Democrats misuse definition of insurrection, like they do many other terms

Don't know. I use the dictionary definition, and it's as clear as day.

You can call it a "saxophone" if it makes you feel better. I don't care.
Yet no one is charged with that crime.
It was political , tramp was trying to do a coup and he sent a mob to the capital. Ask who it was violent for??
Why were the people arrested not charged with these things?
I didn't vote for Trump and I never will. I support our Republic operating the way it's supposed to.
What does that mean? Is that yes, I support the premise that the states have the right to designate their electors in any way they deem appropriate or no Democracy means letting people vote for their president?
I would like nothing better. The problem is, is that the Republican front runner doesn't just refuse to stop claiming the exact thing that prompted people to storm the capitol. But he is running again. And this with the wholehearted support of the Republican base.

Hell its even worse than that. People who don't support that claim are punished by the people in charge of the Republican party. This goes from those that refused to decertify the elections to those that wanted Trump to have consequences for what happened. And as we speak dozens of laws are passing through statehouses that will make possible all the things that Trump wanted to do to overturn the actual vote.

You want to act like January 6th happened in a vacuum and that it doesn't matter anymore. I wish you are right but it simply isn't reality. Because the whole point of storming the capitol is still actively pursuit by its beneficiary.
To the layman the Democrats just look crazy and obsessed with this. I don't think it's going to pan out well at the polls.

The Democrats need to focus on improving themselves rather than attacking the Republicans. That's how the left starts making real progress in this country. We seriously couldn't do better than Joe Biden? What the hell? The left will pay dearly for that.
What does that mean? Is that yes, I support the premise that the states have the right to designate their electors in any way they deem appropriate or no Democracy means letting people vote for their president?
States do have that right but they shouldn't in my opinion. I'm pretty sure electors are not legally obligated in that sense. They should be though. Democracy shouldn't have a bunch of fail-safes for the elites to seize control whenever they feel it necessary.
To the layman the Democrats just look crazy and obsessed with this. I don't think it's going to pan out well at the polls.

The Democrats need to focus on improving themselves rather than attacking the Republicans. That's how the left starts making real progress in this country. We seriously couldn't do better than Joe Biden? What the hell?
Again evading my premise I see.
States do have that right but they shouldn't in my opinion. I'm pretty sure electors are not legally obligated in that sense. They should be though. Democracy shouldn't have a bunch of fail-safes for the elites to seize control whenever they feel it necessary.
And yet that's exactly what the GOP is trying to do. But you rather focus on Biden? I get it. You don't like Democrats your post makes that clear regardless of your supposed left wing policy support. I even get it. Biden isn't a loudmouth bombastic person who's easy to like or dislike. But Biden at his worst does not pose a threat to Democracy. Trump does so, proudly and unequivocally. I guess we have different priorities when it comes to politics.

If the choice would have been between Mccain or Kasick and Biden I would have chosen the Republicans. Not because I agree with much of their positions but because it would show that it is permissable to be ideologically opposed but still basically decent.
I think you're scared of nothing. There's not going to be some violent Trump Nazi mob that takes over the government.
That's not my fear. My fear is using the claim of election fraud as a justification for overturning the election results. After that an America that's an authocracy is a very short step.

And again that is exactly what is happening. Hell it's not even that the system is very Democratic to begin with. A 50/50 senate is actually a senate were one side represents 40 million fewer voters. Gerrymandering distorts the reality of the political makeup within states, and statistically a Democratic presidential candidate needs to achieve 4 points over a simple majority to get elected.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, 31 defendants were sentenced to periods of incarceration, with longer prison terms for those who engaged in violence or threats. So far, the median prison sentence for the Jan. 6 rioters is 45 days. An additional 18 rioters have been sentenced to periods of home detention, while most sentences have included fines, community service and probation for low-level offenses like illegally parading or demonstrating in the Capitol, which is a misdemeanor.

What? No charges of treason or trying to overthrow the government?

It seems to me that if they were trying to overthrow the government, they would need longer than 45 days in jail, don't you?

So who is running this clown show?

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Americans are tired of being lied to.

Either this was not an insurrection, or those charged needed to stay in jail

So which is it democrats?
Why were the people arrested not charged with these things?
Probably because the legal burden is higher than can be met beyond a reasonable doubt.

That doesn't mean people can't have the opinion that it rises to the level of insurrection. The Jan 6th riot meets the criteria set forth in the OP. At the very least, you must admit that it gets near the definition.
Probably because the legal burden is higher than can be met beyond a reasonable doubt.

That doesn't mean people can't have the opinion that it rises to the level of insurrection. The Jan 6th riot meets the criteria set forth in the OP. At the very least, you must admit that it gets near the definition.

I'll admit their opinion just doesn't make a fucking difference ... :thup:


I'll admit their opinion just doesn't make a fucking difference ... :thup:

Legally? Sure. But they're entitled to it. This obsession of charges of insurrection is meaningless and desperately attempts to avoid the topic.
Legally? Sure. But they're entitled to it. This obsession of charges of insurrection is meaningless and desperately attempts to avoid the topic.

Oh, Sweetie ... If you want to talk about anyone's obsessions making them look desperate and a bit loony, or like they are trying to avoid some topics ...
I hope the Democrats and Progressives never figure out they are starting to look a bit crazier than any of the rioters last January 6 ... :thup:


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