Democrats For Romney

If the romney back then were the romney of today, I'd sure be taking a good look at him. In fact, before he went all tea party on us, I was interested in him as well as John Huntsman.

B/C they were effectively Democrats. Huntsman is such a Rino. I can't stand the guy. And Romneycare was liberal social engineering. But I think he learned his lesson and I feel great about him going forward.

Translation - "The people who really run my party slapped me down like a runaway sister wife, so I'm going to be nice and compliant and go along with this..."
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Obama is not far left. He's more moderate if not a bit right of center. Dude is not at all a leftist in the way he governs.

I would love it if he was far left and he did not keep bending over backwards to appease those on the right.

If he kept his campaign promises, he'd be golden. But he keeps abandoning them and taking the George Bush route.

And fuck no would I ever vote for Romney. That man is a snake.

Obama is the furthest left president in our country. That said, there is room to go left. But what about Obama is supposed to make him a centrist? That's just propaganda. That's the propaganda we were supposed to take on blind faith in 08 btw. Like Bush said, fool me once, shame on me or you; fool me twice, well you aren't gonna fool me twice :badgrin:

For the record I was not fooled by Obama at any point. I saw his wrecking ball coming from a mile away. I think certain things still surprised me, like the radical czars, the fact that he is not even born here, the insane spending was more than even I had figured. And the fact that he is literally a psychopath caught me off guard. That guy lies as much as the day is long.

I think if anything people should vote Obama out just on the hope of getting a more honest and fair minded person in office. That's the change I want. Let's get someone in there that believes in machinery of free market principles and our proud heritage and not someone that apologizes for it.
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Just so.

He still has not gotten over that girl almost 50 years ago who dumped him for the Mormon boy.

Guy, I wouldn't fuck a Mormon chick with your dick.

Denying is still lying.

Your credibility on MR is nil.

Uhhh, no Spanky, the WMR is really everything I say he is.

And here's the thing. Even if I were completely off base, he's still an awful candidate with a history of losing more elections than he's ever won.
Yep, you are completely off base, totally prejudiced in this matter, and can't see the forest for the tress.

You also will lie for no reason at all.
Yep, you are completely off base, totally prejudiced in this matter, and can't see the forest for the tress.

You also will lie for no reason at all.

Your boy's electoral record.

Couldn't beat Ted the Drunk when Ted was testifying at rape trials as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Barely beat a non entity named "Shannon O'Brien" because the Greens split the vote. Didn't get a majority.

Polled so bad against Devall Patrick he ran off like an abused sister wife.

Spent nine figures in 2008, was beaten by Mike Huckabee AND John McCain, running on shoestring budgets.

Spent nine figures in 2012, barely beat a washed up corrupt speaker of the house and a guy who was a has-been. And it took a child's illness to remove his last obstacle.

Sorry, man, this is the weakest candidate the GOP has put up in my lifetime. Obama is going to have him for lunch.
Romney was second to McCain as Thompson and Huckabee were splitting the conservative vote.

The party voters wisely went with McCain.
Okay, so what you are admitting is that you don't want to have a debate on Romney, and you'll always use the "you hate Mormons" line to avoid ANY meaningful debate. Got it.

Totally understand.

I mean, deep down, you wingnuts are engaging in a horrible bit of hypocrisy here. YOu don't want Romney any more than I do, but you know your philosophy has become so discredited that you have to try to fool people into voting for you.

I think both the non-Mormon and Mormon objections to Romney have validity. But I understand, you really, really don't want to debate either. Got it.

Oh I am happy to have a debate on Romney, but the point is that it's lost on you. Do you see anyone try to argue race relations with Salt Jones? NO! Why not? because it's a complete waste of time. He's an unapologetic racist so in any discussion that even remotely involves race he will take the side of blacks whether they are right or wrong. You can spend time blowing holes in his statements and making fun of him all day, but in the end nothing will get through to him so it's a complete waste of time.

Now in the past you had quotes from Romney in your signature that were complete spins of what he actually meant. On other threads you have attacked Romney on various points that were complete spin jobs. And see the problem here Joe, is that I have been involved in discussions with you in the past on several threads and I know you are not an idiot. You have the intelligence to see through the bullshit and reject the spins. Yet where Romney is concerned you are simply choosing not to and are spinning away yourself.

So I have a real hard time recognizing the value of trying to engage in a "thought provoking discussion" with someone who I know has the ability to see through the bullshit but because of his biases simply chooses instead to embrace it. There's no "thought provoking discussion" there; it's a propaganda war. So any effort to lead you past your biases is a fool's errand and as such the only real value you offer is flame war shit. Unfortunately, you have only yourself to blame for that.
Oh I am happy to have a debate on Romney, but the point is that it's lost on you. Do you see anyone try to argue race relations with Salt Jones? NO! Why not? because it's a complete waste of time. He's an unapologetic racist so in any discussion that even remotely involves race he will take the side of blacks whether they are right or wrong. You can spend time blowing holes in his statements and making fun of him all day, but in the end nothing will get through to him so it's a complete waste of time.

Wow, that's great, man. Comparing valid complaints about a secretive cult with a shady history to racism. I get it, man, you can't really defend Mormonism. So conflate distrust of LDS (a cult with a history of racism) with racism. BRILLIANT. Totally dodging the question.

How about telling me why my concerns with Mormonism are wrong without actually comparing it to something that is actually wrong. THat would impress the shit out of me.

Now in the past you had quotes from Romney in your signature that were complete spins of what he actually meant. On other threads you have attacked Romney on various points that were complete spin jobs. And see the problem here Joe, is that I have been involved in discussions with you in the past on several threads and I know you are not an idiot. You have the intelligence to see through the bullshit and reject the spins. Yet where Romney is concerned you are simply choosing not to and are spinning away yourself.

That's your interpretation. I don't think I'm spinning anything. When Mitt Romney says he likes firing people, I really, really, think that's what he means. Because he's fired so many and has never shown a bit of remorse about it. Even gets off a bit in his magic underwear when he does it. When Mitt Romney says, "I can't have illegals here, I'm Running for office"... No ambiguity on that point, either. You call them spin, I call them, "Freudian slips". He's showing us who he really is.

I really, truly, honestly believe Mitt Romney is a horrible human being.

So I have a real hard time recognizing the value of trying to engage in a "thought provoking discussion" with someone who I know has the ability to see through the bullshit but because of his biases simply chooses instead to embrace it. There's no "thought provoking discussion" there; it's a propaganda war. So any effort to lead you past your biases is a fool's errand and as such the only real value you offer is flame war shit. Unfortunately, you have only yourself to blame for that.

But you see, you are the one selling out. YOu and every other so-called conservative who wants to pretend Romney is one of you and shares your values because you just want to beat Obama so bad.

I'd rather not vote for Obama, but you all have really left me with no alternative.

Now, will I occassionally take a cheap shot at Romney like the stuff about his dog because I don't like him? Absofuckinglutely. Oddly, you never take the RW guys who attack Obama over bullshit like voting present or voting to let babies die in closets to task, so you really are on thin ice griping at me on that one.
Romney was second to McCain as Thompson and Huckabee were splitting the conservative vote.

The party voters wisely went with McCain.

Huckabee would have been better. He would have motivated the base and he had less baggage than McCain. Also, he would have been a much more stark contrast. Also, Obama successfully sold the narrative that McCain would be another Bush.

But I think that perhaps McCain was right when he called Obama's run something like a destined historical run. That was really code for Americans were hell bent on having their first minority president that they did not care really what Obama had to say. I agree too. And anyone that disagrees is ignoring the evidence.

But now, we are almost four years away from that catostrophic election and hopefully Americans have sobered up.
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Romney was second to McCain as Thompson and Huckabee were splitting the conservative vote.

The party voters wisely went with McCain.

Huckabee would have been better. He would have motivated the base and he had less baggage than Obama. Also, he would have been a much more stark contrast. Also, Obama successfully sold the narrative that McCain would be another Bush.

But I think that perhaps McCain was right when he called Obama's run something like a destined historical run. That was really code for Americans were hell bent on having their first minority president that they did not care really what Obama had to say. I agree too. And anyone that disagrees is ignoring the evidence.

But now, we are almost four years away from that catostrophic election and hopefully Americans have sobered up.

M<Cain lacked the sheer will...and frankly ran a limp-wristed campaign.
Romney was second to McCain as Thompson and Huckabee were splitting the conservative vote.

The party voters wisely went with McCain.

Huckabee would have been better. He would have motivated the base and he had less baggage than McCain. Also, he would have been a much more stark contrast. Also, Obama successfully sold the narrative that McCain would be another Bush.

But I think that perhaps McCain was right when he called Obama's run something like a destined historical run. That was really code for Americans were hell bent on having their first minority president that they did not care really what Obama had to say. I agree too. And anyone that disagrees is ignoring the evidence.

But now, we are almost four years away from that catostrophic election and hopefully Americans have sobered up.

M<Cain lacked the sheer will...and frankly ran a limp-wristed campaign.

Agreed. He was unwilling to go after Obama on serious matters like Reverend Right. And frankly all his flip flopping over the years; I'm not even sure how comfortable he was playing to the base. Republicans wanted to get someone in the so-called middle and they forgot to elect someone with zeal and determination.
Wow, that's great, man. Comparing valid complaints about a secretive cult with a shady history to racism. I get it, man, you can't really defend Mormonism. So conflate distrust of LDS (a cult with a history of racism) with racism. BRILLIANT. Totally dodging the question.

How about telling me why my concerns with Mormonism are wrong without actually comparing it to something that is actually wrong. THat would impress the shit out of me.

What you basically just said is that hating someone for their race is unacceptable but hating them for their religion is perfectly justifiable. I mean you want to talk about destroying yourself with your own argument, Joe? I didn't even bother to read the rest of your post because you shot yourself in the ass right out of the gate.

You know, I hear people say how terrible it is for conservatives and the religious right to use religion to make political decisions; how religion has no place in the political process. Interestingly, the one I see doing that most of all is you. You are using Romney's religion to make a political determination. Now if you could provide me with a few specific examples of when Romney's Mormon faith has negatively impacted his ability to govern, you might have a point. I would sure love to see them because I can't find any. So you are doing the very thing that liberals cry and accuse the right of doing; letting religion interfere with politics and that goes against the very fabric and principle of what this nation was founded upon. Pretty damned hypocritical of you if you ask me.

Now if you want to allow bigotry and hypocrisy to do your thinking for you, fine. Knock yourself out. But don't expect me to take you seriously anymore, and don't expect me to waste my time attempting to establish "meaningful political discussion" with someone who chooses do that. You are to religious bigotry what Salt Jones is to racism. You can recognize that and move past it, or continue to watch your credibility trickle away.

I have had my say on this matter and wish you luck.
What you basically just said is that hating someone for their race is unacceptable but hating them for their religion is perfectly justifiable.
That is true when that religions demand that you hate people for their race, sex, sexual orientation or other factors

I mean you want to talk about destroying yourself with your own argument, Joe? I didn't even bother to read the rest of your post because you shot yourself in the ass right out of the gate.
I see so you didn't even bother to actually read what you responded to meaning your response is based of you not knowing jack shit
Now if you could provide me with a few specific examples of when Romney's Mormon faith has negatively impacted his ability to govern, you might have a point. I would sure love to see them because I can't find any.
I can, they include bigotry, elitism, and anti-intellectualism/science
One thing is for sure; it won't be the everyday poster Democrat supporting Romney. It'll be the family minded and economic minded Democrats and maybe even a portion of social minded Democrats as well. But not the loons coming here haha.
Reagan raised taxes more times than Obama.


Reagan saved Social Security

[ame=]Ronald Reagan on Social Security - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Reagan was ten times more liberal than Obama.

Reagan would not get the GOP nomination for president in today's Republican Party. He campaigned for Truman. He passed the most liberal abortion policy in the country's history as governor of California. He signed the largest amnesty bill ever passed.

Why don't Republican voters on these boards know any of this? It's scary.
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Reagan's father was saved by an FDR work program.

Read his biography. Reagan loved FDR. He believed in Social Security.

Why are Talk Radio Republicans so fucking clueless. They know nothing about the real Reagan. They live in a FOX News bubble.
Reagan raised taxes more times than Obama.


Reagan saved Social Security

Ronald Reagan on Social Security - Part 1 - YouTube

You fucking morons. Reagan was ten times more liberal than Obama.

Alright. I'm sick of these recent lies lately from the loony left. Income tax at the top rate was 70 percent when Carter left office. It was 28 percent when Reagan left office. And Reagan lowered those taxes while winning The Cold War.

Who in their right f'ing mind ever thought that the govt deserved over half a person's earnings? Dems; that's f'ing who. Don't point to a bunch of stupid little f'ing taxes you loons and pretend that Reagan was a taxer. I'm sick of this gross revisionist history going on by Obama and the media. It's BS. It has no basis in reality.

And then when we have this poster who got an extra dose of looney tunes coming on here and telling us that Reagan was somehow 10X liberal than O-Tard. It's nonsense.

Watch Reagan's view of Obama's socialist health care and then tell me that. You can't. Reagan was in stark contrast to O-Tard and all you looney toons.

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