Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Eliminating the electoral college would also eliminate the representation of the vast majority of the states in the country and put control in the most populated states.
Horseshit. It would make every vote count. Trump lost by about 3M popular votes . We would not be living this nightmare if it were not for the electoral college. We would not have been in Iraq either,

Big cities vote Democrat. We all know that and we all know why. Those living in big cities have virtually no idea about life outside their bubbles. The vast majority of states are red. They need representation too. We don't all live in ants with crime around virtually every corner, thus we have different concerns. The founding fathers got it right. You don't like it because the left wing city folks can't decide all the elections.

What nightmare are you living because of Trump? Better economy than under Obama(that is a fact). Low gas prices despite the issues in the Middle East because we are more independent now. Lower taxes for virtually everybody? Pay rising faster for the bottom 10% than for the rest? Oh wait, I know. Trump opposed men using women's restrooms. That must be the nightmare to which you refer.

Big cities vote Democrat and you haven't the first clue as to why. Those living in the country have virtually no idea about life outside their bubbles. The vast majority of urban areas are Democrat. They need representation too. Poverty in the city is not the same as poverty in the country, and thus you have different concerns.

Considering that the vast majority of the American population lives in cities, do you really think it's helpful to have the minority who don't, making decisions on their behalf? It certainly hasn't worked out well for you with the two Presidents installed by the EC.

The economy is NOT better under Trump. Repeating Trump's economic lies won't make them true. Pull your head out of your ass and stop pretending Trump isn't a walking talking disaster.
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies."

no it isn't.

The only way Trump could be wrong to solicit aid from an ally is if it was for his own personal advancement only.
And that is not likely because if Hunter Biden did something wrong, it would be the legal duty of Trump to investigate that.

If Hunter Biden did something illegal in the Ukraine, it is not the responsibility of the President to investigate because the USA has no responsibility for what its citizens do abroad. In fact, it's none of the President's concern what Americans are doing abroad.

He was not a citizen, he was the vice President acting on behalf of the USA. Yes, that is our responsibility.
She was talking about Hunter, ya dumb shit. :cuckoo:
It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

The fired investigator said point blank that he was actively investigating the company and that he felt he was fired because of it and the pressure being put on his superiors by the US administration. Hunter was on the board and would have gotten tied up in the mess.
Liar. That prosecutor says that now. Until recently, he said he wasn't investigating Burisma but was planning on doing so when he was fired.
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Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

The fired investigator said point blank that he was actively investigating the company and that he felt he was fired because of it and the pressure being put on his superiors by the US administration. Hunter was on the board and would have gotten tied up in the mess.

The fired investigator is NOT credible. He was fired for corruption, and he was fired because he WASN'T investigating the company Biden worked for, not because he was investigating them. Hunter Biden would not have been caught up because he wasn't working for Burisma during the period that was being investigated.

Trump's talking points are lies and conspiracy theories.
Trump gets his "intel" from InfoWars and thegatewaypundit.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

The fired investigator said point blank that he was actively investigating the company and that he felt he was fired because of it and the pressure being put on his superiors by the US administration. Hunter was on the board and would have gotten tied up in the mess.

The fired investigator is NOT credible. He was fired for corruption, and he was fired because he WASN'T investigating the company Biden worked for, not because he was investigating them. Hunter Biden would not have been caught up because he wasn't working for Burisma during the period that was being investigated.

Trump's talking points are lies and conspiracy theories.

So Burisma was or was not being investigated? Hunter Biden was working for Burisma. They were being investigated for tax evasion and Hunter's pay was specifically in the cross hairs. You guys are totally duped.
Burisma was investigated by Great Britain because Ukraine wouldn't investigate them. Great Britain dropped their investigation because Ukraine General Prosecutor's office refused to cooperate with them.
Not likely because the prosecutor not only is poor but would not have gained from the prosecution, while Hunter Biden got millions.
Suspicious at best.
Other directors on that board were also paid millions.

They got paid millions? How many other countries were they from? How little experience in that field of work did they have?
I don't know where they're from, nor does it matter. But it was reported than Biden's wages were not out of the ordinary compared to what other board members were paid.
Yet way out of the ordinary considering his expertise....which was nada.
So? Perhaps they hired him for name recognition. That's not a crime.

Sure, that's it, they hired him and paid him big bucks because they recognized his name...idiot.
Great idea, except most of the educators are making students more stupid than the previous batch.
That's probably more their parents.

Yep, no doubt more parents are looking the other way and expecting teachers to raise their kids.
I would say. Wouldn't you agree that, in your household, it wouldnt matter that the kids had crappy teachers? I stay involved, myself. I expect my kids to tell me when they are struggling, and we figure it out together. I dont let them fall behind. It makes all the difference.

Yes it does.

Years ago my next door neighbor bought a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, we had every kid in a five block area here.

They played from the time they got home from school until way past dark non stop. A few times I threatened to call the cops. I gave them until 10:00 pm, and that was it.

These were not just teens, these were kids as young as 10. I wondered WTF their parent(s) were at? Who lets their kids stay out that late on a school night? Didn't they have homework to do? Didn't they have to shower and get enough sleep for the next school day?

The best teachers in the country can't help kids with parents like that.

You were going to call the cops because kids were at their friends house playing basketball at night? Some fucking neighbor you are.

Yep, 10 year old kids out at 10:00 PM, some fucking parent you are.
Then are you suggesting that professors and colleges operate for free? If the individual doesn't pay for it, somebody has to.
No. I m suggesting that we invest in education and reject that anti intellectualism of Republicans

Great idea, except most of the educators are making students more stupid than the previous batch.
You must be highly educated

That's one option, not dumb as a rock is another option.
College debt is crushing a generation . Education should be available to all who want it. Not just those who can afford it.

Then are you suggesting that professors and colleges operate for free? If the individual doesn't pay for it, somebody has to.

So you want me the taxpayer, to fund some kid going to school for a doctor, and after he graduates and I seek his help, he charges me 300 bucks for a visit?

Advanced education is an investment because most people with a degree make much more money than those that don't. An investment is when you take YOUR money, and hope to get it back with a profit. Taxpayers should not be funding individual investments.

Yes the wealthy should pay more. Again that has been part of the way we tax people for a long time, but you people only started crying that the socialist wolf is at the door since Obama was elected, and he is not even a socialist

The top 20% of taxpayers pay over 80% of all collected income taxes. If that's not enough, how much more should they be paying for the rest of us?

It is inhumane to deny basic health care to undocumented people who actually contribute to the economy by spending money that they earn and paying taxes.

But it"s not inhumane to deny basic healthcare to American citizens?

If they are making all this money and contributing so much, why don't they buy their own health insurance like other Americans?

progressive patriots words;
"College debt is crushing a generation . Education should be available to all who want it. Not just those who can afford it."

the conservative response;
"Then are you suggesting that professors and colleges operate for free? If the individual doesn't pay for it, somebody has to."

note how the deceitful lying conservative changed "education available to all who want it" (which could merely mean AFFORDABLE) to "FREE"....

cons lie
because they are stupid?
or because they are evil?
or both.....?

but cons lie.....
The left have officially become ungovernable.

Have any of you thought about where your line in the sand is and what you’re going to do when it gets crossed?
The left have officially become ungovernable.

Have any of you thought about where your line in the sand is and what you’re going to do when it gets crossed?
Why so shy, sissy? You tell us yours.

Sorry loser...a guy who cant even work up the guts to make his threats on an anonymous message board is no threat to anything but a bag of cheetohs.
The left have officially become ungovernable.

Have any of you thought about where your line in the sand is and what you’re going to do when it gets crossed?
Why so shy, sissy? You tell us yours.

Sorry loser...a guy who cant even work up the guts to make his threats on an anonymous message board is no threat to anything but a bag of cheetohs.

How easy is to trigger the leftist...

Where do you see threat?
The left have officially become ungovernable.

Have any of you thought about where your line in the sand is and what you’re going to do when it gets crossed?
Why so shy, sissy? You tell us yours.

Sorry loser...a guy who cant even work up the guts to make his threats on an anonymous message board is no threat to anything but a bag of cheetohs.

How easy is to trigger the leftist...

Where do you see threat?
Sorry, did you start talking again, without stating your own intentions? Ok. Get it out of your system. Then wipe that tear away and tell us what your line in the sand is, and what you plan to do. Go on, sissy, let's hear it.
The left have officially become ungovernable.

Have any of you thought about where your line in the sand is and what you’re going to do when it gets crossed?
Why so shy, sissy? You tell us yours.

Sorry loser...a guy who cant even work up the guts to make his threats on an anonymous message board is no threat to anything but a bag of cheetohs.

How easy is to trigger the leftist...

Where do you see threat?
Sorry, did you start talking again, without stating your own intentions? Ok. Get it out of your system. Then wipe that tear away and tell us what your line in the sand is, and what you plan to do. Go on, sissy, let's hear it.

You imbeciles are constantly making threats. You wanna find out what I'm gonna do, go for it, and act on your threats. It's a free country.
The left have officially become ungovernable.

Have any of you thought about where your line in the sand is and what you’re going to do when it gets crossed?

Have you thought about what YOU are going to do?


pee your pants?

whine and complain?

beat your wife and kids?

start killing innocent people?
You wanna find out what I'm gonna do
Yes, that's right, which is why i directly asked you. I also knew you would not answer, because you are actually a huge sissy with a big mouth and not much else. Of course, you worked up the stones to ask everyone else what they are going to do. :rolleyes:
Horseshit! We are defending the Constitution and the rule of law! T-Rump has no respect for the constitution or the law. He is arrogant and ignorant A dangerous combination of stupid and crazy!

A leftist babbling something or another about constitutional law as if it were something he understood.


A raving leftist of a statist bootlick of a socialist nitwit actually pretending to care about the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law on which this nation was founded.

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You wanna find out what I'm gonna do
Yes, that's right, which is why i directly asked you. I also knew you would not answer, because you are actually a huge sissy with a big mouth and not much else. Of course, you worked up the stones to ask everyone else what they are going to do. :rolleyes:

Since you're so brave, why don't you answer question I asked first?
You wanna find out what I'm gonna do
Yes, that's right, which is why i directly asked you. I also knew you would not answer, because you are actually a huge sissy with a big mouth and not much else. Of course, you worked up the stones to ask everyone else what they are going to do. :rolleyes:

Since you're so brave, why don't you answer question I asked first?
Because i am ignoring your attempts to change the subject, of course. What a stupid question.

So, go on big guy, let's hear your line in the sand and what you plan to do if it is crossed.

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