Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

But then you don't read well so there is that.
"provides payments and other assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments;"
This has been the sticking point this entire time. Effing educate yourself. We will NOT bail out your shit blue cities who let people screw them up.

But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

Red cities aren't burning themselves down dumb ass.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

But then you don't read well so there is that.
"provides payments and other assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments;"
This has been the sticking point this entire time. Effing educate yourself. We will NOT bail out your shit blue cities who let people screw them up.

But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

Red cities aren't burning themselves down dumb ass.

Most Red Cities are less than 100K in population and don't have anything worth burning down.

Like Houston?
I'm sure you've heard of it,you know,the 4th largest city in America and soon to be the 3rd with all you liberals moving here?

Yah, a red city with a Democrat Mayor and a primarily Democratic City Council. You might want to tell Mayor Sylvester Turner that he's a Republican. He will be pleased as punch to hear that. Houston hasn't had a Republican Mayor since 1982.

I bet the mayor before The Honorable Sylvester really chapped yer drawer. She is Anise Parker and open Gay. She wasn't voted out. She term limited. And She is a Democrat.

Just like Rump. Grab the credit for someone else.

Conservatives in Texas keep leftist mayors in check.
They know they cant pull the shit that leftist do in yankee states with liberal governors.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

But then you don't read well so there is that.
"provides payments and other assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments;"
This has been the sticking point this entire time. Effing educate yourself. We will NOT bail out your shit blue cities who let people screw them up.

But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

Red cities aren't burning themselves down dumb ass.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

But then you don't read well so there is that.
"provides payments and other assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments;"
This has been the sticking point this entire time. Effing educate yourself. We will NOT bail out your shit blue cities who let people screw them up.

But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

Red cities aren't burning themselves down dumb ass.

Most Red Cities are less than 100K in population and don't have anything worth burning down.

Like Houston?
I'm sure you've heard of it,you know,the 4th largest city in America and soon to be the 3rd with all you liberals moving here?

Yah, a red city with a Democrat Mayor and a primarily Democratic City Council. You might want to tell Mayor Sylvester Turner that he's a Republican. He will be pleased as punch to hear that. Houston hasn't had a Republican Mayor since 1982.

I bet the mayor before The Honorable Sylvester really chapped yer drawer. She is Anise Parker and open Gay. She wasn't voted out. She term limited. And She is a Democrat.

Just like Rump. Grab the credit for someone else.

Conservatives in Texas keep leftist mayors in check.
They know they cant pull the shit that leftist do in yankee states with liberal governors.

We have more Dems here than Republicans locally. The Reps think it's a Red area. The ONLY reason we locally elect them is that they have done a pretty fair job locally and there is no reason to change horses. When you have something that ain't broke you don't fix it. But on the State and Federal Level, we vote Democrat almost every time.
Sorry. Not following. I'm talking about states where mail in voting was NOT relied upon. Those states had to scramble to put that infrastructure in place and rely on the Post Office...and Trump's Postmaster General, well, did his best to kneecap them. Thereby giving his boss the vote. Again, something else?

Oh please. Are you going to tell me the PO's problems started only six months ago with Covid? You are really out of touch with what's going on if that's what you believe.

The PO is on the same path that record stores were on, then CD stores, the movie rental stores. They;re being replaced by technology.

The PO's problem stared way back when FAX machines came out. It got worse with email. Then the fast growing internet where people could order things online and see every item they wanted with no catalogs. Then of course virtual meetings on Skype and now Zoom.

When the PO is finally useless, the little mail left would be taken over by FedEx, UPS and so on. What does that mean? Less government workers and less union people. That's what the Democrats are scared of, and it's not the taxpayers responsibility to keep their soon to be extinct industry in business. Let them get voters some other way.

How down right stupid are you?

Where were you when you were supposed to learn the US Constitution in high school? I bet you were one of the ones who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high or drinking.

Here are the facts for you.

The constitution REQUIRES the the government provides a post office.

What you want doesn't matter. What you think means NOTHING. You are no one. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are making a total fool of yourself to all of us who actually learned the material in high school.

The post office can't be removed or privatized without a new constitutional amendment. Look up what it takes to pass a new amendment.

I'm so tired of you people who are just so down right stupid and lazy that you don't even know what's in our constitution beyond the second amendment.

You should be ashamed and embarrassed by your stupidity but you're way to stupid to even know how what a fool you have made of yourself with your stupid post above.
Democrats have accumulated damn near $1 trillion dollars in debt in poorly run Dem states BEFORE Covid hit. Dems are trying to use the Covid crisis now to extort money from other states to pay off their debt. Before you Dems cry and whine and complain I'll remind you that even president Obama refused to bail out Dem states when California asked him for a bail out in 2009. Never let a crisis go to waste right Nancy Pelosi you bitter old hag.

In 2009, a lot of companies in CA got bailouts. Along with almost every State in the Union. The Bailout wasn't for the State Governments, it was to make the companies solvent. And please stop throwing crap at the wall and seeing what will stick. It's not sticking so well these days.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. Oh wait :eusa_think: Are you unaware that CA asked Obama to bail out their under funded public employee pension/retirement benefit fund to the tune of $300B? :itsok:
How down right stupid are you?

Where were you when you were supposed to learn the US Constitution in high school? I bet you were one of the ones who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high or drinking.

Here are the facts for you.

The constitution REQUIRES the the government provides a post office.

What you want doesn't matter. What you think means NOTHING. You are no one. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are making a total fool of yourself to all of us who actually learned the material in high school.

The post office can't be removed or privatized without a new constitutional amendment. Look up what it takes to pass a new amendment.

I'm so tired of you people who are just so down right stupid and lazy that you don't even know what's in our constitution beyond the second amendment.

You should be ashamed and embarrassed by your stupidity but you're way to stupid to even know how what a fool you have made of yourself with your stupid post above.

Well genius, if I'm stupid and making a fool out of myself, then I'm in good company because Newt Gingrich wanted to privatize the post office as well when he was Speaker of the House, but I'm sure you think you're more educated than him as well.

The Congress has the power to establish a post office and post roads, it does not say it's mandated to. The Post office is no different than any other government agency. Those in power can get rid of it anytime they want.

O’Keefe says that the USPS is “enshrined in the Constitution.” It’s true that Article 1, Section 8 says:
[The Congress shall have the power] to establish Post Offices and Post Roads.
Thus, the Constitution allows the government to get involved in postal services, but that doesn’t mean that it has to. If a better alternative came along, then Congress could kill the USPS completely if it wanted. Indeed, a better alternative has come along in the way of more efficient privatized post offices in some European countries.

In addition, the government monopoly over mail was not enshrined in the Constitution.

Just more fuel on the get rid of Trump fire. I think he probably knows it's inevitable at this he's gonna go out being who he is. An incompetent, narcissistic, uncaring gasbag. If he thinks this is going to aid in his re-election, he truly is as dumb as he appears. But, give it 24 hours. Someone may whisper in his ear and he'll see the light.
Fuck that.

Clean bill or NOTHING.

Why can't Nancy's pet projects wait for the "next" president like she's demanding for the SCOTUS???

Bunch of greedy bastards

Sorry. This is on Trump. Just implored the other day while he was in the hospital for them to make a deal.
They seemed to be making progress and then he calls it off. Why? Because he thinks saying that there will be a deal
when he wins will boost him in the polls..when it will do the exact opposite. He's completely off his rocker. And I suspect
it will only get crazier in the coming days.

I'm starting to really wonder if this guy is even going to make it to November 3rd?
/——/ It’s called negotiating from a position of power. Trump had the upper hand. Why won’t Piglosi yield on her pork projects?
We have more Dems here than Republicans locally. The Reps think it's a Red area. The ONLY reason we locally elect them is that they have done a pretty fair job locally and there is no reason to change horses. When you have something that ain't broke you don't fix it. But on the State and Federal Level, we vote Democrat almost every time.

A red state or blue state is generally considered by what President they voted for the previous election. However states like mine that swing one way or the other are called purple states, even though our state government has been dominated by Republicans for years.
/——/ It’s called negotiating from a position of power. Trump had the upper hand. Why won’t Piglosi yield on her pork projects?

Because they never wanted this bill to pass in the first place. It's why it's so loaded with pork. The Democrats knew the Republicans would never go for it.

The bill is a political tool of Piglosi's to try and make Trump and the Republicans look heartless and lack empathy. With the help of the MSM, they are trying to pin the lack of helping people on Trump. That's why it's such a great political move by Trump to turn this around on them, and say he will sign any bill for the stimulus checks only. It's what most Americans were looking for. They could care less about the rest.
Democrats have accumulated damn near $1 trillion dollars in debt in poorly run Dem states BEFORE Covid hit. Dems are trying to use the Covid crisis now to extort money from other states to pay off their debt. Before you Dems cry and whine and complain I'll remind you that even president Obama refused to bail out Dem states when California asked him for a bail out in 2009. Never let a crisis go to waste right Nancy Pelosi you bitter old hag.

In 2009, a lot of companies in CA got bailouts. Along with almost every State in the Union. The Bailout wasn't for the State Governments, it was to make the companies solvent. And please stop throwing crap at the wall and seeing what will stick. It's not sticking so well these days.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. Oh wait :eusa_think: Are you unaware that CA asked Obama to bail out their under funded public employee pension/retirement benefit fund to the tune of $300B? :itsok:

How about a cite to that. It's the first that's been brought up in here. Enlighten us.
We have more Dems here than Republicans locally. The Reps think it's a Red area. The ONLY reason we locally elect them is that they have done a pretty fair job locally and there is no reason to change horses. When you have something that ain't broke you don't fix it. But on the State and Federal Level, we vote Democrat almost every time.

A red state or blue state is generally considered by what President they voted for the previous election. However states like mine that swing one way or the other are called purple states, even though our state government has been dominated by Republicans for years.

Colorado was a Purple State until 2018. And it looks like it's moving into a heavy Blue state for 2020. We are sick of the lying attack ads coming from the Republicans at all levels. If that is all they got, they don't have anything left to do the job. People are pissed off. Even after the upsets in 2018, the Republicans keep doing it. Rump's method has wrecked the Republican Party where the real Republicans have been replaced by the Party of the Rumpers in the Primaries. And they can't be elected. Considering the 2018 election, the red state areas, the Republicans won by a narrow margin, it's not going to be close or narrowly go to the Democrat of Indy. Had they played nice, chances are, the Republicans would nave remained in office locally. We need to get the Republicans back in charge.
Democrats have accumulated damn near $1 trillion dollars in debt in poorly run Dem states BEFORE Covid hit. Dems are trying to use the Covid crisis now to extort money from other states to pay off their debt. Before you Dems cry and whine and complain I'll remind you that even president Obama refused to bail out Dem states when California asked him for a bail out in 2009. Never let a crisis go to waste right Nancy Pelosi you bitter old hag.

In 2009, a lot of companies in CA got bailouts. Along with almost every State in the Union. The Bailout wasn't for the State Governments, it was to make the companies solvent. And please stop throwing crap at the wall and seeing what will stick. It's not sticking so well these days.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. Oh wait :eusa_think: Are you unaware that CA asked Obama to bail out their under funded public employee pension/retirement benefit fund to the tune of $300B? :itsok:

How about a cite to that. It's the first that's been brought up in here. Enlighten us.

How about the left pull their heads out of their ass and show up to the forum better informed. I have posted that numerous times, how many times do I have to post it 50?
Democrats have accumulated damn near $1 trillion dollars in debt in poorly run Dem states BEFORE Covid hit. Dems are trying to use the Covid crisis now to extort money from other states to pay off their debt. Before you Dems cry and whine and complain I'll remind you that even president Obama refused to bail out Dem states when California asked him for a bail out in 2009. Never let a crisis go to waste right Nancy Pelosi you bitter old hag.

In 2009, a lot of companies in CA got bailouts. Along with almost every State in the Union. The Bailout wasn't for the State Governments, it was to make the companies solvent. And please stop throwing crap at the wall and seeing what will stick. It's not sticking so well these days.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. Oh wait :eusa_think: Are you unaware that CA asked Obama to bail out their under funded public employee pension/retirement benefit fund to the tune of $300B? :itsok:

How about a cite to that. It's the first that's been brought up in here. Enlighten us.

How about the left pull their heads out of their ass and show up to the forum better informed. I have posted that numerous times, how many times do I have to post it 50?

I am very active in here and have NEVER seen it posted.
Sorry. Not following. I'm talking about states where mail in voting was NOT relied upon. Those states had to scramble to put that infrastructure in place and rely on the Post Office...and Trump's Postmaster General, well, did his best to kneecap them. Thereby giving his boss the vote. Again, something else?

Oh please. Are you going to tell me the PO's problems started only six months ago with Covid? You are really out of touch with what's going on if that's what you believe.

The PO is on the same path that record stores were on, then CD stores, the movie rental stores. They;re being replaced by technology.

The PO's problem stared way back when FAX machines came out. It got worse with email. Then the fast growing internet where people could order things online and see every item they wanted with no catalogs. Then of course virtual meetings on Skype and now Zoom.

When the PO is finally useless, the little mail left would be taken over by FedEx, UPS and so on. What does that mean? Less government workers and less union people. That's what the Democrats are scared of, and it's not the taxpayers responsibility to keep their soon to be extinct industry in business. Let them get voters some other way.

How down right stupid are you?

Where were you when you were supposed to learn the US Constitution in high school? I bet you were one of the ones who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high or drinking.

Here are the facts for you.

The constitution REQUIRES the the government provides a post office.

No it doesn't, dumbass. It gives the government the authority to create a post office. It doesn't require it. If you could read, you would understand the distinction.

What you want doesn't matter. What you think means NOTHING. You are no one. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and are making a total fool of yourself to all of us who actually learned the material in high school.

The post office can't be removed or privatized without a new constitutional amendment. Look up what it takes to pass a new amendment.

Wrong again, shit for brains.

I'm so tired of you people who are just so down right stupid and lazy that you don't even know what's in our constitution beyond the second amendment.

You should be ashamed and embarrassed by your stupidity but you're way to stupid to even know how what a fool you have made of yourself with your stupid post above.

You're in no position to be accusing other people of not understanding the Constitution.
I see a bill that should be sent back and forth between the House and the Senate until an agreement is mutually arrived at. I can read it and see there is the original HR bill and 2 revisions which coincides with trying to get the Senate to consider it. But there is NO SB bill presented to the House therefore, it's not been considered nor discussed in committee. Just a plain NO which accomplishes nothing. And that about sums up the bulk of the accomplishments of the Senate, nothing.
What I see is a bill the democrats are using as a way to try to make Trump look bad, they know he won't sign it with all the extra added. Politics as usual with the democrats.
Democrats have accumulated damn near $1 trillion dollars in debt in poorly run Dem states BEFORE Covid hit. Dems are trying to use the Covid crisis now to extort money from other states to pay off their debt. Before you Dems cry and whine and complain I'll remind you that even president Obama refused to bail out Dem states when California asked him for a bail out in 2009. Never let a crisis go to waste right Nancy Pelosi you bitter old hag.

In 2009, a lot of companies in CA got bailouts. Along with almost every State in the Union. The Bailout wasn't for the State Governments, it was to make the companies solvent. And please stop throwing crap at the wall and seeing what will stick. It's not sticking so well these days.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. Oh wait :eusa_think: Are you unaware that CA asked Obama to bail out their under funded public employee pension/retirement benefit fund to the tune of $300B? :itsok:

How about a cite to that. It's the first that's been brought up in here. Enlighten us.

How about the left pull their heads out of their ass and show up to the forum better informed. I have posted that numerous times, how many times do I have to post it 50?

I am very active in here and have NEVER seen it posted.

That's because you live in a fake news bubble.
I see a bill that should be sent back and forth between the House and the Senate until an agreement is mutually arrived at. I can read it and see there is the original HR bill and 2 revisions which coincides with trying to get the Senate to consider it. But there is NO SB bill presented to the House therefore, it's not been considered nor discussed in committee. Just a plain NO which accomplishes nothing. And that about sums up the bulk of the accomplishments of the Senate, nothing.
What I see is a bill the democrats are using as a way to try to make Trump look bad, they know he won't sign it with all the extra added. Politics as usual with the democrats.

The HR shows that there is the original with 2 revisions. That means that it's been presented to the Senate with revisions 3 times. There is no SB bill. That means that it never went past Moscow Mitch. If it had gone into a comittee, it would have a SB attached to it. The fact remains that the Senate is doing nothing nor negotiating with the House. It's the Senate that is jamming things up. Before it can go to the President, it has to go to the Senate in the form of a SB bill even if it's sent back to the house for revision.
Democrats have accumulated damn near $1 trillion dollars in debt in poorly run Dem states BEFORE Covid hit. Dems are trying to use the Covid crisis now to extort money from other states to pay off their debt. Before you Dems cry and whine and complain I'll remind you that even president Obama refused to bail out Dem states when California asked him for a bail out in 2009. Never let a crisis go to waste right Nancy Pelosi you bitter old hag.

In 2009, a lot of companies in CA got bailouts. Along with almost every State in the Union. The Bailout wasn't for the State Governments, it was to make the companies solvent. And please stop throwing crap at the wall and seeing what will stick. It's not sticking so well these days.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. Oh wait :eusa_think: Are you unaware that CA asked Obama to bail out their under funded public employee pension/retirement benefit fund to the tune of $300B? :itsok:

How about a cite to that. It's the first that's been brought up in here. Enlighten us.

How about the left pull their heads out of their ass and show up to the forum better informed. I have posted that numerous times, how many times do I have to post it 50?

I am very active in here and have NEVER seen it posted.

That's because you live in a fake news bubble.

Then I take it you are lying. Okay, I can accept that.
The HR shows that there is the original with 2 revisions. That means that it's been presented to the Senate with revisions 3 times. There is no SB bill. That means that it never went past Moscow Mitch. If it had gone into a comittee, it would have a SB attached to it. The fact remains that the Senate is doing nothing nor negotiating with the House. It's the Senate that is jamming things up. Before it can go to the President, it has to go to the Senate in the form of a SB bill even if it's sent back to the house for revision.
The HR shows that there is the original with 2 revisions. That means that it's been presented to the Senate with revisions 3 times. There is no SB bill. That means that it never went past Moscow Mitch.

Senate Republicans fail to advance coronavirus stimulus bill as stalemate drags on

  • Senate Republicans failed to advance their latest coronavirus stimulus bill.
  • The relief package fell short of the 60 votes needed to move forward as all Democrats and one Republican opposed it.
  • The legislation included reinstating enhanced unemployment insurance, but at $300 per week form the previous $600, and authorizing new small business loans.
  • Democrats called it inadequate because it did not include state and local government relief and food assistance, among other measures.

So stop with this lie the Senate never entertained the House bill. They did, and it's the Democrats in the Senate who are stopping it. Not Republicans.

Again, this is all political posturing. They don't want this bill to pass and never have. It's just a play toy for Democrats failed attempt to try and make Republicans look bad.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
BUT the POS will help Putin Now he screwed millions as the market crashed
The 7.9% UE will assure his retirement in January 2021.
Who is responsible for that unemployment? Only a freaking dumbass libtard would blame Trump. You fit the bill perfectly!

Only a right wing fascist pig would make a statement like that. The economy will continue to slow down under Trump. Even the Fed chairman says that the economy needs another large stimulus plan.

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