Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Isn’t it Rolling Thunder threatening violence ?

Where did you read they were??? Certainly not in the OP.

Brain-dead con -- by the OP:

Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Perhaps I should have made myself clear: by the article in the OP. You see.....I thought I wouldn't have to explain that given the comment I was responding to.
Dumbfuck, you asked another poster where they read Rolling Thunder is threatening violence and they read it in the title of this thread you're posting on.

God are you stupid. Now follow the bouncing ball:

Right-winger: Isn't Rolling Thunder threatening violence?
Ray from Cleveland: Where did you read they were? Certainly not in the OP.
Dumbfuck... now scroll up to the top of the page ........

Of course not.
The only people talking about violence are Trumpers and Russian trolls
It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.

For starters provide a link that states that, secondly, your post has little to do with mine.
My post that YOU replied to was in regards to the wingnuts on this board who consistently make anonymous calls for violence. That you ignore those comments and pretend to me that the right doesn't call for violence is your problem to deal with.

Yeah, like USMB Republicans are going to go out and riot.

Ok, so they are all liars then.

Funny thing the internet. I've seen nobody on the left ever admit they have a blue collar job. They either own companies, work from home, own a business, or are independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

What are you talking about?

^And there you go, justifying right wing violence.

The whistleblower complaint is new, you realize this, right? It also follows the same pattern, get foreign governments to help Trump win an election and in this case holding United States relief for the Ukraine up in the air. Relief meant to protect Ukraine from the last hooligan country to aid Trump for which multiple examples of obstruction of justice were identified. If that isn't toxic to our foreign policy then I don't know what is.

Lastly, Trump doesn't have the support of most Americans regardless of the fact that he won in 2016 (with millions more voting against him). Most Americans are in support of an impeachment inquiry and in some polls a plurality of voters support impeachment vs. not impeaching. The trend is not on your side.

The whistleblower complaint is new, but the Russian collusion stretched out for two years. Then there was the Kavanaugh thing. Then the obstruction of justice thing. You want a list of impeachment talks or attempts on Trump in these past three years? Here you go:

Efforts to impeach Donald Trump - Wikipedia

I don't remember anyone calling for Trump's impeachment over Kavanaugh and I hate to break it to you the Russia thing turned up quite a bit of evidence of wrong doing by the Trump administration to include obstruction of justice by the president. Maybe not elect a prick in the future.

Trump never tried to blackmail anybody by withholding US anything. Read the phone transcript. There is nothing in there where Trump even hinted at that. You are just following marching orders instead of thinking for yourself.

We've all read it, Trump points out that the relationship between the U.S> and Ukraine isn't equal, stating that Ukraine doesn't do enough for us and then goes onto ask for a couple of favors. One of those asking a foreign government to intervene in an upcoming election by finding dirt on one of his opponents.

You don't impeach or not impeach a President based on polls. People don't have a vote when it comes to impeachment. People have their say-so at the elections.

Then there is the real world where public opinion on impeachment is often a driver for whether Congress takes any action. If support for impeachment were in the low twenties for example then regardless of whether there was an impeachable offense or not Congress most likely would not act. Thankfully that is not the case.

Two duds in a row, you guys really know how to pick them.
People think I am kidding. We are on the brink. Based on the responses from most conservatives on this site, it probably reflects how most think.

We will deserve what we get. It's going to be bad.

It's going to be a fizzle. The mouth breathers will simply change the channel.
It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.
Great idea, except most of the educators are making students more stupid than the previous batch.
That's probably more their parents.

Yep, no doubt more parents are looking the other way and expecting teachers to raise their kids.
I would say. Wouldn't you agree that, in your household, it wouldnt matter that the kids had crappy teachers? I stay involved, myself. I expect my kids to tell me when they are struggling, and we figure it out together. I dont let them fall behind. It makes all the difference.

Yes it does.

Years ago my next door neighbor bought a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, we had every kid in a five block area here.

They played from the time they got home from school until way past dark non stop. A few times I threatened to call the cops. I gave them until 10:00 pm, and that was it.

These were not just teens, these were kids as young as 10. I wondered WTF their parent(s) were at? Who lets their kids stay out that late on a school night? Didn't they have homework to do? Didn't they have to shower and get enough sleep for the next school day?

The best teachers in the country can't help kids with parents like that.

You were going to call the cops because kids were at their friends house playing basketball at night? Some fucking neighbor you are.
The left owns diversity and multi-culturism, which is a mistake for America.
Yes, it's a mistake for America IF it were to remain a free and prosperous nation.
Stop denying Lenny. Face reality. They OWN Google, Facebook, Twitter, the News Media, The Schools, The Entertainment Industry, Actors, Singers, Comedians......
We must not let the founding fathers down. The founding fathers created America as a white Christian country. America was respected back then. We cannot let the liberals and minorities destroy America.
Well, there we have it, folks.....the kind totally attracted to fat donnie.
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC

Yep....been saying this for years.....

When people do nothing....tyranny flourishes.
That is why the shit bag must be impeached and removed.

Won't happen, nor should it. He will be re-elected and you anti-American, anti-Trumpsters will have to endure 4 more years of prosperity. Poor things.
So the Putin fix is in?
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Why I think everyone who is disgusted with the lying Democrats should "descend" on DC and make a little noise.
The thunder would then be deafening, and the Democrats might check their evil ways. Us noisemakers will shut up when Schiff, Pelosi, and Schumer resign for the defeat they've handed themselves already.
Looks like a threat of violence.
Sounds like the little woman who made her husband beat her by not minding him. I'm not surprised that Trump supporters would look at this the same way. Their problem is that opposing Trump's childish behavior is not the same as being a small woman, and we won't just stand there and take it.
Good. Let's get it on.
People think I am kidding. We are on the brink. Based on the responses from most conservatives on this site, it probably reflects how most think.

We will deserve what we get. It's going to be bad.
Oh look --> yet another reason to impeach trump ... threatening violence.

Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Why I think everyone who is disgusted with the lying Democrats should "descend" on DC and make a little noise.
The thunder would then be deafening, and the Democrats might check their evil ways. Us noisemakers will shut up when Schiff, Pelosi, and Schumer resign for the defeat they've handed themselves already.
Looks like a threat of violence.
You're right. Democrats were on the point of violence by bringing lies against Kavanaugh to try to destroy him, his family, and the President who picked him based on good advice from the best lawyers in the USA. Kavanaugh had to move because of the death threats issued to his wife and children when he was at work.
Sounds like the little woman who made her husband beat her by not minding him. I'm not surprised that Trump supporters would look at this the same way. Their problem is that opposing Trump's childish behavior is not the same as being a small woman, and we won't just stand there and take it.
Good. Let's get it on.

Are you hitting on me, you faggot?

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