Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.

Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..okay, now we know. See how it works when you get specific. I take it had the union come out in support of Trump you would have no problem with them getting some stimulus money.

Why in the hell should we support the other side?
“The other side” only exists in the minds of folks who follow. We are all Americans and the best thing for us all is for us to stop reciting the talking points of talking heads. I know a lot of folks are confused by this, but that does not make you an intellectual or a political pundit in any way. It just means you can click link, flip a channel and more or less remember what you’ve read/seen well enough to imitate it here. I promise you, if you take the time to engage with other people (even those you think are stupid Or ignorant) you will learn something. So before you react with anger and insults, take a quiet moment to consider what you actually would like to say.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.

Are ya slow?
We've already covered this. Stop putting money in the bill that bails out leftist for their mismanagement. Simple.
No..are you slow?? People keeps asking to stop with the bumper sticker comments and be specific..EXACTLY what is in the bill that 'bails out leftists'?

Pay attention.

In other words, you don't know and even if you tried to read the bill, you wouldn't know what it said. Trump told you that and you believe him. That's the problem with you fools. You don't know jack shit, and you continue to believe Donald Trump, even as he destroys the country.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise. Republicans want unrelated items. What Democrats want make more sense than what Republicans want.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.

WELL! Your best solution is to walk away? That’s silly.
What made you think it was a bad deal?
What made you think there are unrelated items? Trump is not even doing the negotiations.
The democrats didn't walk away, Trump told McConnell to stop negotiating telling him to concentrate instead on getting his judge. As someone else put it..Trump is basically saying...screw your jobs and unemployment checks...I want my judge.
Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.

Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..okay, now we know. See how it works when you get specific. I take it had the union come out in support of Trump you would have no problem with them getting some stimulus money.

Why in the hell should we support the other side?
“The other side” only exists in the minds of folks who follow. We are all Americans and the best thing for us all is for us to stop reciting the talking points of talking heads. I know a lot of folks are confused by this, but that does not make you an intellectual or a political pundit in any way. It just means you can click link, flip a channel and more or less remember what you’ve read/seen well enough to imitate it here. I promise you, if you take the time to engage with other people (even those you think are stupid Or ignorant) you will learn something. So before you react with anger and insults, take a quiet moment to consider what you actually would like to say.

I believe I already did.
Why should I as a Conservative support taxpayer funded money for dems?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.

Are ya slow?
We've already covered this. Stop putting money in the bill that bails out leftist for their mismanagement. Simple.
No..are you slow?? People keeps asking to stop with the bumper sticker comments and be specific..EXACTLY what is in the bill that 'bails out leftists'?

Pay attention.

In other words, you don't know and even if you tried to read the bill, you wouldn't know what it said. Trump told you that and you believe him. That's the problem with you fools. You don't know jack shit, and you continue to believe Donald Trump, even as he destroys the country.

Stop loading the bill with bailouts for dems.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
You are a blithering idiot of the highest order. What is the Democrats put together a bill legalizing peadophilia? Would the Senate be right to reject that bill? Would the Democrats refuse to compromise? Damn straight! Just like on this bill.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.

WELL! Your best solution is to walk away? That’s silly.
What made you think it was a bad deal?
What made you think there are unrelated items? Trump is not even doing the negotiations.
The democrats didn't walk away, Trump told McConnell to stop negotiating telling him to concentrate instead on getting his judge. As someone else put it..Trump is basically saying...screw your jobs and unemployment checks...I want my judge.
The Senate proposal contains all that fucktardo! You could not find your own dick with both hands and a tweezer!
Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.

Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..okay, now we know. See how it works when you get specific. I take it had the union come out in support of Trump you would have no problem with them getting some stimulus money.

Why in the hell should we support the other side?
“The other side” only exists in the minds of folks who follow. We are all Americans and the best thing for us all is for us to stop reciting the talking points of talking heads. I know a lot of folks are confused by this, but that does not make you an intellectual or a political pundit in any way. It just means you can click link, flip a channel and more or less remember what you’ve read/seen well enough to imitate it here. I promise you, if you take the time to engage with other people (even those you think are stupid Or ignorant) you will learn something. So before you react with anger and insults, take a quiet moment to consider what you actually would like to say.

I believe I already did.
Why should I as a Conservative support taxpayer funded money for dems?
It sounds like you are advocating the tyranny of the majority. That is fine, but I don’t think you’ll like it very much when Nancy Pelosi starts to pick how much and where your taxes are spent. Now you may be pulling a Henry D Thoreau, if that’s the case good luck, but tax evasion is a crime.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?

The problem with libtards is that you don't realize that there is no compromise. What are the extra funds in the Democrap bill for?
And it's peanuts compared to what Republicans get from Wall Street and billionaire donors. The Koch Brothers alone have donated $50 million to their superpacs just for one election. Democrats never have nearly the cash that Republicans have. And look who Republicans policies always end up benefitting. Guys like you get crumbs from the GOP and told to like it.

You have to be completely lacking in critical thinking skills to not see how you're being played.

Right. Those welfare people have a lot of money to give to the Democrat candidate, don't they?

That’s stupid.

Since when a welfare recipients donate money to any institutions or a candidates?
how or what people do with their money Is not your business.
The record breaking donations for Biden showed that Americans are tired of these chaos, racism, discombobulations, crisis in America and has to stop.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I posted the link the the bill. Not a single person bothered to read and comment on the actual bill. This whole thread is about repeating both sides of the talking heads that neither side has even bothered to actually read the bill itself.

MODS: How about locking this stupidity down. The Average IQ of the posters are going down as long as this exists.

You are dragging it down every stupid fucking post you make. I honestly think you are mentally retarded. Your keeper should take you computer access away.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Hey, Brain is too much of a coward to face me in a debate head on. So he presses the funny button. Because that's the only argument he has.
I responded to you. Most your shit is too stupid for a response.

Yet here you replied. You are too easy to bait.
With a 1 trillion deficit trump managed to decrease gdp growth. What a failure.

I can't help but laugh at how desperate you are. The GDP will naturally decrease when you shut down the economy.

The problem now is people like you would rather see it fall to ruin rather than allow Trump to take the credit for reviving it.
I was talking about last year. This year will be over $3 trillion deficit. New record!
Thank you House Democrats!
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
Fuck the Democrats ...

Trump is protecting the US from these Marxist POS 's
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

I love trump....................MAGA
How's the weather there in Russia
You should know since you are a fucking Communist plant.
You George Lincoln Rockwell?
I have no fucking idea what you are blathering about. STFU you stupid piece of shit!
Wow! That’s a lot to take in for a simple question? why don’t you use google?

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