Democrats Refuse to Compromise... Trump Walks Away...

Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.

President Trump wants to help people, but the Democrats are holding them hostage for political purposes. The President stated today that if Congress sends him a bill for the stimulus checks alone, he will sign it in a heartbeat. Do you know why Democrats wouldn't dream of doing that? Because they know those checks are what the public is focused on. If they toss that card away, they have no hand to play to get their pork.

If you think Democrats are so concerned about the people, then call your Democrat representative and tell him or her you support a single bill to get help to these people ASAP, and we can work on the rest later.

If you hear a burst of laughter before they hang up. Don't be too surprised.
Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.

President Trump wants to help people, but the Democrats are holding them hostage for political purposes. The President stated today that if Congress sends him a bill for the stimulus checks alone, he will sign it in a heartbeat. Do you know why Democrats wouldn't dream of doing that? Because they know those checks are what the public is focused on. If they toss that card away, they have no hand to play to get their pork.

If you think Democrats are so concerned about the people, then call your Democrat representative and tell him or her you support a single bill to get help to these people ASAP, and we can work on the rest later.

If you hear a burst of laughter before they hang up. Don't be too surprised.

So you want Rump to be able to buy votes so that, maybe, we will over look the insanity. Sorry, only a true Cult45 would even suggest that or someone that is patently eaten up with a criminal mine; oops, same thing.
Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.

President Trump wants to help people, but the Democrats are holding them hostage for political purposes. The President stated today that if Congress sends him a bill for the stimulus checks alone, he will sign it in a heartbeat. Do you know why Democrats wouldn't dream of doing that? Because they know those checks are what the public is focused on. If they toss that card away, they have no hand to play to get their pork.

If you think Democrats are so concerned about the people, then call your Democrat representative and tell him or her you support a single bill to get help to these people ASAP, and we can work on the rest later.

If you hear a burst of laughter before they hang up. Don't be too surprised.

So you want Rump to be able to buy votes so that, maybe, we will over look the insanity. Sorry, only a true Cult45 would even suggest that or someone that is patently eaten up with a criminal mine; oops, same thing.
It's hard for Trumpers to explain their outrage over Pelosi not sending them the bill she sent last week that the GOP refused to accept
Dude so why walk away then complain? Why not participate? Trump also mentioned bailing out the airline industry. Pelosi sent that bill separately last week but GOPs rejected it.
If Trump really serious about helping people that are in trouble? He should be pushing for more stimulus package not in pissing contest. The difference was helping local and state governments both blue and red states. But Trump rejected that.

But that is okay. I want Trump to reject everything I mean all stimulus package till election. Go for it Mr. president.

President Trump wants to help people, but the Democrats are holding them hostage for political purposes. The President stated today that if Congress sends him a bill for the stimulus checks alone, he will sign it in a heartbeat. Do you know why Democrats wouldn't dream of doing that? Because they know those checks are what the public is focused on. If they toss that card away, they have no hand to play to get their pork.

If you think Democrats are so concerned about the people, then call your Democrat representative and tell him or her you support a single bill to get help to these people ASAP, and we can work on the rest later.

If you hear a burst of laughter before they hang up. Don't be too surprised.

So you want Rump to be able to buy votes so that, maybe, we will over look the insanity. Sorry, only a true Cult45 would even suggest that or someone that is patently eaten up with a criminal mine; oops, same thing.
It's hard for Trumpers to explain their outrage over Pelosi not sending them the bill she sent last week that the GOP refused to accept

That's because there is only one word attached to it and that is the word "NO". So the Cult45 Talking heads go ahead and just start making up crap and all the Cult45s accept that made up crap as truth. I'll say it again, if it went past Moscow Mitch's desk and went into Committee there would be a SB created. There hasn't been. That means that the majority of the Republican Senators haven't discussed it. The way is was originally designed to work, the House votes on an HR, passes it though discussion then forwards it to the Senate who reads it and sends it to committee. The first time around, generally, the Senate won't completely agree with the HR so they create a SB bill using parts the parts of the HR bill they do agree with and maybe add parts themselves. Then it's sent back to the House. The House takes the SB, discusses it, gets with the Senate at coffee houses or the like, both sides try and find common ground. Then the House does a revision on the HR bill and resubmits it to the Senate. This may go back and forth a few times before a final HR and SB bill is hammered out that reads the same. When that happens, the SB is then sent to the President to be signed or not.

This is how our Fore Fathers designed our Government to work. But when you have one man with so much power that he, and he alone, can stop this process cold then the system breaks down. In this case, it's not Rump, it's Moscow Mitch.
Don't forget the Republicans demanding to insulate employers from damages for employees contracting COVID. That's not stimulus.

Getting people to go back to work is not a stimulus????
Why do employers need to be insulated from the liability from their actions to get people back to work?

If an employer takes reasonable safety measures, he should be safe from liability. But today, that's a tall order. But it has to be done. If an employer refuses to take those measures then I question if they need to be in business in the first place. If an Employer were to refuse safety harnesses for people working high above the ground then that would be grounds for OSHA to shut them down until they complied. If a Business refuses to allow for proper ventilation in a Mine then that's grounds for OSHA to shut them down. But if a business refuses to force safety measures against the spreading of Covid 19 then their workers are just pussies.
Why do employers need to be insulated from the liability from their actions to get people back to work?

Because it's such a highly contagious disease. Pay attention to our President. Everybody in his circle is tested before they get near him. He is tested every day. What happened? He got the virus. It's suspected he got it here in Cleveland, where the world renown Cleveland Clinic was hosting the event and created all the Covid safety precautions.

So even if an employer or school takes all reasonable measures, there is no guarantee nobody will catch this. Why? Because this virus can exist in people with few or no symptoms such as headache or temperature change. Why should an employer be liable for that? Furthermore, what would it hurt the Democrats to have that in the bill? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot........... trial lawyers are one of their top contributors to the Democrat party during election time.
Because it's such a highly contagious disease. Pay attention to our President. Everybody in his circle is tested before they get near him. He is tested every day. What happened? He got the virus. It's suspected he got it here in Cleveland, where the world renown Cleveland Clinic was hosting the event and created all the Covid safety precautions.

So even if an employer or school takes all reasonable measures, there is no guarantee nobody will catch this. Why? Because this virus can exist in people with few or no symptoms such as headache or temperature change. Why should an employer be liable for that? Furthermore, what would it hurt the Democrats to have that in the bill? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot........... trial lawyers are one of their top contributors to the Democrat party during elections.
If an employer takes reasonable measures, they're protected from liability. The problem is that we immunize employers from any consequences, they no longer feel the need to take ANY measures.

As for Cleveland, the world renowned Cleveland Clinic made the rules, which were ignored by Trump. What are you going to do?
So you want Rump to be able to buy votes so that, maybe, we will over look the insanity.

No, I want the commies to pass a clean bill without the pork. But since that's not happening, and they are using peoples lives to get their pork, I would say yes, at least while they're playing their games, send help to the people who need it. The reason they're not is so people do suffer, lose their rent, lose their home, lose their car, all because Democrats want to win this election.

How anybody can vote for these lower than scum that's willing to use human lives for power is beyond me.
If an employer takes reasonable measures, they're protected from liability. The problem is that we immunize employers from any consequences, they no longer feel the need to take ANY measures.

As for Cleveland, the world renowned Cleveland Clinic made the rules, which were ignored by Trump. What are you going to do?

Is that so? So what rules did they ignore?

You really have no understanding about our legal system, do you? Why do you think when a cop justifiably shoots a suspect, the city pays the family millions of dollars anyway when a jury rules the police did no wrong? Why do people like Trump and like payoff women who make accusations they have zero evidence of? Why does malpractice insurance cost so much for doctors, even though very few cases are ever ruled against them?

It's because the biggest expense in lawsuits is litigation, not settlement. That's why we need to do what some countries in Europe are doing, and that is have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you have to pay all legal costs of the person you tried to sue.

Why will we never see that in this country? The Democrats wouldn't dream of it. Again, their campaign donations are much more important to them.
Is that so? So what rules did they ignore?
It would be quite easy for them to ignore rules such as social distancing, masking, forcing people to work while ill. Next thing you know, someone gets really sick, has serious medical bills. They have the right to seek damages from the person responsible.

I'm sorry but you don't get to revoke rights from people because you're worried how they're going to use them.

But again, this has nothing to do with stimulus.
Is that so? So what rules did they ignore?
It would be quite easy for them to ignore rules such as social distancing, masking, forcing people to work while ill. Next thing you know, someone gets really sick, has serious medical bills. They have the right to seek damages from the person responsible.

I'm sorry but you don't get to revoke rights from people because you're worried how they're going to use them.

But again, this has nothing to do with stimulus.

Yes it does because if employers are confident they can remain productive, that means they need to hire people to do the job. If they are timid about reopening or having people work less than 20 feet apart, that hurts production and thus hurts jobs. The best stimulus our country could ever have are working people.
Yes it does because if employers are confident they can remain productive, that means they need to hire people to do the job. If they are timid about reopening or having people work less than 20 feet apart, that hurts production and thus hurts jobs. The best stimulus our country could ever have are working people.
It's kind of like saying that removing liability for landlords who don't have smoke detectors and fire escapes is a stimulus.
So you want Rump to be able to buy votes so that, maybe, we will over look the insanity.

No, I want the commies to pass a clean bill without the pork. But since that's not happening, and they are using peoples lives to get their pork, I would say yes, at least while they're playing their games, send help to the people who need it. The reason they're not is so people do suffer, lose their rent, lose their home, lose their car, all because Democrats want to win this election.

How anybody can vote for these lower than scum that's willing to use human lives for power is beyond me.

You people keep bringing up Pork. Pork is when a Senator or a Representative tacks on something that only his district or his supporters benefit from. The ONLY reason the Bridge from Nowhere didn't get built was that the Governor of Alaska got tagged for the VP nomination. How did the Senator from Alaska know that was going to happen when he tagged that onto a decent bill so that his campaign contributors in Alaska could make a few million on a totally unnecessary construction project.

Find me one part of the HR that fits the definition of Pork. Normally, Riders are attached to all bills on things that may or may not be totally unrelated to the main bill to expedite the day to day operation of the Congress. If they passed one single bill for each thing the Congress would be bogged down to the point where it would be totally frozen. This isn't pork, it's expediting the Congressional procedure. One Constitutional Expert said that requiring one bill for each idea would bring the death of the Congress. And I agree with that.

You are just repeating the mad rambling of a person trying every way he can to bolster his losing campaign even when it's unhealthy to the American System.
You people keep bringing up Pork. Pork is when a Senator or a Representative tacks on something that only his district or his supporters benefit from. The ONLY reason the Bridge from Nowhere didn't get built was that the Governor of Alaska got tagged for the VP nomination. How did the Senator from Alaska know that was going to happen when he tagged that onto a decent bill so that his campaign contributors in Alaska could make a few million on a totally unnecessary construction project.

Find me one part of the HR that fits the definition of Pork. Normally, Riders are attached to all bills on things that may or may not be totally unrelated to the main bill to expedite the day to day operation of the Congress. If they passed one single bill for each thing the Congress would be bogged down to the point where it would be totally frozen. This isn't pork, it's expediting the Congressional procedure. One Constitutional Expert said that requiring one bill for each idea would bring the death of the Congress. And I agree with that.

You are just repeating the mad rambling of a person trying every way he can to bolster his losing campaign even when it's unhealthy to the American System.

Pork are matters in the bill that benefit you or your party with no direct association to what the bill was intended for. Postal workers are mostly unionized. The virus has nothing to do with the postal service. There is no need to allocate money to illegal immigrants. There is no need to expand Medicaid or Medicare. They are once again just trying to create more government dependents which has nothing to do with the virus. It's all Democrat wish list items they've been pushing before the virus. You need to keep bringing up things from 15 years ago to make your point?
It's kind of like saying that removing liability for landlords who don't have smoke detectors and fire escapes is a stimulus.

No, because putting up smoke detectors is optional for the tenant to do. Plus it's an apples and oranges comparison since most rental units do not catch fire. This virus is highly contagious as we have seen. The business or school could take every precautionary measure and still have infected students or workers. You can't control a virus.
No, because putting up smoke detectors is optional for the tenant to do. Plus it's an applies and oranges comparison since most rental units do not catch fire. This virus is highly contagious as we have seen. The business or school could take every precautionary measure and still have infected students or workers. You can't control a virus.
If they're taking every precaution, they have nothing to worry about. If they're putting the health of employees at risk by sheer negligence, the employees should have a right to compensation. This is nothing more than robbing the working class of rights to protect the employer's bottom line.

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