Democrats For Romney

I heard a good one today.

The election of 2012 as the bigots have to decide between Obama's color and Romney's religion.

Actually the bigots are telling you to vote for Obama on color and against Romney on Religion...

Well, no.

The fact is, the polling tells quite a different story...

Poll: Voters Doubt Romney Can Beat Obama - 2012 Decoded

Here was the telling paragraph for Momma B's oldest son...

The data point isn't the first to indicate Romney begins the presidential race facing an enthusiasm gap. Another question in the CNN poll, in fact, highlighted the problem: Among Romney supporters, only 35 percent said their vote was a vote in support of the Republican. Sixty-three percent said their vote was one mainly cast against Obama. The president's supporters, by contrast, were more enthusiastic about their candidate -- 76 percent of Obama's backers said their vote would be one in support of the president.

In short, the Obama people are voting FOR Obama, not AGAINST the Mormon.

But the Romney supporters, they're mostly voting against the black guy. Sorry.

oh, by the way, this is why you'll lose.
Than you have not watched Maddow much. Next time she does it, I will link it for you.

Do you wach Jon Stewart?

Oh yeah....I watch pretty much everything...even MSNBC. It's good to know what "the enemy" is thinking. :lol:

That you think that people who have a different political view than you do are "the enemy" is kind of telling.

You know what, I think everyone wants what's best for America. Yup, I even think that about Mormons, believe it or not. The disagreement is how we get there.

That's why I put it in quotes genius. Because it's meant symbolically, not literally. How many times have you failed that Mensa entrance exam again? There's always next time.
Oh yeah....I watch pretty much everything...even MSNBC. It's good to know what "the enemy" is thinking. :lol:

That you think that people who have a different political view than you do are "the enemy" is kind of telling.

You know what, I think everyone wants what's best for America. Yup, I even think that about Mormons, believe it or not. The disagreement is how we get there.

That's why I put it in quotes genius. Because it's meant symbolically, not literally. How many times have you failed that Mensa entrance exam again? There's always next time.

the only people who take the Mensa exam are pretentious people.

Funny, you were praising my intellect the other day while trying to denounce my "bigotry".

Those are the words you chose, and they are kind of telling.

When I used to be more right wing than I am now, I used to use the same reasoning for reading Krugman and other liberals. Until I figured out, they might actually be right on a few points.
I am a Republican, unlike you Kaz, and I hear vicious anti-racist and anti-Mormons from many of the GOP here.

I really hope you are not referring to guys like JoeB. He's about as GOP as Pol Pot.

One more time guy,

Hey, did you hear about the REpublican who raised taxes 11 times, gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS.... yeah, you know, that guy.

ROnald Reagan.

He'd be "Pol Pot" these days to you jokers.

Comparing Reagan to a guy who murdered about three million people, many because their "crime" was that they were educated. Nicely done, Joe. Nicely done. Your feathers are pretty evident at this point. I am sure rDean and TM need friends. You guys would make a nice flock.
I really hope you are not referring to guys like JoeB. He's about as GOP as Pol Pot.

One more time guy,

Hey, did you hear about the REpublican who raised taxes 11 times, gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, appointed two moderates to the SCOTUS.... yeah, you know, that guy.

ROnald Reagan.

He'd be "Pol Pot" these days to you jokers.

Comparing Reagan to a guy who murdered about three million people, many because their "crime" was that they were educated. Nicely done, Joe. Nicely done. Your feathers are pretty evident at this point. I am sure rDean and TM need friends. You guys would make a nice flock.

Um, guy, you are the one who compared me to "Pol Pot". I'm reasonably sure I haven't killed 3 million people, either. So your "outrage", like your intellect, is kind of phony here.
the only people who take the Mensa exam are pretentious people.

Funny, you were praising my intellect the other day while trying to denounce my "bigotry".

Those are the words you chose, and they are kind of telling.

When I used to be more right wing than I am now, I used to use the same reasoning for reading Krugman and other liberals. Until I figured out, they might actually be right on a few points.

Oh you mean Krugman who said 9/11 was great because it would boost the economy? Reckonings - After The Horror - Op-Ed -

So the direct economic impact of the attacks will probably not be that bad. And there will, potentially, be two favorable effects.

First, the driving force behind the economic slowdown has been a plunge in business investment. Now, all of a sudden, we need some new office buildings. As I've already indicated, the destruction isn't big compared with the economy, but rebuilding will generate at least some increase in business spending.

Second, the attack opens the door to some sensible recession-fighting measures. For the last few weeks there has been a heated debate among liberals over whether to advocate the classic Keynesian response to economic slowdown, a temporary burst of public spending. There were plausible economic arguments in favor of such a move, but it was questionable whether Congress could agree on how to spend the money in time to be of any use -- and there was also the certainty that conservatives would refuse to accept any such move unless it were tied to another round of irresponsible long-term tax cuts.

Yeah I can see how you would agree with him
the only people who take the Mensa exam are pretentious people.

Funny, you were praising my intellect the other day while trying to denounce my "bigotry".

Those are the words you chose, and they are kind of telling.

When I used to be more right wing than I am now, I used to use the same reasoning for reading Krugman and other liberals. Until I figured out, they might actually be right on a few points.

Oh you mean Krugman who said 9/11 was great because it would boost the economy? Reckonings - After The Horror - Op-Ed -

So the direct economic impact of the attacks will probably not be that bad. And there will, potentially, be two favorable effects.

First, the driving force behind the economic slowdown has been a plunge in business investment. Now, all of a sudden, we need some new office buildings. As I've already indicated, the destruction isn't big compared with the economy, but rebuilding will generate at least some increase in business spending.

Second, the attack opens the door to some sensible recession-fighting measures. For the last few weeks there has been a heated debate among liberals over whether to advocate the classic Keynesian response to economic slowdown, a temporary burst of public spending. There were plausible economic arguments in favor of such a move, but it was questionable whether Congress could agree on how to spend the money in time to be of any use -- and there was also the certainty that conservatives would refuse to accept any such move unless it were tied to another round of irresponsible long-term tax cuts.

Yeah I can see how you would agree with him

Wow, seriously, that was the best "anti-Krugman" you could google? (whom, by the way had a point some of the time. Other times I think he's crackers.)

Krugman is a dyed in teh wool Keynesian, which I disagree with. Spending money on projects just to keep people employed is foolish. Spending money on public projects to build infrastructure is something Republicans USED to think was a good idea...

See also, Eisenhower and the Interstate Highway System.

Until the GOP got hijacked by people who think that we shouldn't have public works because rich douchebags don't have enough for polo ponies and car elevators, then.
Funny, you were praising my intellect the other day while trying to denounce my "bigotry".

Oh and if you thought I was praising you.....BOY did you misread that one.

Oh, no, I realize that in your limited way, you were trying to be insulting, because, honestly, when you are a hypocrite supporting a guy you don't like, it's really kind of all you have.
No, I'm not.

Yes Joe you are. You hate Mormons, because you disagree with their religious beliefs...welcome to bigot world

NO, I hate Mormons because they believe in bullshit, their philosophy is racist, misogynistic, homophobic and sort of retarded.

And their beliefs are not less racist, misogynistic, homophobic or retarded because you dress them up in vestments and call them a religion.

Incidently, I call fundies out on their anti-Science bullshit and I've called Obama out on Reverand Wright's leanings. I don't treat anyone's religion with respect, really.

The mormons get a higher level of contempt simply because their beliefs are more contemptable.
Funny, you were praising my intellect the other day while trying to denounce my "bigotry".

Oh and if you thought I was praising you.....BOY did you misread that one.

Oh, no, I realize that in your limited way, you were trying to be insulting, because, honestly, when you are a hypocrite supporting a guy you don't like, it's really kind of all you have.

Pffft...yeah you really did misread me. I have been supporting Romney since the beginning, chum. Gonna be pretty hard to paint me as a guy who just jumped on the bandwagon. You know all of those people who went to the primaries and voted for know...the vast fucking majority...yeah I was on their side. Nice fucking try though
No, I'm not.

Yes Joe you are. You hate Mormons, because you disagree with their religious beliefs...welcome to bigot world

NO, I hate Mormons because they believe in bullshit, their philosophy is racist, misogynistic, homophobic and sort of retarded.

In other words you are a bigot. Good fucking Christ you don't even know what a damned bigot is. I would have thought that the consensus on this thread that you fucking started would have given you a clue.
Oh and if you thought I was praising you.....BOY did you misread that one.

Oh, no, I realize that in your limited way, you were trying to be insulting, because, honestly, when you are a hypocrite supporting a guy you don't like, it's really kind of all you have.

Pffft...yeah you really did misread me. I have been supporting Romney since the beginning, chum. Gonna be pretty hard to paint me as a guy who just jumped on the bandwagon. You know all of those people who went to the primaries and voted for know...the vast fucking majority...yeah I was on their side. Nice fucking try though

Umm, actually, at this point, Romney only has a plurality of GOP votes. There were still more votes against him than for him. He hasn't hit 50% yet. Now, he probalby will now that Santorum has figured he might as well wait for Romney to lose and then run in 2016.

But Romney doesn't have any kind of "majority" yet, must less a "vast" one. You do understand words have meanings, right?
In other words you are a bigot. Good fucking Christ you don't even know what a damned bigot is. I would have thought that the consensus on this thread that you fucking started would have given you a clue.

Guy, I let the whipped dogs of political correctness try their best, and not a one of them on that thread really made their point.

Now, if you want to cower and pretend that God told Joseph Smith to fuck those little girls because, heck, you wouldn't want anyone to call you a "bigot" for not respecting their batshit crazy beliefs, and that Jews came to America on ancient submarines (no, seriously, this is what Mormons really believe!) by all means, feel free to do so.

My opinion- if you don't have the reasoning skills to realize when you are being handed a load of bullshit, you don't have the reasoning skills to be trusted with nuclear weapons.

Just sayin'.
Yes, JoeB, you are an ignorant doosh bigot. End of story.

NO, I just don't suck up to bullshit because I hate the black man so bad like you idiots do.

I mean, I almost respect LDS Romney supporters like Listening and Avatar. Those guys think they are going to finally get to sit at the grownup table.

but folks like you who know Mormonism is bullshit, but have convinced yourselves Romney can beat Obama... that's just kind of sad.

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