Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

Like Viagra
Yeah, stupid. The male penis is designed by nature to get erect. If it doesn't, then there is a legitimate medical issue.

How dumb are you??? :laugh:
Getting a hard-on is medically necessary so you can fuck the wife?
If it's not functioning as it should - that is a legitimate medical issue. Nobody said anything about "necessity", dimwit. It is not a necessity to hear - but hearing aids for hearing loss is a legitimate medical issue.
Like Viagra
Yeah, stupid. The male penis is designed by nature to get erect. If it doesn't, then there is a legitimate medical issue.

How dumb are you??? :laugh:
Getting a hard-on is medically necessary so you can fuck the wife?
If it's not functioning as it should - that is a legitimate medical issue. Nobody said anything about "necessity", dimwit. It is not a necessity to hear - but hearing aids for hearing loss is a legitimate medical issue.
I'm very interested in your what medical procedures you'd ban list? Please continue.
I'm very interested in your what medical procedures you'd ban list? Please continue.
As a fascist, I'm sure you are fascinated with anything that involves banning. I'm not much for banning, however. I simply believe that physicians should uphold their hippocratic oath and be held accountable when they don't (such as indulging a mentally ill patient with medications and mutilations which aren't even remotely medically necessary).
I'm very interested in your what medical procedures you'd ban list? Please continue.
As a fascist, I'm sure you are fascinated with anything that involves banning. I'm not much for banning, however. I simply believe that physicians should uphold their hippocratic oath and be held accountable when they don't (such as indulging a mentally ill patient with medications and mutilations which aren't even remotely medically necessary).
And now we are up to remotely medically necessary? Are boob and nose jobs in there?

And I'm still waiting to know why getting a hard-on is medically necessary? Is playing your little dick a medically necessary act?

You'd ban sex-changes and transgender medical treatment but a boob job and Viagra are a okay?
You'd ban sex-changes and transgender medical treatment but a boob job and Viagra are a okay?
We've already covered this. The fact that you are forced to lie over and over just proves you've had your ass kicked. That's what happens though when you allow emotions to rule over logic.
You'd ban sex-changes and transgender medical treatment but a boob job and Viagra are a okay?
We've already covered this. The fact that you are forced to lie over and over just proves you've had your ass kicked. That's what happens though when you allow emotions to rule over logic.
So, you wouldn't ban them then? Please do, make up your mind.
Is playing your little dick a medically necessary act?
"Rightytighty" not only has a queer screen name, but he's also obsessed with penises and viagra :uhh:
I can say, quite honestly, my penis and I are very - attached.
From the sound of it, you are attached to a lot of penises. :lmao:
Just mine and if you don't think this is a call for a ban, I can't help you.

"Wouldn't be an issue at all if LWNJ physicians weren't violating their oath."

Your words.
I'm reading exactly what you say. you're not.
You started with "medically necessary" have moved on to "remotely medically necessary". Your words.
At no point did I "move on to" remotely medically necessary as a standard. I'm not being sarcastic - you really do have the most atrocious reading comprehension I have encountered on USMB (and that is saying a lot).
Just mine and if you don't think this is a call for a ban, I can't help you.

"Wouldn't be an issue at all if LWNJ physicians weren't violating their oath."

Your words.
And if you think that is a "call for a ban", then you have in fact illustrated your extraordinary lack of reading comprehension.

(Psst...stupid....since you've humiliated yourself enough - allow me to clue you in: it is essentially already "banned". I'm merely proposing we actually enforce the Hippocratic oath)
I'm reading exactly what you say. you're not.
You started with "medically necessary" have moved on to "remotely medically necessary". Your words.
At no point did I "move on to" remotely medically necessary as a standard. I'm not being sarcastic - you really do have the most atrocious reading comprehension I have encountered on USMB (and that is saying a lot).
You used those words. I never said you said that was the standard. Reading comprehension issues?
Just mine and if you don't think this is a call for a ban, I can't help you.

"Wouldn't be an issue at all if LWNJ physicians weren't violating their oath."

Your words.
And if you think that is a "call for a ban", then you have in fact illustrated your extraordinary lack of reading comprehension.

(Psst...stupid....since you've humiliated yourself enough - allow me to clue you in: it is essentially already "banned". I'm merely proposing we actually enforce the Hippocratic oath)
How does First, do no harm apply to a - boob or nose job (done for vanity)? Do tell?
Allowing transgendered people to use the bathroom they are most comfortable with has absolutely nothing to do with what you are posting.
It has everything to do with it. For one thing, the "comfort" of a mentally disturbed, sexually deviant should not supersede the comfort of all of society. My wife, my daughters, and my mother doesn't want these animals in there with them. What about their comfort?!?

Second, there is no way to know who is transgender and who is not. Which is causing sexual predators to cash in on the left-wing idiocy. The left lives to make women victims.

Third, I asked you a simple question and you ran from it. I'll ask you again - if this was already an issue prior to 2015, why in the hell would you support something that made it even easier for sexual predators to make women victims? :uhh:

A girl is more likely to be raped by her own father than a transgendered person. Using your logic you should probably move away from your family.
Do you people really think a practically non-existent boycott of Target is making any sort of impact?
Millions of people have boycotted Target and it is working. Their business plummeted right after the petition circulated. Some left-wing propaganda denying it (designed to discourage it) means nothing.

We have them on the verge of going out of business. I hope this incident finishes the job - for women everywhere.

I already posted a link about this. Target's stock went down because their business model sucks.

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