Democrats, the party of slavery, has returned us to segragation.

The link says "Michigan university", not "University of Michigan". Note the syntax and use of capitalization. You can do that, right?

Also, it is DemoKKKrats. When it's racist, it's ALWAYS DemoKKKrats. It's what you people are.
The University of Michigan is...
Note the quote shit brains.

It's a university, not democrats. You're lying...its what you people do.

The University of Michigan is having 5 separate graduations, all based upon race and sex.

Rumor has it they will be marking the water fountains by race and sex as well

I wonder if they still have the old signs for that sort of thing.......................

Democrats were the party of slavery when they were represented by white Southern conservatives, who are today the base of the Republican party..

Today black people vote for democrats, who have switched to be the non-racist party, and white conservative Southerners vote for republicans, who have switched to be the racist party.
The link says "Michigan university", not "University of Michigan". Note the syntax and use of capitalization. You can do that, right?

Also, it is DemoKKKrats. When it's racist, it's ALWAYS DemoKKKrats. It's what you people are.
Democrats were the party of slavery when they were represented by white Southern conservatives, who are today the base of the Republican party..

Today black people vote for democrats, who have switched to be the non-racist party, and white conservative Southerners vote for republicans, who have switched to be the racist party.

Never happened. You still have people like this in your party (lots of them):

Joe Biden delivered the eulogy at the funeral of an EXHAULTED CYCLOPS OF THE KKK, CALLED HIM A FRIEND, MENTOR AND GUIDE.

The Dems are racist as fuck….so is every cult fuck. Racist. Truly racist to the core.
His own VP essentially said the same thing about Joe during the Presidential debates.
Democrats were the party of slavery when they were represented by white Southern conservatives, who are today the base of the Republican party..

Today black people vote for democrats, who have switched to be the non-racist party, and white conservative Southerners vote for republicans, who have switched to be the racist party.
Yes, and men are women and women are men

We know. :laughing0301:
Joe Biden delivered the eulogy at the funeral of an EXHAULTED CYCLOPS OF THE KKK
Exalted cyclopses preside over local groups and organize activities such as monthly meetings.

In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 people in West Virginia to form a chapter of the KKK. Joel L. Baskin, the grand dragon of the mid-Atlantic region, arrived to organize the chapter. Baskin was impressed with Byrd’s skills and encouraged him to get involved in politics.

Running for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1952, Byrd worked to distance himself from his Klan activities. He claimed he lost interest in it after a year and dropped his membership in the group. Byrd also said that he joined just for the excitement and because they were opposed to communism.

Byrd called joining the Klan “the greatest mistake I ever made".

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