Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

That's an allegation by some. Not one I mentioned in the posts you responded to. Try containing your rhetoric to what people actually say -- not what you think they mean.

Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.
Yet 3 Democrats have gone to Mexico city to have fund raisers.
Moron why would I linkmt national news. Beto I believe was the last one to go there it was National NEWS for gods sake you blazing imbecile.
You're waving the white flag, eh?
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.
Trump talked to a leader of another nation. That's all he did. That's what presidents and prime ministers do, they talk to leaders of other nations.
Quid pro quo for his campaign, not for the nation.

Could easily be both.
As president, Trump is also supposed to investigate crime by US citizens as well as former VPs.
The charges against Biden do not have to be true for it to be valid for Trump to be justified in investigating.
People think I am kidding. We are on the brink. Based on the responses from most conservatives on this site, it probably reflects how most think.

We will deserve what we get. It's going to be bad.


As much as I'd like to see the left take a royal beating, most do not feel the way those on the board do.
Sounds like another bunch of wingnuts fantasizing about violence if they don't get their way.

I don't think it will have anything to do with violence. It was not mentioned in the article. But on the other hand, if I were a Dem congress person, it might be a good day to play hooky or avoid crossing paths with them.

So I don't see anybody going there to start trouble. Anti-fluff won't be there, that's for sure. They'll be sitting home watching it on television at best.

Maybe you missed it where the question was asked in the OP 'why do Democrats want violence?" as though if the Rolling Thunder crowd (after beating their wives of course) were going to inflict violence and somehow it's the Democrats fault. Then some other asshole wingnut states active duty military should show up to.

I was only commenting on the article posted in the OP. If you want an explanation of comments made by other people, you'll have to ask them about it.

My post that YOU replied to was in regards to the wingnuts on this board who consistently make anonymous calls for violence. That you ignore those comments and pretend to me that the right doesn't call for violence is your problem to deal with.

However I think the idea is that if you keep poking at a hornets nest with a stick, eventually they're going to get pissed off and strike back. We spent three years listening to impeachment talk with no real reason to impeach Trump other than leftists don't like the guy we the people chose to run this country.

^And there you go, justifying right wing violence.

The whistleblower complaint is new, you realize this, right? It also follows the same pattern, get foreign governments to help Trump win an election and in this case holding United States relief for the Ukraine up in the air. Relief meant to protect Ukraine from the last hooligan country to aid Trump for which multiple examples of obstruction of justice were identified. If that isn't toxic to our foreign policy then I don't know what is.

Lastly, Trump doesn't have the support of most Americans regardless of the fact that he won in 2016 (with millions more voting against him). Most Americans are in support of an impeachment inquiry and in some polls a plurality of voters support impeachment vs. not impeaching. The trend is not on your side.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Odd considering how it's the CRCs always threatening violence here.

Odd how it's the DemocRats that usually commit the violence.
Funny how the only spike in violence is against gays Jews blacks and Muslims. Brainwashed functional moron.
But we just had a rightwing poster state that those shot in the Charleston church, the El Paso Walmart, the Pittsburgh synogogue, and marching in Charleston brought it on themselves.
You just had a poster tell you the shooter in El Paso was a lefty and that the left caused the riots in Charlottesville you lying piece of human excrement.
Having a poster tell me one of your Deflection lies means nothing...the El Paso shooter was a fat donnie worshipper...just like you.
Yep! Hillary did that! Lock her up!
Let's see your evidence.....

I'll show you mine as soon as you show me yours. I am kind of shy!
I already showed it. I quoted Trump soliciting help from a foreign national to investigate a political rival. I accept your reluctance to post your evidence as a tacit confession you were simply full of shit.

You showed nothing. Your suit is empty!

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.
A quid pro quo...for personal benefits.
in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.

Vice President Biden never asked for a favor, though.

It was a demand of the USA and several of our allies, not Joe Biden personally. Did he ever mention his son, the company, or have any domestic political overtones in what he said?

Did a whistle blower come forward complaining about Biden? Did the lawyers around Biden sequester the transcripts away on a super secure secret server somewhere out of reach of normal channels?
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC

Yep....been saying this for years.....

When people do nothing....tyranny flourishes.
That is why the shit bag must be impeached and removed.

Won't happen, nor should it. He will be re-elected and you anti-American, anti-Trumpsters will have to endure 4 more years of prosperity. Poor things.
Opposing the Trump crime family is anti- American?? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
That's an allegation by some. Not one I mentioned in the posts you responded to. Try containing your rhetoric to what people actually say -- not what you think they mean.

Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.

Then why isn't Hillary in jail for the Steele dossier?
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.
You have quite an imagination, slick. Did the voices in your head tell you all of that?
Why would anyone start a violent revolution when you know you serfs will be put down very quickly?

Trump het impeached Pence is President and God help us all...

If Trump were thrown out of office Pence wouldn't be Prez after 2020 anyway and he'd be too busy cleaning up after Trump to do much harm.

At the very least we wouldn't have a president so vigorously undermining our reputation and distancing us from our traditional allies. He'd have little support from the House which makes he senate almost ineffective.

You really think Trump base will not get Pence reelected?

Warren would lose to Pence and God help us when that happens...

The senate needs a super-majority vote to forward an impeachment.

What it would take for Congress to impeach Trump

And many say that bruce only needs a report button to snitch out a member.
We know, but we also know that the Senators who vote to acquit will be forced to go on record as supporting the criminal in chief as opposed to the rule of law and the constitution. That could sink those in tight races. Same goes for House Reps who oppose impeachment.

You mean Jason Kander.....agree.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Mr. Ernie, I don't know why this is, I only know that it is. In the 24 years that I have been a member of one political discussion forum or board, the Democrats lack one thing that other Americans have: they lack self-discipline, and it's just that simple. They cannot stand to tell their own to clean up a bad act. They nod when they hear a fellow Democrat lie his or her butt off, and even cheer them on. The only time they accept that a fellow Democrat has erred and erred seriously is at least one year into that man or woman's prison sentence for severe abuse of power. That's just too extreme. Telling the biggest lie is fun for them. Getting caught and paying the price for their wrongdoing is the biggest and also the only downer. They don't care if they tread on the Constitution, and when in power, they will change the Constitution if they have to do it one word at a time. They redefine a word, and send their redefinition to be #1 on word sources that routinely quote words that benefit the current DNC fabrication. I've been watching them. This past 6 months our language has seen a severe break with past dictionaries, and it is done in such a way as to thrill the Democrat base with allusions to crimes blamed on conservatives that are actually crimes actually committed by Demmie icons. It's no wonder people at least partially give ear to Democrats who play every dirty deal from the bottom of the deck, and not the top. It's taking a toll on the Constitutional integrity we have enjoyed for 243 years of American history.
Why would anyone start a violent revolution when you know you serfs will be put down very quickly?

Trump het impeached Pence is President and God help us all...

If Trump were thrown out of office Pence wouldn't be Prez after 2020 anyway and he'd be too busy cleaning up after Trump to do much harm.

At the very least we wouldn't have a president so vigorously undermining our reputation and distancing us from our traditional allies. He'd have little support from the House which makes he senate almost ineffective.

You really think Trump base will not get Pence reelected?

Warren would lose to Pence and God help us when that happens...

The senate needs a super-majority vote to forward an impeachment.

What it would take for Congress to impeach Trump

And many say that bruce only needs a report button to snitch out a member.
We know, but we also know that the Senators who vote to acquit will be forced to go on record as supporting the criminal in chief as opposed to the rule of law and the constitution. That could sink those in tight races. Same goes for House Reps who oppose impeachment.

You've got quite the wet dream.

The house has a lot of vulnerable democrats.

This happens and it's all over for them.

And...Pence is president.

Looking forward to that.
Sounds like another bunch of wingnuts fantasizing about violence if they don't get their way.

I don't think it will have anything to do with violence. It was not mentioned in the article. But on the other hand, if I were a Dem congress person, it might be a good day to play hooky or avoid crossing paths with them.

So I don't see anybody going there to start trouble. Anti-fluff won't be there, that's for sure. They'll be sitting home watching it on television at best.

Maybe you missed it where the question was asked in the OP 'why do Democrats want violence?" as though if the Rolling Thunder crowd (after beating their wives of course) were going to inflict violence and somehow it's the Democrats fault. Then some other asshole wingnut states active duty military should show up to.

I was only commenting on the article posted in the OP. If you want an explanation of comments made by other people, you'll have to ask them about it.

My post that YOU replied to was in regards to the wingnuts on this board who consistently make anonymous calls for violence. That you ignore those comments and pretend to me that the right doesn't call for violence is your problem to deal with.

However I think the idea is that if you keep poking at a hornets nest with a stick, eventually they're going to get pissed off and strike back. We spent three years listening to impeachment talk with no real reason to impeach Trump other than leftists don't like the guy we the people chose to run this country.

^And there you go, justifying right wing violence.

The whistleblower complaint is new, you realize this, right? It also follows the same pattern, get foreign governments to help Trump win an election and in this case holding United States relief for the Ukraine up in the air. Relief meant to protect Ukraine from the last hooligan country to aid Trump for which multiple examples of obstruction of justice were identified. If that isn't toxic to our foreign policy then I don't know what is.

Lastly, Trump doesn't have the support of most Americans regardless of the fact that he won in 2016 (with millions more voting against him). Most Americans are in support of an impeachment inquiry and in some polls a plurality of voters support impeachment vs. not impeaching. The trend is not on your side.
The democrat lies are certainly on your side.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.

But Biden threatening to withhold aid most definitely is a quid pro quo.
A quid pro quo can be legal if no law is broken and it benefits the US and not just Biden, but clearly it was to help Biden and not the US.

And no, it is not illegal for Trump to ask for a favor from an ally as long as there could have been a legal purpose for the favor. And determining if Hunter Biden violated a law IS a valid purpose.
The fact it ALSO could be useful by a campaign, is not relevant.

To prove Trump acted incorrectly, one would not only have to prove corruption by the Ukrainian prosecutor, but that Trump already knew about the proof.
"...but clearly it was to help Biden and not the US."

Utter bullshit. How was sacking Shokin helping Biden?
To help get elected? Of course that’s illegal dope

Except that the Ukraine investigation of Hunter Biden would only help Trump get elected if an actual crime had been committed by Hunter Biden. In which case it is not only legal for Trump to investigate, but it is require for him to investigate.

The only way this could be illegal for Trump is if he was forcing some Ukrainian to claim there was a crime by Hunter Biden when that was not actually true.
Not true. Just opening an investigation hurts Biden (which helps Trump), regardless of the outcome. Just like when Comey opened one against Hillary after early voting had already begun, even though Comey later admitted there was no reason to open the investigation.

I disagree.
Clearly Hunter Biden being paid millions did warrant an investigation, as well as reopening Hillary's email investigation when Weiner's laptop showed lots of Hillary email that had already been subpoenaed.
An investigation not only should not make any difference, but is required by law.
What is illegal is to prevent, end, or squash any sort of investigation.
Comey never admitted anything. He just said that the Weiner laptop proved to provide no additional evidence of any wrong doing. That could not be determined until after it was investigated. Comey still says he did the right thing, and I tend to agree. Those who would change their vote over the laptop would have to be idiots, because before being examined, the laptop should have meant nothing at all.
Nonsense. Comey violated department guidelines by publically announcing the investigation into Hillary during an election.

That is true, but it was not the announcement itself that was against policy, but the way he did it without going through proper channels. In other words, it just was not his call, even though it should have been the same call eventually anyway. At least that is the way I remember it. Did not want to look that up again.
You're wrong again. It was the announcement that violated department guidelines. The FBI is not allowed to make public statements which can affect an election.

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