicans never have any responsibility for what happens, no matter how guilty they are.

The Republicans have never done anything but obstruct the president at every turn. You can't blame him for that.

And if you really think our economic problems are anything but corporations trying to grind the working class down, you are delusional.

Actually... I think both parties pretty well suck (Democrat Party more so) and my preference would be that voters reject the 2 party system completely and let the American people off the carousel but alas that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Well, if you mix the corporations/public unions with government legalized corruption/collusion then we could agree.
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