Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump

2 Aug 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
Democrats around the country have begun to pressure the Biden campaign to call off all debates with Donald Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic, they say.
In truth, the reason they don’t want Biden to debate Trump is that they don’t think Trump will play by their rules. The president would take over the debate and make it about what he wants, not what Biden wants.
Democrats are also worried about Biden’s mental stamina and his ability to remain engaged for an hour and a half during a debate.
Democratic strategists and supporters of Vice President Joe Biden are urging him not to debate President Donald Trump in the lead-up to Election Day, citing Trump’s publicity stunts and disregard for the rules in 2016. Meanwhile Biden backers, including some conservatives, applauded the University of Notre Dame and the University of Michigan for cancelling their scheduled debates over COVID-19 concerns.Former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart joined several Democratic Party strategists in bluntly advising Biden, “whatever you do, don’t debate Trump.” Speaking on CNN Saturday, Lockhart said Trump shouldn’t be given another platform which will enable him to “repeat lies,” which he said occurred in the 2016 debates against Hillary Clinton.​
Trump has a knack for exaggeration and hyperbole that Democrats don’t like. It’s very effective in debates and Biden would spend most of his time on the defensive.
But the debates may be canceled anyway. Two universities have already canceled the events and while Case Western Reserve in Cleveland has agreed to host the first debate, no one can say what the situation will look like a month from now. Higher education may cooperate with Democrats and the media to deny Trump the opportunity to debate Joe Biden.

I can't see why the debates should be stopped. The audience could be limited and surely all the major TV channels would be airing the debate.
Undoubtedly Joe's mental acuity and stamina is at question, but if he can't handle that, how can Joey handle being president and making decisions that might afftect the world. Do we really want a feeble puppet with his finger on the trigger?
Choosing not to even show up would be one of the greatest political blunders ever. Biden has no choice.
The Progressive Marxist Soacialist/DSA Democrat Leftists cannot allow the public to see Biden's obvious case of dementia. That is the real reason.
We've only seen Biden using the teleprompter and fielding prepared soft ball questions from the biased journOlist media.
Those of us with brains realize that if Biden were presidential material, he would have come closer to winning the Dem nomination long before now. There have been seven presidential elections since Biden first ran in 1988, and the voters didn't want him in any of those thn or will they vote for him now.
There's still those Hunter Biden Ukraine and China deals that have to be answered.
Would he during the debate(s) be capable of fending off any questions related to that scandal?
Obviously if Joe were ever elected he would be a puppet president run by the PMS/DSA Democrat machine.
The seeds of Joey's mental status is now too well known and logical voters will not elect a president they doubt has the mental acuity to do the job.
There is only one reason why the Dems do not want Biden to debate Trump, and that is the nation will see a feeble, senile old democrat who is their candidate for the presidency. The rightly fear that Biden will lose support. And votes. They don't care about the Coronavirus except as a political weapon, but they will use it as an excuse to call off the debates.
It would be stupid to have Biden debate Trump. Of course it's MORE STUPID to have Biden NOT DEBATE Trump.

Why the fuck did the DNC put Biden up for the nomination? I do make a separation between the DNC and democrats... I don't believe democrats are in control of the DNC. That might be by choice, I don't know... But I know plenty of democrats that aren't stupid. They just hate Trump more than Biden. Why not nominate someone they don't hate? That way you might get some of the centrists/independents.
Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump

2 Aug 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
Democrats around the country have begun to pressure the Biden campaign to call off all debates with Donald Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic, they say.
In truth, the reason they don’t want Biden to debate Trump is that they don’t think Trump will play by their rules. The president would take over the debate and make it about what he wants, not what Biden wants.
Democrats are also worried about Biden’s mental stamina and his ability to remain engaged for an hour and a half during a debate.
Democratic strategists and supporters of Vice President Joe Biden are urging him not to debate President Donald Trump in the lead-up to Election Day, citing Trump’s publicity stunts and disregard for the rules in 2016. Meanwhile Biden backers, including some conservatives, applauded the University of Notre Dame and the University of Michigan for cancelling their scheduled debates over COVID-19 concerns.Former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart joined several Democratic Party strategists in bluntly advising Biden, “whatever you do, don’t debate Trump.” Speaking on CNN Saturday, Lockhart said Trump shouldn’t be given another platform which will enable him to “repeat lies,” which he said occurred in the 2016 debates against Hillary Clinton.​
Trump has a knack for exaggeration and hyperbole that Democrats don’t like. It’s very effective in debates and Biden would spend most of his time on the defensive.
But the debates may be canceled anyway. Two universities have already canceled the events and while Case Western Reserve in Cleveland has agreed to host the first debate, no one can say what the situation will look like a month from now. Higher education may cooperate with Democrats and the media to deny Trump the opportunity to debate Joe Biden.

I can't see why the debates should be stopped. The audience could be limited and surely all the major TV channels would be airing the debate.
Undoubtedly Joe's mental acuity and stamina is at question, but if he can't handle that, how can Joey handle being president and making decisions that might afftect the world. Do we really want a feeble puppet with his finger on the trigger?
Choosing not to even show up would be one of the greatest political blunders ever. Biden has no choice.
The Progressive Marxist Soacialist/DSA Democrat Leftists cannot allow the public to see Biden's obvious case of dementia. That is the real reason.
We've only seen Biden using the teleprompter and fielding prepared soft ball questions from the biased journOlist media.
Those of us with brains realize that if Biden were presidential material, he would have come closer to winning the Dem nomination long before now. There have been seven presidential elections since Biden first ran in 1988, and the voters didn't want him in any of those thn or will they vote for him now.
There's still those Hunter Biden Ukraine and China deals that have to be answered.
Would he during the debate(s) be capable of fending off any questions related to that scandal?
Obviously if Joe were ever elected he would be a puppet president run by the PMS/DSA Democrat machine.
The seeds of Joey's mental status is now too well known and logical voters will not elect a president they doubt has the mental acuity to do the job.
They’re scared shitless of the prospect of Slow Joe going toe to toe with Trump on two fronts. One, Magoo just being Magoo. Lost and struggling to be coherent, make sense, etc. The other is how awful he’ll look with Trump verbally beating the shit out of him for an hour or more. He’ll look like the Hildebeast that day she stumbled/was dragged into her car after collapsing.
If Trump is just going to "repeat lies" in a debate what a great opportunity for Joe "Popcorn" Biden to
tee those lies up and hit them out of the park.

Is the left actually going to advise Joe Biden NOT to debate the sitting president and republican candidate?
Are they really going to pass up this opportunity for a face to face showdown with Donald Trump?

They might as well just call off the Biden campaign altogether.
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Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump

2 Aug 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
Democrats around the country have begun to pressure the Biden campaign to call off all debates with Donald Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic, they say.
In truth, the reason they don’t want Biden to debate Trump is that they don’t think Trump will play by their rules. The president would take over the debate and make it about what he wants, not what Biden wants.
Democrats are also worried about Biden’s mental stamina and his ability to remain engaged for an hour and a half during a debate.
Democratic strategists and supporters of Vice President Joe Biden are urging him not to debate President Donald Trump in the lead-up to Election Day, citing Trump’s publicity stunts and disregard for the rules in 2016. Meanwhile Biden backers, including some conservatives, applauded the University of Notre Dame and the University of Michigan for cancelling their scheduled debates over COVID-19 concerns.Former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart joined several Democratic Party strategists in bluntly advising Biden, “whatever you do, don’t debate Trump.” Speaking on CNN Saturday, Lockhart said Trump shouldn’t be given another platform which will enable him to “repeat lies,” which he said occurred in the 2016 debates against Hillary Clinton.​
Trump has a knack for exaggeration and hyperbole that Democrats don’t like. It’s very effective in debates and Biden would spend most of his time on the defensive.
But the debates may be canceled anyway. Two universities have already canceled the events and while Case Western Reserve in Cleveland has agreed to host the first debate, no one can say what the situation will look like a month from now. Higher education may cooperate with Democrats and the media to deny Trump the opportunity to debate Joe Biden.

I can't see why the debates should be stopped. The audience could be limited and surely all the major TV channels would be airing the debate.
Undoubtedly Joe's mental acuity and stamina is at question, but if he can't handle that, how can Joey handle being president and making decisions that might afftect the world. Do we really want a feeble puppet with his finger on the trigger?
Choosing not to even show up would be one of the greatest political blunders ever. Biden has no choice.
The Progressive Marxist Soacialist/DSA Democrat Leftists cannot allow the public to see Biden's obvious case of dementia. That is the real reason.
We've only seen Biden using the teleprompter and fielding prepared soft ball questions from the biased journOlist media.
Those of us with brains realize that if Biden were presidential material, he would have come closer to winning the Dem nomination long before now. There have been seven presidential elections since Biden first ran in 1988, and the voters didn't want him in any of those thn or will they vote for him now.
There's still those Hunter Biden Ukraine and China deals that have to be answered.
Would he during the debate(s) be capable of fending off any questions related to that scandal?
Obviously if Joe were ever elected he would be a puppet president run by the PMS/DSA Democrat machine.
The seeds of Joey's mental status is now too well known and logical voters will not elect a president they doubt has the mental acuity to do the job.

Beijing Biden recently had a debate with the sassy squirrel in his back yard that torments him through his basement window,

Rapey Quid Pro Joe lost badly.
If Trump is just going to "repeat lies" in a debate what a great opportunity for Joe "Popcorn" Biden to
tee those lies up and hit them out of the park.

Is the left actually going to advise Joe Biden NOT to debate the sitting president and republican candidate?
Are they really going to pass up this opportunity for a face to face showdown with Donald Trump?

They might as well just call off the Biden campaign altogether.

democrats already have 20 million mail in ballots filled out and ready to mail for Beijing Biden. The voice of deceased America will be heard...
It would be stupid to have Biden debate Trump. Of course it's MORE STUPID to have Biden NOT DEBATE Trump.

Why the fuck did the DNC put Biden up for the nomination? I do make a separation between the DNC and democrats... I don't believe democrats are in control of the DNC. That might be by choice, I don't know... But I know plenty of democrats that aren't stupid. They just hate Trump more than Biden. Why not nominate someone they don't hate? That way you might get some of the centrists/independents.
GOD is involved in this. The Democrat Party is about to be destroyed even as they tell themselves they're "winning."
Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump

2 Aug 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
Democrats around the country have begun to pressure the Biden campaign to call off all debates with Donald Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic, they say.
In truth, the reason they don’t want Biden to debate Trump is that they don’t think Trump will play by their rules. The president would take over the debate and make it about what he wants, not what Biden wants.
Democrats are also worried about Biden’s mental stamina and his ability to remain engaged for an hour and a half during a debate.
Democratic strategists and supporters of Vice President Joe Biden are urging him not to debate President Donald Trump in the lead-up to Election Day, citing Trump’s publicity stunts and disregard for the rules in 2016. Meanwhile Biden backers, including some conservatives, applauded the University of Notre Dame and the University of Michigan for cancelling their scheduled debates over COVID-19 concerns.Former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart joined several Democratic Party strategists in bluntly advising Biden, “whatever you do, don’t debate Trump.” Speaking on CNN Saturday, Lockhart said Trump shouldn’t be given another platform which will enable him to “repeat lies,” which he said occurred in the 2016 debates against Hillary Clinton.​
Trump has a knack for exaggeration and hyperbole that Democrats don’t like. It’s very effective in debates and Biden would spend most of his time on the defensive.
But the debates may be canceled anyway. Two universities have already canceled the events and while Case Western Reserve in Cleveland has agreed to host the first debate, no one can say what the situation will look like a month from now. Higher education may cooperate with Democrats and the media to deny Trump the opportunity to debate Joe Biden.

I can't see why the debates should be stopped. The audience could be limited and surely all the major TV channels would be airing the debate.
Undoubtedly Joe's mental acuity and stamina is at question, but if he can't handle that, how can Joey handle being president and making decisions that might afftect the world. Do we really want a feeble puppet with his finger on the trigger?
Choosing not to even show up would be one of the greatest political blunders ever. Biden has no choice.
The Progressive Marxist Soacialist/DSA Democrat Leftists cannot allow the public to see Biden's obvious case of dementia. That is the real reason.
We've only seen Biden using the teleprompter and fielding prepared soft ball questions from the biased journOlist media.
Those of us with brains realize that if Biden were presidential material, he would have come closer to winning the Dem nomination long before now. There have been seven presidential elections since Biden first ran in 1988, and the voters didn't want him in any of those thn or will they vote for him now.
There's still those Hunter Biden Ukraine and China deals that have to be answered.
Would he during the debate(s) be capable of fending off any questions related to that scandal?
Obviously if Joe were ever elected he would be a puppet president run by the PMS/DSA Democrat machine.
The seeds of Joey's mental status is now too well known and logical voters will not elect a president they doubt has the mental acuity to do the job.
The communist position is not defensible. Biden cannot win.
It would be stupid to have Biden debate Trump. Of course it's MORE STUPID to have Biden NOT DEBATE Trump.

Why the fuck did the DNC put Biden up for the nomination? I do make a separation between the DNC and democrats... I don't believe democrats are in control of the DNC. That might be by choice, I don't know... But I know plenty of democrats that aren't stupid. They just hate Trump more than Biden. Why not nominate someone they don't hate? That way you might get some of the centrists/independents.
GOD is involved in this. The Democrat Party is about to be destroyed even as they tell themselves they're "winning."
God doesn't exist. He/She/It is just a made up fairy tale like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Also, there is no such thing as a Democrat Party.
Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump

2 Aug 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
Democrats around the country have begun to pressure the Biden campaign to call off all debates with Donald Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic, they say.
In truth, the reason they don’t want Biden to debate Trump is that they don’t think Trump will play by their rules. The president would take over the debate and make it about what he wants, not what Biden wants.
Democrats are also worried about Biden’s mental stamina and his ability to remain engaged for an hour and a half during a debate.
Democratic strategists and supporters of Vice President Joe Biden are urging him not to debate President Donald Trump in the lead-up to Election Day, citing Trump’s publicity stunts and disregard for the rules in 2016. Meanwhile Biden backers, including some conservatives, applauded the University of Notre Dame and the University of Michigan for cancelling their scheduled debates over COVID-19 concerns.Former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart joined several Democratic Party strategists in bluntly advising Biden, “whatever you do, don’t debate Trump.” Speaking on CNN Saturday, Lockhart said Trump shouldn’t be given another platform which will enable him to “repeat lies,” which he said occurred in the 2016 debates against Hillary Clinton.​
Trump has a knack for exaggeration and hyperbole that Democrats don’t like. It’s very effective in debates and Biden would spend most of his time on the defensive.
But the debates may be canceled anyway. Two universities have already canceled the events and while Case Western Reserve in Cleveland has agreed to host the first debate, no one can say what the situation will look like a month from now. Higher education may cooperate with Democrats and the media to deny Trump the opportunity to debate Joe Biden.

I can't see why the debates should be stopped. The audience could be limited and surely all the major TV channels would be airing the debate.
Undoubtedly Joe's mental acuity and stamina is at question, but if he can't handle that, how can Joey handle being president and making decisions that might afftect the world. Do we really want a feeble puppet with his finger on the trigger?
Choosing not to even show up would be one of the greatest political blunders ever. Biden has no choice.
The Progressive Marxist Soacialist/DSA Democrat Leftists cannot allow the public to see Biden's obvious case of dementia. That is the real reason.
We've only seen Biden using the teleprompter and fielding prepared soft ball questions from the biased journOlist media.
Those of us with brains realize that if Biden were presidential material, he would have come closer to winning the Dem nomination long before now. There have been seven presidential elections since Biden first ran in 1988, and the voters didn't want him in any of those thn or will they vote for him now.
There's still those Hunter Biden Ukraine and China deals that have to be answered.
Would he during the debate(s) be capable of fending off any questions related to that scandal?
Obviously if Joe were ever elected he would be a puppet president run by the PMS/DSA Democrat machine.
The seeds of Joey's mental status is now too well known and logical voters will not elect a president they doubt has the mental acuity to do the job.
The communist position is not defensible. Biden cannot win.
It would be stupid to have Biden debate Trump. Of course it's MORE STUPID to have Biden NOT DEBATE Trump.

Why the fuck did the DNC put Biden up for the nomination? I do make a separation between the DNC and democrats... I don't believe democrats are in control of the DNC. That might be by choice, I don't know... But I know plenty of democrats that aren't stupid. They just hate Trump more than Biden. Why not nominate someone they don't hate? That way you might get some of the centrists/independents.
The DNC was obviously looking for a candidate that would be up 10% over Trump and they found one. What`s Trump got to offer other than lies and insults. Another Clorox/Lysol prescription? When was the last time that Trump has strung 2 coherent sentences together or talked for more than 60 seconds without lying?

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