Democrats want Constitution ‘completely rewritten’

The issue was never Donald Trump. Progs made it that. The issue was Progs were always presented as squeaky clean with no dirt on them by the media and entertainers. Trump gave the progs the verbiage back. That is what made him popular along with trying to keep his promises. He has given Republicans the roadmap to victory, but they still have the Rockefeller Republican establishment view which is helping to destroy the nation. There are media and entertainers and Prog politicians who should be in jail by Prog standards. And they are not.

And that's complete bullshit. The Republican Party has been on a mission to smear Democrats since Nixon was driven from office.

Jimmy Carter was a Sunday School teacher from Plains Ga. They could hardly go after him as a crook. The next Democrat in the White House was Clinton, and they impeached him after a 6 1/2 year investigation which produced a lie about a blow job. That's how DESPERATE Republicans have been to destroy a Democratic President.

Democrats responded to Watergate, by demanding ethics and standards from the candidates, and they were quick to jettison the dishonest crooks, and to prosecute the criminals. But mostly, they did run cleaner Administrations. John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Elliott Spritzer, Mario Cuomo. You seem to have forgotten all of the Democrats who were lost by the wayside for their scandals.

In the absence of real wrong doing by Democrats, Republicans have been making up stuff about Democrats, and then demanding investigations of their rumours. This is why Bill and Hillary Clinton have been investigated 25+ times. First Republicans said they made money on "Whitewater", and while people in Hillary's law firm were involved, the Clintons were not. Then it was "Travelgate", and Vince Foster's death, and Paula Jones - who Republicans paid to file a frivolous claim of sexual harassment, and on and on, to Benghazi and Hillary's emails, Uranium One.

All based on Republican rumours, none of which were true. But every time the Republicans closed an investigation after finding nothing, they claimed that the Clintons had "gotten away with it" and they were going to keep investigating. And that continues to this day.

Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals who ever lived, having committed all of these crimes in broad daylight without leaving a trace of evidence, or a witness, or they never did any of the stuff Republicans continue to claim them guilty of.

Realistically speaking, if you knew that every little thing you ever did was going to be investigated 5 times over, how much illegal activity would you be engaging in? Man, I'd be crossing every "t" and dotting every single "i" on everything I did so that there was NOTHING they could nail me on, and my impression is that this is exactly what the Clintons did. Nothing has ever been found, because there is nothing to find.

When the Dunham Investigation was ongoing, Hillary was interviewed about being investigated by Dunham, and she simply shrugged and said "Let them investigate". While Donald Trump rants, rages, and sputters about "witch hunts" and the "unfairness" of all of these investigations which continue to uncover multiple crimes being committed by the President and his advisors, Clinton didn't seem worried in the slightest.
I said it was rooted in racism but we have largely addressed that. How can you argue it initially wasn't?

Or is it you don't actually disagree because you didn't actually read what I said?
I said it was rooted in racism but we have largely addressed that. How can you argue it initially wasn't?

Or is it you don't actually disagree because you didn't actually read what I said?
Whatever. The Constitution is not rooted in racism, never was or is or whatever wording you prefer.
And that's complete bullshit. The Republican Party has been on a mission to smear Democrats since Nixon was driven from office.

Jimmy Carter was a Sunday School teacher from Plains Ga. They could hardly go after him as a crook. The next Democrat in the White House was Clinton, and they impeached him after a 6 1/2 year investigation which produced a lie about a blow job. That's how DESPERATE Republicans have been to destroy a Democratic President.

Democrats responded to Watergate, by demanding ethics and standards from the candidates, and they were quick to jettison the dishonest crooks, and to prosecute the criminals. But mostly, they did run cleaner Administrations. John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Elliott Spritzer, Mario Cuomo. You seem to have forgotten all of the Democrats who were lost by the wayside for their scandals.

In the absence of real wrong doing by Democrats, Republicans have been making up stuff about Democrats, and then demanding investigations of their rumours. This is why Bill and Hillary Clinton have been investigated 25+ times. First Republicans said they made money on "Whitewater", and while people in Hillary's law firm were involved, the Clintons were not. Then it was "Travelgate", and Vince Foster's death, and Paula Jones - who Republicans paid to file a frivolous claim of sexual harassment, and on and on, to Benghazi and Hillary's emails, Uranium One.

All based on Republican rumours, none of which were true. But every time the Republicans closed an investigation after finding nothing, they claimed that the Clintons had "gotten away with it" and they were going to keep investigating. And that continues to this day.

Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals who ever lived, having committed all of these crimes in broad daylight without leaving a trace of evidence, or a witness, or they never did any of the stuff Republicans continue to claim them guilty of.

Realistically speaking, if you knew that every little thing you ever did was going to be investigated 5 times over, how much illegal activity would you be engaging in? Man, I'd be crossing every "t" and dotting every single "i" on everything I did so that there was NOTHING they could nail me on, and my impression is that this is exactly what the Clintons did. Nothing has ever been found, because there is nothing to find.

When the Dunham Investigation was ongoing, Hillary was interviewed about being investigated by Dunham, and she simply shrugged and said "Let them investigate". While Donald Trump rants, rages, and sputters about "witch hunts" and the "unfairness" of all of these investigations which continue to uncover multiple crimes being committed by the President and his advisors, Clinton didn't seem worried in the slightest.
Hillary spent her entire marriage defending and lying for her husband's sexual escapades.
If the Constitution was rewritten do you believe there is any person or persons today that could do so without giving their political side clear advantages in getting and keeping power? I don’t.
There you have it; Democrats hate America and want to utterly destroy its foundations.

That damned Constitution is always getting in their way in wanting to transform America.
Are you saying that NOW many are displeased with how the constitution is currently constructed because of the undoing of the racist and sexist elements?

I believe there are still too many upset over that.

A lot of people IMO would still support "seperate but equal".
Since the current one is now wholly exploited by the duopoly supported by the Media and big money donors, I would be open to changes that would curb the power of the latter two and increase the power of the voters.

No reason for a complete rewrite, imo.
Whatever. The Constitution is not rooted in racism, never was or is or whatever wording you prefer.
It was just written by folks who didn't believe in the equality of the Africans here on forced work visas. Or women.
It was just written by folks who didn't believe in the equality of the Africans here on forced work visas. Or women.
So? No one did. They also didn't allow women to drive cars or elect Blacks to office. Tell us who did.
So? No one did. They also didn't allow women to drive cars or elect Blacks to office. Tell us who did.
The entire culture was dominated by racist, sexist, and wealthy men. When they wrote all men were create equal we can take for granted that thought their Slave Race was sub-human and women were not equal (and certainly not very good drivers, lol)

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