Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.
Trump talked to a leader of another nation. That's all he did. That's what presidents and prime ministers do, they talk to leaders of other nations.
Quid pro quo for his campaign, not for the nation.

How does it have anything to do with his campaign when he doesn't even know WTF he's running against yet???? It's over a year away!
Eliminating the electoral college would also eliminate the representation of the vast majority of the states in the country and put control in the most populated states.
Horseshit. It would make every vote count. Trump lost by about 3M popular votes . We would not be living this nightmare if it were not for the electoral college. We would not have been in Iraq either,
Biden is not a political rival. He is a former VP who may have used his office for personal gain. He has not won the nomination yet. He gets no special status because he rides in the Democrat clown car.

Of course he's a political rival. He's running in the 2020 election as a Democrat. Doesn't mean he's win the party's nomination, but running he is.

The fact remains, he gets no pass! The fact these incidents of corruption in Ukraine occurred while he was VP makes it more imperative that he be investigated.

You can't get any dumber.

Dumbfuck... the whole reason Biden threatened to withhold that loan was to fight corruption. And it worked because they fired a corrupt prosecutor.

Not likely because the prosecutor not only is poor but would not have gained from the prosecution, while Hunter Biden got millions.
Suspicious at best.
Other directors on that board were also paid millions.

They got paid millions? How many other countries were they from? How little experience in that field of work did they have?

you smoke too much pot.

or you are braindead.

there is a big list of possible crimes and questionable acts made by trump. including a strong possibility that he had putin doing dirty work for him to help get him elected.

I guess you missed out on the two year investigation. You need to get out of the basement more often.
Then are you suggesting that professors and colleges operate for free? If the individual doesn't pay for it, somebody has to.
No. I m suggesting that we invest in education and reject that anti intellectualism of Republicans

Okay, that sounds fair. What about a consumption tax? How about ten cents on every dollar we Americans spend? Are you in for that?

Then we'll add another 30 cents per dollar to fund Medicare for All.

Then we'll add another five cents to fund reparations and paid time off from work.
It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???
It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???
Most of your Biden whataboutism. Close to all.
Great idea, except most of the educators are making students more stupid than the previous batch.
That's probably more their parents.

Yep, no doubt more parents are looking the other way and expecting teachers to raise their kids.
I would say. Wouldn't you agree that, in your household, it wouldnt matter that the kids had crappy teachers? I stay involved, myself. I expect my kids to tell me when they are struggling, and we figure it out together. I dont let them fall behind. It makes all the difference.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
So when obama was running for his second term and he used AF1 for "official business" and attended 4 dinners and said "hello" to the Mayor, you were OK? Didn't hear you speaking out there.
Donald Trump is President of the United States and can talk to any head of State he wants to for any reason at all. Did President Trump threaten a billion in foreign aid? Oops! That was Joe Biden. Where is your outrage over that? You're being just plain silly here boy.

What the fuck does that have to do with it being illegal to solicit campaign help from foreign nationals? :cuckoo:

Dayum, righties are fucking brain-dead.

So Biden did some shady stuff acting as the Vice President of the US and the current President, who Constitutionally has the full executive power of the federal government, shouldn't be able to ask the government of the country where the shady stuff was going on, to investigate? I've got news for you...he has every right to do so given the suspicious circumstances around Biden's activities in Ukraine. He also has the ability to ask them to try to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier, the roots of which were in Ukraine. If he had gone to Canada and requested they try to dig up some dirt on Biden, that would likely be illegal, assuming there was no suspicion of wrong-doing by Biden in that country.

Correct. The accusation is that Trump is going after a political opponent, and he doesn't' even know who that opponent will be yet. As of now, Biden is sinking in the polls so it's not likely it will be him.

The President is asking a leader of a foreign country to look into possible illegalities by a representative of our country. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. This will not be a US investigation yet, it will be a Ukrainian investigation.
He knows that Biden stands a good chance of winning the Democrats' nomination.
Great idea, except most of the educators are making students more stupid than the previous batch.
That's probably more their parents.

Yep, no doubt more parents are looking the other way and expecting teachers to raise their kids.
I would say. Wouldn't you agree that, in your household, it wouldnt matter that the kids had crappy teachers? I stay involved, myself. I expect my kids to tell me when they are struggling, and we figure it out together. I dont let them fall behind. It makes all the difference.

Yes it does.

Years ago my next door neighbor bought a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, we had every kid in a five block area here.

They played from the time they got home from school until way past dark non stop. A few times I threatened to call the cops. I gave them until 10:00 pm, and that was it.

These were not just teens, these were kids as young as 10. I wondered WTF their parent(s) were at? Who lets their kids stay out that late on a school night? Didn't they have homework to do? Didn't they have to shower and get enough sleep for the next school day?

The best teachers in the country can't help kids with parents like that.

Of course he's a political rival. He's running in the 2020 election as a Democrat. Doesn't mean he's win the party's nomination, but running he is.

The fact remains, he gets no pass! The fact these incidents of corruption in Ukraine occurred while he was VP makes it more imperative that he be investigated.

You can't get any dumber.

Dumbfuck... the whole reason Biden threatened to withhold that loan was to fight corruption. And it worked because they fired a corrupt prosecutor.

Not likely because the prosecutor not only is poor but would not have gained from the prosecution, while Hunter Biden got millions.
Suspicious at best.
Other directors on that board were also paid millions.

They got paid millions? How many other countries were they from? How little experience in that field of work did they have?
I don't know where they're from, nor does it matter. But it was reported than Biden's wages were not out of the ordinary compared to what other board members were paid.

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