Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

The HR shows that there is the original with 2 revisions. That means that it's been presented to the Senate with revisions 3 times. There is no SB bill. That means that it never went past Moscow Mitch. If it had gone into a comittee, it would have a SB attached to it. The fact remains that the Senate is doing nothing nor negotiating with the House. It's the Senate that is jamming things up. Before it can go to the President, it has to go to the Senate in the form of a SB bill even if it's sent back to the house for revision.

So you want to make an exception on this one bill. And the Bill IS clean. Not one ounce of Pork involved. Every point needs to be addressed. If all bills were sent one idea at a time, the count for the HR bills would be higher than the Deficit. And Congress wouldn't have the time to vote on them. So stop this nonsense and get the Senate to put the proposed HR bill into Committee and do a counter SB offer.
Trump doing what we hired him to do. His awesomeness is off the charts.

We will not bail out corrupt blue states that have been run like a communist kiosk. Wallow in your own filth marxist shitstains!

The HR shows that there is the original with 2 revisions. That means that it's been presented to the Senate with revisions 3 times. There is no SB bill. That means that it never went past Moscow Mitch.

Senate Republicans fail to advance coronavirus stimulus bill as stalemate drags on

  • Senate Republicans failed to advance their latest coronavirus stimulus bill.
  • The relief package fell short of the 60 votes needed to move forward as all Democrats and one Republican opposed it.
  • The legislation included reinstating enhanced unemployment insurance, but at $300 per week form the previous $600, and authorizing new small business loans.
  • Democrats called it inadequate because it did not include state and local government relief and food assistance, among other measures.

So stop with this lie the Senate never entertained the House bill. They did, and it's the Democrats in the Senate who are stopping it. Not Republicans.

Again, this is all political posturing. They don't want this bill to pass and never have. It's just a play toy for Democrats failed attempt to try and make Republicans look bad.

It is the Republicans who have blocked a bill as they have fought over the size of the package. That package was so insignificant that it was not worth passing. The Fed chairman says we need a large stimulus package or the economy will either weaken further or or just remain weak.
Trump doing what we hired him to do. His awesomeness is off the charts.

We will not bail out corrupt blue states that have been run like a communist kiosk. Wallow in your own filth marxist shitstains!


The Republicans control Ohio and the Governor says they will be forced to cut budgets by 20%. Florida Gov DeSantis has said they will need fiscal help as well. Red and blue states have been affected. Ignorant asses like you have no clue what you are talking about.
It is the Republicans who have blocked a bill as they have fought over the size of the package. That package was so insignificant that it was not worth passing. The Fed chairman says we need a large stimulus package or the economy will either weaken further or or just remain weak.

Then let the fed chairman run for Senate. This is the bill the Republicans returned, without all the pork the Democrats had in it. They met Piglosi half way on what she wanted.
The democrats didn't walk away, Trump told McConnell to stop negotiating telling him to concentrate instead on getting his judge. As someone else put it..Trump is basically saying...screw your jobs and unemployment checks...I want my judge.

No, what Trump is saying is that if they don't want to talk rationally, he's shutting the process down. If or when Democrats are actually willing to negotiate, then perhaps Trump will give them their due. But why participate with game players? It's a total waste of time.

Democrats have been negotiating. It is the GOP who has refused to negotiate. Democrats have come down to $2.2 trillion and should not come down anymore. President Biden can sign a stimulus bill.
It is the Republicans who have blocked a bill as they have fought over the size of the package. That package was so insignificant that it was not worth passing. The Fed chairman says we need a large stimulus package or the economy will either weaken further or or just remain weak.

Then let the fed chairman run for Senate. This is the bill the Republicans returned, without all the pork the Democrats had in it. They met Piglosi half way on what she wanted.
'They met Pelosi half way on what she wanted'...and still Trump told them to stop talking about that and instead concentrate on getting another con on the SCOTUS.
It is the Republicans who have blocked a bill as they have fought over the size of the package. That package was so insignificant that it was not worth passing. The Fed chairman says we need a large stimulus package or the economy will either weaken further or or just remain weak.

Then let the fed chairman run for Senate. This is the bill the Republicans returned, without all the pork the Democrats had in it. They met Piglosi half way on what she wanted.

The Republicans wanted more money for the Pentagon. That clearly is pork. Also the Republican bill is so small and they didn't come close to coming halfway.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Healthcare to illegals and bail outs of poorly led Democrat cities should not be part of the rescue package.

There are no bailouts in the House bill. They are trying to to stop massive layoffs which would hurt the economy further. Rom DeSantis says that Florida will need fiscal help. I guess Florida is a poorly run state and Republicans should be voted out of office.
Not the point. You are saying they belong to unions and have an incentive to vote Democrat. So maybe they might. But in the context of the election, it doesn't mean squat. Because there aren't enough workers to go around to make a difference.
Why then, is the current administration looking to kneecap the infrastructure to make it difficult for states to employ mail in voting?
Maybe it's because they know they're in deep shit?

IN 2019, the USPS employees were about 500,000 people. I would say that's enough to be concerned about for the Democrats.

The Republicans are not kneecapping anybody. We are just not providing the additional funds to help Democrats steal this election. Why are you surprised by that?

If you want to vote and make sure it counts, go to the polls like us Republicans are going to do.

You are a lying little weasel. You know that Republicans are doing everything they can to make it difficult for Americans to vote. They know the more votes are cast, the more likely Republicans are to lose.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans

The Democrats are unwilling to provide stimulus unless Trump makes numerous concessions. Trump could have the ability to cure bone cancer in little children and you would oppose him because you're a far-left, radical, hack.

And you will see little follow up or reporting on this by the MSM. The Democrats decided to play politics with this issue, so Trump is giving it right back to them. Their entire ploy here is to make Trump look bad, and he just turned the tables on them.

Trump is doing that all by himself. The Democrats don't have to do anything.
You are a lying little weasel. You know that Republicans are doing everything they can to make it difficult for Americans to vote. They know the more votes are cast, the more likely Republicans are to lose.

I do know that and have said it numerous times on USMB.

The Democrats have the welfare vote sewed up. But welfare and poor people are generally lazy. They are not interested that much in politics because they are too undereducated to understand it. If they had to put the least effort into voting, they'd sooner stay home.

So it has to be convenient enough to compel them to vote: multiple voting days, polls open late, no lines to wait in, rides to the polls, mail-in voting.........

IMO, if you are too lazy to vote, you shouldn't be voting. But if these lowlifes don't vote, Democrats lose elections. They depend on the lowlifes to win.
There are no bailouts in the House bill. They are trying to to stop massive layoffs which would hurt the economy further. Rom DeSantis says that Florida will need fiscal help. I guess Florida is a poorly run state and Republicans should be voted out of office.

Yes, there are bailouts in the House bill, and McConnell even met them part way on that which he didn't want to do.

The point is you can't negotiate with people who have no desire to. They don't want the bill passed. It's nothing more than a dog and pony show for the election.
'They met Pelosi half way on what she wanted'...and still Trump told them to stop talking about that and instead concentrate on getting another con on the SCOTUS.

Because Trump knows it's fruitless to try and negotiate with them. If they know Trump is serious, maybe they may try to work something out. It's like trying to date a girl that's only teasing with you. After a while you say screw her. She's only playing head games and you focus your attention on something else.
It is the Republicans who have blocked a bill as they have fought over the size of the package. That package was so insignificant that it was not worth passing. The Fed chairman says we need a large stimulus package or the economy will either weaken further or or just remain weak.

Then let the fed chairman run for Senate. This is the bill the Republicans returned, without all the pork the Democrats had in it. They met Piglosi half way on what she wanted.

The Republicans wanted more money for the Pentagon. That clearly is pork. Also the Republican bill is so small and they didn't come close to coming halfway.
Don't forget the Republicans demanding to insulate employers from damages for employees contracting COVID. That's not stimulus.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans

The Democrats are unwilling to provide stimulus unless Trump makes numerous concessions. Trump could have the ability to cure bone cancer in little children and you would oppose him because you're a far-left, radical, hack.

So after he walked away from a non participant negotiations he came back with a BS tweet. And a piece meal. Why not invite them, sit down and negotiate instead of tweets? Since when a senator would listen to and negotiate via tweets?
'They met Pelosi half way on what she wanted'...and still Trump told them to stop talking about that and instead concentrate on getting another con on the SCOTUS.

Because Trump knows it's fruitless to try and negotiate with them. If they know Trump is serious, maybe they may try to work something out. It's like trying to date a girl that's only teasing with you. After a while you say screw her. She's only playing head games and you focus your attention on something else.
Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.
'They met Pelosi half way on what she wanted'...and still Trump told them to stop talking about that and instead concentrate on getting another con on the SCOTUS.

Because Trump knows it's fruitless to try and negotiate with them. If they know Trump is serious, maybe they may try to work something out. It's like trying to date a girl that's only teasing with you. After a while you say screw her. She's only playing head games and you focus your attention on something else.
Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.
Thank you

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