Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

It has nothing to do with Obama. The role and powers of the Executive Branch were never clearly stated, on purpose. Even the Founders weren't sure what the hell he might actually need to do, so they left it as an open issue.

Wow, this is an example of the ignorant left who doesn't have the first damn clue about the Separation of Powers and what powers are designated to the Executive that are CLEARLY defined. Try again liar.

I noticed you've chosen not to post them? Just bitch and whine.

Executive Powers
Within the executive branch itself, the president has broad powers to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government. The president can issue rules, regulations and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. As commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States, the president may also call into federal service the state units of the National Guard. In times of war or national emergency, the Congress may grant the president even broader powers to manage the national economy and protect the security of the United States.

Legislative Powers
Despite the constitutional provision that “all legislative powers” shall be vested in the Congress, the president, as the chief formulator of public policy, has a major legislative role. The president can veto any bill passed by Congress and, unless two-thirds of the members of each house vote to override the veto, the bill does not become law.

Judicial Powers
Among the president’s constitutional powers is that of appointing important public officials. Presidential nomination of federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court, is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Another significant power is that of granting a full or conditional pardon to anyone convicted of breaking a federal law — except in a case of impeachment. The pardoning power has come to embrace the power to shorten prison terms and reduce fines.

Powers in Foreign Affairs
Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers and consuls — subject to confirmation by the Senate — and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials. With the secretary of state, the president manages all official contacts with foreign governments. On occasion, the president may personally participate in summit conferences where chiefs of state meet for direct consultation.

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Actually I have, several times.. and in numerous threads as of late.. But I don't expect you to be able read and comprehend clearly.. No worries, I'm having a See-N-Say Fed-exed to your trailer park today..
Wow, this is an example of the ignorant left who doesn't have the first damn clue about the Separation of Powers and what powers are designated to the Executive that are CLEARLY defined. Try again liar.

I noticed you've chosen not to post them? Just bitch and whine.

Executive Powers
Within the executive branch itself, the president has broad powers to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government. The president can issue rules, regulations and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. As commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States, the president may also call into federal service the state units of the National Guard. In times of war or national emergency, the Congress may grant the president even broader powers to manage the national economy and protect the security of the United States.

Legislative Powers
Despite the constitutional provision that “all legislative powers” shall be vested in the Congress, the president, as the chief formulator of public policy, has a major legislative role. The president can veto any bill passed by Congress and, unless two-thirds of the members of each house vote to override the veto, the bill does not become law.

Judicial Powers
Among the president’s constitutional powers is that of appointing important public officials. Presidential nomination of federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court, is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Another significant power is that of granting a full or conditional pardon to anyone convicted of breaking a federal law — except in a case of impeachment. The pardoning power has come to embrace the power to shorten prison terms and reduce fines.

Powers in Foreign Affairs
Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers and consuls — subject to confirmation by the Senate — and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials. With the secretary of state, the president manages all official contacts with foreign governments. On occasion, the president may personally participate in summit conferences where chiefs of state meet for direct consultation.

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Actually I have, several times.. and in numerous threads as of late.. But I don't expect you to be able read and comprehend clearly.. No worries, I'm having a See-N-Say Fed-exed to your trailer park today..

Then I guess you can post a link to those threads, right? And prove that what I have posted is wrong, right?


I noticed you've chosen not to post them? Just bitch and whine.

Executive Powers
Within the executive branch itself, the president has broad powers to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government. The president can issue rules, regulations and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. As commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States, the president may also call into federal service the state units of the National Guard. In times of war or national emergency, the Congress may grant the president even broader powers to manage the national economy and protect the security of the United States.

Legislative Powers
Despite the constitutional provision that “all legislative powers” shall be vested in the Congress, the president, as the chief formulator of public policy, has a major legislative role. The president can veto any bill passed by Congress and, unless two-thirds of the members of each house vote to override the veto, the bill does not become law.

Judicial Powers
Among the president’s constitutional powers is that of appointing important public officials. Presidential nomination of federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court, is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Another significant power is that of granting a full or conditional pardon to anyone convicted of breaking a federal law — except in a case of impeachment. The pardoning power has come to embrace the power to shorten prison terms and reduce fines.

Powers in Foreign Affairs
Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers and consuls — subject to confirmation by the Senate — and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials. With the secretary of state, the president manages all official contacts with foreign governments. On occasion, the president may personally participate in summit conferences where chiefs of state meet for direct consultation.

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Actually I have, several times.. and in numerous threads as of late.. But I don't expect you to be able read and comprehend clearly.. No worries, I'm having a See-N-Say Fed-exed to your trailer park today..

Then I guess you can post a link to those threads, right? And prove that what I have posted is wrong, right?

All you have to do is go the Flame Zone dummy.. I have a thread there about Ravi and Bodey.. it's in that thread specifically, and throughout.. Knock yourself out Sparky.
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


Reform is just a fancy way of describing chaos.

You really like it when your government sells military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels, guts the military in the middle of massive conflicts overseas, declining standards of living, income stagnation, runaway inflation, the IRS illegally targeting Obama's political enemies, destroying hard drives to hide the evidence of this, unleashes the worst rollout of a government program in our history, shuts down the government, but only the parts that run national parks and military memorials, let's the VA go to shit because he hates all American military veterans anyway.

It's all good as long as he continues to patronize you. He could stomp a basket full of puppies to death on live television and you're still supporting him.

Problem with your argument is the Dems never have tried to pass reforms. All they'be done is encourage illegals to break in. The GOP is the only I se trying to pass something that will work, but they want seal the borders first. It's always been an option, but the Dems refuse to stop the flow of new illegals coming over the border.

Chaos is what we have now

Over ten million who have no legal status, who work and pay no taxes, who we spend millions trying to round up

Common sense is giving them guest worker status, make them pay taxes, give a path to citizenship

Keep blocking it Republicans

But stopping more from coming in should be a priority first or you end up with the mess that is going on today in Texas and Arizona X 10.

Your a serious retard RW, because you can't see past the idea that was planted in your head by your savior Obama, that the GOP has been keeping this wonderful man from doing good things.

Fact is, Obama has no intention on doing anything good if it's not handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want to do the hard work that compromise and going through Congress would mean. He instead wants to go around the law, and spend all of his spare time talking about how the GOP is calling him names and not working with him.

Obama is the one calling people names and refusing to work with Congress, yet you're too biased to see it. You're like an OJay fan who refuses to admit that OJ Simpson murdered his wife, simply because you think those white cops planted evidence on his property. You refuse to admit the truth.
It has nothing to do with Obama. The role and powers of the Executive Branch were never clearly stated, on purpose. Even the Founders weren't sure what the hell he might actually need to do, so they left it as an open issue.

Wow, this is an example of the ignorant left who doesn't have the first damn clue about the Separation of Powers and what powers are designated to the Executive that are CLEARLY defined. Try again liar.

I noticed you've chosen not to post them? Just bitch and whine.

Executive Powers
Within the executive branch itself, the president has broad powers to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government. The president can issue rules, regulations and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. As commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States, the president may also call into federal service the state units of the National Guard. In times of war or national emergency, the Congress may grant the president even broader powers to manage the national economy and protect the security of the United States.

Legislative Powers
Despite the constitutional provision that “all legislative powers” shall be vested in the Congress, the president, as the chief formulator of public policy, has a major legislative role. The president can veto any bill passed by Congress and, unless two-thirds of the members of each house vote to override the veto, the bill does not become law.

Judicial Powers
Among the president’s constitutional powers is that of appointing important public officials. Presidential nomination of federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court, is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Another significant power is that of granting a full or conditional pardon to anyone convicted of breaking a federal law — except in a case of impeachment. The pardoning power has come to embrace the power to shorten prison terms and reduce fines.

Powers in Foreign Affairs
Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers and consuls — subject to confirmation by the Senate — and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials. With the secretary of state, the president manages all official contacts with foreign governments. On occasion, the president may personally participate in summit conferences where chiefs of state meet for direct consultation.

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Excellent cut & paste job.

Now, do you understand the limitations of the office, or must it be explained to you?

Limitations such as a president cannot draft legislation, cannot re-write laws, and must adhere to judicial rulings if his executive orders and executive actions are ruled unconstitutional.
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Reform is just a fancy way of describing chaos.

You really like it when your government sells military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels, guts the military in the middle of massive conflicts overseas, declining standards of living, income stagnation, runaway inflation, the IRS illegally targeting Obama's political enemies, destroying hard drives to hide the evidence of this, unleashes the worst rollout of a government program in our history, shuts down the government, but only the parts that run national parks and military memorials, let's the VA go to shit because he hates all American military veterans anyway.

It's all good as long as he continues to patronize you. He could stomp a basket full of puppies to death on live television and you're still supporting him.

Problem with your argument is the Dems never have tried to pass reforms. All they'be done is encourage illegals to break in. The GOP is the only I se trying to pass something that will work, but they want seal the borders first. It's always been an option, but the Dems refuse to stop the flow of new illegals coming over the border.

Chaos is what we have now

Over ten million who have no legal status, who work and pay no taxes, who we spend millions trying to round up

Common sense is giving them guest worker status, make them pay taxes, give a path to citizenship

Keep blocking it Republicans

But stopping more from coming in should be a priority first or you end up with the mess that is going on today in Texas and Arizona X 10.

Your a serious retard RW, because you can't see past the idea that was planted in your head by your savior Obama, that the GOP has been keeping this wonderful man from doing good things.

Fact is, Obama has no intention on doing anything good if it's not handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want to do the hard work that compromise and going through Congress would mean. He instead wants to go around the law, and spend all of his spare time talking about how the GOP is calling him names and not working with him.

Obama is the one calling people names and refusing to work with Congress, yet you're too biased to see it. You're like an OJay fan who refuses to admit that OJ Simpson murdered his wife, simply because you think those white cops planted evidence on his property. You refuse to admit the truth.

George Bush had the same strategy on immigration reform as Obama

However, the far right blocked him, just like they are blocking Obama

The Republican Party is paying the price
Reform is just a fancy way of describing chaos.

You really like it when your government sells military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels, guts the military in the middle of massive conflicts overseas, declining standards of living, income stagnation, runaway inflation, the IRS illegally targeting Obama's political enemies, destroying hard drives to hide the evidence of this, unleashes the worst rollout of a government program in our history, shuts down the government, but only the parts that run national parks and military memorials, let's the VA go to shit because he hates all American military veterans anyway.

It's all good as long as he continues to patronize you. He could stomp a basket full of puppies to death on live television and you're still supporting him.

Problem with your argument is the Dems never have tried to pass reforms. All they'be done is encourage illegals to break in. The GOP is the only I se trying to pass something that will work, but they want seal the borders first. It's always been an option, but the Dems refuse to stop the flow of new illegals coming over the border.

Chaos is what we have now

Over ten million who have no legal status, who work and pay no taxes, who we spend millions trying to round up

Common sense is giving them guest worker status, make them pay taxes, give a path to citizenship

Keep blocking it Republicans

But stopping more from coming in should be a priority first or you end up with the mess that is going on today in Texas and Arizona X 10.

Your a serious retard RW, because you can't see past the idea that was planted in your head by your savior Obama, that the GOP has been keeping this wonderful man from doing good things.

Fact is, Obama has no intention on doing anything good if it's not handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want to do the hard work that compromise and going through Congress would mean. He instead wants to go around the law, and spend all of his spare time talking about how the GOP is calling him names and not working with him.

Obama is the one calling people names and refusing to work with Congress, yet you're too biased to see it. You're like an OJay fan who refuses to admit that OJ Simpson murdered his wife, simply because you think those white cops planted evidence on his property. You refuse to admit the truth.

The Democrats controlled all 3 branches at one point.. Why didn't they pass it then?
Chaos is what we have now

Over ten million who have no legal status, who work and pay no taxes, who we spend millions trying to round up

Common sense is giving them guest worker status, make them pay taxes, give a path to citizenship

Keep blocking it Republicans

But stopping more from coming in should be a priority first or you end up with the mess that is going on today in Texas and Arizona X 10.

Your a serious retard RW, because you can't see past the idea that was planted in your head by your savior Obama, that the GOP has been keeping this wonderful man from doing good things.

Fact is, Obama has no intention on doing anything good if it's not handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want to do the hard work that compromise and going through Congress would mean. He instead wants to go around the law, and spend all of his spare time talking about how the GOP is calling him names and not working with him.

Obama is the one calling people names and refusing to work with Congress, yet you're too biased to see it. You're like an OJay fan who refuses to admit that OJ Simpson murdered his wife, simply because you think those white cops planted evidence on his property. You refuse to admit the truth.

George Bush had the same strategy on immigration reform as Obama

However, the far right blocked him, just like they are blocking Obama

The Republican Party is paying the price

Obama wants them to block him.

That was the plan all along.

He went in once early on and acted like he was talking to the GOP, but it was all an act.

He torpedoed the meetings, acted like an asshole, and walked out claiming it was all the Repugs fault.

Then he went about breaking the law and making his own laws.
It's ludicrous for Schumer to pretend that Obama must do immigration reform via executive order because "Congress won't act" when it's the Democrats who refuse to agree to a few perfectly sane provisions that would quickly get a deal done: secure the border, enforce e-verify, and require a few reasonable conditions for illegals to obtain citizenship (go to the back of the line and also learn English). The vast majority of Americans support these provisions. Democrats go back to their districts and talk like they support them too, but when they return to Washington they refuse to follow through on their rhetoric.

We could have had a deal 4 years ago if Obama and the Dems would agree to a secure border, enforcement of e-verify, and some reasonable conditions for citizenship for illegals. But they really don't want these things, and that's the problem. They don't care about border security. They don't care if illegals who've committed violent crimes get released by INS. They don't care if illegals learn English. And they don't care about e-verify. They simply want illegals to be made citizens via mass amnesty with a few token, meaningless conditions that have no enforcement provisions.
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I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency

Sure helps when you flood these states with brown folks.

Dishonest Democrats can bus their asses to the polls as if they were actual citizens.

What makes you think that Democrats will follow election laws?

Obama is flooding America with brown folks that are dependent on the government.

They will, by hook or by crook, get them to the polls, be it in buses or by applying for absentee ballots once they establish a residence.
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency

Sure helps when you flood these states with brown folks.

Dishonest Democrats can bus their asses to the polls as if they were actual citizens.

What makes you think that Democrats will follow election laws?

Obama is flooding America with brown folks that are dependent on the government.

They will, by hook or by crook, get them to the polls, be it in buses or by applying for absentee ballots once they establish a residence.

Noncitizens do not vote, you are welcome to prove they do

Democrats are playing Republicans for suckers just by letting Republicans be Republicans. We have enough Hispanic citizens right now to ensure Republicans will never elect another President.

Rather than reaching out to fill the void, Republucans choose to drive away more Hispanics just to placate the TeaTards.

Not exactly shrewd political positioning
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency
And if selling-out to a particular ethnic voting bloc is the price of winning, then winning is no longer worth the price.

One should never vote for vote-whores, when it can be avoided.
I'm OK with Democrats doing everything they can to pass immigration reform and Republicans doing everything they can to stop it


What happens when Republicans block immigration reform?

Florida moves from a swing state to a blue state
Texas, with 50% Hispanic population becomes a swing state
Arizona comes into play

Republicans never win another presidency
And if selling-out to a particular ethnic voting bloc is the price of winning, then winning is no longer worth the price.

One should never vote for vote-whores, when it can be avoided.

You are not selling out by recognizing the political leanings of one of our biggest minority groups. Offending them does not seem to be working well for Republicans.
Evolve or perish

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