Democrats helped create income inequality

Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.
You're missing the part that Dem policies increase income inquality. If you want more equality vote GOP.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.
You're missing the part that Dem policies increase income inquality. If you want more equality vote GOP.
Nonsense. Both parties are guilty. We need a job guarantee.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.
You're missing the part that Dem policies increase income inquality. If you want more equality vote GOP.
Nonsense. Both parties are guilty. We need a job guarantee.
Go read the OP and quit trolling.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.

You're talking like a brainwashed Socialist.

Free market capitalism has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever created by man. No other system comes remotely close. This "labor is being shafted" bullshit is from the Communist "workers party" propaganda. It is precisely the message which brought Chairman Mao to power in China... resulting in the deaths of over 50 million.

Wages are stagnant because 83 years ago, we allowed a Socialist to implement "a living wage" we call the "minimum wage" which effectively baselined labor costs. Removing labor cost from free market competition-driven forces is what has created wage stagnation. Without that Socialist measure, labor forces could have negotiated wages in proportion to value in the market. But instead, we have this arbitrary baseline which the government sets at it's discretion... which is generally in accordance with what their big crony corporate interests dictate. Ironically, you point to an example of Socialism failing to promote MORE Socialism.

As for "Climate Change" it's a scam perpetrated by Socialist governments to shake down free market capitalists. There is no science to support it and any science associated with it has been proven to be fraudulent.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.

You're talking like a brainwashed Socialist.

Free market capitalism has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever created by man. No other system comes remotely close. This "labor is being shafted" bullshit is from the Communist "workers party" propaganda. It is precisely the message which brought Chairman Mao to power in China... resulting in the deaths of over 50 million.

Wages are stagnant because 83 years ago, we allowed a Socialist to implement "a living wage" we call the "minimum wage" which effectively baselined labor costs. Removing labor cost from free market competition-driven forces is what has created wage stagnation. Without that Socialist measure, labor forces could have negotiated wages in proportion to value in the market. But instead, we have this arbitrary baseline which the government sets at it's discretion... which is generally in accordance with what their big crony corporate interests dictate. Ironically, you point to an example of Socialism failing to promote MORE Socialism.

As for "Climate Change" it's a scam perpetrated by Socialist governments to shake down free market capitalists. There is no science to support it and any science associated with it has been proven to be fraudulent.
I recognize the reality of the modern economy. The market as we know it only exists because of the united states government.
Indeed it has, I am not against capitalism. Stop running with that bullshit.
What the fuck? How are you relating the revolution in china to american wage stagnation and the decline of unions?
"83 years ago." You're wrong. Literally, you're wrong. I'm sorry, but this site is full of so many illiterate ideological hacks that want to ignore basic economic reality to fit their ideology.
Look at this:

A minimum wage can't be demonstrated to have overall negative or positive affects, however, the majority agree that the benefits outweigh the cons.
"Negotiated in proportion to the market."
That's not what happened before the minimum wage. It's why union members fought and sometimes died for a tiny wage.
Claiming you know more about every world government on earth and the majority of scientists is remarkable. Truly, remarkable. I'm not debating climate change, it's pointless, like debating evolution. One side believes in a grand conspiracy, the other understands how to read evidence.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.
You're missing the part that Dem policies increase income inquality. If you want more equality vote GOP.
The GOP wants to "balance the budget," essentially cutting off the private sectors access to liability free dollars, causing the private sector to take on debt. The GOP believes that the wealthiest are more essential to "job creation" then the people who actually generate demand.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.
You're missing the part that Dem policies increase income inquality. If you want more equality vote GOP.
The GOP wants to "balance the budget," essentially cutting off the private sectors access to liability free dollars, causing the private sector to take on debt. The GOP believes that the wealthiest are more essential to "job creation" then the people who actually generate demand.
You're missing the part that Dem policies increase income inquality. If you want more equality vote GOP.
Income inequality is a real issue.

It's a "real issue" like climate change is a real issue. There is no question that the climate changes. Whether man contributes and to what extent, is the real question. The same is true with income inequality... it happens naturally as the result of free market capitalist action.

Imagine our free market economy as a marathon race. You have some runners who are seasoned veterans in wealth acquisition... they know how to do it well... You have some runners who are aspiring to be great... And you have some runners who are proverbial couch potatoes. The veterans represent the wealthy, the 'aspiring to be greats' represent the middle class and the couch potatoes are the poor. This marathon lasts for months but each day, the results are tabulated and we can see where everyone in the marathon is at. Okay, after the first day or two, it becomes clear the veterans are leading the pack, the aspiring are next and the couch potatoes are lagging behind. Each day that passes, the veterans are going to be further ahead, the gap between themselves and the aspiring is growing but the gap between the aspiring and the couch potatoes is growing even more.

This isn't a problem, it is a result of a natural phenomenon. There will never be a time in the marathon where the couch potatoes are gaining ground on the veterans. The inequality will continue to widen throughout the marathon and this is a natural consequence. And the same thing applies to wealth inequality... it is a natural consequence of free market capitalism. There will always be people who make more money than others because they have the tools, the experience, the know-how... they are the seasoned veterans. There will always be the couch potatoes lagging further and further behind because they lack the motivation, they lack the tools and know-how.

Your idea for a solution is to somehow hobble the veterans so they cannot gain ground and hopefully, the couch potatoes can catch up... but you see, that is a stupid failure of an idea. It completely destroys the concept and purpose of the marathon to do such a thing. A MUCH better idea and approach would be to motivate the couch potatoes, inspire them, teach them and train them up to be "aspiring" and at the same time, help the "aspiring" to be greater... to learn the tools of the veterans... encourage them on... promote greatness. You won't ever completely resolve the wealth inequality issue but you can mitigate it to a certain degree by encouraging success instead of punishing it.
I'll bite.
Climate change is a real issue, the science is settled, all world governments agree, action is being taken.
Income inequality has become a real issue since the 70's and the rise of neoliberalism. A government that stands by and allows resources to be unused is pathetic. The private sector cannot function without the federal government providing liability free dollars through deficit spending. Your analogy about the free market has nothing to do with my income inequality point, if anything, it shows that the government needs to step in and make sure the poor/middle class have dollars to spend. Your analogy fails because, unfortunately, most new income is getting taken in by the wealthiest, hurting our economy because the wealthy tend to simply save. Hobble the veterans? What? The wealthy have been taking in income CONSTANTLY for decades, no stagnation, and businesses are booming. Labor has been shafted, for decades. It literally can't go on like this, especially with dumbasses believing we can go on without any new liability free dollars. Dumbasses who want to run a "surplus" and take more from the poor/middle class while not adding any new liability free dollars, forcing the private sector to turn to debt. Yeah, it's nice to use ideological nonsense to justify the shrinking middle class and numbers in poverty/unemployed. Unfortunately, the real world is different. You see, we have the people in government that follow NAIRU, you know, making sure unemployment doesn't get to low. Let's not forget the decades of stagnant wages.

You're talking like a brainwashed Socialist.

Free market capitalism has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever created by man. No other system comes remotely close. This "labor is being shafted" bullshit is from the Communist "workers party" propaganda. It is precisely the message which brought Chairman Mao to power in China... resulting in the deaths of over 50 million.

Wages are stagnant because 83 years ago, we allowed a Socialist to implement "a living wage" we call the "minimum wage" which effectively baselined labor costs. Removing labor cost from free market competition-driven forces is what has created wage stagnation. Without that Socialist measure, labor forces could have negotiated wages in proportion to value in the market. But instead, we have this arbitrary baseline which the government sets at it's discretion... which is generally in accordance with what their big crony corporate interests dictate. Ironically, you point to an example of Socialism failing to promote MORE Socialism.

As for "Climate Change" it's a scam perpetrated by Socialist governments to shake down free market capitalists. There is no science to support it and any science associated with it has been proven to be fraudulent.
I recognize the reality of the modern economy. The market as we know it only exists because of the united states government.
Indeed it has, I am not against capitalism. Stop running with that bullshit.
What the fuck? How are you relating the revolution in china to american wage stagnation and the decline of unions?
"83 years ago." You're wrong. Literally, you're wrong. I'm sorry, but this site is full of so many illiterate ideological hacks that want to ignore basic economic reality to fit their ideology.
Look at this:

A minimum wage can't be demonstrated to have overall negative or positive affects, however, the majority agree that the benefits outweigh the cons.
"Negotiated in proportion to the market."
That's not what happened before the minimum wage. It's why union members fought and sometimes died for a tiny wage.
Claiming you know more about every world government on earth and the majority of scientists is remarkable. Truly, remarkable. I'm not debating climate change, it's pointless, like debating evolution. One side believes in a grand conspiracy, the other understands how to read evidence.
Are you off your meds? That was a word-salad of a post demonstrating at the minimum you dont knwo what you're talking about
I recognize the reality of the modern economy. The market as we know it only exists because of the united states government.
Indeed it has, I am not against capitalism. Stop running with that bullshit.
What the fuck? How are you relating the revolution in china to american wage stagnation and the decline of unions?

Have you ever studied the revolution in China and what sparked it? Let me clue you in... The Top 1% (capitalists) control all your wealth and the Bottom 99% (the workers) have nothing. Sound like a familiar argument? It should.

If you support the "1% vs. 99%" mantra, you are literally supporting the message which brought about the "People's Revolution" in China... which in turn, caused the death of over 50 million. It began with the people who knew how to generate economic prosperity, the capitalists. It ended with the dissidents who opposed the Communist monster they had created.

"83 years ago." You're wrong. Literally, you're wrong. I'm sorry, but this site is full of so many illiterate ideological hacks that want to ignore basic economic reality to fit their ideology.
Look at this:

Yes, this is a typical propaganda graphic that is intended to show us how "unfair" things are for "the worker" and how "evil capitalists" have taken advantage of you... rise up people, start a revolution!

It's curious.... the widening gap between "productivity" and "hourly compensation" follows very closely with the advent of computers and computer technology. So we have a chart which conveniently shows a 20-year span between '48 and '68 where (supposedly) compensation was in line with productivity.... we don't know what this was based upon, we have to assume the creators of the graph had some means of determining this... but then, in or around 1970, something incredible starts to happen... there is a boom in productivity while compensation fails to rise in proportion! Oh my! What is happening there? Must be that greedy capitalists pigs are taking advantage of the lowly worker... rise up people, start a revolution!

A minimum wage can't be demonstrated to have overall negative or positive affects, however, the majority agree that the benefits outweigh the cons.

But certainly it can. Follow the rules of free market capitalism... Supply and demand. Furthermore, in 1933, when FDR enacted the Minimum Wage, he stated that there was no place in this nation for companies who could not pay their workers a living wage. For 83 years we've been chasing that idea and failing to reach it because it is currently the theme of modern liberalism. It is a carrot on stick that we will never reach. You've baselined labor costs. The capitalists are fine with this... it allows them to calculate cost of labor more efficiently and thus, create more profit. Every so often, we raise the MW a bit and the capitalists adjust their formulas and life goes on. You've removed the individual from having the ability to negotiate a higher compensation because everything is now predicated on this arbitrary standard set by the government.

"Negotiated in proportion to the market."
That's not what happened before the minimum wage. It's why union members fought and sometimes died for a tiny wage.
Claiming you know more about every world government on earth and the majority of scientists is remarkable. Truly, remarkable.

But it certainly DID happen, all the way up until the Great Depression. When the economy collapsed, people panicked and elected a Socialist who implemented Socialist solutions. Many of them failed right away and had to be discarded. A great many economists argue the earliest policies of FDR actually lengthened the Great Depression and had they not happened, it might have been a depression no worse than several others which came before it.

I'm not debating climate change, it's pointless, like debating evolution. One side believes in a grand conspiracy, the other understands how to read evidence.

Well I believe the climate changes, it was nearly 80 degrees today in Alabama where a month ago it was just above freezing. So the climate, I can attest, certainly changes. Also, evolutionary changes happen which is why we have black bears and polar bears. MAN causing catastrophic warming of the overall planet... that's not happening. MAN being the ultimate evolutionary product of a common single cell organism... not something that happened. No science to support it... never has been... never will be.

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