Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
The House put together two bills the Senate has rejected, the Senate passed one bill.
Two bills that were full of pork and changes to our government. Not two bills full of relief to copmpanies and people hurt by covid. The republicans offered MONTHS AGO to pass a bill with the items that both side agreed on but THE DEMOCRATS refused.

If they did offere then there would be an SB bill. How about posting that bill so we can see it.

How be you do your own damn research.

Easy research. There isn't one. Now, don't you feel foolish?
Sorry. Not following. I'm talking about states where mail in voting was NOT relied upon. Those states had to scramble to put that infrastructure in place and rely on the Post Office...and Trump's Postmaster General, well, did his best to kneecap them. Thereby giving his boss the vote. Again, something else?

Oh please. Are you going to tell me the PO's problems started only six months ago with Covid? You are really out of touch with what's going on if that's what you believe.

The PO is on the same path that record stores were on, then CD stores, the movie rental stores. They;re being replaced by technology.

The PO's problem stared way back when FAX machines came out. It got worse with email. Then the fast growing internet where people could order things online and see every item they wanted with no catalogs. Then of course virtual meetings on Skype and now Zoom.

When the PO is finally useless, the little mail left would be taken over by FedEx, UPS and so on. What does that mean? Less government workers and less union people. That's what the Democrats are scared of, and it's not the taxpayers responsibility to keep their soon to be extinct industry in business. Let them get voters some other way.
The it's up to the Senate to take it, rewrite it into a Senate bill and introduce it back to the house. Had they followed that there would be a SB. But the didn't do their friggin job. Instead, it goes into the bottomless bottom left drawer on Moscow Mitch's desk. The Senate is broken.

Nope, they did that two times already. Both times the Democrats told them it's our way, or the highway. That's why Trump threatened them with an EO to provide Americans with money like additional unemployment and another stimulus check.
Sorry. Not following. I'm talking about states where mail in voting was NOT relied upon. Those states had to scramble to put that infrastructure in place and rely on the Post Office...and Trump's Postmaster General, well, did his best to kneecap them. Thereby giving his boss the vote. Again, something else?

Oh please. Are you going to tell me the PO's problems started only six months ago with Covid? You are really out of touch with what's going on if that's what you believe.

The PO is on the same path that record stores were on, then CD stores, the movie rental stores. They;re being replaced by technology.

The PO's problem stared way back when FAX machines came out. It got worse with email. Then the fast growing internet where people could order things online and see every item they wanted with no catalogs. Then of course virtual meetings on Skype and now Zoom.

When the PO is finally useless, the little mail left would be taken over by FedEx, UPS and so on. What does that mean? Less government workers and less union people. That's what the Democrats are scared of, and it's not the taxpayers responsibility to keep their soon to be extinct industry in business. Let them get voters some other way.

No. I'm telling you that it was a giant co-inkydink that states that had never had to deal with mail in voting (because of the blown response to the pandemic) were targeted for voter suppression by the incumbent's Postmaster General dismantling of his own departments infrastructure...why?...because Republicans are scared.
hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

Actually what they do is support the spending, then down the road posting complaints on how much was spent under Trump. They did the same thing with GW's spending; blamed it all on him instead of the Democrats who actually spent the money.

I don't have an answer other than getting the old Fiscal Conservatives back into control of both parties we once had in the 50s. Fire the whole lot of them. Dissolve both parties. But that just isn't going to happen. I guess we wait until the United States goes to a C rating and files for Bankruptzy and then Germany takes over financially like they did with Greece.

Democrats have consistely taxed to pay for their programs. Republicans then cut those taxes and up the spending. Americans enjoy the lowest taxes in the first world, which are more than offset by the highest healthcare costs in the first world, and the lowest minimum wage.

The rest of the first world has higher taxes, and higher investment in their people. Cheap or free higher education. Much cheaper and better publically funded health care which covers all of their people at a much lower cost than the US for profit, privately funded system. American parents contribute more money to their children's education than any country in the world, and America is one of only countries in the first world where the government spends less money educating the children of the poor, than they do on children of the rich.

Republicans have created the system which funnels 80% of the nation's income to the countries top 20% of wealthy individuals and corporations, and impoverishes the working and middle class every few years.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..

You are a full blown idiot. The USPS has been obsolete for decades and many have called for it to be gotten rid of, for decades.

Why is it that all you liberals are pathetic stupid idiots void of any fact or historical context
Oh, so your one of those who think the USPS should be eliminated..starting the day they unionized I bet.

I can't believe how many republicans/conservatives who have not actually read the constitution. It's crazy. They run around saying they are the only ones who love and respect our constitution but their actions say the exact opposite.

The US Post office is REQUIRED by the constitution.

It can't be privatized. It can't be eliminated.

Yet here we see another republican who doesn't care about what our constitution says.
Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.

It doesn't matter where they live. They are government workers. They are supported by the Democrat party for their jobs. Their union money eventually ends up in the hands of Democrat politicians come election time.


It is just a job. They don’t transform from conservative to leftist. And Republicans are just as keen to keep those federal centers in their districts as Democrats.
Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.

It doesn't matter where they live. They are government workers. They are supported by the Democrat party for their jobs. Their union money eventually ends up in the hands of Democrat politicians come election time.

No, they are not. They are just trying to make a living. Like the rest of us.
It's just you on the right wing who set that narrative.
The fear on your side of the aisle is palpable.
American parents contribute more money to their children's education than any country in the world, and America is one of only countries in the first world where the government spends less money educating the children of the poor, than they do on children of the rich.

That's because our education is mostly locally supported. You have a higher income, live in a city or town where you can afford higher taxes for education, you get what you pay for.

Republicans have created the system which funnels 80% of the nation's income to the countries top 20% of wealthy individuals and corporations, and impoverishes the working and middle class every few years.

No, it's been our system all along. Even every Democrat in this forum and country will send their money to the top several times this week. They will pay their cell phone bill, their internet bill, cable or satellite television bill, buy apps for their phone or computer, stop and McDonalds or Burger King several times a week, buy gasoline.

After all, that's how people and companies get rich: they supply their customers with services or products they want. It has nothing to do with the Republicans.
Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.

It doesn't matter where they live. They are government workers. They are supported by the Democrat party for their jobs. Their union money eventually ends up in the hands of Democrat politicians come election time.

And it's peanuts compared to what Republicans get from Wall Street and billionaire donors. The Koch Brothers alone have donated $50 million to their superpacs just for one election. Democrats never have nearly the cash that Republicans have. And look who Republicans policies always end up benefitting. Guys like you get crumbs from the GOP and told to like it.

You have to be completely lacking in critical thinking skills to not see how you're being played.
Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.

It doesn't matter where they live. They are government workers. They are supported by the Democrat party for their jobs. Their union money eventually ends up in the hands of Democrat politicians come election time.

No, they are not. They are just trying to make a living. Like the rest of us.
It's just you on the right wing who set that narrative.
The fear on your side of the aisle is palpable.

Now you are catching on. Yes, they are just trying to make a living, and who supports the institutions where they can do that? That's right, the Democrats. So if you want to continue to make a living, who are you going to vote for?
Why aren't you dems who are so worried about our deficit excited about this? Trump is showing he doesn't want to spend more money we don't have. You complain when Trump spends, you complain when Trump doesn't.

So when are you fucking liberals happy? Besides when Biden can go 24 hours without a gaffe?
And it's peanuts compared to what Republicans get from Wall Street and billionaire donors. The Koch Brothers alone have donated $50 million to their superpacs just for one election. Democrats never have nearly the cash that Republicans have. And look who Republicans policies always end up benefitting. Guys like you get crumbs from the GOP and told to like it.

You have to be completely lacking in critical thinking skills to not see how you're being played.

Right. Those welfare people have a lot of money to give to the Democrat candidate, don't they?

Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.

Are ya slow?
We've already covered this. Stop putting money in the bill that bails out leftist for their mismanagement. Simple.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans

After you get yer lips off of it.It's Trump's economy he's just ruining his chances of not getting elected.
DO you realize how long we have waited for a politician that is willing to say NO to stupid shit? Trump is a businessman and not a politician so he has the capability to say NO!
Is that why he rubber stamped the first three stimulus bills?
This virus is on its way out... Dimocrats are trying like hell to make it worse than it is...
And how are they doing that??
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?

How about the left stop asking for money that is unrelated to the virus?
Let's also remember what "compromise" means to Nancy Pissloser.

The dems originally wanted to spend 3 trillion. They said they would come down to 2 trillion. That means they were willing to go down 33%.

Republicans wanted 1 Trillion. Repubs would have to meet Nancy at 2 Trillion. That is a 200% increase in spending over what they wanted.

So this "compromise" is Pissloser knocking off 1/3 of her spending and republicans DOUBLEING theirs. And this is fair to who?
Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.

It doesn't matter where they live. They are government workers. They are supported by the Democrat party for their jobs. Their union money eventually ends up in the hands of Democrat politicians come election time.

No, they are not. They are just trying to make a living. Like the rest of us.
It's just you on the right wing who set that narrative.
The fear on your side of the aisle is palpable.

Now you are catching on. Yes, they are just trying to make a living, and who supports the institutions where they can do that? That's right, the Democrats. So if you want to continue to make a living, who are you going to vote for?

Not the point. You are saying they belong to unions and have an incentive to vote Democrat. So maybe they might. But in the context of the election, it doesn't mean squat. Because there aren't enough workers to go around to make a difference.
Why then, is the current administration looking to kneecap the infrastructure to make it difficult for states to employ mail in voting?
Maybe it's because they know they're in deep shit? :)

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