Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Can you give us an example of this 'Democrat pork' that you think should be eliminated from the bill?

I think what should be eliminated from the bill are the things that have nothing to do with this virus, also known as pork. I posted what the Democrats want in post 91. Most of it is nothing but wasteful spending on Democrat goodies.
Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

"wither"? Why bring horses into the discussion.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Ok, hey good luck with all that you have going on.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Same shit differnt day.... Democrats want everything including the kitchen sink and Reps want what is needed... We've already spent to much on a virus that we should never have locked down for...


In their so called skinny bill....

To help win over conservatives who balked at the earlier GOP proposal, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), the new bill includes measures increasing access to private schools, both through funding and tax breaks for scholarships. The bill would also expand the use of 529 education-savings accounts for home-schooling expenses.
“Now more than ever, families from all walks of life are seeing the need for real school choice,” Mr. Cruz said Wednesday.

Please explain what that has to do with COVID-19?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Ok, hey good luck with all that you have going on.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in, you stupid motherfucker!
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
Just more fuel on the get rid of Trump fire. I think he probably knows it's inevitable at this he's gonna go out being who he is. An incompetent, narcissistic, uncaring gasbag. If he thinks this is going to aid in his re-election, he truly is as dumb as he appears. But, give it 24 hours. Someone may whisper in his ear and he'll see the light.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
BUT the POS will help Putin Now he screwed millions as the market crashed
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The great negotiator fails again.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Fuck Fox and their lies and distortions.

Trump pulled the plug on this because he's holding it out as a carrot to get more votes.

U.S. financial markets sour as Trump ends coronavirus relief negotiations

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called off negotiations with Democratic lawmakers on coronavirus relief legislation until after the election, even as cases of the virus are on the rise across much of the country before flu season.""

"“I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump wrote on Twitter a day after emerging from a hospital stay for COVID-19 treatment.""""

"Trump’s move, less than one month before the Nov. 3 presidential and congressional elections, was met with a fierce backlash from Democrats, especially since he instructed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to instead focus full efforts on Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat."""

hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

We all know the super fucked in the head Loony right only cares about the deficit when a Democrat is in the White House. When a republican is in they don't give two squats about it.

So who wrote the super expensive bill that was passed and ran up the deficit? Demoncrats!
And it's peanuts compared to what Republicans get from Wall Street and billionaire donors. The Koch Brothers alone have donated $50 million to their superpacs just for one election. Democrats never have nearly the cash that Republicans have. And look who Republicans policies always end up benefitting. Guys like you get crumbs from the GOP and told to like it.

You have to be completely lacking in critical thinking skills to not see how you're being played.

Right. Those welfare people have a lot of money to give to the Democrat candidate, don't they?

That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not only cant you speak English you cant understand it.
Let me simplify for your simplistic mind.
Those who dont pay taxes should not be able to vote themselves largess from the government and therefore from the taxpayer.
With you being a simpleton I dont expect you to understand the concept.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..okay, now we know. See how it works when you get specific. I take it had the union come out in support of Trump you would have no problem with them getting some stimulus money.

If the PO went under, it would be replaced with the private sector and be operated correctly. Newt Gingrich proposed such a plan years ago that the Democrats fought tooth and nail.

Essentially PO workers are government workers. Who do government employees usually vote for again???

Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.

Oh, you can not be that fucking stupid, you ignorant twat!
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Ok, hey good luck with all that you have going on.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in, you stupid motherfucker!
Why do you want to fuck my horse? And bringing my wife into this is just uncalled for. What’s odd is I find sex pretty enjoyable, so wishing that upon me hardly seems like it fits your tone. So I guess, thanks?
And May some unsuspecting woman (or man, you’ll get no judgement from me sir) slow down long enough for you to engage in sexual relations as well.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.

WELL! Your best solution is to walk away? That’s silly.
What made you think it was a bad deal?
What made you think there are unrelated items? Trump is not even doing the negotiations.
The democrats didn't walk away, Trump told McConnell to stop negotiating telling him to concentrate instead on getting his judge. As someone else put it..Trump is basically saying...screw your jobs and unemployment checks...I want my judge.
My error. I apologize. I thought that was Airplanemechanic I was quoting.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Ok, hey good luck with all that you have going on.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in, you stupid motherfucker!
Why do you want to fuck my horse? And bringing my wife into this is just uncalled for. What’s odd is I find sex pretty enjoyable, so wishing that upon me hardly seems like it fits your tone. So I guess, thanks?
And May some unsuspecting woman (or man, you’ll get no judgement from me sir) slow down long enough for you to engage in sexual relations as well.
I said nothing about your wife, you stupid motherfucker! Go away and play with apparently the only toy God ever provided you. You will find it between your legs, scrotum face.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Ok, hey good luck with all that you have going on.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in, you stupid motherfucker!
Dude...... STOP drinking paint thinner. Is that really necessary?
I think it was their insistance that the Chinese National anthem replace ours that was the biggest sticking point.
Aaaaand this is why i think all bills should be single issue bills. This way, there is no pork or earmarks to get in the way of passing legislations. Instead of having bills that are 1000 pages, we could have bills that are 2 or 3 pages long.

Voting on them would be simple. They could pass...or not pass multiple bills per day

This nonsense of needing a certain bill to pass, but gets rejected because of some rider stuffed into the bill, then everyone blames people for not passing the main bill, it needs to go.

I dont think the Canuck lady understood what you were talking about.

I understood exactly what they were talking about. Republicans are famous for using "poison pills" to get out of funding shit. One need only look at how often Republicans will stick some little thing in a bill that they know Democrats won't approve, like defunding Planned Parenthood, into something the Dems really want, just so they can't pass it.

Republicans haven't passed any legislation since Obama was elected, if they can avoid it. Americans have the WORST governance in the free world. The Republican Party exists to shovel money to rich people. If legislation doesn't shovel money to rich people, Republicans won't pass it.

The problem is becoming, that over the past 40 years Republicans have shovelled so much of the money to rich people, that the nation is now failing, and the 80% of the people who aren't rich are getting a bit pissed off about it. Especially now that 7 million people have gotten sick and 210,000 have died.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?
Why do I fucking give a rats ass what a dipshit like you posts, fucktard?
Ok, hey good luck with all that you have going on.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in, you stupid motherfucker!
Why do you want to fuck my horse? And bringing my wife into this is just uncalled for. What’s odd is I find sex pretty enjoyable, so wishing that upon me hardly seems like it fits your tone. So I guess, thanks?
And May some unsuspecting woman (or man, you’ll get no judgement from me sir) slow down long enough for you to engage in sexual relations as well.
I said nothing about your wife, you stupid motherfucker! Go away and play with apparently the only toy God ever provided you. You will find it between your legs, scrotum face.
You did bring my wife into this and you just did it again! What mother do you think I’ve had sex with? George Lincoln, are you an incel? Is that why you keep using sexual allusions as attacks?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
You are a blithering idiot of the highest order. What is the Democrats put together a bill legalizing peadophilia? Would the Senate be right to reject that bill? Would the Democrats refuse to compromise? Damn straight! Just like on this bill.
The bill has nothing to do with pedophilia. What part of your ignorance don’t you understand?
That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.

Not really. What it does show is that the Democrats get just as much big money as Republicans do, perhaps even more. It's supported by your own source, the Communist News Network:

Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
The House put together two bills the Senate has rejected, the Senate passed one bill.
Two bills that were full of pork and changes to our government. Not two bills full of relief to copmpanies and people hurt by covid. The republicans offered MONTHS AGO to pass a bill with the items that both side agreed on but THE DEMOCRATS refused.
Well, isn't that how the game is played?
The democrats didn't walk away, Trump told McConnell to stop negotiating telling him to concentrate instead on getting his judge. As someone else put it..Trump is basically saying...screw your jobs and unemployment checks...I want my judge.

No, what Trump is saying is that if they don't want to talk rationally, he's shutting the process down. If or when Democrats are actually willing to negotiate, then perhaps Trump will give them their due. But why participate with game players? It's a total waste of time.

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