Democrats For Romney

You know something with all this talk about how Romney is going to save the day from the Evil Black Marxist Demon know as Pres Obama. I wanna know one thing how is a man who supported TARP, the Stimulus, amnesty for illegals, and government mandated healthcare among other things. Is really the answer some one please tell me how is Romney going to "save us" when he's basically the same as Obama minus skin color.
You know something with all this talk about how Romney is going to save the day from the Evil Black Marxist Demon know as Pres Obama. I wanna know one thing how is a man who supported TARP, the Stimulus, amnesty for illegals, and government mandated healthcare among other things. Is really the answer some one please tell me how is Romney going to "save us" when he's basically the same as Obama minus skin color.

I have a better question. Why in the hell would we consider giving Obama a second term? Do you think Anybody but Obama is just a catchy slogan? He's a freaking disgrace to the office.

And frankly, I have a challenge for you. If you think Romney is just like Obama. Then go ahead and vote for him. You'll get 8 more years of what you want and not 4. Do it if that's what you really believe. Go ahead and tell me you're going to do it. Let's see if you really believe it. Start campaigning for Romney from this point for forward.
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Wow, that's great, man. Comparing valid complaints about a secretive cult with a shady history to racism. I get it, man, you can't really defend Mormonism. So conflate distrust of LDS (a cult with a history of racism) with racism. BRILLIANT. Totally dodging the question.

How about telling me why my concerns with Mormonism are wrong without actually comparing it to something that is actually wrong. THat would impress the shit out of me.

What you basically just said is that hating someone for their race is unacceptable but hating them for their religion is perfectly justifiable. I mean you want to talk about destroying yourself with your own argument, Joe? I didn't even bother to read the rest of your post because you shot yourself in the ass right out of the gate.

Uh, no.

Race is genetics.

Religion is a choice.

That's the difference. At some point, as an adult, you are handed a bill of goods and asked, "Is this what you believe?" And if you say, "Yup, I totally believe that my underwear is magic and black people were cursed by God with dark skin!" you get held accountable for that. Or you should.

If Romney was a Branch Davidian* or a Scientologist, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Just because his whacky cult's been around a little longer doesn't mean I'm ready to let them at the grownup table.

(*-The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh? Original and Extra-Crispy!)

You know, I hear people say how terrible it is for conservatives and the religious right to use religion to make political decisions; how religion has no place in the political process. Interestingly, the one I see doing that most of all is you. You are using Romney's religion to make a political determination. Now if you could provide me with a few specific examples of when Romney's Mormon faith has negatively impacted his ability to govern, you might have a point. I would sure love to see them because I can't find any. So you are doing the very thing that liberals cry and accuse the right of doing; letting religion interfere with politics and that goes against the very fabric and principle of what this nation was founded upon. Pretty damned hypocritical of you if you ask me.

I could point them out to you, but you are pretty blind. And then you'll whine about how I'm being a big meanie for picking on his religion.

Of course, since Romney's governing experience was all of four years before the folks of his state realized they made a horrible mistake, it's not a lot there. But the one thing I've noticed about Mormons is that they have an attitude that they take care of their own and screw everyone else. So Romney has no compunctions about firing all the "Gentiles" at AmPad, but he'll shut down Bain when one of his fellow LDS's daughter stays at a rave too long. He'll shut down GS Steel to make a quick buck, but he'll move heaven and earth to save the SLC Olympics after his fellow Mormons fucked it up and bribed the IOC into giving them Olympics they weren't ready to host.

Now if you want to allow bigotry and hypocrisy to do your thinking for you, fine. Knock yourself out. But don't expect me to take you seriously anymore, and don't expect me to waste my time attempting to establish "meaningful political discussion" with someone who chooses do that. You are to religious bigotry what Salt Jones is to racism. You can recognize that and move past it, or continue to watch your credibility trickle away.

I have had my say on this matter and wish you luck.

First, guy, it's not like you say anything all that intelligent, and that I deign to actually talk to you is charity. Otherwise, you're just another boring sell out who is backing Romney because you hate the black guy. So I think most of your screaming about "bigotry" is kind of projection.

Secondly, no bigotry involved. Religion is a choice. You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do. So treating that like it's a valid belief is just kind of a cop-out. The thing is, I think you hate Obama so much, Romney could be a Branch Davidian, and you'd be embracing him.

I have a better question. Why in the hell would we consider giving Obama a second term? Do you think Anybody but Obama is just a catchy slogan? He's a freaking disgrace to the office. ]

That happens to be your opinion, and it's kind of a stupid one.

I think Obama is basically a decent guy. I find him vastly more admirable as a person than Romney. He's someone who grew up in a country that considered him a second class citizen when he was born, to modest means, but worked hard, succeeded at his chosen profession, and dedicated his life to public service.

I think he's wrong on a lot of issues, and in some ways is overwealmed by the job. BUt I don't think he's a disgrace, or really a bad person.

Rawmoney, on the other hand, was born to wealth and never wanted for a thing. He dedicated himself to making a lot of money for himself and other rich people, and if he had to fuck over working folks in the process, he was totally fine with that as long as they weren't Mormons.
Alright. I'm sick of these recent lies lately from the loony left. Income tax at the top rate was 70 percent when Carter left office. It was 28 percent when Reagan left office. And Reagan lowered those taxes while winning The Cold War.

Little problem here. Yes, Reagan lowered taxes while (temporarily) "winning" the Cold War. And the debt exploded. Perhaps there is just a tiny little connection there? I mean, we could reduce taxes to freakin' zero, spend like 16-year old girls with a Gold Card, and the same result would apply. Not sure how this was brilliance.

Reagan was nothing more than a military Keynesian.

Alright. I'm sick of these recent lies lately from the loony left. Income tax at the top rate was 70 percent when Carter left office. It was 28 percent when Reagan left office. And Reagan lowered those taxes while winning The Cold War.

Little problem here. Yes, Reagan lowered taxes while (temporarily) "winning" the Cold War. And the debt exploded. Perhaps there is just a tiny little connection there? I mean, we could reduce taxes to freakin' zero, spend like 16-year old girls with a Gold Card, and the same result would apply. Not sure how this was brilliance.

Reagan was a military Keynesian.


It's also important to realize that the top marginal rate is kind of a misnomer. Yeah, there was a top 70% rate, but few people ever paid it. There were tons of loopholes, and most rich folks paid an effective tax rate of about 45%. Most of those loopholes were eliminated in the 1986 tax reforms Reagan signed on to.
As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.

As a moderate swing-voter I must follow "individual responsibility" more than I should follow a man.

Follow principles, not people.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Many Massachussetts democrats voted for Romney in the past....just sayin'

But for President? I don't think most of them will, but even when obama loses there will still be his 'mini-me' in the Governor's office.
As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.

As a moderate swing-voter I must follow "individual responsibility" more than I should follow a man.

Follow principles, not people.

You're not a "former Republican." Knock that shit off. Other assholes have tried the same bit and it doesn't fly.
As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.

As a moderate swing-voter I must follow "individual responsibility" more than I should follow a man.

Follow principles, not people.

You're not a "former Republican." Knock that shit off. Other assholes have tried the same bit and it doesn't fly.

How about addressing his point.

Cap and Trade was a GOP idea.

Individual Mandates was a GOP idea.

And the GOP was all for them until Obama actually did them.

If you were fighting for a principle, that would be one thing.

Being "against whatever Obama is for" is hardly a strategy.
As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.

As a moderate swing-voter I must follow "individual responsibility" more than I should follow a man.

Follow principles, not people.

You're not a "former Republican." Knock that shit off. Other assholes have tried the same bit and it doesn't fly.

How about addressing his point.

Feel the need to defend a fellow 'pretend to be something you are not,' asswipe?
You're not a "former Republican." Knock that shit off. Other assholes have tried the same bit and it doesn't fly.

How about addressing his point.

Feel the need to defend a fellow 'pretend to be something you are not,' asswipe?

I was just wondering if you had the intellectual capicity to address his point. :confused:

Naw, just kidding, I already know you don't! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Okay, one more time. Is a mandate a bad thing only when Obama proposes it, or was it always a bad thing, even when the Weird Mormon Robot proposed it.
How about addressing his point.

Feel the need to defend a fellow 'pretend to be something you are not,' asswipe?

I was just wondering if you had the intellectual capicity to address his point. :confused:

Naw, just kidding, I already know you don't! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Okay, one more time. Is a mandate a bad thing only when Obama proposes it, or was it always a bad thing, even when the Weird Mormon Robot proposed it.

Not sure I'd hold my breath on a straight answer. Partisans start the spinnin' and divertin' when their hypocrisy is pointed out. But ya never know, maybe he'll answer!

Feel the need to defend a fellow 'pretend to be something you are not,' asswipe?

I was just wondering if you had the intellectual capicity to address his point. :confused:

Naw, just kidding, I already know you don't! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Okay, one more time. Is a mandate a bad thing only when Obama proposes it, or was it always a bad thing, even when the Weird Mormon Robot proposed it.

Not sure I'd hold my breath on a straight answer. Partisans start the spinnin' and divertin' when their hypocrisy is pointed out. But ya never know, maybe he'll answer!


In Punkotards case, it's because he really can't mentally get his mind around the point.

But to be fair, even the Romney supporters who I think are kind of bright have a hard time with this question. They are all just hoping nobody will notice it was originally Romney's idea.

The real thing is, most oppossition to ObamaCare comes from people not really understanding what's in it, or what it actually does.

Not a fan of the mandate, because I don't think it addresses the real problem, which is runaway medical inflation. It just spreads the pain around by forcing more people (and revenue) into the system. Eventually, costs will outpace the increased revenues and we'll be back where we started.
I was just wondering if you had the intellectual capicity to address his point. .

That's pretty funny coming from a broken fucking record of bigotry and shameless misrepresentation like yourself.
As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.
It was much-the-same with The Stim....until (of course), Republicans' names were on-the-check$!!

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]​
I have a better question. Why in the hell would we consider giving Obama a second term? Do you think Anybody but Obama is just a catchy slogan? He's a freaking disgrace to the office.

And frankly, I have a challenge for you. If you think Romney is just like Obama. Then go ahead and vote for him. You'll get 8 more years of what you want and not 4. Do it if that's what you really believe. Go ahead and tell me you're going to do it. Let's see if you really believe it. Start campaigning for Romney from this point for forward.

1) I have no love for Pres Obama while I don't think he's a Marxist he's not have been a pres that can move this country forward.

2) If I don't like Pres Obama why the hell would I vote for Romney like I said he's basically the same guy minus the skin color.

3) Last point the Anybody but Obama slogan is going to bite you in the ass like it bit the dems in the ass when the did the Anybody but Bush back in 04
I have a better question. Why in the hell would we consider giving Obama a second term? Do you think Anybody but Obama is just a catchy slogan? He's a freaking disgrace to the office.

And frankly, I have a challenge for you. If you think Romney is just like Obama. Then go ahead and vote for him. You'll get 8 more years of what you want and not 4. Do it if that's what you really believe. Go ahead and tell me you're going to do it. Let's see if you really believe it. Start campaigning for Romney from this point for forward.

1) I have no love for Pres Obama while I don't think he's a Marxist he's not have been a pres that can move this country forward.

2) If I don't like Pres Obama why the hell would I vote for Romney like I said he's basically the same guy minus the skin color.

3) Last point the Anybody but Obama slogan is going to bite you in the ass like it bit the dems in the ass when the did the Anybody but Bush back in 04

Fair enough. Although I understand the general opinion that there aren't huge differences between Republicans and Democrats; I do believe there are huge differences between Romney and Obama.
As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.

As a moderate swing-voter I must follow "individual responsibility" more than I should follow a man.

Follow principles, not people.

You sound like me - I kept up my end of the "contract with America." THEY broke their end of the deal.

(And yelling and swearing at us isn't going to win us back, now is it?)

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