Democrats For Romney

As a former Republican who is dismayed by the fact that my former party came up with the invidividual mandate and cap-and-trade but then rejected it when a Democratic president agreed with Republicans on it, I have to admit that voting for the President just seems like common sense at this time.
It was much-the-same with The Stim....until (of course), Republicans' names were on-the-check$!!

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]​

:lol: Rachel "Left wing Limbaugh" Maddow :lol:

I thought you didn't listen to political hacks like Limbaugh?
I like George Will, Joe Scarborough, Juan Williams, and Rachel Maddow. From them, I get honesty, along with a slanted view.
I like George Will, Joe Scarborough, Juan Williams, and Rachel Maddow. From them, I get honesty, along with a slanted view.

One of the above does not belong in the list with the others........and its not because she is a woman, its because she is actually dishonest while the others you listed are not...well I'm not too sure on Will but Scarborough and Williams are stand up, honest, people.
Plymco_, no, she is honest from her lights. You are fail on your evaluation of her integrity. She is good, but she is slanted. What I enjoy is her ability to mock those with whom she disagrees. However, you and I can agree to disagree agreeably, I am sure.
Plymco_, no, she is honest from her lights. You are fail on your evaluation of her integrity. She is good, but she is slanted. What I enjoy is her ability to mock those with whom she disagrees. However, you and I can agree to disagree agreeably, I am sure.

I find both her, hannity, and limbaugh to all be dishonest because their slant makes them skew their reporting on certain topics to such an extent that their reporting is no longer honest.

It kind of backs up people's claims about you being "FakeyJakey" when you try to portray her careful who you stand up for!
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Hannitty and Rushbo are simply purveyors of deliberate mistortion of narrative.

I don't find her doing that, though I agree she slants her reporting to the left.
Hannitty and Rushbo are simply purveyors of deliberate mistortion of narrative.

I don't find her doing that, though I agree she slants her reporting to the left.

But she does do that, which was my point....and the fact that you can see it in hannity and rush like I can but don't see it in her, well, i already explained what that shows.
Plymco, no, you have it wrong. Everyone has a bias. The difference is that she is quite clear where hers is and she will not distort. Rush and Sean will.
Plymco, no, you have it wrong. Everyone has a bias. The difference is that she is quite clear where hers is and she will not distort. Rush and Sean will.

What? Now your going :cuckoo:.........Hannity and Limbaugh DO NOT hide the fact that they are unabashed conservatives and report things from a conservative perspective nor does Maddow on the liberal side, that doesn't make any of them more honest when they let their biases distort how they view and pass along stories.

C'mon man, apply things evenly to both political sides.
Sean and Rushbo pretend they are mainstream. They are not.

I do apply things evenly. I can't stand Olbermann or O'Donnell. They do what Rush and Sean do.

Rachel does not. Leave off with the silliness symbols if you want respect when I am giving respect to you.
Sean and Rushbo pretend they are mainstream. They are not.

I do apply things evenly. I can't stand Olbermann or O'Donnell. They do what Rush and Sean do.

Rachel does not. Leave off with the silliness symbols if you want respect when I am giving respect to you.

Emoticons are part of my typing style but I can leave them off for you if they bother you, no problem.

We will not agree on this. I would put Olbermann in the same group as maddow and O'donnel do you mean rosie? She isn't in the news reporting business so I wouldn't bring here into the comparisons, she isn't really on the same level as a CNN, MSNBC, or FOX news television personality (what i mean to say is she is blatantly in the entertainment realm while the others, being on news stations, will be taken more seriously even those who are opinion show hosts)
No, Laruence O'Donnell. You want a real treat? Watch him. But make sure your hands are manacled so you don't throw something at the screnn. I like Rosie's acting in the nineties but she is a pain in the ass now (to me).
No, Laruence O'Donnell. You want a real treat? Watch him. But make sure your hands are manacled so you don't throw something at the screnn. I like Rosie's acting in the nineties but she is a pain in the ass now (to me).

what time is that person on to listen to? I'll check it out, I always like new personalities to hear opinions from.

One of my favorite shows are 2 MA liberals so don't be worreid about me throwing things at the screen :tongue:

96.9 Boston Talks

[ame=]96.9 WTKK - Boston's Talk Evolution: JIM AND MARGERY's Video Blog: Stimulus Package 2009 - YouTube[/ame]
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell MSNBC early evening, I think

He is a mean-spirited sonuvabuck. Grilled a chair once, I kid you not.

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