Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

QUOTE="eddiew37, post: 25643038, member: 60377"]

You're a trump supporter so you know shitt

Hard not to know it when it's all that's flung at America daily by the Democrat subsidized media. Of course you don't wash your hands after pitching because, after all, it MIGHT be Obama ice cream!
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
Just more fuel on the get rid of Trump fire. I think he probably knows it's inevitable at this he's gonna go out being who he is. An incompetent, narcissistic, uncaring gasbag. If he thinks this is going to aid in his re-election, he truly is as dumb as he appears. But, give it 24 hours. Someone may whisper in his ear and he'll see the light.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
BUT the POS will help Putin Now he screwed millions as the market crashed
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The great negotiator fails again.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Fuck Fox and their lies and distortions.

Trump pulled the plug on this because he's holding it out as a carrot to get more votes.

U.S. financial markets sour as Trump ends coronavirus relief negotiations

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called off negotiations with Democratic lawmakers on coronavirus relief legislation until after the election, even as cases of the virus are on the rise across much of the country before flu season.""

"“I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump wrote on Twitter a day after emerging from a hospital stay for COVID-19 treatment.""""

"Trump’s move, less than one month before the Nov. 3 presidential and congressional elections, was met with a fierce backlash from Democrats, especially since he instructed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to instead focus full efforts on Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat."""

hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

We all know the super fucked in the head Loony right only cares about the deficit when a Democrat is in the White House. When a republican is in they don't give two squats about it.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

But then you don't read well so there is that.
"provides payments and other assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments;"
This has been the sticking point this entire time. Effing educate yourself. We will NOT bail out your shit blue cities who let people screw them up.

But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

Red cities aren't burning themselves down dumb ass.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

But then you don't read well so there is that.
"provides payments and other assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments;"
This has been the sticking point this entire time. Effing educate yourself. We will NOT bail out your shit blue cities who let people screw them up.

But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

Red cities aren't burning themselves down dumb ass.

Most Red Cities are less than 100K in population and don't have anything worth burning down.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
Just more fuel on the get rid of Trump fire. I think he probably knows it's inevitable at this he's gonna go out being who he is. An incompetent, narcissistic, uncaring gasbag. If he thinks this is going to aid in his re-election, he truly is as dumb as he appears. But, give it 24 hours. Someone may whisper in his ear and he'll see the light.
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans
BUT the POS will help Putin Now he screwed millions as the market crashed
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Republicans refuse to compromise.

So...where are we?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The great negotiator fails again.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Fuck Fox and their lies and distortions.

Trump pulled the plug on this because he's holding it out as a carrot to get more votes.

U.S. financial markets sour as Trump ends coronavirus relief negotiations

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called off negotiations with Democratic lawmakers on coronavirus relief legislation until after the election, even as cases of the virus are on the rise across much of the country before flu season.""

"“I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump wrote on Twitter a day after emerging from a hospital stay for COVID-19 treatment.""""

"Trump’s move, less than one month before the Nov. 3 presidential and congressional elections, was met with a fierce backlash from Democrats, especially since he instructed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to instead focus full efforts on Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat."""

hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

We all know the super fucked in the head Loony right only cares about the deficit when a Democrat is in the White House. When a republican is in they don't give two squats about it.

Hold on, are you saying you Loony Whacks haven't been pissing yourselves over Trumps spending?
I posted the link the the bill. Not a single person bothered to read and comment on the actual bill. This whole thread is about repeating both sides of the talking heads that neither side has even bothered to actually read the bill itself.

MODS: How about locking this stupidity down. The Average IQ of the posters are going down as long as this exists.

What an ass you are old man. Nobody here shares your high opinion of yourself. Your Blue Shyte Holes are the sticking point. Seattle, Chicago, NYC et al can bail themselves out.

Those aren't mine. I wouldn't live there just like I wouldn't live in a Red State shithole either.

Those are the Cities Nancy wants to bail out, it isn't going to happen.

So you admit it strictly a Political move and not either an economical or humanitarian decision.
hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

Actually what they do is support the spending, then down the road posting complaints on how much was spent under Trump. They did the same thing with GW's spending; blamed it all on him instead of the Democrats who actually spent the money.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
The House put together two bills the Senate has rejected, the Senate passed one bill.
Two bills that were full of pork and changes to our government. Not two bills full of relief to copmpanies and people hurt by covid. The republicans offered MONTHS AGO to pass a bill with the items that both side agreed on but THE DEMOCRATS refused.
But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

You mean like California?

The Democrats would never allow states to not send money to them. They would lose too much power that way.
I posted the link the the bill. Not a single person bothered to read and comment on the actual bill. This whole thread is about repeating both sides of the talking heads that neither side has even bothered to actually read the bill itself.

MODS: How about locking this stupidity down. The Average IQ of the posters are going down as long as this exists.

What an ass you are old man. Nobody here shares your high opinion of yourself. Your Blue Shyte Holes are the sticking point. Seattle, Chicago, NYC et al can bail themselves out.

Those aren't mine. I wouldn't live there just like I wouldn't live in a Red State shithole either.

Those are the Cities Nancy wants to bail out, it isn't going to happen.
Remove your vitriol and you actually seem to express the ideas of long left behind fiscal conservatives. So long as you feel the same way about bailing out anyone, we’re good. However, you keep pointing out specific places that you see as “blue shit holes”. If your only problem with these places is the civil unrest, why are you punishing the people who live there because SWJs and Right-Wing ?agitators?(Such a large and diverse group representing the right any description would be incomplete and inaccurate..) have descended on their homes. Can’t help Kenosha did not make your list. So are you advocating economic austerity, or punishing cities and states that have elected Democratic local governments?
Where have you gone Barry Goldwater? In your heart, you know he’s right?
hahaha....and just like that the super fucked in the head Loony Left LOVES Trumps deficit spending...They are begging him to spend like a drunk virgin sailor in a whore house full of virgin playboy models.
You can't make this shit up..

Actually what they do is support the spending, then down the road posting complaints on how much was spent under Trump. They did the same thing with GW's spending; blamed it all on him instead of the Democrats who actually spent the money.

I don't have an answer other than getting the old Fiscal Conservatives back into control of both parties we once had in the 50s. Fire the whole lot of them. Dissolve both parties. But that just isn't going to happen. I guess we wait until the United States goes to a C rating and files for Bankruptzy and then Germany takes over financially like they did with Greece.
But you will bail out all the Red States and Areas. I get you.

Tell you what, how about the States stop paying the Feds. All the State Voters just stop paying the Federal Government a single dime and pay that to the state instead making the Feds do what they once had to do and that is beg to the States for money. You want to turn the clock back, let's do it. And then watch the Red States disappear into oblivion while the Blue States prosper like never before financially.

You mean like California?

The Democrats would never allow states to not send money to them. They would lose too much power that way.

Okay, Rosebud, the entire Federal Government is paid by those people what are in the States. And some states pay more per capita than others. For instance, per capita, CA pays more than GA or LA does by far. And the Feds send the difference back to GA and LA to make up the difference in the form of Government Programs. One would think that CA and NY would have the highest per capita number of people on welfare when in reality that goes to the Red States. And that has been shown over and over in here so take your cite and shove it up yer rump.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
The House put together two bills the Senate has rejected, the Senate passed one bill.
Two bills that were full of pork and changes to our government. Not two bills full of relief to copmpanies and people hurt by covid. The republicans offered MONTHS AGO to pass a bill with the items that both side agreed on but THE DEMOCRATS refused.

If they did offere then there would be an SB bill. How about posting that bill so we can see it.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

I have a better idea: why don't YOU read your own links:

The bill also modifies or expands a wide range of other programs and policies, including those regarding

  • Medicare and Medicaid,
  • health insurance,
  • broadband service,
  • medical product supplies,
  • immigration,
  • student loans and financial aid,
  • the federal workforce,
  • prisons,
  • veterans benefits,
  • consumer protection requirements,
  • the U.S. Postal Service,
  • federal elections,
  • aviation and railroad workers, and
  • pension and retirement plans.

Considering these are important programs, which of these are considered Pork? Which one is a bridge to nowhere?

Let's look at a few and tie them in with Covid 19.

Aviation and RR Workers. Those have been hard hit during this time period. The Layoffs of both are about as high as any single other job or higher. And no end in sight. With your Millionaire and Billionaire Buddies getting Millions and Billions for their "Losses" what are these people going to live on since they have exhausted the Unemployment Benefits. That's a few hundred thousand workers without incomes that are going to or have already filed for Welfare.

US Postal Service has NEVER been a profitable business. It was never designed to be. It's a Government Sponsored Agency who is there specifically to serve the nation. Saying that the USPS needs to make money is like saying the DMV should be a profitable business. Every year, the Feds have to kick in X number of bucks into it to make it break even. Some years, more than others. To just shut it off harms everyone. And that is not a reasonable decision, that's strictly a Political decision more of a spiteful move.

Veterans Benefits have been hit hard as we had a heavy influx of Veterans. One of the biggest things we can do is retrain a gun toter into something useful in the civilian market. There just isn't the funds to do this. I've been in that situtation. It's a real bear to have tons of qualification and they be the wrong ones for the job market.

Student Loans and Financial Aid needs to be recalculated. Student loans break the backs of many people right now that don't qualify for those 6 figure jobs. And it doesn't cost any less for an education for someone make a 5 figure job than it does a 6 figure job. But there are a lot more 5 figure jobs available. But when you run up a 50K or more student loan, that 50K+ loan means you will be paying it back for decades. And if you are all of a sudden without a job like today, the loan just keeps growing. So that 45 to 60K job that you may have later (a year or two down the road) means that your student loan will take even longer to pay off. They need help NOW.

Now on to the rest. It's normal to put riders on Bills. And all of these others are necessary. If the Senate wanted to discuss it, they could remove the ones that they disagree with and send it back to the House. That's the way it's supposed to be done. To just say NO on the whole thing is not the way it is supposed to work. Then the House would send their rep over to the senate and they would discuss what would make it work for both parties. Instead, the Senate (meaning Moscow Mitch) just says no. Sorry, Rump isn't the one that is saying "No" on this since it hasn't reached him yet. One side is giving Rump credit where no credit is due and the other side is giving blame where no blame is due. The Blame goes securely on Moscow Mitch.

Oh please, the bill is loaded with pork from the Democrat wish list. Putting money for more immigrants. WTF does that have to do with Covid? Expanding Medicare and Medicaid. Another wish list item because Democrats love more government dependents.

The Post Office never made a profit, but they were supposed to be self-reliant on mailing fees. This is especially true now with the additional millions of letters used for mail in voting. Yes, take care of those PO workers because they are unionized, and we all know what pocket those union fees end up at election time.

Health insurance. What happened to Commie Care? Again, making more Americans dependent on the federal government and a step closer to socialized medicine. Pension and retirement plans. For who? Oh, that's right, those union government workers. Like that has a lot to do with Covid. Those government workers were really hit hard, weren't they?

WTF is consumer protection requirements and WTF does that have to do with the virus? Same with student loans. Sure, it needs to be addressed, but not in a stimulus bill. It has nothing to do with Covid. Taxing people for broadband? Oh yeah, having broadband will prevent you from getting the virus, or help cure you while you have it.

Get out of here! Democrat wish list pork. This bill is loaded with things the left has been pushing for some for over ten years. But these lowlifes are willing to allow people who really need the help to suffer because they are using it as a political opportunity.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

Bullshit. They had a deal almost done and Donnie, in a 'roid rage blew it up, and crashed the stock market.

He wants people to have no money, no food and rioting in the streets. He thinks it'll help his law and order agenda. Just like he thinks that standing on the portico gasping for air and ripping his mask off, makes him look tough. All I could think of watching this horror was what about all of the people who work for him, who are now sick, and who could die as a result of this hubris.

Trump thought he killed it in the debate last week. He lost 10 points in the polls. Support for Trump is collapsing with all of his top staffers except Mark Meadow, now sick and dropping like flies. 27 White House staffers. The rest of the staff are running for their lives - literally. Refusing to come to work.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..
The Democrats put together a bill and passed it and sent it to the Senate and it was rejected = Democrats refuse to compromise.
The House put together two bills the Senate has rejected, the Senate passed one bill.
Two bills that were full of pork and changes to our government. Not two bills full of relief to copmpanies and people hurt by covid. The republicans offered MONTHS AGO to pass a bill with the items that both side agreed on but THE DEMOCRATS refused.

If they did offere then there would be an SB bill. How about posting that bill so we can see it.

How be you do your own damn research.
Doesn't matter if Elvis in a Union works at the Post Office. The money is only necessary because of the need to switch to mail in voting for a lot of states that didn't rely on it before..all made necessary because of a pandemic brought about by one of the candidate's abysmal response to said pandemic. And then said candidate's Postmaster General, in a blatant attempt at voter suppression, goes to shut down sorting machines and slow the delivery process down (and don't give the whole Obama did it too thing). Thereby helping his boss the election. You think we'd be having this funding discussion if there was no (or little in the way of) pandemic?

Got anything else?

Since they have mail in voting then they should be swamped with work and money. That's how the private sector works. More mail means more postage paid. More postage paid means more income for the PO.
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..okay, now we know. See how it works when you get specific. I take it had the union come out in support of Trump you would have no problem with them getting some stimulus money.

If the PO went under, it would be replaced with the private sector and be operated correctly. Newt Gingrich proposed such a plan years ago that the Democrats fought tooth and nail.

Essentially PO workers are government workers. Who do government employees usually vote for again???
Doesn't matter if Elvis in a Union works at the Post Office. The money is only necessary because of the need to switch to mail in voting for a lot of states that didn't rely on it before..all made necessary because of a pandemic brought about by one of the candidate's abysmal response to said pandemic. And then said candidate's Postmaster General, in a blatant attempt at voter suppression, goes to shut down sorting machines and slow the delivery process down (and don't give the whole Obama did it too thing). Thereby helping his boss the election. You think we'd be having this funding discussion if there was no (or little in the way of) pandemic?

Got anything else?

Since they have mail in voting then they should be swamped with work and money. That's how the private sector works. More mail means more postage paid. More postage paid means more income for the PO.

Sorry. Not following. I'm talking about states where mail in voting was NOT relied upon. Those states had to scramble to put that infrastructure in place and rely on the Post Office...and Trump's Postmaster General, well, did his best to kneecap them. Thereby giving his boss the vote. Again, something else?
Ah, we are getting think the USPS should go under because the postal workers union endorsed Biden..okay, now we know. See how it works when you get specific. I take it had the union come out in support of Trump you would have no problem with them getting some stimulus money.

If the PO went under, it would be replaced with the private sector and be operated correctly. Newt Gingrich proposed such a plan years ago that the Democrats fought tooth and nail.

Essentially PO workers are government workers. Who do government employees usually vote for again???

Depends on where they live. It’s just a job.
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

I have a better idea: why don't YOU read your own links:

The bill also modifies or expands a wide range of other programs and policies, including those regarding

  • Medicare and Medicaid,
  • health insurance,
  • broadband service,
  • medical product supplies,
  • immigration,
  • student loans and financial aid,
  • the federal workforce,
  • prisons,
  • veterans benefits,
  • consumer protection requirements,
  • the U.S. Postal Service,
  • federal elections,
  • aviation and railroad workers, and
  • pension and retirement plans.

Considering these are important programs, which of these are considered Pork? Which one is a bridge to nowhere?

Let's look at a few and tie them in with Covid 19.

Aviation and RR Workers. Those have been hard hit during this time period. The Layoffs of both are about as high as any single other job or higher. And no end in sight. With your Millionaire and Billionaire Buddies getting Millions and Billions for their "Losses" what are these people going to live on since they have exhausted the Unemployment Benefits. That's a few hundred thousand workers without incomes that are going to or have already filed for Welfare.

US Postal Service has NEVER been a profitable business. It was never designed to be. It's a Government Sponsored Agency who is there specifically to serve the nation. Saying that the USPS needs to make money is like saying the DMV should be a profitable business. Every year, the Feds have to kick in X number of bucks into it to make it break even. Some years, more than others. To just shut it off harms everyone. And that is not a reasonable decision, that's strictly a Political decision more of a spiteful move.

Veterans Benefits have been hit hard as we had a heavy influx of Veterans. One of the biggest things we can do is retrain a gun toter into something useful in the civilian market. There just isn't the funds to do this. I've been in that situtation. It's a real bear to have tons of qualification and they be the wrong ones for the job market.

Student Loans and Financial Aid needs to be recalculated. Student loans break the backs of many people right now that don't qualify for those 6 figure jobs. And it doesn't cost any less for an education for someone make a 5 figure job than it does a 6 figure job. But there are a lot more 5 figure jobs available. But when you run up a 50K or more student loan, that 50K+ loan means you will be paying it back for decades. And if you are all of a sudden without a job like today, the loan just keeps growing. So that 45 to 60K job that you may have later (a year or two down the road) means that your student loan will take even longer to pay off. They need help NOW.

Now on to the rest. It's normal to put riders on Bills. And all of these others are necessary. If the Senate wanted to discuss it, they could remove the ones that they disagree with and send it back to the House. That's the way it's supposed to be done. To just say NO on the whole thing is not the way it is supposed to work. Then the House would send their rep over to the senate and they would discuss what would make it work for both parties. Instead, the Senate (meaning Moscow Mitch) just says no. Sorry, Rump isn't the one that is saying "No" on this since it hasn't reached him yet. One side is giving Rump credit where no credit is due and the other side is giving blame where no blame is due. The Blame goes securely on Moscow Mitch.

Oh please, the bill is loaded with pork from the Democrat wish list. Putting money for more immigrants. WTF does that have to do with Covid? Expanding Medicare and Medicaid. Another wish list item because Democrats love more government dependents.

The Post Office never made a profit, but they were supposed to be self-reliant on mailing fees. This is especially true now with the additional millions of letters used for mail in voting. Yes, take care of those PO workers because they are unionized, and we all know what pocket those union fees end up at election time.

Health insurance. What happened to Commie Care? Again, making more Americans dependent on the federal government and a step closer to socialized medicine. Pension and retirement plans. For who? Oh, that's right, those union government workers. Like that has a lot to do with Covid. Those government workers were really hit hard, weren't they?

WTF is consumer protection requirements and WTF does that have to do with the virus? Same with student loans. Sure, it needs to be addressed, but not in a stimulus bill. It has nothing to do with Covid. Taxing people for broadband? Oh yeah, having broadband will prevent you from getting the virus, or help cure you while you have it.

Get out of here! Democrat wish list pork. This bill is loaded with things the left has been pushing for some for over ten years. But these lowlifes are willing to allow people who really need the help to suffer because they are using it as a political opportunity.

The it's up to the Senate to take it, rewrite it into a Senate bill and introduce it back to the house. Had they followed that there would be a SB. But the didn't do their friggin job. Instead, it goes into the bottomless bottom left drawer on Moscow Mitch's desk. The Senate is broken.

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