Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

A girl is more likely to be raped by her own father than a transgendered person. Using your logic you should probably move away from your family.
Like all left-wing ideologues, you completely fail to understand the issue. It is not about being raped by a "transgender" person. It's about allowing any man into a women's facility - which includes all male sexual predators.

Think. For once in your life, stop and think. Stop being emotional and allowing what feels good to rule your mind, and start using your mind to rule (as it was designed for). You're so wrapped up in the left-wing narrative of the "poor transgender" that you don't even understand the actual issue.
A girl is more likely to be raped by her own father than a transgendered person. Using your logic you should probably move away from your family.
Like all left-wing ideologues, you completely fail to understand the issue. It is not about being raped by a "transgender" person. It's about allowing any man into a women's facility - which includes all male sexual predators.

Think. For once in your life, stop and think. Stop being emotional and allowing what feels good to rule your mind, and start using your mind to rule (as it was designed for). You're so wrapped up in the left-wing narrative of the "poor transgender" that you don't even understand the actual issue.
What you are wetting your pants over doesn't even exist. Do grow up (and a pair).
I already posted a link about this. Target's stock went down because their business model sucks.
Yes you did "already post a link about this", sweetie. And it was pure, idiotic, left-wing propaganda. It means nothing. Target's "business model" was the same it had always been. It didn't suddenly start "sucking" right when it coincided with the announcement that Target would ensure women were made available to be victims for sexual predators.

That article is just a desperate left-wing attempt to convince the minions they don't have to fear the blowback from Americans when it comes to indecency. Clearly it is working on you. :laugh:
What you are wetting your pants over doesn't even exist.
Leave it to the left to deny reality! It's always ideology over reality with these dimwits.

What you are wetting your pants over doesn't even exist.
Come on queer...tell us all again how this "doesn't exist". This is really embarrassing for you. And just to show I'm not sitting here scouring the internet to find some story to burn you - you can see my original post on this from April 22, 2016 here.
Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool. The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”

He returned to the restroom for a second time later that evening, when young girls were changing for swim practice.
In short - you are an asshole. But then - everybody already knew that.

Wash. man uses women's bathroom to test transgender ruling
Ah, that's you.
And now the juvenile goes with the "I'm're glue" defense. :lmao:
Appropriate in this case. You are stuck on cock (and which bathroom it might be in).
I rest my case ladies & gentlemen. I talk about young children and the age old response of "I'm're glue" and somehow that takes RightyTighty's mind to "cock". Ask yourselves this one question friends - what kind of sick person immediately associates a saying from young children with "cock"??? :dunno:
What you are wetting your pants over doesn't even exist.
Come on queer...tell us all again how this "doesn't exist". This is really embarrassing for you. And just to show I'm not sitting here scouring the internet to find some story to burn you - you can see my original post on this from April 22, 2016 here.
Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool. The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”

He returned to the restroom for a second time later that evening, when young girls were changing for swim practice.
In short - you are an asshole. But then - everybody already knew that.

Wash. man uses women's bathroom to test transgender ruling
So, some asshole like you decides to be a prick. No one was harmed and especially, raped.

There are always little dicks around, trying to fuck things up for others just because they can. And had my wife been there, he'd still be looking for his missing balls.
Ah, that's you.
And now the juvenile goes with the "I'm're glue" defense. :lmao:
Appropriate in this case. You are stuck on cock (and which bathroom it might be in).
I rest my case ladies & gentlemen. I talk about young children and the age old response of "I'm're glue" and somehow that takes RightyTighty's mind to "cock". Ask yourselves this one question friends - what kind of sick person immediately associates a saying from young children with "cock"??? :dunno:
Well, roughly 50% of young children do have cocks. Need I explain what the other roughly 50% have? And then there are the more unusual ones but that would be far beyond you.
No one was harmed and especially, raped.
Wait..."no one was harmed"? Really? Then why was this a national news story? You don't believe the young teenage girls who were forced to strip in front of this animal were harmed? Man are you one sick fuck. Every rational person in the world (which eliminates pedophiles of course) would never proclaim that "nobody was harmed" when a man shows up to to a women's locker room to watch teenage girls undress.

And stop calling your partner your "wife", gay boi.
Well, roughly 50% of young children do have cocks.
Anyone else see a pattern here? Queer boi RightyTighty hasn't made a single post yet that hasn't included the word "cock" or some form of reference to it and now he keeps adding children to it in his last half a dozen posts or so.

And come to think of it...his avatar is freaking Elmo. :uhh:

(I cannot wait until the F.B.I. takes this sick creep down. The world will be a much safer place).

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.


whst should the punishment be?
Democrats raping their own liberal women at political rally's where those poor women are supporting the idiot liberal Dumbocrat cause... More disturbing than that, look at the situation in Dallas from this article where it was a GIRL - not a woman - who was raped.

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps

Just because the actions of some Democrats this is the way you say all Democrats are.

What about how much Republican and conservative policy suppresses women. The right to an abortion. Democrats advocate equal pay in the workplace. Democrats are for Planned Parenthood, all things Republicans are against. Planned Parenthood provides cheap services to women who are poor who can't get services anywhere else. My ex-wife went there to get blood work and got it done cheaper then what she would be charged in a doctor's office.

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