Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
Just more fuel on the get rid of Trump fire. I think he probably knows it's inevitable at this he's gonna go out being who he is. An incompetent, narcissistic, uncaring gasbag. If he thinks this is going to aid in his re-election, he truly is as dumb as he appears. But, give it 24 hours. Someone may whisper in his ear and he'll see the light.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
BUT the POS will help Putin Now he screwed millions as the market crashed
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The great negotiator fails again.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Fuck Fox and their lies and distortions.

Trump pulled the plug on this because he's holding it out as a carrot to get more votes.

U.S. financial markets sour as Trump ends coronavirus relief negotiations

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called off negotiations with Democratic lawmakers on coronavirus relief legislation until after the election, even as cases of the virus are on the rise across much of the country before flu season.""

"“I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump wrote on Twitter a day after emerging from a hospital stay for COVID-19 treatment.""""

"Trump’s move, less than one month before the Nov. 3 presidential and congressional elections, was met with a fierce backlash from Democrats, especially since he instructed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to instead focus full efforts on Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat."""

hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

We all know the super fucked in the head Loony right only cares about the deficit when a Democrat is in the White House. When a republican is in they don't give two squats about it.

So who wrote the super expensive bill that was passed and ran up the deficit? Demoncrats!

And Republicans....
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:



Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
BUT the POS will help Putin Now he screwed millions as the market crashed
The 7.9% UE will assure his retirement in January 2021.
Who is responsible for that unemployment? Only a freaking dumbass libtard would blame Trump. You fit the bill perfectly!
BULL SHIT. You people blamed Obama with high unemployment which is right because good or bad he was in charge of this country. The difference was he inherited a bad economy.

Trump is in charge ( I think ) of this country good or bad Trump is responsible. You do not have the right to pick and choose which is which what Trump deserves.

The difference Trump inherited a very good economy and he fucked it up big time.

The Covid-9 pandemic, health crisis; businesses closures, job loses, no income, no health coverage, evictions, high unemployment, racial injustice. These falls under Trump administration. That’s a pure facts and reality.
Who controlled the House (purse strings) when GW was in..and in the first two years of Trump?..and how did the Republican senate vote on those last two budgets.

The last two years of GW were controlled by Democrats. If you look t the chart, after Republicans regained the House during the Hussein years, the deficit started to decrease.

When Trump got in with a Republican House, his primary objective was to rebuild the military that Hussein allowed to decay. In spite of that, Republicans were complaining about the spending anyway.
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:



LOL. Compared to Fox News spreading misinformation and fake news? Don’t be silly.
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:

That is true but Biden is getting more donations than Trump but for you to say that people on welfare donate money to a candidate is just your pure BULL SHIT.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Healthcare to illegals and bail outs of poorly led Democrat cities should not be part of the rescue package.
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:



LOL. Compared to Fox News spreading misinformation and fake news? Don’t be silly.
CNN isn’t fake? Hypocrisy 101
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

I have a better idea: why don't YOU read your own links:

The bill also modifies or expands a wide range of other programs and policies, including those regarding

  • Medicare and Medicaid,
  • health insurance,
  • broadband service,
  • medical product supplies,
  • immigration,
  • student loans and financial aid,
  • the federal workforce,
  • prisons,
  • veterans benefits,
  • consumer protection requirements,
  • the U.S. Postal Service,
  • federal elections,
  • aviation and railroad workers, and
  • pension and retirement plans.
And what does any of those things have to do with Covid relief? They are all democratic pork projects.
Who controlled the House (purse strings) when GW was in..and in the first two years of Trump?..and how did the Republican senate vote on those last two budgets.

The last two years of GW were controlled by Democrats. If you look t the chart, after Republicans regained the House during the Hussein years, the deficit started to decrease.

When Trump got in with a Republican House, his primary objective was to rebuild the military that Hussein allowed to decay. In spite of that, Republicans were complaining about the spending anyway.

That’s another BULL SHIT. That what that fat racist pig told you like we are running out of bullets. That doesn’t mean it’s true.

Even if we stop building the military in next 4 years and just maintenance. Russia your puppet master and China still cannot even comes close to US military might. Trump that fat racist pig is a very weak leader laughable foreign and domestic policies. Here is a link to update your ignorance.

That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:



LOL. Compared to Fox News spreading misinformation and fake news? Don’t be silly.
CNN isn’t fake? Hypocrisy 101
Nah! That’s what that fake messiah told you just because he doesn’t like what he is watching.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..

You are a full blown idiot. The USPS has been obsolete for decades and many have called for it to be gotten rid of, for decades.

Why is it that all you liberals are pathetic stupid idiots void of any fact or historical context
Oh, so your one of those who think the USPS should be eliminated..starting the day they unionized I bet.
The USPS has been unionized as long as anyone on this board has been alive
Who controlled the House (purse strings) when GW was in..and in the first two years of Trump?..and how did the Republican senate vote on those last two budgets.

The last two years of GW were controlled by Democrats. If you look t the chart, after Republicans regained the House during the Hussein years, the deficit started to decrease.

When Trump got in with a Republican House, his primary objective was to rebuild the military that Hussein allowed to decay. In spite of that, Republicans were complaining about the spending anyway.

You realize that if you bring concrete "might" convince ONE on the Left.......if you repeat it for 1 million years non stop?
Last edited:
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:



LOL. Compared to Fox News spreading misinformation and fake news? Don’t be silly.
CNN isn’t fake? Hypocrisy 101
Nah! That’s what that fake messiah told you just because he doesn’t like what he is watching.
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:



LOL. Compared to Fox News spreading misinformation and fake news? Don’t be silly.
CNN isn’t fake? Hypocrisy 101
Nah! That’s what that fake messiah told you just because he doesn’t like what he is watching.

Your view of economics comes from a place of such ignorance and misinformation I cannot begin to correct all of the false information on how people get and corporations get rich. To start with, the federal government has established a mininum wage for workers, which the Republican Party has held to the smallest increase possible since 1980 and then refused to raise this amount, instead having taxpayers supplement the minium wage to provide adequate income to live on.

Democrats are responsible for that--not Republicans. If Democrats want to pass handouts to those who don't try, we have little control over that. Plus government handouts do not "adequately" supply anybody with anything. They're still poor with the handouts. It's just they don't have to work as much.

No other country in the world has such an expensive, inefficient or costly system to supplement low wages workers as food stamps or earned income credits. In effect, the middle class is subsidizing the wages for some of the most profitable corporations in America using YOUR money. Every taxpayer in America is contributing to the bottom line for McDonald's, Walmart, and other minimum wage corporations, all while these corporations are booking record profits and paying out the highest dividends in history.

No, what we subsidize are these social programs created by Democrats. McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Walmart are not who's responsible. Democrats are. If you want to see an end to these so-called subsides, then let's end them. But McDonald's can't end them because they didn't create them in the first place. Democrats did.

Countries which aren't being run to favour the corporate class, require companies to pay their own damn workers. Walmart has paid $14 per hour in Canada since 2018, and they're still the most profitable company in Canada. It was supposed to go up to $15/hr but the Conservatives got elected and cancelled the increase. Conservative don't like working people. They think they're stupid and spend the money foolishly.

No, what conservatives think is that in a free country, you make your own decisions--not government. In a cradle-to-grave government like you commies have, and our Democrats, it's acceptable.

In a truly free country, you can make as little or as much as you want. But it's not governments decision on how much you make, it's your decision.

So you start by underpaying workers, and then you overtax the middle class to give them enough money to live on. And don't give me your bullshit line about making yourself more valuable. Wages as a percentage of costs, are the lowest they've been since the 1800's. so that's just bullshit. Corporations are awash in cash and have never paid higher dividends. Stock by-backs are at record levels, and workers have never been lower paid.

We don't base wages by how much a company makes. We base wages by how much your labor is worth. So how much is your labor worth in the US?

Your labor is worth as much as your employer can pay another person to do the exact same job and same quality of work as you do. That's it. It doesn't matter if your company makes a billion dollars a year or a half-million. What their profits are doesn't change the value of your labor--you do.

That's what Republicans did. When Reagan was elected, everybody got a piece of the pie. Republicans have lowered taxes to the millionaire class 3 times. Now the working class makes so little money they don't pay taxes. The rich pay a much smaller percentage of tax on the money than working and middle class people, so the government gets less tax from the wealthy than they would in the hands of the working and middle class.

If that was so, then the top 20% of wage earners in this country would not be supporting 80% of our income tax collections. But they do.

Now if the 20% who are paying 80% of all collected income taxes are not enough, then what should the top 20% be paying?
Reminds you of Las Vegas..people who go there are mesmerized by all the neon lights and glitter on the boulevard and glitzy interiors of the casinos. The smart ones realize they are the ones paying for all that, they are just there to have a good time The dumb ones think they are going to get rich.

Irrelevant. They are still supplying a service and product that people want. That's how they get rich.
Not the point. You are saying they belong to unions and have an incentive to vote Democrat. So maybe they might. But in the context of the election, it doesn't mean squat. Because there aren't enough workers to go around to make a difference.
Why then, is the current administration looking to kneecap the infrastructure to make it difficult for states to employ mail in voting?
Maybe it's because they know they're in deep shit?

IN 2019, the USPS employees were about 500,000 people. I would say that's enough to be concerned about for the Democrats.

The Republicans are not kneecapping anybody. We are just not providing the additional funds to help Democrats steal this election. Why are you surprised by that?

If you want to vote and make sure it counts, go to the polls like us Republicans are going to do.

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