Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

If they're taking every precaution, they have nothing to worry about. If they're putting the health of employees at risk by sheer negligence, the employees should have a right to compensation. This is nothing more than robbing the working class of rights to protect the employer's bottom line.

Suing people is not a right. Where in the Constitution is this right located?

If people feel their employer is not protecting them, they can call their city, county, state, or whoever is handling virus safety measures. No, an employer still has to worry about lawsuits because even if they take every possible precaution and an employee or student get the virus, they can still be sued whether they win or lose.
If they're taking every precaution, they have nothing to worry about. If they're putting the health of employees at risk by sheer negligence, the employees should have a right to compensation. This is nothing more than robbing the working class of rights to protect the employer's bottom line.

Suing people is not a right. Where in the Constitution is this right located?

If people feel their employer is not protecting them, they can call their city, county, state, or whoever is handling virus safety measures. No, an employer still has to worry about lawsuits because even if they take every possible precaution and an employee or student get the virus, they can still be sued whether they win or lose.

What is the city or state supposed to do for someone who suffers because their employer was negligent?
What is the city or state supposed to do for someone who suffers because their employer was negligent?

The same thing they do if they violate an OSHA regulation. They should be fined with increasing fines if they continue to violate them. As for the article you provided, it's a piece on suing the state, not individuals not associated with government suing other individuals. We have laws that allow this, but it's not a right.

In any case, no business wants to see their staff become ill making it impossible for them to work, especially if they provide healthcare benefits to those employees. I'm sure most are doing everything possible to assure that doesn't happen, especially with such a highly contagious virus that can wipeout their employee pool in a few days time.
What is the city or state supposed to do for someone who suffers because their employer was negligent?

The same thing they do if they violate an OSHA regulation. They should be fined with increasing fines if they continue to violate them. As for the article you provided, it's a piece on suing the state, not individuals not associated with government suing other individuals. We have laws that allow this, but it's not a right.

In any case, no business wants to see their staff become ill making it impossible for them to work, especially if they provide healthcare benefits to those employees. I'm sure most are doing everything possible to assure that doesn't happen, especially with such a highly contagious virus that can wipeout their employee pool in a few days time.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't employees have a right to sue their employers if they're hurt as a result of the employer's negligence?

Seems only right that the actual victims be able to get compensation rather than just having them pay the government a fine.

Why would you want to take that away from people?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't employees have a right to sue their employers if they're hurt as a result of the employer's negligence?

Seems only right that the actual victims be able to get compensation rather than just having them pay the government a fine.

Why would you want to take that away from people?

Because it would make employers timid about reopening. I don't know what the legal issues are regarding Covid, but in any other case, you make a claim with Workman's compensation for injury. The problem with that however is that Workman's Compensation is extremely expensive. In fact, a few times when one of my coworkers had a minor injury, my employer paid for their care in cash he was so deathly afraid of his WC rates going up. We had around a dozen employees in that small company, and his rates for us were 48K a year.
Because it would make employers timid about reopening. I don't know what the legal issues are regarding Covid, but in any other case, you make a claim with Workman's compensation for injury. The problem with that however is that Workman's Compensation is extremely expensive. In fact, a few times when one of my coworkers had a minor injury, my employer paid for their care in cash he was so deathly afraid of his WC rates going up. We had around a dozen employees in that small company, and his rates for us were 48K a year.
Workman's Compensation only exists because to sign up for the benefit, you relinquish your right to sue your employer for the negligence.

Do you really expect employers to focus on the health of their employees more than their bottom line? I wish that were always the case, but it's just not true.

The only tool people have to prevent their employers from taking unnecessary risks with their health is the a lawsuit and you want to take that right away from them. Do employers really need more protection than their employees?
Workman's Compensation only exists because to sign up for the benefit, you relinquish your right to sue your employer for the negligence.

Do you really expect employers to focus on the health of their employees more than their bottom line? I wish that were always the case, but it's just not true.

The only tool people have to prevent their employers from taking unnecessary risks with their health is the a lawsuit and you want to take that right away from them. Do employers really need more protection than their employees?

You don't really sign up for WC benefits. It's like unemployment insurance, it just kind of comes with the job, and it's law in most states I'm sure.

What would their bottom line be if much of their workforce became ill all of a sudden? You need to be isolated for at least 14 days. One person I know who's husband had it told me he was severely ill for nearly a month before he started feeling any better. I have no idea how long it took before he could return back to work.

In any case, why would Piglosi be so concerned about this provision in the bill? Oh, I'm sure she'd tell you she's looking out for the little guy, but how many little guys could really use this stimulus check over the few lawsuits that may take place? It simply doesn't make sense. There are tens of millions of Americans who could use any financial support they could get like that stimulus check, so her only reason (that she'd never admit to) is she's protecting the business of their trail lawyers who donate heavily to the DNC come election time.
You people keep bringing up Pork. Pork is when a Senator or a Representative tacks on something that only his district or his supporters benefit from. The ONLY reason the Bridge from Nowhere didn't get built was that the Governor of Alaska got tagged for the VP nomination. How did the Senator from Alaska know that was going to happen when he tagged that onto a decent bill so that his campaign contributors in Alaska could make a few million on a totally unnecessary construction project.

Find me one part of the HR that fits the definition of Pork. Normally, Riders are attached to all bills on things that may or may not be totally unrelated to the main bill to expedite the day to day operation of the Congress. If they passed one single bill for each thing the Congress would be bogged down to the point where it would be totally frozen. This isn't pork, it's expediting the Congressional procedure. One Constitutional Expert said that requiring one bill for each idea would bring the death of the Congress. And I agree with that.

You are just repeating the mad rambling of a person trying every way he can to bolster his losing campaign even when it's unhealthy to the American System.

Pork are matters in the bill that benefit you or your party with no direct association to what the bill was intended for. Postal workers are mostly unionized. The virus has nothing to do with the postal service. There is no need to allocate money to illegal immigrants. There is no need to expand Medicaid or Medicare. They are once again just trying to create more government dependents which has nothing to do with the virus. It's all Democrat wish list items they've been pushing before the virus. You need to keep bringing up things from 15 years ago to make your point?

Every point needs to be addressed and not all of them require funding. Like Medicare where the bill protects the current funding. Rump wants to cut funding to it to pay for his other "Pork" programs.
Every point needs to be addressed and not all of them require funding. Like Medicare where the bill protects the current funding. Rump wants to cut funding to it to pay for his other "Pork" programs.

Medicare is already funded from Medicare contributions and the budget already passed. They don't need any additional money. Why would they want to expand Medicaid? What does Covid have to do with Medicaid when Trump already told facilities the government will pickup the tab for any Covid treatments they administer.

It's full of pork plain and simple. And if there is any Republican pork, let Piglosi say they will get rid of their pork if the Republicans do the same. In the meantime, quit holding Americans hostage and pass a bill for the stimulus check alone.
Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.

President Trump wants to help people, but the Democrats are holding them hostage for political purposes. The President stated today that if Congress sends him a bill for the stimulus checks alone, he will sign it in a heartbeat. Do you know why Democrats wouldn't dream of doing that? Because they know those checks are what the public is focused on. If they toss that card away, they have no hand to play to get their pork.

If you think Democrats are so concerned about the people, then call your Democrat representative and tell him or her you support a single bill to get help to these people ASAP, and we can work on the rest later.

If you hear a burst of laughter before they hang up. Don't be too surprised.
You got it wrong Ray. The democrats are not holding the Americans hostage it is your buddy Trump. He walked away from the negotiations is the worst a president can do to negotiate. That is a total failure of leadership. Since when a coward asshole get credits for running away? But followers like you cheers. Why?

Then after 8 hours he knew it was bad.... to save himself he tweeted $1,200 he is ready to sign. Since when any senators would give a credit or take orders to a stupid tweets?
The $1,200 is just a piece meal that doesn’t include helping local businesses, local and states government all over US. You do know that we have thousands and thousands of businesses that are closing because of Trump total failures.
Pelosi sent a separate stimulus package to save the airline industry but GOPs are so (dumb) nice they rejected it.

He doesn’t even get involved in any negotiations. What kind of a lousy president is that? Then he tweets.
You got it wrong Ray. The democrats are not holding the Americans hostage it is your buddy Trump. He walked away from the negotiations is the worst a president can do to negotiate. That is a total failure of leadership. Since when a coward asshole get credits for running away? But followers like you cheers. Why?

Then after 8 hours he knew it was bad.... to save himself he tweeted $1,200 he is ready to sign. Since when any senators would give a credit or take orders to a stupid tweets?
The $1,200 is just a piece meal that doesn’t include helping local businesses, local and states government all over US. You do know that we have thousands and thousands of businesses that are closing because of Trump total failures.
Pelosi sent a separate stimulus package to save the airline industry but GOPs are so (dumb) nice they rejected it.

He doesn’t even get involved in any negotiations. What kind of a lousy president is that? Then he tweets.

He's a President, not a Senator. The House passes a bill, the Senate agrees to it, changes it, or refuses to go along with it. Only then does it get sent to the President. They revised the bill twice, but they needed 60 votes for passage which the Democrats in the Senate refused to do.

What you don't understand is the Democrats do not want this bill passed. That's why it's loaded with so much pork. They know the Republicans would never go for it, thus they can try to blame Trump or the Republicans. Trump turned that around in a brilliant move with his tweet. So who looks bad now?

The reason Trump cut negotiations is because he knows their game and what they're up to. Why waste the time?
Every point needs to be addressed and not all of them require funding. Like Medicare where the bill protects the current funding. Rump wants to cut funding to it to pay for his other "Pork" programs.

Medicare is already funded from Medicare contributions and the budget already passed. They don't need any additional money. Why would they want to expand Medicaid? What does Covid have to do with Medicaid when Trump already told facilities the government will pickup the tab for any Covid treatments they administer.

It's full of pork plain and simple. And if there is any Republican pork, let Piglosi say they will get rid of their pork if the Republicans do the same. In the meantime, quit holding Americans hostage and pass a bill for the stimulus check alone.

Considering the HR bill doesn't spell it out, you can read anything in it you like. But Rump has already announced that he wants to cut the Medicare funds. And you can bet that the Medicare Withholding won't go down to match it. So we need to law to prevent that promise that Rump made. Rump pretty well lost the 65 and over on that one. Before that, he had a lock on that group.
Considering the HR bill doesn't spell it out, you can read anything in it you like. But Rump has already announced that he wants to cut the Medicare funds. And you can bet that the Medicare Withholding won't go down to match it. So we need to law to prevent that promise that Rump made. Rump pretty well lost the 65 and over on that one. Before that, he had a lock on that group.

Nobody is even paying attention. For one, it really didn't cut any benefits for anybody. The reduction mostly targeted prescription drugs. The left has constantly complained that we don't get drugs like other countries. They have various companies bid on supplying the drugs for their seniors, and manufacturers know that the elderly are going to use a lot of their product, so they drop their price to make the money back on volume. It's how the VA gets drugs cheaper than anybody else.

Two, it wouldn't stand a chance at being entertained by the leftist House. They're not going to give Trump any credit for a plan that saves the government money. Three, the plan was stretched out for ten years. Meaning it can be changed at any time.

I don't have to know the exacts of the House bill. I know Democrats. They do this with each and every bill they've ever tried to pass, so I know it's all pork.
Considering the HR bill doesn't spell it out, you can read anything in it you like. But Rump has already announced that he wants to cut the Medicare funds. And you can bet that the Medicare Withholding won't go down to match it. So we need to law to prevent that promise that Rump made. Rump pretty well lost the 65 and over on that one. Before that, he had a lock on that group.

Nobody is even paying attention. For one, it really didn't cut any benefits for anybody. The reduction mostly targeted prescription drugs. The left has constantly complained that we don't get drugs like other countries. They have various companies bid on supplying the drugs for their seniors, and manufacturers know that the elderly are going to use a lot of their product, so they drop their price to make the money back on volume. It's how the VA gets drugs cheaper than anybody else.

Two, it wouldn't stand a chance at being entertained by the leftist House. They're not going to give Trump any credit for a plan that saves the government money. Three, the plan was stretched out for ten years. Meaning it can be changed at any time.

I don't have to know the exacts of the House bill. I know Democrats. They do this with each and every bill they've ever tried to pass, so I know it's all pork.

So you know it's pork even though it's not. Wow, a real brilliant thought, skippy.
You got it wrong Ray. The democrats are not holding the Americans hostage it is your buddy Trump. He walked away from the negotiations is the worst a president can do to negotiate. That is a total failure of leadership. Since when a coward asshole get credits for running away? But followers like you cheers. Why?

Then after 8 hours he knew it was bad.... to save himself he tweeted $1,200 he is ready to sign. Since when any senators would give a credit or take orders to a stupid tweets?
The $1,200 is just a piece meal that doesn’t include helping local businesses, local and states government all over US. You do know that we have thousands and thousands of businesses that are closing because of Trump total failures.
Pelosi sent a separate stimulus package to save the airline industry but GOPs are so (dumb) nice they rejected it.

He doesn’t even get involved in any negotiations. What kind of a lousy president is that? Then he tweets.

He's a President, not a Senator. The House passes a bill, the Senate agrees to it, changes it, or refuses to go along with it. Only then does it get sent to the President. They revised the bill twice, but they needed 60 votes for passage which the Democrats in the Senate refused to do.

What you don't understand is the Democrats do not want this bill passed. That's why it's loaded with so much pork. They know the Republicans would never go for it, thus they can try to blame Trump or the Republicans. Trump turned that around in a brilliant move with his tweet. So who looks bad now?

The reason Trump cut negotiations is because he knows their game and what they're up to. Why waste the time?

Wrong again. Trump that fat pig doesn’t even negotiate with Pelosi because he doesn’t know how to negotiate. He cowardly run away but gullibles like you gave him credits for walking away. That is a sign of failed leadership. He need to find away to compromise. Clear and simple. You would think a president of a country that is going down the drain because of his total failure will take all the money he can get of helping Americans but NOOOOO he wants it lower.
Loaded with so much pork..... like WHAT?

Then why in 8 hours he came back tweets he wants $1,200 and airline bailout? Why?because he knew he screwed up.
Wrong again. Trump that fat pig doesn’t even negotiate with Pelosi because he doesn’t know how to negotiate. He cowardly run away but gullibles like you gave him credits for walking away. That is a sign of failed leadership. He need to find away to compromise. Clear and simple. You would think a president of a country that is going down the drain because of his total failure will take all the money he can get of helping Americans but NOOOOO he wants it lower.
Loaded with so much pork..... like WHAT?

Then why in 8 hours he came back tweets he wants $1,200 and airline bailout? Why?because he knew he screwed up.

No, as I stated, he knows this game the commies are playing, so he turned it right back around on them. Brilliant. Now the voters can blame the Democrats for not getting their stimulus check.

You can't negotiate anything with people that have no interest in negotiations. That's why he said forget about it until after the election, where he hopefully will get a Republican led House and not drown us in more debt than we already are like the Democrat proposal.

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