Democrats’ New Rallying Cry: Work Is a Trap and We Celebrate Those Who Can Avoid It


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this Democrat party is evil
links with article at site


Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, February 9, 2014, 8:36 AM

On Wednesday Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf said straight out that Obamacare creates incentives that discourage work. The CBO also reported Obamacare is slowing economic growth and contributing to job losses.

In response Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid explained Americans won’t be losing their jobs, they’ll just be moving into “free agency.”

White House spokesman Jay Carney cheered, “Opportunity created by affordable, quality health insurance allows families in America to make a decision about how they will work, or if they will work.”
[ame=]Krauthammer: Carney's Comment Will Be "Emblazoned on the Tombstone of Liberalism" - YouTube[/ame]

It’s the Democrats new rallying cry.
Work is a trap and we celebrate those who can avoid it.
Michael Godwin at the NY Post reported:

Among its many stamps, the Postal Service has a series called “Made in America, Building a Nation.” The strip of “forever” stamps is a collection of iconic photographs of 20th-century industry featuring men and women toiling on railroads, skyscrapers and factory floors.

A celebration of work and workers, the series quotes Helen Keller saying, “The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”

My, oh, my, how times have changed. America now has a government that views work as a trap and celebrates those who escape it.

all of it here
Democrats? New Rallying Cry: Work Is a Trap and We Celebrate Those Who Can Avoid It | The Gateway Pundit
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Actually, this is a few dishonest folks, like you, taking something that has nothing to do with the sanctity of work, but more-so of the elderly beyond retirement age still HAVING to work in order to afford health care.

It is a good thing when this is no longer the case.

Apparently, you disagree.
links and video at site

Rep Keith Ellison on Obamacare-Related Job Losses: Americans Work Too Much Anyway

by AWR Hawkins 9 Feb 2014 1337 post a comment

During the February 9 airing of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) said the loss of work hours due to Obamacare could actually be a good thing because Americans work too much anyway, compared to people in other industrialized countries.

The discussion began when round-table host Jonathan Karl asked Congressman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) about a CBO report showing "the equivalent of two million-plus workers coming out of the economy" due to Obamacare.

Cole said, "Obamacare has been an issue from day one that's hurt Democrats and helped Republicans." And he said it's "not going to go away" as an issue "because it's fundamentally a flawed, bad policy."
Ellison countered that the CBO report on the reduction of hours worked means, "We are going to have parents being able to come home, working reasonable hours. People are going to be able to retire. People might actually be able to cook dinner rather than have to order out and get some takeout."

ALL of it here
Rep Keith Ellison on Obamacare-Related Job Losses: Americans Work Too Much Anyway
Of course... Obama kills ambition and thoughts of success.. Obama has taught our youth that aspirations of building a business to create profit is un-American....

You are not expected to do anymore than the minimum required. If everyone follows this mantra, there would be no more competition

So we have the lapdog media putting out their propaganda for the DNC

ABC news........Americans Work More Than Anyone

wasn't your American DREAM always to be a, Starving artist?

I never dreamt I'd ever see this day being pushed by the Federal GOVERNMENT by the Party in control of it
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The affordable care act is going to allow me to finally start my own law firm. For 15 years, I’ve been working at big and mid-size law firms for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest was the benefits. My husband is 17 years older than me and has a pre-existing condition. I have been reluctant to start my own firm – be a “job creator”, because I would have had to enter the private insurance market and probably pay a fortune for coverage – if I was able to even get coverage for my husband.​
At these law firms, my compensation is based on my billables – and at best, in a given year, I take home 50% of what I bill. The other 50% is used to pay for services at the firm I don’t use – such as HR, secretarial assistance, document management, etc. My practice is lean, electronic and requires only a computer and a creative mind. As the owner of my own firm, it is likely that I will take home 75-80% of what I bill in a year, after taxes and expenses.​
The ability to go to the Covered California website and get a plan for both of us solves one of the biggest issues I had with striking out on my own. Will I be working for a company in a year? No, so I won’t be a “worker”. Will I own my own business this time next year? Yes – and isn’t that what America is supposed to be about?​

There are many other stories of people like that who will finally be free to have freedom of choice -- and it won't be "on your back."

In conservative world, it is preferred they stay stuck in a shitty system and stifled their entrepreneurship.
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video and the rest at site

Trey Gowdy: Dems Trying To Convince Americans Writing Poetry is an Acceptable Alternative To Working
on Breitbart TV 9 Feb 2014 289 post a comment

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on the Fox News Channel on Sunday discussed liberal lawmakers spin on the CBO report finding that ObamaCare will cause the loss of approximately 2.5 million jobs in the near future...

ALL of it here
Trey Gowdy: Dems Trying To Convince Americans Writing Poetry is an Acceptable Alternative To Working
Yep. The Democrats finally gave workers the freedom 'publicans only talked about.

– “A lot of people change their jobs. So the tax benefit should change and go with them, and not be attached to their jobs. We want to address job lock. So, the key question that ought to be addressed in any health care reform legislation, is are we going to continue job lock, or are we going to allow individuals more choice, and portability to fit the 21st century workforce?” [Paul Ryan, 5/20/2009]

– “Today, leaving a job or changing jobs means leaving behind the health insurance provided at the place of work. Individuals who wish to take a better job, change careers, or leave the workforce to raise a family or to retire early take substantial risks. [...] Under the McCain plan, which links tax breaks directly to individuals instead of to their place of work, individuals would no longer feel obligated to stay with their employers simply because they need to keep their employer-based health insurance. [Heritage Foundation, 10/15/2008]

– “Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place…. I also want individuals to be able to buy insurance, health insurance, on their own as opposed to only being able to get it on a tax advantage basis through their company.” [Mitt Romney, 9/9/2012]

– “[T]he employer-based system leads to ‘job lock,’ whereby people are afraid to leave their jobs if they fall ill on the job, because switching plans could mean higher premiums or denial of coverage.” [Avik Roy, former health care adviser to Mitt Romney, 2/7/2012]

No more job lock for millions of Americans. Yay!
Actually, this is a few dishonest folks, like you, taking something that has nothing to do with the sanctity of work, but more-so of the elderly beyond retirement age still HAVING to work in order to afford health care.

It is a good thing when this is no longer the case.

Apparently, you disagree.


And this will mean enormous freedom to those who want to start a business.

Maybe we can finally move beyond the old 'nose to the grind stone' idea of working and use our work to grow as individuals and as a nation.

Naturally, the right would be against anything that might lead to that. After all, it doesn't benefit China or WallyWorld.
Actually, this is a few dishonest folks, like you, taking something that has nothing to do with the sanctity of work, but more-so of the elderly beyond retirement age still HAVING to work in order to afford health care.

It is a good thing when this is no longer the case.

Apparently, you disagree.


And this will mean enormous freedom to those who want to start a business.

Maybe we can finally move beyond the old 'nose to the grind stone' idea of working and use our work to grow as individuals and as a nation.

Naturally, the right would be against anything that might lead to that. After all, it doesn't benefit China or WallyWorld.

wow, lets all go start a business because now we can live off the backs of others so hey nothing to worry are FREE FREE FREE
The new American dream:

come one come all and see how much you can suck off others (taxpayers) in this country through the Federal Government...they are your Friend and ONLY have your BEST INTEREST at heart

Stephanie doesn't think Americans work hard enough. How many jobs you got Steph?

None. She lives off the state. She has even said she can't understand her Medicare.

like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing
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OK, so the far right is upset that Americans, because of ACA, can do other things (such as work two PT jobs or one, if they wish) without being tied to the corporate grind.
...or if they work....

Why work when some one else already does?
Stephanie doesn't think Americans work hard enough. How many jobs you got Steph?

None. She lives off the state. She has even said she can't understand her Medicare.

like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing

Pride in what, not possessing a skillset that can provide for a comfortable living from one job?

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