Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Good. Then there should not be any crazy outcry like there was in 2016.


If Trump were thrown out of office Pence wouldn't be Prez after 2020 anyway and he'd be too busy cleaning up after Trump to do much harm.

At the very least we wouldn't have a president so vigorously undermining our reputation and distancing us from our traditional allies. He'd have little support from the House which makes he senate almost ineffective.

You really think Trump base will not get Pence reelected?

Warren would lose to Pence and God help us when that happens...

The senate needs a super-majority vote to forward an impeachment.

What it would take for Congress to impeach Trump

And many say that bruce only needs a report button to snitch out a member.
We know, but we also know that the Senators who vote to acquit will be forced to go on record as supporting the criminal in chief as opposed to the rule of law and the constitution. That could sink those in tight races. Same goes for House Reps who oppose impeachment.

No, it will not sink them because believe it or not Trump base is solid as can be which mean you will have a hell of a time taking those seats in the Senate.

Trump's base is a minority of voters and for good reason.

Many of you on the left truly believe that voting against Conviction will help the Democrats but it could easily hurt them also.

Voting against conviction....of a minority set of voters.

Also riding the White House of Trump for Pence is something you and I mean you should never want.

They're both bad. If Trump's best quality is to protect us from VP Pence then that's not much of an argument considering who put Pence there in the first place. Plus, there is no evidence Pence has much of any support.

I am sure you believe Pence will be weak because of Trump impeachment and removal but it could backfire and give us Pence for four more years and seeing he would finish less than half of Trump term mean Pence could run twice...

Pence could also run in 2024 if Trump were to win a second term. Or even if he lost. In the end this has nothing to do with a really bad president currently sitting in the White House.

You should be very careful for what you wish for!

^Worst pro-Trump re election spin eva'!!

Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...
You really think Trump base will not get Pence reelected?

Warren would lose to Pence and God help us when that happens...

The senate needs a super-majority vote to forward an impeachment.

What it would take for Congress to impeach Trump

And many say that bruce only needs a report button to snitch out a member.
We know, but we also know that the Senators who vote to acquit will be forced to go on record as supporting the criminal in chief as opposed to the rule of law and the constitution. That could sink those in tight races. Same goes for House Reps who oppose impeachment.

No, it will not sink them because believe it or not Trump base is solid as can be which mean you will have a hell of a time taking those seats in the Senate.

Trump's base is a minority of voters and for good reason.

Many of you on the left truly believe that voting against Conviction will help the Democrats but it could easily hurt them also.

Voting against conviction....of a minority set of voters.

Also riding the White House of Trump for Pence is something you and I mean you should never want.

They're both bad. If Trump's best quality is to protect us from VP Pence then that's not much of an argument considering who put Pence there in the first place. Plus, there is no evidence Pence has much of any support.

I am sure you believe Pence will be weak because of Trump impeachment and removal but it could backfire and give us Pence for four more years and seeing he would finish less than half of Trump term mean Pence could run twice...

Pence could also run in 2024 if Trump were to win a second term. Or even if he lost. In the end this has nothing to do with a really bad president currently sitting in the White House.

You should be very careful for what you wish for!

^Worst pro-Trump re election spin eva'!!

Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

You appear to be just fine with him.

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...

No evidence for any of what you just said.
The senate needs a super-majority vote to forward an impeachment.

What it would take for Congress to impeach Trump

And many say that bruce only needs a report button to snitch out a member.
We know, but we also know that the Senators who vote to acquit will be forced to go on record as supporting the criminal in chief as opposed to the rule of law and the constitution. That could sink those in tight races. Same goes for House Reps who oppose impeachment.

No, it will not sink them because believe it or not Trump base is solid as can be which mean you will have a hell of a time taking those seats in the Senate.

Trump's base is a minority of voters and for good reason.

Many of you on the left truly believe that voting against Conviction will help the Democrats but it could easily hurt them also.

Voting against conviction....of a minority set of voters.

Also riding the White House of Trump for Pence is something you and I mean you should never want.

They're both bad. If Trump's best quality is to protect us from VP Pence then that's not much of an argument considering who put Pence there in the first place. Plus, there is no evidence Pence has much of any support.

I am sure you believe Pence will be weak because of Trump impeachment and removal but it could backfire and give us Pence for four more years and seeing he would finish less than half of Trump term mean Pence could run twice...

Pence could also run in 2024 if Trump were to win a second term. Or even if he lost. In the end this has nothing to do with a really bad president currently sitting in the White House.

You should be very careful for what you wish for!

^Worst pro-Trump re election spin eva'!!

Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

You appear to be just fine with him.

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...

No evidence for any of what you just said.

Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!

Less than is now greater than according to you and you are going to lecture me to learn to read the polls which by the way one was from Huff~n~Puff and you could not get 90% on it?

Also from your own damn polls HALF OF INDEPENDENTS disagree with the House Inquiry!

Learn to read the polls boy!

You need those voters to win with!

Do you think you will win Purple states without the swing/independent voter?

Your own polls kicked you in the head!
It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
So when obama was running for his second term and he used AF1 for "official business" and attended 4 dinners and said "hello" to the Mayor, you were OK? Didn't hear you speaking out there.
Donald Trump is President of the United States and can talk to any head of State he wants to for any reason at all. Did President Trump threaten a billion in foreign aid? Oops! That was Joe Biden. Where is your outrage over that? You're being just plain silly here boy.
We know, but we also know that the Senators who vote to acquit will be forced to go on record as supporting the criminal in chief as opposed to the rule of law and the constitution. That could sink those in tight races. Same goes for House Reps who oppose impeachment.

No, it will not sink them because believe it or not Trump base is solid as can be which mean you will have a hell of a time taking those seats in the Senate.

Trump's base is a minority of voters and for good reason.

Many of you on the left truly believe that voting against Conviction will help the Democrats but it could easily hurt them also.

Voting against conviction....of a minority set of voters.

Also riding the White House of Trump for Pence is something you and I mean you should never want.

They're both bad. If Trump's best quality is to protect us from VP Pence then that's not much of an argument considering who put Pence there in the first place. Plus, there is no evidence Pence has much of any support.

I am sure you believe Pence will be weak because of Trump impeachment and removal but it could backfire and give us Pence for four more years and seeing he would finish less than half of Trump term mean Pence could run twice...

Pence could also run in 2024 if Trump were to win a second term. Or even if he lost. In the end this has nothing to do with a really bad president currently sitting in the White House.

You should be very careful for what you wish for!

^Worst pro-Trump re election spin eva'!!

Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

You appear to be just fine with him.

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...

No evidence for any of what you just said.

Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!

Like I said, you don't understand what a plurality means. An impeachment inquiry the last few polls I have seen are outright over 50%. For impeachment a plurality (meaning more for than against, idiot) are for impeachment. In other words more people agree with me than you, got it? I man you can get upset that a poll shows only 47% for impeachment however it's higher than the percentage who are against it. Which makes your do nothing position less popular. That you can't grasp this is the very definition of willful ignorance.

Less than is now greater than according to you and you are going to lecture me to learn to read the polls which by the way one was from Huff~n~Puff and you could not get 90% on it?

One was from Huff Post, not all of them. One was also from Rasmussen. Your bias is getting the better of you.

Also from your own damn polls HALF OF INDEPENDENTS disagree with the House Inquiry!

Not in all the polls but even so, once again more people are for the inquiry than against.

You're just not a bright guy, are you?

Learn to read the polls boy!

You need those voters to win with!

Do you think you will win Purple states without the swing/independent voter?

Your own polls kicked you in the head!

More people support my position than yours but somehow you understand polling? Ok.
No, it will not sink them because believe it or not Trump base is solid as can be which mean you will have a hell of a time taking those seats in the Senate.

Trump's base is a minority of voters and for good reason.

Many of you on the left truly believe that voting against Conviction will help the Democrats but it could easily hurt them also.

Voting against conviction....of a minority set of voters.

Also riding the White House of Trump for Pence is something you and I mean you should never want.

They're both bad. If Trump's best quality is to protect us from VP Pence then that's not much of an argument considering who put Pence there in the first place. Plus, there is no evidence Pence has much of any support.

I am sure you believe Pence will be weak because of Trump impeachment and removal but it could backfire and give us Pence for four more years and seeing he would finish less than half of Trump term mean Pence could run twice...

Pence could also run in 2024 if Trump were to win a second term. Or even if he lost. In the end this has nothing to do with a really bad president currently sitting in the White House.

You should be very careful for what you wish for!

^Worst pro-Trump re election spin eva'!!

Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

You appear to be just fine with him.

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...

No evidence for any of what you just said.

Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!

Like I said, you don't understand what a plurality means. An impeachment inquiry the last few polls I have seen are outright over 50%. For impeachment a plurality (meaning more for than against, idiot) are for impeachment. In other words more people agree with me than you, got it? I man you can get upset that a poll shows only 47% for impeachment however it's higher than the percentage who are against it. Which makes your do nothing position less popular. That you can't grasp this is the very definition of willful ignorance.

Less than is now greater than according to you and you are going to lecture me to learn to read the polls which by the way one was from Huff~n~Puff and you could not get 90% on it?

One was from Huff Post, not all of them. One was also from Rasmussen. Your bias is getting the better of you.

Also from your own damn polls HALF OF INDEPENDENTS disagree with the House Inquiry!

Not in all the polls but even so, once again more people are for the inquiry than against.

You're just not a bright guy, are you?

Learn to read the polls boy!

You need those voters to win with!

Do you think you will win Purple states without the swing/independent voter?

Your own polls kicked you in the head!

Fucking, you are full of fucking shit!

47% of total people mean the majority are for it because only 43% are against it and the other 10% percent just mean what?

You do not have the 51% as of yet and even the polls you used put you less than 50% and half of independents are against the inquiry, so as you scream but our number is more the fact is you are less than 51% still and those that are against it or undecided add up more than you majority as of now.

Got it?

Of course not because you see the number being bigger so let me put this way America is undecided for now because the amount that are undecided cause your side for it not to reach the 51% threshold and those against it also do not meet that threshold either...

So with your way of thinking the majority of independents are against it and America is undecided...
So you liberals think you can control the American people who are demanding their Constitutional rights?

Impeaching a President is completely Constitutional.

Starting a civil war because of it is not, and would be put out of it's misery like a rabid dog.
Trump's base is a minority of voters and for good reason.

Voting against conviction....of a minority set of voters.

They're both bad. If Trump's best quality is to protect us from VP Pence then that's not much of an argument considering who put Pence there in the first place. Plus, there is no evidence Pence has much of any support.

Pence could also run in 2024 if Trump were to win a second term. Or even if he lost. In the end this has nothing to do with a really bad president currently sitting in the White House.

^Worst pro-Trump re election spin eva'!!

Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

You appear to be just fine with him.

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...

No evidence for any of what you just said.

Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!

Like I said, you don't understand what a plurality means. An impeachment inquiry the last few polls I have seen are outright over 50%. For impeachment a plurality (meaning more for than against, idiot) are for impeachment. In other words more people agree with me than you, got it? I man you can get upset that a poll shows only 47% for impeachment however it's higher than the percentage who are against it. Which makes your do nothing position less popular. That you can't grasp this is the very definition of willful ignorance.

Less than is now greater than according to you and you are going to lecture me to learn to read the polls which by the way one was from Huff~n~Puff and you could not get 90% on it?

One was from Huff Post, not all of them. One was also from Rasmussen. Your bias is getting the better of you.

Also from your own damn polls HALF OF INDEPENDENTS disagree with the House Inquiry!

Not in all the polls but even so, once again more people are for the inquiry than against.

You're just not a bright guy, are you?

Learn to read the polls boy!

You need those voters to win with!

Do you think you will win Purple states without the swing/independent voter?

Your own polls kicked you in the head!

Fucking, you are full of fucking shit!

47% of total people mean the majority are for it because only 43% are against it and the other 10% percent just mean what?

Neither for or against or not sure I would assume. 47% is still higher than 43% and the trend is moving in the for impeachment camp. This isn't rocket surgery, my position is more favorable than yours according to these polls. Once again, you have a misunderstanding on the importance of plurality.

You do not have the 51% as of yet and even the polls you used put you less than 50% and half of independents are against the inquiry, so as you scream but our number is more the fact is you are less than 51% still and those that are against it or undecided add up more than you majority as of now.

Uh, you don't have 50% either, you have less than I do, get it? However for an impeachment inquiry which is where we are at now the polls are over 50% as of late. Also, this investigation has just begun, how is support going to change? We don't know, we only know what the trend is now and it's not favorable to you.

One of us does and it's not you.

Of course not because you see the number being bigger so let me put this way America is undecided for now because the amount that are undecided cause your side for it not to reach the 51% threshold and those against it also do not meet that threshold either...

So with your way of thinking the majority of independents are against it and America is undecided...

I never said America was not decided I said for impeachment polls the plurality support is for which is higher than the non-impeachment side. However that's not what Congress is doing now, currently they are just starting up the impeachment inquiry and that has over 50% support.

Happy now? Learn something?

Let me put this here so you kind of get a feeling where we are at. It's also not the only one.

Poll: Majority of Americans say impeachment inquiry into Trump is necessary
Last edited:
Wow, who said I wanted Trump reelected?

You appear to be just fine with him.

It is those like you working feverishly to get Trump reelected by supporting impeachment of him based on Trump wanted a favor to look into Crowdstrike and later was discussing Biden son and Biden which you confused as the favor.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

What are you going to do when the Senate does not turn Blue after next November and Pence win if Trump is impeached and removed?

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

What is the latest polls for support of Impeachment and what the plus and minus factor of the Polls...

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Last one was at 49% which mean you still do not have majority of Americans behind your wish for impeachment...

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

So yeah it could keep the Senate Red, allow Pence to win in 2020 as President and flip the House but you believe like Pelosi this is a win-win or maybe she is smart enough she is cutting her own political party throat to rid it of Cortez...

No evidence for any of what you just said.

Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!

Like I said, you don't understand what a plurality means. An impeachment inquiry the last few polls I have seen are outright over 50%. For impeachment a plurality (meaning more for than against, idiot) are for impeachment. In other words more people agree with me than you, got it? I man you can get upset that a poll shows only 47% for impeachment however it's higher than the percentage who are against it. Which makes your do nothing position less popular. That you can't grasp this is the very definition of willful ignorance.

Less than is now greater than according to you and you are going to lecture me to learn to read the polls which by the way one was from Huff~n~Puff and you could not get 90% on it?

One was from Huff Post, not all of them. One was also from Rasmussen. Your bias is getting the better of you.

Also from your own damn polls HALF OF INDEPENDENTS disagree with the House Inquiry!

Not in all the polls but even so, once again more people are for the inquiry than against.

You're just not a bright guy, are you?

Learn to read the polls boy!

You need those voters to win with!

Do you think you will win Purple states without the swing/independent voter?

Your own polls kicked you in the head!

Fucking, you are full of fucking shit!

47% of total people mean the majority are for it because only 43% are against it and the other 10% percent just mean what?

Neither for or against or not sure I would assume. 47% is still higher than 43% and the trend is moving in the for impeachment camp. This isn't rocket surgery, my position is more favorable than yours according to these polls. Once again, you have a misunderstanding on the importance of plurality.

You do not have the 51% as of yet and even the polls you used put you less than 50% and half of independents are against the inquiry, so as you scream but our number is more the fact is you are less than 51% still and those that are against it or undecided add up more than you majority as of now.

Uh, you don't have 50% either, you have less than I do, get it? However for an impeachment inquiry which is where we are at now the polls are over 50% as of late. Also, this investigation has just begun, how is support going to change? We don't know, we only know what the trend is now and it's not favorable to you.

One of us does and it's not you.

Of course not because you see the number being bigger so let me put this way America is undecided for now because the amount that are undecided cause your side for it not to reach the 51% threshold and those against it also do not meet that threshold either...

So with your way of thinking the majority of independents are against it and America is undecided...

I never said America was not decided I said for impeachment polls the plurality support is for which is higher than the non-impeachment side. However that's not what Congress is doing now, currently they are just starting up the impeachment inquiry and that has over 50% support.

Happy now? Learn something?

Now half of independents are less than 50% in your math...

Half is 50% of independents so nice try!

Also because your number is 47% does not mean majority of Americans support it because the poll shows your are still less than 51% but you will scream it is trending that way but if it never get there it mean you do not have the support of half of America and the polls are a small segment of the population which at times are incorrect...

So as you sit there you still are lying about having the majority of America behind you because that undecided ones have not swung either way loser!

Happy to know you believe 47% is good enough for you to claim America support your view...

Also it is great to know you think half is less than 50% of independents...
You appear to be just fine with him.

Trump wanted a favor by having a foreign country look into conspiracy theories and attacking his political rivals. There is little evidence to suggest an impeachment inquiry or impeaching Trump would have a negative effect on Democrats, quite the opposite actually.

Odds are it's not going to turn blue one way or the other. Why are you so concerned with putting politics over the rule of law?

A couple polls have an impeachment inquiry over 50%. Polls also show plurality support for impeachment: President Trump Impeachment Polls: Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Donald Trump | National Review

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Which is a plurality of support for impeachment. Pro-TIp, learn to read polls correctly. Let's also not forget the momentum in all polls is trending towards impeachment. That may or may not hold but your cowardly position certainly is not in favor at the moment.

No evidence for any of what you just said.

Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!

Like I said, you don't understand what a plurality means. An impeachment inquiry the last few polls I have seen are outright over 50%. For impeachment a plurality (meaning more for than against, idiot) are for impeachment. In other words more people agree with me than you, got it? I man you can get upset that a poll shows only 47% for impeachment however it's higher than the percentage who are against it. Which makes your do nothing position less popular. That you can't grasp this is the very definition of willful ignorance.

Less than is now greater than according to you and you are going to lecture me to learn to read the polls which by the way one was from Huff~n~Puff and you could not get 90% on it?

One was from Huff Post, not all of them. One was also from Rasmussen. Your bias is getting the better of you.

Also from your own damn polls HALF OF INDEPENDENTS disagree with the House Inquiry!

Not in all the polls but even so, once again more people are for the inquiry than against.

You're just not a bright guy, are you?

Learn to read the polls boy!

You need those voters to win with!

Do you think you will win Purple states without the swing/independent voter?

Your own polls kicked you in the head!

Fucking, you are full of fucking shit!

47% of total people mean the majority are for it because only 43% are against it and the other 10% percent just mean what?

Neither for or against or not sure I would assume. 47% is still higher than 43% and the trend is moving in the for impeachment camp. This isn't rocket surgery, my position is more favorable than yours according to these polls. Once again, you have a misunderstanding on the importance of plurality.

You do not have the 51% as of yet and even the polls you used put you less than 50% and half of independents are against the inquiry, so as you scream but our number is more the fact is you are less than 51% still and those that are against it or undecided add up more than you majority as of now.

Uh, you don't have 50% either, you have less than I do, get it? However for an impeachment inquiry which is where we are at now the polls are over 50% as of late. Also, this investigation has just begun, how is support going to change? We don't know, we only know what the trend is now and it's not favorable to you.

One of us does and it's not you.

Of course not because you see the number being bigger so let me put this way America is undecided for now because the amount that are undecided cause your side for it not to reach the 51% threshold and those against it also do not meet that threshold either...

So with your way of thinking the majority of independents are against it and America is undecided...

I never said America was not decided I said for impeachment polls the plurality support is for which is higher than the non-impeachment side. However that's not what Congress is doing now, currently they are just starting up the impeachment inquiry and that has over 50% support.

Happy now? Learn something?

Now half of independents are less than 50% in your math...

No, half of independents is one thing but it's much smaller than a large plurality of Americans. Also, independents are moving towards impeachment and many currently support an inquiry.

Half is 50% of independents so nice try!

Is less than 55% of the public, correct?

Also because your number is 47% does not mean majority of Americans support it because the poll shows your are still less than 51% but you will scream it is trending that way but if it never get there it mean you do not have the support of half of America and the polls are a small segment of the population which at times are incorrect...

It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

So as you sit there you still are lying about having the majority of America behind you because that undecided ones have not swung either way loser!

I never said a majority of Americans are for impeachment, only an impeachment inquiry. Either you're lying or you really don't know what a plurality means. I give it a 50/50 odds on that one.

Happy to know you believe 47% is good enough for you to claim America support your view...

More Americans support impeachment than do not at this point. Then you have the undecides. You truly do not know what a plurality is, right?

Also it is great to know you think half is less than 50% of independents...

I think what? You're clearly not grasping the gravity of the situation here. Let's put it into 3 camps. For impeachment, against impeachment and haven't decided. More people fall into that first group than the other two. When you're in the 46-47% range for impeachment and those absolutely against it are in the mid 30s then Trump has a problem. The other group I would imagine could be swayed in one direction or another but most likely they have no opinion and may not even vote at all based on this issue. Or, perhaps they are just waiting and watching.

Of course I have to point out again that a majority of Americans support the impeachment inquiry and I ask that you not conflate that as though I said a majority support impeachment (that is only a plurality at the moment).

I really wish you would put a little brain power into this.
Rush is right (as usual) when he says that we are in a Cold War of a Civil War.
What is meant by that is that the loudest whiners -- the trump cult -- will talk civil war, but they will not be getting off their fat, ignorant asses to actually do anything about it.

Thus, "cold war".
Less than fifty percent from the polls you posted and yet most of America want the impeachment according to the left!
Hmm, no, its a majority in every poll taken recently.

Bullshit liar!

Less than fifty percent is not the majority of Americans!

Your highest is forty-nine percent so far and that is not even Huff~n~Puff which is lower!

Your argument it is more than those against but still you lack the fifty-one percent threshold!

So if forty-nine percent of the House votes to impeach Trump and the rest abstain or vote against it does that mean their major should over rule the rest without hitting the threshold needed?
Less than fifty percent is not the majority of Americans!
Neat fact!

But every recent poll shows a majority support the impeachment inquiry.

He's an idiot but doing his best to parse his words. He doesn't want to talk about impeachment inquiry polls because it doesn't suit his argument. He is also either playing ignorant or clearly does not know what plurality means when talking about impeachment polls.

I also don't think he knows the difference between an impeachment poll and an impeachment inquiry poll.
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC

Yep....been saying this for years.....

When people do nothing....tyranny flourishes.
That is why the shit bag must be impeached and removed.

Won't happen, nor should it. He will be re-elected and you anti-American, anti-Trumpsters will have to endure 4 more years of prosperity. Poor things.
Opposing the Trump crime family is anti- American?? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

No, but supporting Socialism is.
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC

Yep....been saying this for years.....

When people do nothing....tyranny flourishes.
That is why the shit bag must be impeached and removed.

Won't happen, nor should it. He will be re-elected and you anti-American, anti-Trumpsters will have to endure 4 more years of prosperity. Poor things.
Opposing the Trump crime family is anti- American?? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

No, but supporting Socialism is.
So you want him to be re-elected, but admit that they are a crime family. Interesting.

And what EXACTLY is your understanding of Democratic Socialism? You do know that aspects of socialism have been imbedded in our economic system since the dawn of the progressive movement in the early 20th century, right? You do know that much of what you people decry as socialism has created the middle class, protected workers and consumers, made life better for seniors and much, much more, right? What exactly about all of that do you object to?

And finally, you do, I hope understand that Sanders or Warren would not turn us into Cuba or Venezuela and that there is a difference between a political system and an economic philosophy , right? Holy shit you don't? OMG!.

Never mind . I'm getting off topic here Back to T-rump
Last edited:
Yep....been saying this for years.....

When people do nothing....tyranny flourishes.
That is why the shit bag must be impeached and removed.

Won't happen, nor should it. He will be re-elected and you anti-American, anti-Trumpsters will have to endure 4 more years of prosperity. Poor things.
Opposing the Trump crime family is anti- American?? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

No, but supporting Socialism is.
So you want him to be re-elected, but admit that they are a crime family. Interesting.

And what EXACTLY is your understanding of Democratic Socialism? You do know that aspects of socialism have been imbedded in our economic system since the dawn of the progressive movement in the early 20th century, right? You do know that much of what you people decry as socialism has created the middle class, protected workers and consumers, made life better for seniors and much, much more, right. What exactly about all of that do you object to? Never mind . I'm getting off topic here Back to T-rump

I never admitted they are a crime family. I simply said that opposing is not anti-American.

Let's see. Democrats are proposing that college debt be forgiven and paid for by the "rich", a wealth tax(confiscation), a universal basic income whether a person can or is willing to work, free(paid for by working Americans) for everyone and eliminating private health insurance, including those here illegally, capping CEO incomes, reparations, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, eliminating the electoral college, the Green New Deal, raising taxes on the "rich"...the list goes on. All nutsy ideas that will ruin our country. Only petulant children and ignorant, emotionally immature adults would support such nonsense.

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