Democrats Have Just 15 Months to Pick a Leader Who'll Beat Trump

Biden repeatedly beats Trump in the polls and does well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona

Trump can’t win without them

He already won them. Remember, dems are starting from behind in the electoral count in 2020. Libs are looked down upon now with their vitriol and hate for this country. Americans are tired of their lies.

It looks like Republicans are starting from behind. My current map has Democrats at 268 to Republicans' 182. Some polls show Biden with a lead in Texas and Ohio. Trump and the Republicans are the ones wo are looked down upon especially by suburban voters and especially suburban female voters. In 2018, Democrats took suburban House seats even in red states like South Carolina and Oklahoma. Americans are tired of Trump's lies.

That was the exact same thing that was said in 2016. No, libs are starting from behind. Americans are tired of liberal lies.
Unfortunately for Democrats they put all of their eggs in the impeachment basket only to watch it tumble off Half Dome and make a 4000 foot plunge onto granite.


Really? Each one of those has already supplied hours of quotes that will be used by Trump 2020 against them. And he hasn't even begun to campaign to put them on the spot yet. And what are they going to beat Trump on? Russia? Most Americans acknowledge it was just a political game of lies. Economy? Healthcare? Taxes? Let's go back to the Obama years!

You know why Democrats have a no win lineup don't you?

Hillary was the anointed one and should be running for reelection right now. The Democratic Party not only never bothered to raise up good candidates but made sure anyone who was good was kept out of the race.

And look what's ahead for 2024: The Squad.

The Democratic Party committed suicide.

Fox News Poll: Biden holds commanding lead for Democratic nomination
Biden repeatedly beats Trump in the polls and does well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona

Trump can’t win without them

So did HRC. How did that turn out for her?

That corrupt bitch spent $1.4 billion versus $400 million for Trump and she fucking lost.

She is literally the worst candidate that ever ran on a big party ticket.

Mickey Mouse write ins should have gotten more votes than Crooked Hillary

Trump was a equally bad candidate. That is why Trump won by less than 100,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. There was a poll in 2016 that showed Obama would beat Trump by 10 and Romney would beat Clinton by 9.

Polls are meaningless and it is fewer than 100,000 votes not "less". But a win is a win is a win.

HRC barely beat Trump in Colorado, Delaware, Maine (20k votes), Minny (44k), Nevada (25k), NH (3k), New Mex (65k) by your measure,

If Clinton had won 5% more in every state, she would have picked up 112 EVs. ad Trump won 5% more, Trump would have picked up 31 EVs. We saw the destruction of the Reagan coalition by Trump. It was damaged in 2016 and destroyed in 2018. Suburban voters especially females have rebelled against the GOP and will again in 2020.

Let's look at the states in 2018.

Michigan - Republicans lost the Senate seat and the Governor's seat. Women heavily favored Democrat candidates and will again in 2020. I suspect the GOP post-election power grab will backfire on them. Most interesting exit poll question. Sexual harassment in this country today is: a very serious problem, somewhat serious problem, not too serious of a problem and not a serious problem. 50% said it was a very serious problem which was higher than the national average.

Pennsylvania - Same as Michigan. Suburban women heavily favored Democrats. Also more voters than the national average thought sexual harassment as a very serious problem.

Minnesota - there were 2 Senate seats and the Governor's mansion up for grabs. The closest
Republicans got was 9 points. .The Governor's race had a Republican candidate with similarities to Trump and Democrats won easily.

Colorado - Democrats easily retained the Governor's seat, took the last part of the legislature they didn't control and gained a US House seat. The fact that Colorado has a above the national average number of well educated voters dooms the GOP.

Nevada - Democrats took complete control of the state legislature, picked up the Governor's mansion beating a member of the Laxalt family, picked up a US Senate and US House seat.

New Hampshire - Democrats took complete control of the legislature and won both US House seats.

New Mexico - Democrats took the Governor's mansion, retained the US house seat.

In other states.

Georgia - Republicans had to pull every dirty trick to narrowly retain the Governor's mansion and Democrats picked up 1 US House seat and narrowly lost another. Republicans have given suburban voters even more of a reason to vote against them by passing a far right extremist anti-abortion law.

Arizona - Democrats won 2 statewide offices for the first time, picked up a US Senate seat and US House seat.
Biden repeatedly beats Trump in the polls and does well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona

Trump can’t win without them

So did HRC. How did that turn out for her?

That corrupt bitch spent $1.4 billion versus $400 million for Trump and she fucking lost.

She is literally the worst candidate that ever ran on a big party ticket.

Mickey Mouse write ins should have gotten more votes than Crooked Hillary

Trump was a equally bad candidate. That is why Trump won by less than 100,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. There was a poll in 2016 that showed Obama would beat Trump by 10 and Romney would beat Clinton by 9.

Polls are meaningless and it is fewer than 100,000 votes not "less". But a win is a win is a win.

HRC barely beat Trump in Colorado, Delaware, Maine (20k votes), Minny (44k), Nevada (25k), NH (3k), New Mex (65k) by your measure,

If Clinton had won 5% more in every state, she would have picked up 112 EVs. ad Trump won 5% more, Trump would have picked up 31 EVs. We saw the destruction of the Reagan coalition by Trump. It was damaged in 2016 and destroyed in 2018. Suburban voters especially females have rebelled against the GOP and will again in 2020.

Let's look at the states in 2018.

Michigan - Republicans lost the Senate seat and the Governor's seat. Women heavily favored Democrat candidates and will again in 2020. I suspect the GOP post-election power grab will backfire on them. Most interesting exit poll question. Sexual harassment in this country today is: a very serious problem, somewhat serious problem, not too serious of a problem and not a serious problem. 50% said it was a very serious problem which was higher than the national average.

Pennsylvania - Same as Michigan. Suburban women heavily favored Democrats. Also more voters than the national average thought sexual harassment as a very serious problem.

Minnesota - there were 2 Senate seats and the Governor's mansion up for grabs. The closest
Republicans got was 9 points. .The Governor's race had a Republican candidate with similarities to Trump and Democrats won easily.

Colorado - Democrats easily retained the Governor's seat, took the last part of the legislature they didn't control and gained a US House seat. The fact that Colorado has a above the national average number of well educated voters dooms the GOP.

Nevada - Democrats took complete control of the state legislature, picked up the Governor's mansion beating a member of the Laxalt family, picked up a US Senate and US House seat.

New Hampshire - Democrats took complete control of the legislature and won both US House seats.

New Mexico - Democrats took the Governor's mansion, retained the US house seat.

In other states.

Georgia - Republicans had to pull every dirty trick to narrowly retain the Governor's mansion and Democrats picked up 1 US House seat and narrowly lost another. Republicans have given suburban voters even more of a reason to vote against them by passing a far right extremist anti-abortion law.

Arizona - Democrats won 2 statewide offices for the first time, picked up a US Senate seat and US House seat.

But that always happens as people generally want checks and balances. Why would people vote against their own pocketbook. I gave you numerous states where it could have gone red and you ignored it. You’re also ignoring the fact that Trump got people to vote who had not voted in years or ever. He is not really even a true Republican. Democrats won a Senate seat in Alabama because the idiot Republicans ran a sexual predator and he still almost won. Generally the economy decides the election.

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