Democrats have been lying about DeSantis & what he did with Disney

When people or businesses are targeted for the purpose of political retaliation, yeah. It's something we should never allow leaders to do.
How about when government gives them sweet deals that no one’s else qualifies for due to “ politics”?
How about when government gives them sweet deals that no one’s else qualifies for due to “ politics”?
Yep. Another good example. Our nation is governed by laws, not thin-skinned wannabe tyrants.

The sad thing is, Republicans used to stand (at least somewhat) in opposition to this kind of government. Now they're into strong arming businesses that won't play ball - just like Democrats.
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So making corporations pay their fair share is weaponizing? Please explain.

They already do pay their fair share (but it is cute to see you use the lefty phrase).

There are more than 100 Special Tax districts the state of Florida. Only one was attacked and it was done so for the singular reason they disagreed with the Gov of the state.

So, I will ask you right now, are you ok with the state Govt going after a private business for publicly disagreeing with the state government? A simple yes or no will suffice
They already do pay their fair share (but it is cute to see you use the lefty phrase).

There are more than 100 Special Tax districts the state of Florida. Only one was attacked and it was done so for the singular reason they disagreed with the Gov of the state.

So, I will ask you right now, are you ok with the state Govt going after a private business for publicly disagreeing with the state government? A simple yes or no will suffice

A simple yes or no will not suffice. No, I don’t think using the power of Government to target or punish a business, person or group is right. But, given how Democrats do it all of the time, I am enjoying watching your side all of the sudden get a conscience about the practice and have issues with it….. which is also why I am purposely using the lefty phrases.
But, given how Democrats do it all of the time, I am enjoying watching your side all of the sudden get a conscience about the practice and have issues with it….. which is also why I am purposely using the lefty phrases.

I do not have a side, but I do appreciate you once again confirming there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs
I do not have a side, but I do appreciate you once again confirming there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs
So where were you when Democrats used the IRS against Conservative groups?
I do not have a side, but I do appreciate you once again confirming there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs
What is your position when Obama’s Lois Lerner shit herself about the IRS she was overseeing was targeting conservative groups and she ran away from the cameras when asked about it?
I read the agreement, nothing changed for their tax situation, NOTHING. Have someone read it to you!
I watched a video on the subject where a Florida lawyer that specializes in special districts explained it in detail. ( which I posted). And you are wrong.
So where were you when Democrats used the IRS against Conservative groups?

Same place I am now, saying it was wrong. Thus the difference between us.

What is your position when Obama’s Lois Lerner shit herself about the IRS she was overseeing was targeting conservative groups and she ran away from the cameras when asked about it?

She should have lost her job and perhaps gone to jail. The joy of not being a mindless partisan drone such as yourself is I can say it is wrong no matter which side does it.
Same place I am now, saying it was wrong. Thus the difference between us.

She should have lost her job and perhaps gone to jail. The joy of not being a mindless partisan drone such as yourself is I can say it is wrong no matter which side does it.
I’m not a drone. I think by and large, Republicans are milquetoast pussies who want to be accepted by extremely corrupt Democrats. I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16 and am definitely not voting for him in ‘24. How well do you think you know me?
I watched a video on the subject where a Florida lawyer that specializes in special districts explained it in detail. ( which I posted). And you are wrong.
I actually read the law that was written. YOU are incorrect, nothing changed on how Disney is taxed. Not 1 thing. Have someone read it to you.
Republicans lie too but when they do the liberal media jumps on them hard. The liberal media tends to promote the lies the Democrats make. Without the black vote and the liberal media the Democratic Party would be extinct today.
Does the conservative right wing media jump on conservatives when they lie? Or only liberals? :rolleyes:

Or, does the right wing media just contribute and spread the right wing lies, for ratings and money?
Democrats lie about all their Republican opponents and the MSM backs all their lies. The big question is, which Republicans will be able to handle that relentless media onslaught? Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswami and Pompeo are all superior candidates to anything Democrats can possibly offer. But how many of them can overcome our totally biased, vicious media.
Democrats lie about all their Republican opponents and the MSM backs all their lies. The big question is, which Republicans will be able to handle that relentless media onslaught? Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswami and Pompeo are all superior candidates to anything Democrats can possibly offer. But how many of them can overcome our totally biased, vicious media.
Not a single right winger watches or listens to or reads the main stream media and've been brainwashed by the right wing media that it is all FAKE NEWS...a Trumpster term.

Republicans lie about all their Democratic opponents and the Right wing Media backs ALL their lies.
I actually read the law that was written. YOU are incorrect, nothing changed on how Disney is taxed. Not 1 thing. Have someone read it to you.
Hmmm who do I believe? A lawyer in Florida that specializes in special districts or some left propoganda spewer on the internet.


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