Democrats For Romney

Than you have not watched Maddow much. Next time she does it, I will link it for you.

Do you wach Jon Stewart?
The biggest problem with Mitt would be his clear willingness to follow a script supplied to him by god knows who. Wait until he is nominated and watch the Bush White House staff and political appointees crystallize around him.

Hard to believe the unknown provider of Romney's scripts is worse then the known provider of Obama's scripts...Karl Marx...
Than you have not watched Maddow much. Next time she does it, I will link it for you.

Do you wach Jon Stewart?

I haven't watched the Daily Show for a while. I miss its pre-political days with Craig Kilborn, or maybe that was my pre-political days :lol:

I get a hoot that some people actually think they get real and accurate news from Jon Stewart, or maybe I should be scared for our future instead of finding that funny.
Almost 1/3rd of younger Americans, I read, watch Jon Daily at least once a week. His tear up of the Obama administration last month was a hoot. He took up the Secret Service last night, basically asking where was the adult supervision those horn dogs obvously needed.
Almost 1/3rd of younger Americans, I read, watch Jon Daily at least once a week. His tear up of the Obama administration last month was a hoot. He took up the Secret Service last night, basically asking where was the adult supervision those horn dogs obvously needed.

Sounds like Jon Stewart to me, I stopped watching him sometime in his 2nd year after taking over for Kilborn.
I heard a good one today.

The election of 2012 as the bigots have to decide between Obama's color and Romney's religion.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Obama is not far left. I know that the far right wants everyone to believe that, but the truth is that the right just keeps moving further and further away from the middle that they can't even make it out anymore.
I heard a good one today. The election of 2012 as the bigots have to decide between Obama's color and Romney's religion.
Actually the bigots are telling you to vote for Obama on color and against Romney on Religion...

I am a Republican, unlike you Kaz, and I hear vicious anti-racist and anti-Mormons from many of the GOP here. I hear some of the Dems saying to vote for Obama because he is black and against Romney because of his religion.
I am a Republican, unlike you Kaz, and I hear vicious anti-racist and anti-Mormons from many of the GOP here.

I really hope you are not referring to guys like JoeB. He's about as GOP as Pol Pot.

JoeB is not GOP. He is a "libertarian" of some sort. Ask him to describe what he means and his definitions changes on a daily basis. I am not sure he is all there emotionally.
Than you have not watched Maddow much. Next time she does it, I will link it for you.

Do you wach Jon Stewart?

Oh yeah....I watch pretty much everything...even MSNBC. It's good to know what "the enemy" is thinking. :lol:

That you think that people who have a different political view than you do are "the enemy" is kind of telling.

You know what, I think everyone wants what's best for America. Yup, I even think that about Mormons, believe it or not. The disagreement is how we get there.
I am a Republican, unlike you Kaz, and I hear vicious anti-racist and anti-Mormons from many of the GOP here.

I really hope you are not referring to guys like JoeB. He's about as GOP as Pol Pot.

One more time guy,

Hey, did you hear about the REpublican who raised taxes 11 times, gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS.... yeah, you know, that guy.

ROnald Reagan.

He'd be "Pol Pot" these days to you jokers.

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