Democrats’ New Rallying Cry: Work Is a Trap and We Celebrate Those Who Can Avoid It

None. She lives off the state. She has even said she can't understand her Medicare.

like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing

Pride in what, not possessing a skillset that can provide for a comfortable living from one job?

Actually, this is a few dishonest folks, like you, taking something that has nothing to do with the sanctity of work, but more-so of the elderly beyond retirement age still HAVING to work in order to afford health care.

It is a good thing when this is no longer the case.

Apparently, you disagree.

Heath care comes along with turning 65. The social security administration sends you a postcard two months before your birthday informing you that you are enrolled in Medicare but may opt out if you choose to do so.
Democrats have held that working is a form of slavery for many years. They call it wage slavery. The whole point of the Cloward Piven Strategy was to provide a guaranteed state provided income whether someone works or not.
Stephanie doesn't think Americans work hard enough. How many jobs you got Steph?

None. She lives off the state. She has even said she can't understand her Medicare.

like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing

This old Liberal still works only one job, because my skills are valuable enough that is all I have to work. And I recieve SS and have Medicare. I earned both, and damned well will use both.

What we have here are people like Staph, that are so blind that they would curse the President for paying off the National Debt and creating zero unemployment. It matters not what President Obama does, it is wrong in their eyes.
Stephanie doesn't think Americans work hard enough. How many jobs you got Steph?

None. She lives off the state. She has even said she can't understand her Medicare.

like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing

What you have is false pride, Staph, old girl
None. She lives off the state. She has even said she can't understand her Medicare.

like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing

Pride in what, not possessing a skillset that can provide for a comfortable living from one job?

at least I work and not think about living off your back through (welfare, food stamps, etc)
but I guess that isn't considered pride in your book
OK, Staph, a whole lot of us work that are past 65. We just don't make that big of a deal out of it. And many of us that are working past that age, actually find ourselves telling our employers what kind of hours that we will work. Because if your skill set is valuable enough, the knowledge and experiance you bring to the job is something they don't want to see leave.
like usual you're a damn liar
I receive NOTHING from the state...I still work sometimes two jobs..Because I have something you and a lot of Democrat party followers don't have, CALLED PRIDE
now go back to pimping for Obama and selling how living off the backs of taxpayers is a good and wonderful thing

Pride in what, not possessing a skillset that can provide for a comfortable living from one job?

at least I work and not think about living off your back through (welfare, food stamps, etc)
but I guess that isn't considered pride in your book

Having to work two jobs to make ends meet is nothing I'd be proud of.
Pride in what, not possessing a skillset that can provide for a comfortable living from one job?

at least I work and not think about living off your back through (welfare, food stamps, etc)
but I guess that isn't considered pride in your book

Having to work two jobs to make ends meet is nothing I'd be proud of.

whatever...doesn't matter to me
but good for you to get that off your chest
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Wow, have conservatives really not paid attention to what liberals are saying, or what?

Liberals want people to be able to leave a job that they want to leave, without having to worry about being insured medially. It gives workers the power of exit for another job.

Conservatives want people to be afraid to leave, because then greedy owners and cruel bosses can dictate the terms of benefits, wages, and working conditions much more easily to line their already overstuffed pockets.
Democrats have held that working is a form of slavery for many years. They call it wage slavery. The whole point of the Cloward Piven Strategy was to provide a guaranteed state provided income whether someone works or not.

A guaranteed income will be a good thing. Read "Player Piano" by Vonnegut. He predicted back in the 50's about workers becoming unnecessary but at least getting a stipend to survive and also use their stipend to buy products the robots produced. We call it stimulus. Better hope demcrats stay in power when this happens. Even republican voters will be wanting "free stuff" then.
Democrats have held that working is a form of slavery for many years. They call it wage slavery. The whole point of the Cloward Piven Strategy was to provide a guaranteed state provided income whether someone works or not.

A guaranteed income will be a good thing. Read "Player Piano" by Vonnegut. He predicted back in the 50's about workers becoming unnecessary but at least getting a stipend to survive and also use their stipend to buy products the robots produced. We call it stimulus. Better hope demcrats stay in power when this happens. Even republican voters will be wanting "free stuff" then.
I would shoot myself if I didnt have a job
How can any rational person believe this Democratic Spin.
How do people making less money or no money pay for their Obama Care Bronze Policy?
The Premiums seem low but the high out of pocket expenses and deductibles are costly.
New York City Bronze Plans

Deductible for an individual enrollee
Deductible for a family

Annual cap on out-of-pocket costs for an individual
Annual cap on out-of-pocket costs for a family
Monthly premiums range from $98 to a high of $1,462. I don't know what to make of this?
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Since when were people "trapped" at a job they hated....
People I have known left companies I worked for to get another job with better pay,less of a commute
and better benefits.
Since when were people "trapped" at a job they hated....
People I have known left companies I worked for to get another job with better pay,less of a commute
and better benefits.
Ask some of these republicans:

– “A lot of people change their jobs. So the tax benefit should change and go with them, and not be attached to their jobs. We want to address job lock. So, the key question that ought to be addressed in any health care reform legislation, is are we going to continue job lock, or are we going to allow individuals more choice, and portability to fit the 21st century workforce?” [Paul Ryan, 5/20/2009]

– “Today, leaving a job or changing jobs means leaving behind the health insurance provided at the place of work. Individuals who wish to take a better job, change careers, or leave the workforce to raise a family or to retire early take substantial risks. [...] Under the McCain plan, which links tax breaks directly to individuals instead of to their place of work, individuals would no longer feel obligated to stay with their employers simply because they need to keep their employer-based health insurance. [Heritage Foundation, 10/15/2008]

– “Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place…. I also want individuals to be able to buy insurance, health insurance, on their own as opposed to only being able to get it on a tax advantage basis through their company.” [Mitt Romney, 9/9/2012]

– “[T]he employer-based system leads to ‘job lock,’ whereby people are afraid to leave their jobs if they fall ill on the job, because switching plans could mean higher premiums or denial of coverage.” [Avik Roy, former health care adviser to Mitt Romney, 2/7/2012]
Democrats have held that working is a form of slavery for many years. They call it wage slavery. The whole point of the Cloward Piven Strategy was to provide a guaranteed state provided income whether someone works or not.

A guaranteed income will be a good thing. Read "Player Piano" by Vonnegut. He predicted back in the 50's about workers becoming unnecessary but at least getting a stipend to survive and also use their stipend to buy products the robots produced. We call it stimulus. Better hope demcrats stay in power when this happens. Even republican voters will be wanting "free stuff" then.
I would shoot myself if I didnt have a job

I hope you are kidding and dont value working for someone else over working for yourself.
People that are asleep right now may see this as a reason to start their own businesses. There is nothing better than being unemployable and working for yourself.
Notice the people telling the zombies how overrated work is, all have good paying jobs.

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