Democrats look to win governor's races in Trump country on Tuesday

A bit of a bell-weather election cycle? I guess we'll see:

Democrats look to win governor's races in Trump country on Tuesday

"In what would be a troubling sign for Republicans ahead of next year's elections, Democrats have a shot at seizing the governor's mansions in two Southern states President Trump won handily in 2016.
In Kentucky, Republican Governor Matt Bevin is looking to keep his job amid a strong challenge from Democrat Steve Beshear, the state's attorney general. Meanwhile in Mississippi, Democrat Jim Hood could pull off an upset win against Republican Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves, the GOP's gubernatorial nominee.
Mr. Trump has held rallies for the Republican nominees in both states as Republicans try to focus both races on national issues such as immigration and impeachment. The president remains popular in Kentucky and Mississippi and hopes he can turn out his base in what are typically low-turnout elections.
Democrats, on the other hand, are trying to keep the focus on local issues in the hopes that they can cobble together enough voters to beat the GOP in these ruby-red states."
Piece of shit losertarian is costing the GOP the governors race right now in Kentucky...Right now GOP candidate is losing BUT 1 red county hasn't come in at all and 4 GOP counties he is leading handily so hopefully he can pull this off.

You lost your hope.

NBC just called Beshear the apparent winner.

Seems like people don't like the government trying to take away their health insurance.

Who knew?
No one was "taking away insurance" try getting off your lazy asses and working,volunteering or going to school to get it. I am in school as is my wife she is almost done. I will wait until OFFICIAL results are in...
You’re lying again. Bevin was trying to eliminate the Medicaid expansion, which would have thrown over 100,000 people off of healthcare.
Nope. Wrong as usual. Get off your ass go to college,volunteer or get a job THEN you qualify for medicaid expansion. Fucking freeloaders.
Go on up to some Kentucky hollow and tell the poor people who can’t afford medical bills (which is why they don’t go to the doctor) that they’re lazy freeloaders.
Looks like the democrat won the ky election by half of 1 %

After the polls said he would win by 17%

So the polls does election rigging by energizing the democrats and deflating the republicans

That is election rigging and high treason

And the election will have the men electing the republican and the more women electing the democrat

That monster gender gap will bring martial law to stop the unwise from electing crooks

The men will finally have had enough of women getting brainwashed and electing crooks to destroy the nation

This will increase the chance for martial law to bring logic tests for voting
The polls didn’t say Beshear would win by 17% you fucking liar.
Public schools that work for the democrats should have to face campaigning finance violations
Piece of shit losertarian is costing the GOP the governors race right now in Kentucky...Right now GOP candidate is losing BUT 1 red county hasn't come in at all and 4 GOP counties he is leading handily so hopefully he can pull this off.

You lost your hope.

NBC just called Beshear the apparent winner.

Seems like people don't like the government trying to take away their health insurance.

Who knew?
No one was "taking away insurance" try getting off your lazy asses and working,volunteering or going to school to get it. I am in school as is my wife she is almost done. I will wait until OFFICIAL results are in...
You’re lying again. Bevin was trying to eliminate the Medicaid expansion, which would have thrown over 100,000 people off of healthcare.
Nope. Wrong as usual. Get off your ass go to college,volunteer or get a job THEN you qualify for medicaid expansion. Fucking freeloaders.
Go on up to some Kentucky hollow and tell the poor people who can’t afford medical bills (which is why they don’t go to the doctor) that they’re lazy freeloaders.
Then get a job,volunteer or go to college...easy as can be!
View attachment 288240 State is 95%’red but because of democrats Control of the schools in the city absolutely no diversity of thought.. probably massive amounts of cheating.
How do you figure 95 percent Red?
More like 55 percent
Because the pic I posted was bright red lol

Yes mass amount of cheating plus the brainwashed women’s vote

Which will raise the chance for martial law to stop the unwise from voting in of crooks that destroys the nation
View attachment 288240 State is 95%’red but because of democrats Control of the schools in the city absolutely no diversity of thought.. probably massive amounts of cheating.
How do you figure 95 percent Red?
More like 55 percent
Because the pic I posted was bright red lol

People vote, not land
People live on land.. the state is 98% red lol
Wow poor democrats hahah
All red baby !
Beshear still holding on by 5 thousand votes in KY
Looks like the democrat won the ky election by half of 1 %

After the polls said he would win by 17%

So the polls does election rigging by energizing the democrats and deflating the republicans

That is election rigging and high treason

And the election will have the men electing the republican and the more women electing the democrat

That monster gender gap will bring martial law to stop the unwise from electing crooks

The men will finally have had enough of women getting brainwashed and electing crooks to destroy the nation

This will increase the chance for martial law to bring logic tests for voting
The polls didn’t say Beshear would win by 17% you fucking liar.

Wrong dead wrong

Go to Nate silvers site to see that

Also the NC race had the dem to win by 15 points but lost by 2 so we see a consistent pattern of 16-17 point errors by the polls

That is election rigging and high treason and increases the chance for martial law since the men with the higher logic votes opposite of the women

A logic test for voting will come from the martial law that locks up all these crooked democrats

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