Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Hey, Brain is too much of a coward to face me in a debate head on. So he presses the funny button. Because that's the only argument he has.
I responded to you. Most your shit is too stupid for a response.

Yet here you replied. You are too easy to bait.
With a 1 trillion deficit trump managed to decrease gdp growth. What a failure.

I can't help but laugh at how desperate you are. The GDP will naturally decrease when you shut down the economy.

The problem now is people like you would rather see it fall to ruin rather than allow Trump to take the credit for reviving it.
I was talking about last year. This year will be over $3 trillion deficit. New record!

So concerned about spending, that you would rather the president do nothing to mitigate this disaster and let millions of Americans fall into economic ruin. You are a vile creature.
its your douchebag in congress that is the evil vile creature
Massive failure.
Without additional stimulus more people are going to lose their housing.
There will be hundreds of TRUMP TENT CITIES.
He fucking owns this.

If we keep spending all this money on Democrat pork, every one of us will be living in a tent city.

None of you want to get specific about this "Democrat pork".
You're just mouthing shit you hear and you don't even know what it is.
Pelosi and Mnuchin, who was praised by both Dems and Republicans for his quick action last March, were making progress.
Then Trump came in and shat on it.

You don't know how to look stuff up do you? Afraid the impending discovery will destroy your narrative?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

I have a better idea: why don't YOU read your own links:

The bill also modifies or expands a wide range of other programs and policies, including those regarding

  • Medicare and Medicaid,
  • health insurance,
  • broadband service,
  • medical product supplies,
  • immigration,
  • student loans and financial aid,
  • the federal workforce,
  • prisons,
  • veterans benefits,
  • consumer protection requirements,
  • the U.S. Postal Service,
  • federal elections,
  • aviation and railroad workers, and
  • pension and retirement plans.

Oh... well nevermind...
Just more fuel on the get rid of Trump fire. I think he probably knows it's inevitable at this he's gonna go out being who he is. An incompetent, narcissistic, uncaring gasbag. If he thinks this is going to aid in his re-election, he truly is as dumb as he appears. But, give it 24 hours. Someone may whisper in his ear and he'll see the light.
Fuck that.

Clean bill or NOTHING.

Why can't Nancy's pet projects wait for the "next" president like she's demanding for the SCOTUS???

Bunch of greedy bastards

Sorry. This is on Trump. Just implored the other day while he was in the hospital for them to make a deal.
They seemed to be making progress and then he calls it off. Why? Because he thinks saying that there will be a deal
when he wins will boost him in the polls..when it will do the exact opposite. He's completely off his rocker. And I suspect
it will only get crazier in the coming days.

I'm starting to really wonder if this guy is even going to make it to November 3rd?
Massive failure.
Without additional stimulus more people are going to lose their housing.
There will be hundreds of TRUMP TENT CITIES.
He fucking owns this.

If we keep spending all this money on Democrat pork, every one of us will be living in a tent city.
Can you give us an example of this 'Democrat pork' that you think should be eliminated from the bill?
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans

After you get yer lips off of it.It's Trump's economy he's just ruining his chances of not getting elected.

Are you seriously ignoring the great economy Trump oversaw before this virus? Oh wait, it's only the bad parts he's responsible for. Never mind.
If you mean the recovery that started five years befoe Trump showed up, no nobodys ignoring it, why?
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans

After you get yer lips off of it.It's Trump's economy he's just ruining his chances of not getting elected.

Are you seriously ignoring the great economy Trump oversaw before this virus? Oh wait, it's only the bad parts he's responsible for. Never mind.
If you mean the recovery that started five years befoe Trump showed up, no nobodys ignoring it, why?

More desperation. You have more talking points or any actual facts?
Yes, Trump has a problems with helping Americans

Right, and the Democrats don't.

Past year and a half while supposedly there was all this injustice to blacks and all this shortage of med supplies and a looming virus in China, what did the democrats focus on instead after winning the 2018 House?
  1. Prosecuting Trump with fictitious Russia charges that Hillary and Obama had a hand in manufacturing.
  2. Creating a fictitious "whistleblower" in secrecy breaking every rule to claim he overheard Trump from another room inquiring about government corruption.
  3. Use that as the basis to claim Trump "obstructed" the House by following legal counsel on the laws governing separation of powers to justify an impeachment charge.
  4. Make light of the news that a virus had been released by China, then attack Trump for taking steps to protect us.
  5. Back a movement of extreme civil disobedience on the basis that a drug-addled criminal resisting arrest who died of his overdose constituted a national emergency of racial injustice.
  6. Take control of the Covid response at the STATE level to freeze all business indefinitely, then after that fell apart resulting in 200,000 dead, a wrecked economy, and burning cities, announce it was "Trump's economy" and that he was responsible for allowing the states to do what they demanded was THEIR jurisdiction!
Massive failure.
Without additional stimulus more people are going to lose their housing.
There will be hundreds of TRUMP TENT CITIES.
He fucking owns this.

If we keep spending all this money on Democrat pork, every one of us will be living in a tent city.
Can you give us an example of this 'Democrat pork' that you think should be eliminated from the bill?
Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Link when available.... Reported now on FOX...

Democrats refuse to compromise and want unrealted items that have nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with power grabs..

For those of you that aren't Talking heads, here is the whole bill from the House. Make Make up your own mind instead of having some Political Hack tell you what you you should think.


When I read the real bill, I don't see any of what these hacks claim that's supposed to be in there. What they are hoping for is that the Average American is just too stupid or too lazy to actually read it and buy what the political hacks say is true.

I have a better idea: why don't YOU read your own links:

The bill also modifies or expands a wide range of other programs and policies, including those regarding

  • Medicare and Medicaid,
  • health insurance,
  • broadband service,
  • medical product supplies,
  • immigration,
  • student loans and financial aid,
  • the federal workforce,
  • prisons,
  • veterans benefits,
  • consumer protection requirements,
  • the U.S. Postal Service,
  • federal elections,
  • aviation and railroad workers, and
  • pension and retirement plans.
Can you give us an example of this 'Democrat pork' that you think should be eliminated from the bill?

I think what should be eliminated from the bill are the things that have nothing to do with this virus, also known as pork. I posted what the Democrats want in post 91. Most of it is nothing but wasteful spending on Democrat goodies.
Can you give us an example of this 'Democrat pork' that you think should be eliminated from the bill?

I think what should be eliminated from the bill are the things that have nothing to do with this virus, also known as pork. I posted what the Democrats want in post 91. Most of it is nothing but wasteful spending on Democrat goodies.

They know this!
They still think that they're dealing with a RINO......:hyper:.
Can you give us an example of this 'Democrat pork' that you think should be eliminated from the bill?

I think what should be eliminated from the bill are the things that have nothing to do with this virus, also known as pork. I posted what the Democrats want in post 91. Most of it is nothing but wasteful spending on Democrat goodies.
Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.
They know this!
They still think that they're dealing with a RINO

No, they know exactly what they're dealing with. The Democrat ploy here was for Trump or the Republicans to reject their pork bill, and then of course the media will blame Trump. It will be loaded with all the government goodies the Democrats wanted to give away that people will now not get and blame the President.

Democrats love to play politics, even at the misery of other people. They simply don't care.
Still not being SPECIFIC..give us an example of this 'pork' and or 'Democrat goodie' then we can discuss wither or not it's needed.

I gave you the list, would you like to go one at a time? Okay fine. Let's start with the Post Office. Now think, who works at the post office? That's right, unionized postal workers. Where do Democrats get a ton of money from at election time? That's right, unions.

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