Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

I already showed it. I quoted Trump soliciting help from a foreign national to investigate a political rival. I accept your reluctance to post your evidence as a tacit confession you were simply full of shit.

You showed nothing. Your suit is empty!

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.

Spin, spin, spin.

It IS illegal to use the power of the US Presidency to bully a weak and desperate foreign power into manufacturing dirt on your political opponents, by withholding military aid bought and paid for by the American people. That's called "extortion", and "abuse of power".

Incidentally, the Russian media are now parroting the White Line on the impeachment. Just as Trump has adopted many of Putin's "alternative histories" of recent Russian actions - like saying the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was necessary because Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan were attacking Russia. That's not true.

Trump's actions throughout his presidency is to give obsequious deference to all things eminating from Putin's mouth. He adopted Putin's lie that the joint US/South Korean military exercises which he cancelled were "provocative", which is a line Putin had been pushing for years.

Your orange clown is done. He's caught and there's no way he can lie, deflect or bully his way out of this one. Not only is Trump caught, but Guliani, Pompeo, Volker, and Pence are all implicated in both the crime, and the cover up. Trump is calling for civil war, and the rest of the Republican leaders are silent in his defense. In fact, saying "but Biden", "but Obama" isn't working for them. Also, they've ramped up a State Department investigation of Hillary's emails, because no other government department will continue to investigate this matter.

These are the death throes of a criminal presidency. As Trump unravels, decent Americans will be more and more horrified by the poison and threats spewing from Trump's Twitter account.
Awesome. So Trumpublican Biker Thugs are going to attempt to thwart the Constitution?

You showed nothing. Your suit is empty!

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.

Spin, spin, spin.

It IS illegal to use the power of the US Presidency to bully a weak and desperate foreign power into manufacturing dirt on your political opponents, by withholding military aid bought and paid for by the American people. That's called "extortion", and "abuse of power".

Incidentally, the Russian media are now parroting the White Line on the impeachment. Just as Trump has adopted many of Putin's "alternative histories" of recent Russian actions - like saying the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was necessary because Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan were attacking Russia. That's not true.

Trump's actions throughout his presidency is to give obsequious deference to all things eminating from Putin's mouth. He adopted Putin's lie that the joint US/South Korean military exercises which he cancelled were "provocative", which is a line Putin had been pushing for years.

Your orange clown is done. He's caught and there's no way he can lie, deflect or bully his way out of this one. Not only is Trump caught, but Guliani, Pompeo, Volker, and Pence are all implicated in both the crime, and the cover up. Trump is calling for civil war, and the rest of the Republican leaders are silent in his defense. In fact, saying "but Biden", "but Obama" isn't working for them. Also, they've ramped up a State Department investigation of Hillary's emails, because no other government department will continue to investigate this matter.

These are the death throes of a criminal presidency. As Trump unravels, decent Americans will be more and more horrified by the poison and threats spewing from Trump's Twitter account.
There were no crimes or misdemeanors shown against Trump, and disputing what he actually said by adding your own spin and calling conservatives on it is called "projection."

The truth of the phony impeachment should be based on the truth. Democrats have the wrong guy under their gun sights. Here's the real heel bragging about how powerful he is (and profitting from it to the tune of over a billion dollars taken from the American taxpayer's pocket):

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
Then why isn't Hillary in jail for the Steele dossier?
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.
There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies."

no it isn't.

The only way Trump could be wrong to solicit aid from an ally is if it was for his own personal advancement only.
And that is not likely because if Hunter Biden did something wrong, it would be the legal duty of Trump to investigate that.
When information erupts that a Vice President used his office to extort a billion bucks from a third-world country, it's time to hold his feet to the fire. That he chose to run for a higher office to get more foreign money put in his bank account (offshore or not is not known), using a number of masks - clown, bumbler, nice guy, etc. Down deep in his pockets, there's some deep state secrets he believes will carry him into the oval office. That puts a common criminal extortionist in the WH. That's just not right. The American people deserve better than that kind of concealed crap.
And Biden bragged about his illegal extortion on camera:

And what does the Democrat Party do after knowing the depth of this depravity? They do nothing. They're the do nothing, anything bad goes if it promotes and fluffs the Democrat Party, except this shows they made a huge blunder and are trying to blame anybody else, including the current President of the United States for their crimes. And it is a crime for a U.S. Vice-President to enrich himself on a foreign government's fear off the power of his office in the American government. The Democrats have this huge pretense about nobody realizing the depth of Biden's crime to enrich himself and his family with a threat based on six hours of time to make up their minds whether they want a billion dollars from the US government for firing an official investigating Biden's son who was thrown out of US armed services for drug abuse, and now for fraud against a foreign government. :cranky:
US employees are not allowed to accept favors, jewels, money, and other perks from foreign governments. That's exactly what Biden was doing. Currying wealth in an extortion of a foreign government plot. Not the face of Biden we've ever seen behind the bumbling, good-guy face he puts on on this side of the Atlantic.

I'm not guying this phony cover show of running a repeated false narrative about Trump which has already been shown to be a lie, to cover Biden's sorry butt.

Biden was just enforcing the policy of the US , our allies, and the IMF's, of forcing out the Putin backed prosecutor.

Why do you side with the enemies of the Western Alliance?
So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
That is what is spelled out in the DEMONRAT SPONSORED AND SIGNED TREATY....Oh look, Pawned dropped another IQ point!.....ROTFLMFAO!
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.

Then why isn't Hillary in jail for the Steele dossier?
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies."

no it isn't.
To help get elected? Of course that’s illegal dope

Except that the Ukraine investigation of Hunter Biden would only help Trump get elected if an actual crime had been committed by Hunter Biden. In which case it is not only legal for Trump to investigate, but it is require for him to investigate.

The only way this could be illegal for Trump is if he was forcing some Ukrainian to claim there was a crime by Hunter Biden when that was not actually true.
Biden is not a political rival. He is a former VP who may have used his office for personal gain. He has not won the nomination yet. He gets no special status because he rides in the Democrat clown car.

Of course he's a political rival. He's running in the 2020 election as a Democrat. Doesn't mean he's win the party's nomination, but running he is.

The fact remains, he gets no pass! The fact these incidents of corruption in Ukraine occurred while he was VP makes it more imperative that he be investigated.

You can't get any dumber.

Dumbfuck... the whole reason Biden threatened to withhold that loan was to fight corruption. And it worked because they fired a corrupt prosecutor.

Not likely because the prosecutor not only is poor but would not have gained from the prosecution, while Hunter Biden got millions.
Suspicious at best.
Other directors on that board were also paid millions.

I am not saying what Hunter Biden did was illegal or not, but it can't be illegal for the US executive to investigate.
And it only helps Trump if something illegal is discovered. If there is nothing illegal found, then it can't effect the election anyway. So I don't see this has having legs. There is no way to convict Trump on this.
You showed nothing. Your suit is empty!

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.

That is not at all true.
You can hire anyone you want.
You just can not accept campaign donations from foreign nationals.
Hillary most definitely hired foreign nationals to make the Steele Dossier on Trump.

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.

Spin, spin, spin.

It IS illegal to use the power of the US Presidency to bully a weak and desperate foreign power into manufacturing dirt on your political opponents, by withholding military aid bought and paid for by the American people. That's called "extortion", and "abuse of power".

Incidentally, the Russian media are now parroting the White Line on the impeachment. Just as Trump has adopted many of Putin's "alternative histories" of recent Russian actions - like saying the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was necessary because Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan were attacking Russia. That's not true.

Trump's actions throughout his presidency is to give obsequious deference to all things eminating from Putin's mouth. He adopted Putin's lie that the joint US/South Korean military exercises which he cancelled were "provocative", which is a line Putin had been pushing for years.

Your orange clown is done. He's caught and there's no way he can lie, deflect or bully his way out of this one. Not only is Trump caught, but Guliani, Pompeo, Volker, and Pence are all implicated in both the crime, and the cover up. Trump is calling for civil war, and the rest of the Republican leaders are silent in his defense. In fact, saying "but Biden", "but Obama" isn't working for them. Also, they've ramped up a State Department investigation of Hillary's emails, because no other government department will continue to investigate this matter.

These are the death throes of a criminal presidency. As Trump unravels, decent Americans will be more and more horrified by the poison and threats spewing from Trump's Twitter account.
There were no crimes or misdemeanors shown against Trump, and disputing what he actually said by adding your own spin and calling conservatives on it is called "projection."

The truth of the phony impeachment should be based on the truth. Democrats have the wrong guy under their gun sights. Here's the real heel bragging about how powerful he is (and profitting from it to the tune of over a billion dollars taken from the American taxpayer's pocket):

Nope, Democrats don't have the wrong guy...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
That is what is spelled out in the DEMONRAT SPONSORED AND SIGNED TREATY....Oh look, Pawned dropped another IQ point!.....ROTFLMFAO!

Keep crying that as trump gets impeached over this.
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.
There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies."

no it isn't.

The only way Trump could be wrong to solicit aid from an ally is if it was for his own personal advancement only.
And that is not likely because if Hunter Biden did something wrong, it would be the legal duty of Trump to investigate that.
When information erupts that a Vice President used his office to extort a billion bucks from a third-world country, it's time to hold his feet to the fire. That he chose to run for a higher office to get more foreign money put in his bank account (offshore or not is not known), using a number of masks - clown, bumbler, nice guy, etc. Down deep in his pockets, there's some deep state secrets he believes will carry him into the oval office. That puts a common criminal extortionist in the WH. That's just not right. The American people deserve better than that kind of concealed crap.
And Biden bragged about his illegal extortion on camera:

And what does the Democrat Party do after knowing the depth of this depravity? They do nothing. They're the do nothing, anything bad goes if it promotes and fluffs the Democrat Party, except this shows they made a huge blunder and are trying to blame anybody else, including the current President of the United States for their crimes. And it is a crime for a U.S. Vice-President to enrich himself on a foreign government's fear off the power of his office in the American government. The Democrats have this huge pretense about nobody realizing the depth of Biden's crime to enrich himself and his family with a threat based on six hours of time to make up their minds whether they want a billion dollars from the US government for firing an official investigating Biden's son who was thrown out of US armed services for drug abuse, and now for fraud against a foreign government. :cranky:
US employees are not allowed to accept favors, jewels, money, and other perks from foreign governments. That's exactly what Biden was doing. Currying wealth in an extortion of a foreign government plot. Not the face of Biden we've ever seen behind the bumbling, good-guy face he puts on on this side of the Atlantic.

I'm not guying this phony cover show of running a repeated false narrative about Trump which has already been shown to be a lie, to cover Biden's sorry butt.

Biden was just enforcing the policy of the US , our allies, and the IMF's, of forcing out the Putin backed prosecutor.

Why do you side with the enemies of the Western Alliance?

Because that is not legal.
Prosecutors are supposed to be immune from exactly that, enforcement of preferential policies.
That is the very definition of corruption.
If the prosecutor was putting together a bad case, then it is for the courts to decide.
The corruption in the Ukraine is from the US, not Putin.
For example, the Secretary of Treasury in the Ukraine is a US citizen, completely against Ukrainian law.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

"If Democrats impeach Trump Bikers?”


The only way I can even begin to process that particular piece of stupidity is knowing Trumpies are in a panic seeing their president under the very real threat of being impeached.

They’ve found another gear in slinging shit.
Then why isn't Hillary in jail for the Steele dossier?
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies."

no it isn't.
To help get elected? Of course that’s illegal dope

Except that the Ukraine investigation of Hunter Biden would only help Trump get elected if an actual crime had been committed by Hunter Biden. In which case it is not only legal for Trump to investigate, but it is require for him to investigate.

The only way this could be illegal for Trump is if he was forcing some Ukrainian to claim there was a crime by Hunter Biden when that was not actually true.
Not true. Just opening an investigation hurts Biden (which helps Trump), regardless of the outcome. Just like when Comey opened one against Hillary after early voting had already begun, even though Comey later admitted there was no reason to open the investigation.
Keep crying that as trump gets impeached over this. funny.......
And exactly how would his impeachment or even removal from office benefit you, me, the country or even mankind?

Be Specific and don't make shit up.

Is it really that hard to think for yourself and be objective?

The problem with extremist retardation (which afflicts you) is that it renders those with it unable to see any middle ground or any reasonable mutually beneficial outcome.
Last edited:
So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.

Spin, spin, spin.

It IS illegal to use the power of the US Presidency to bully a weak and desperate foreign power into manufacturing dirt on your political opponents, by withholding military aid bought and paid for by the American people. That's called "extortion", and "abuse of power".

Incidentally, the Russian media are now parroting the White Line on the impeachment. Just as Trump has adopted many of Putin's "alternative histories" of recent Russian actions - like saying the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was necessary because Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan were attacking Russia. That's not true.

Trump's actions throughout his presidency is to give obsequious deference to all things eminating from Putin's mouth. He adopted Putin's lie that the joint US/South Korean military exercises which he cancelled were "provocative", which is a line Putin had been pushing for years.

Your orange clown is done. He's caught and there's no way he can lie, deflect or bully his way out of this one. Not only is Trump caught, but Guliani, Pompeo, Volker, and Pence are all implicated in both the crime, and the cover up. Trump is calling for civil war, and the rest of the Republican leaders are silent in his defense. In fact, saying "but Biden", "but Obama" isn't working for them. Also, they've ramped up a State Department investigation of Hillary's emails, because no other government department will continue to investigate this matter.

These are the death throes of a criminal presidency. As Trump unravels, decent Americans will be more and more horrified by the poison and threats spewing from Trump's Twitter account.
There were no crimes or misdemeanors shown against Trump, and disputing what he actually said by adding your own spin and calling conservatives on it is called "projection."

The truth of the phony impeachment should be based on the truth. Democrats have the wrong guy under their gun sights. Here's the real heel bragging about how powerful he is (and profitting from it to the tune of over a billion dollars taken from the American taxpayer's pocket):

Nope, Democrats don't have the wrong guy...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster

Biden's threat to withhold US aid unless Viktor Shokin was fired, was totally illegal.
If Viktor Shokin was corrupt, then the legal procedure was to prove that in court.
Biden had a clear conflict of interest, and should have recused himself instead of make the illegal extortion threat.

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.

That is not at all true.
You can hire anyone you want.
You just can not accept campaign donations from foreign nationals.
Hillary most definitely hired foreign nationals to make the Steele Dossier on Trump.
Did you not read the statute? Or did you not understand it...?

(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value
So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Keep crying that as trump gets impeached over this. funny.......
And exactly how would his impeachment or even removal from office benefit you, me, the country or even mankind?

Be Specific and don't make shit up.

Is it really that hard to think for yourself and be objective?

The problem with extremist retardation (which afflicts you) is that it renders those with it unable to see any middle ground or any reasonable mutually beneficial outcome.
It benefits the country by removing a corrupt president from office.

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