Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Isn’t it Rolling Thunder threatening violence ?

Where did you read they were??? Certainly not in the OP.

Brain-dead con -- by the OP:

Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
So when obama was running for his second term and he used AF1 for "official business" and attended 4 dinners and said "hello" to the Mayor, you were OK? Didn't hear you speaking out there.
Donald Trump is President of the United States and can talk to any head of State he wants to for any reason at all. Did President Trump threaten a billion in foreign aid? Oops! That was Joe Biden. Where is your outrage over that? You're being just plain silly here boy.

What the fuck does that have to do with it being illegal to solicit campaign help from foreign nationals? :cuckoo:

Dayum, righties are fucking brain-dead.

So Biden did some shady stuff acting as the Vice President of the US and the current President, who Constitutionally has the full executive power of the federal government, shouldn't be able to ask the government of the country where the shady stuff was going on, to investigate? I've got news for you...he has every right to do so given the suspicious circumstances around Biden's activities in Ukraine. He also has the ability to ask them to try to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier, the roots of which were in Ukraine. If he had gone to Canada and requested they try to dig up some dirt on Biden, that would likely be illegal, assuming there was no suspicion of wrong-doing by Biden in that country.

Correct. The accusation is that Trump is going after a political opponent, and he doesn't' even know who that opponent will be yet. As of now, Biden is sinking in the polls so it's not likely it will be him.

The President is asking a leader of a foreign country to look into possible illegalities by a representative of our country. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. This will not be a US investigation yet, it will be a Ukrainian investigation.
He knows that Biden stands a good chance of winning the Democrats' nomination.

He doesn't know that. You don't know it and I don't know it. Biden (as expected) is gaffing himself out of the election. How many times does the first horse out of the gates win the race?

Let me tell you what I see here: The Democrats got a hold of this phone call, and it set them into Defcon One mode. They are scared to death of something here. What it is, I can't tell you. But the idea that Zelensky is accommodating Trump's request has them in a do or die position. There is something they fear Zelensky will find out that will kill them in the 2020 elections, and not necessarily because of Biden, but the party in general.

So now they are in a rush to try and get rid of Trump. They're not worried about Pence. Pence is as establishment as they get on the Republican side. He is a guy that goes with the flow. So they bring up this stupid innocuous phone call to make a big deal out of. The only way to silence Zelensky is to get rid of Trump, or at least cast serious doubt about him.
The fact remains, he gets no pass! The fact these incidents of corruption in Ukraine occurred while he was VP makes it more imperative that he be investigated.

You can't get any dumber.

Dumbfuck... the whole reason Biden threatened to withhold that loan was to fight corruption. And it worked because they fired a corrupt prosecutor.

Not likely because the prosecutor not only is poor but would not have gained from the prosecution, while Hunter Biden got millions.
Suspicious at best.
Other directors on that board were also paid millions.

They got paid millions? How many other countries were they from? How little experience in that field of work did they have?
I don't know where they're from, nor does it matter. But it was reported than Biden's wages were not out of the ordinary compared to what other board members were paid.
Yet way out of the ordinary considering his expertise....which was nada.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Isn’t it Rolling Thunder threatening violence ?

Where did you read they were??? Certainly not in the OP.

Brain-dead con -- by the OP:

Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Perhaps I should have made myself clear: by the article in the OP. You see.....I thought I wouldn't have to explain that given the comment I was responding to.
So, just a reminder of what this piece of shit thread is:

People threatening violence over due process.

And that about sums it up.
Then are you suggesting that professors and colleges operate for free? If the individual doesn't pay for it, somebody has to.
No. I m suggesting that we invest in education and reject that anti intellectualism of Republicans
We have done nothing but invest in education. We are all educated out.

Correct. The US spends more per capita on primary education than most other industrialized nations. We simply can't afford college as well.
So when obama was running for his second term and he used AF1 for "official business" and attended 4 dinners and said "hello" to the Mayor, you were OK? Didn't hear you speaking out there.
Donald Trump is President of the United States and can talk to any head of State he wants to for any reason at all. Did President Trump threaten a billion in foreign aid? Oops! That was Joe Biden. Where is your outrage over that? You're being just plain silly here boy.

What the fuck does that have to do with it being illegal to solicit campaign help from foreign nationals? :cuckoo:

Dayum, righties are fucking brain-dead.

So Biden did some shady stuff acting as the Vice President of the US and the current President, who Constitutionally has the full executive power of the federal government, shouldn't be able to ask the government of the country where the shady stuff was going on, to investigate? I've got news for you...he has every right to do so given the suspicious circumstances around Biden's activities in Ukraine. He also has the ability to ask them to try to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier, the roots of which were in Ukraine. If he had gone to Canada and requested they try to dig up some dirt on Biden, that would likely be illegal, assuming there was no suspicion of wrong-doing by Biden in that country.

Correct. The accusation is that Trump is going after a political opponent, and he doesn't' even know who that opponent will be yet. As of now, Biden is sinking in the polls so it's not likely it will be him.

The President is asking a leader of a foreign country to look into possible illegalities by a representative of our country. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. This will not be a US investigation yet, it will be a Ukrainian investigation.
He knows that Biden stands a good chance of winning the Democrats' nomination.

He doesn't know that. You don't know it and I don't know it. Biden (as expected) is gaffing himself out of the election. How many times does the first horse out of the gates win the race?

Let me tell you what I see here: The Democrats got a hold of this phone call, and it set them into Defcon One mode. They are scared to death of something here. What it is, I can't tell you. But the idea that Zelensky is accommodating Trump's request has them in a do or die position. There is something they fear Zelensky will find out that will kill them in the 2020 elections, and not necessarily because of Biden, but the party in general.

So now they are in a rush to try and get rid of Trump. They're not worried about Pence. Pence is as establishment as they get on the Republican side. He is a guy that goes with the flow. So they bring up this stupid innocuous phone call to make a big deal out of. The only way to silence Zelensky is to get rid of Trump, or at least cast serious doubt about him.
Of course he knows that. As of now, there's only 3 viable Democrats running. Biden is one of them.

And it's irrelevant which one wins since as of now, Biden is a likely candidate, who Trump is trying to eliminate.

Using your un-American logic, Trump should be allowed to use his office to collude with a foreign national to take out Biden as he hasn't yet won the Democrats' nomination. Now if that's allowed, there's no reason you can invent for why he can't also do that against Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg.

According to POS's like you, Trump is perfectly within his rights as president to use his office to eliminate all competition so he can win unopposed. Just because you like licking the boots of a dictator doesn't mean others think like you.

You can't get any dumber.

Dumbfuck... the whole reason Biden threatened to withhold that loan was to fight corruption. And it worked because they fired a corrupt prosecutor.

Not likely because the prosecutor not only is poor but would not have gained from the prosecution, while Hunter Biden got millions.
Suspicious at best.
Other directors on that board were also paid millions.

They got paid millions? How many other countries were they from? How little experience in that field of work did they have?
I don't know where they're from, nor does it matter. But it was reported than Biden's wages were not out of the ordinary compared to what other board members were paid.
Yet way out of the ordinary considering his expertise....which was nada.
So? Perhaps they hired him for name recognition. That's not a crime.
So, just a reminder of what this piece of shit thread is:

People threatening violence over due process.

And that about sums it up.

Let's see if this is really due process. In due process, the accused gets to face their accuser in court. That means if the Democrats want to proceed with this, the very least we should expect is to know the sources such as the so-called whistleblower and his or her informant.
Eliminating the electoral college would also eliminate the representation of the vast majority of the states in the country and put control in the most populated states.
Horseshit. It would make every vote count. Trump lost by about 3M popular votes . We would not be living this nightmare if it were not for the electoral college. We would not have been in Iraq either,
The nightmare is all your doing. 24/7 it never stops. On and on and on and on...The sun did not even rise the morning after the election and the venom was spewing. We should have known. Hillary kept us all waiting for hours because she would not concede. She was so drunk and drugged up she could not even meet "the little people" of the village at her coronation bash to thank them. They were to stupid to realize what she really thinks of them when that happened. It was like when Bill and Hill were flummoxed about African Americans voting for Obama. They though they were the first Black couple. Hillary even used the twang of suffering speech to them (that was racist)so it had to be true.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Isn’t it Rolling Thunder threatening violence ?

Where did you read they were??? Certainly not in the OP.

Brain-dead con -- by the OP:

Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Perhaps I should have made myself clear: by the article in the OP. You see.....I thought I wouldn't have to explain that given the comment I was responding to.
Dumbfuck, you asked another poster where they read Rolling Thunder is threatening violence and they read it in the title of this thread you're posting on.
So, just a reminder of what this piece of shit thread is:

People threatening violence over due process.

And that about sums it up.

Let's see if this is really due process. In due process, the accused gets to face their accuser in court. That means if the Democrats want to proceed with this, the very least we should expect is to know the sources such as the so-called whistleblower and his or her informant.
Impeachment is not conducted in a court of law and whistleblowers' anonymity is protected by law for their own safety; especially from a psychotic president who insinuated they should be put to death for daring to to point a finger at his crime.

What the fuck does that have to do with it being illegal to solicit campaign help from foreign nationals? :cuckoo:

Dayum, righties are fucking brain-dead.

So Biden did some shady stuff acting as the Vice President of the US and the current President, who Constitutionally has the full executive power of the federal government, shouldn't be able to ask the government of the country where the shady stuff was going on, to investigate? I've got news for you...he has every right to do so given the suspicious circumstances around Biden's activities in Ukraine. He also has the ability to ask them to try to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier, the roots of which were in Ukraine. If he had gone to Canada and requested they try to dig up some dirt on Biden, that would likely be illegal, assuming there was no suspicion of wrong-doing by Biden in that country.

Correct. The accusation is that Trump is going after a political opponent, and he doesn't' even know who that opponent will be yet. As of now, Biden is sinking in the polls so it's not likely it will be him.

The President is asking a leader of a foreign country to look into possible illegalities by a representative of our country. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. This will not be a US investigation yet, it will be a Ukrainian investigation.
He knows that Biden stands a good chance of winning the Democrats' nomination.

He doesn't know that. You don't know it and I don't know it. Biden (as expected) is gaffing himself out of the election. How many times does the first horse out of the gates win the race?

Let me tell you what I see here: The Democrats got a hold of this phone call, and it set them into Defcon One mode. They are scared to death of something here. What it is, I can't tell you. But the idea that Zelensky is accommodating Trump's request has them in a do or die position. There is something they fear Zelensky will find out that will kill them in the 2020 elections, and not necessarily because of Biden, but the party in general.

So now they are in a rush to try and get rid of Trump. They're not worried about Pence. Pence is as establishment as they get on the Republican side. He is a guy that goes with the flow. So they bring up this stupid innocuous phone call to make a big deal out of. The only way to silence Zelensky is to get rid of Trump, or at least cast serious doubt about him.
Of course he knows that. As of now, there's only 3 viable Democrats running. Biden is one of them.

And it's irrelevant which one wins since as of now, Biden is a likely candidate, who Trump is trying to eliminate.

Using your un-American logic, Trump should be allowed to use his office to collude with a foreign national to take out Biden as he hasn't yet won the Democrats' nomination. Now if that's allowed, there's no reason you can invent for why he can't also do that against Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg.

According to POS's like you, Trump is perfectly within his rights as president to use his office to eliminate all competition so he can win unopposed. Just because you like licking the boots of a dictator doesn't mean others think like you.

The difference between Biden and all the other candidates is that they didn't have any dog in the race. Just because Biden is running for President doesn't mean he's insulated from his past actions in Ukraine or anywhere else.

Biden is the likely candidate now, but again, we're talking about a year away, and the gaff machine just can't stop himself. He's most likely not going to be the candidate. He can't win the Socialist or younger votes, and he's too old for most people's liking.
So, just a reminder of what this piece of shit thread is:

People threatening violence over due process.

And that about sums it up.

Let's see if this is really due process. In due process, the accused gets to face their accuser in court. That means if the Democrats want to proceed with this, the very least we should expect is to know the sources such as the so-called whistleblower and his or her informant.
Impeachment is not conducted in a court of law and whistleblowers' anonymity is protected by law for their own safety; especially from a psychotic president who insinuated they should be put to death for daring to to point a finger at his crime.

Then take up that argument with Fort Fun. He's the one that used the term due process. If Trump can't face his accuser, then it's not due process in any sense of the term.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Isn’t it Rolling Thunder threatening violence ?

Where did you read they were??? Certainly not in the OP.

Brain-dead con -- by the OP:

Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Perhaps I should have made myself clear: by the article in the OP. You see.....I thought I wouldn't have to explain that given the comment I was responding to.
Dumbfuck, you asked another poster where they read Rolling Thunder is threatening violence and they read it in the title of this thread you're posting on.

God are you stupid. Now follow the bouncing ball:

Right-winger: Isn't Rolling Thunder threatening violence?
Ray from Cleveland: Where did you read they were? Certainly not in the OP.
So Biden did some shady stuff acting as the Vice President of the US and the current President, who Constitutionally has the full executive power of the federal government, shouldn't be able to ask the government of the country where the shady stuff was going on, to investigate? I've got news for you...he has every right to do so given the suspicious circumstances around Biden's activities in Ukraine. He also has the ability to ask them to try to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier, the roots of which were in Ukraine. If he had gone to Canada and requested they try to dig up some dirt on Biden, that would likely be illegal, assuming there was no suspicion of wrong-doing by Biden in that country.

Correct. The accusation is that Trump is going after a political opponent, and he doesn't' even know who that opponent will be yet. As of now, Biden is sinking in the polls so it's not likely it will be him.

The President is asking a leader of a foreign country to look into possible illegalities by a representative of our country. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. This will not be a US investigation yet, it will be a Ukrainian investigation.
He knows that Biden stands a good chance of winning the Democrats' nomination.

He doesn't know that. You don't know it and I don't know it. Biden (as expected) is gaffing himself out of the election. How many times does the first horse out of the gates win the race?

Let me tell you what I see here: The Democrats got a hold of this phone call, and it set them into Defcon One mode. They are scared to death of something here. What it is, I can't tell you. But the idea that Zelensky is accommodating Trump's request has them in a do or die position. There is something they fear Zelensky will find out that will kill them in the 2020 elections, and not necessarily because of Biden, but the party in general.

So now they are in a rush to try and get rid of Trump. They're not worried about Pence. Pence is as establishment as they get on the Republican side. He is a guy that goes with the flow. So they bring up this stupid innocuous phone call to make a big deal out of. The only way to silence Zelensky is to get rid of Trump, or at least cast serious doubt about him.
Of course he knows that. As of now, there's only 3 viable Democrats running. Biden is one of them.

And it's irrelevant which one wins since as of now, Biden is a likely candidate, who Trump is trying to eliminate.

Using your un-American logic, Trump should be allowed to use his office to collude with a foreign national to take out Biden as he hasn't yet won the Democrats' nomination. Now if that's allowed, there's no reason you can invent for why he can't also do that against Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg.

According to POS's like you, Trump is perfectly within his rights as president to use his office to eliminate all competition so he can win unopposed. Just because you like licking the boots of a dictator doesn't mean others think like you.

The difference between Biden and all the other candidates is that they didn't have any dog in the race. Just because Biden is running for President doesn't mean he's insulated from his past actions in Ukraine or anywhere else.

Biden is the likely candidate now, but again, we're talking about a year away, and the gaff machine just can't stop himself. He's most likely not going to be the candidate. He can't win the Socialist or younger votes, and he's too old for most people's liking.

Aside from his age, he's be in powerful positions for the past 40 years, and wrote or sponsored some of the key pieces of legislation that helped get the country to where it is today, and not in a good way. Younger, better ideas are needed..Biden's time has come and gone, and he should go with it.
Isn’t it Rolling Thunder threatening violence ?

Where did you read they were??? Certainly not in the OP.

Brain-dead con -- by the OP:

Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Perhaps I should have made myself clear: by the article in the OP. You see.....I thought I wouldn't have to explain that given the comment I was responding to.
Dumbfuck, you asked another poster where they read Rolling Thunder is threatening violence and they read it in the title of this thread you're posting on.

God are you stupid. Now follow the bouncing ball:

Right-winger: Isn't Rolling Thunder threatening violence?
Ray from Cleveland: Where did you read they were? Certainly not in the OP.
Okay, I think you have a point, there. No explicit threats of violence from them. Cool. If they can stay more civil than the Antifa morons, it's already a win for them.
So Biden did some shady stuff acting as the Vice President of the US and the current President, who Constitutionally has the full executive power of the federal government, shouldn't be able to ask the government of the country where the shady stuff was going on, to investigate? I've got news for you...he has every right to do so given the suspicious circumstances around Biden's activities in Ukraine. He also has the ability to ask them to try to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier, the roots of which were in Ukraine. If he had gone to Canada and requested they try to dig up some dirt on Biden, that would likely be illegal, assuming there was no suspicion of wrong-doing by Biden in that country.

Correct. The accusation is that Trump is going after a political opponent, and he doesn't' even know who that opponent will be yet. As of now, Biden is sinking in the polls so it's not likely it will be him.

The President is asking a leader of a foreign country to look into possible illegalities by a representative of our country. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. This will not be a US investigation yet, it will be a Ukrainian investigation.
He knows that Biden stands a good chance of winning the Democrats' nomination.

He doesn't know that. You don't know it and I don't know it. Biden (as expected) is gaffing himself out of the election. How many times does the first horse out of the gates win the race?

Let me tell you what I see here: The Democrats got a hold of this phone call, and it set them into Defcon One mode. They are scared to death of something here. What it is, I can't tell you. But the idea that Zelensky is accommodating Trump's request has them in a do or die position. There is something they fear Zelensky will find out that will kill them in the 2020 elections, and not necessarily because of Biden, but the party in general.

So now they are in a rush to try and get rid of Trump. They're not worried about Pence. Pence is as establishment as they get on the Republican side. He is a guy that goes with the flow. So they bring up this stupid innocuous phone call to make a big deal out of. The only way to silence Zelensky is to get rid of Trump, or at least cast serious doubt about him.
Of course he knows that. As of now, there's only 3 viable Democrats running. Biden is one of them.

And it's irrelevant which one wins since as of now, Biden is a likely candidate, who Trump is trying to eliminate.

Using your un-American logic, Trump should be allowed to use his office to collude with a foreign national to take out Biden as he hasn't yet won the Democrats' nomination. Now if that's allowed, there's no reason you can invent for why he can't also do that against Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg.

According to POS's like you, Trump is perfectly within his rights as president to use his office to eliminate all competition so he can win unopposed. Just because you like licking the boots of a dictator doesn't mean others think like you.

The difference between Biden and all the other candidates is that they didn't have any dog in the race. Just because Biden is running for President doesn't mean he's insulated from his past actions in Ukraine or anywhere else.

Biden is the likely candidate now, but again, we're talking about a year away, and the gaff machine just can't stop himself. He's most likely not going to be the candidate. He can't win the Socialist or younger votes, and he's too old for most people's liking.
"The difference between Biden and all the other candidates is that they didn't have any dog in the race. Just because Biden is running for President doesn't mean he's insulated from his past actions in Ukraine or anywhere else."

No one is saying his past actions are insulated. What is said, is that Trump, campaigning for the next election, is not allowed to use that as an excuse to violate the law.

"Biden is the likely candidate now, but again, we're talking about a year away, and the gaff machine just can't stop himself. He's most likely not going to be the candidate. He can't win the Socialist or younger votes, and he's too old for most people's liking."

Again, it's irrelevant which candidate wins the primary next summer. Trump is campaigning now for the Republican primaries to win the Republican nomination. Biden is campaigning now for the Democrat primaries to win the Democrat nomination. Trump is now soliciting a foreign national to help him eliminate one of his potential rivals.

The law is clear. The law says he can't do that.

And again, your freakishly bizarre notion that a sitting president should be allowed to take out his/her competition as long as they do so before a party nominates a candidate would allow such a snake to take out ALL their competition.

You freaks are truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

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