Democrats want you to be a dependent....


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
Dependent on them to do things for you, that you can do for yourself. They want you to come away thinking you always need them. Take for instance the Facebook issue. Instead of telling people they have to do a better job at paying attention to what their kids are doing and helping with that, they instead tell people the problem is Facebook and not you. They say the government needs to get involved. Meaning "you need me", the democratic party.
I do depend on the democrats to build roads since I personally am incapable as such...If the GOP disappeared today you wouldn't need them anymore?
I do depend on the democrats to build roads since I personally am incapable as such...If the GOP disappeared today you wouldn't need them anymore?
I didn't know the example I gave was about the roads we drive on. U do need government for some things but not all.

Democrats want you to be a dependent....compliant slave....​

There, fixed it for the OP...
Dependent on them to do things for you, that you can do for yourself. They want you to come away thinking you always need them. Take for instance the Facebook issue. Instead of telling people they have to do a better job at paying attention to what their kids are doing and helping with that, they instead tell people the problem is Facebook and not you. They say the government needs to get involved. Meaning "you need me", the democratic party.
Both parties want you to be dependent on the party solving your problems and fears, relentlessly raising and blowing money on party leadership as they get rich of your problems, without solving them, as that would not be good for continuing and raising those money streams. Smart money would get a clue and quit donating, conserving their assets to handle their own problems.
Demonicrats survive strictly because of the dependency of their base, marketing victimization, and their reliance on irresponsible lazy people.

Without MSM twisting heads the DemoRats do not exist.
We are all aware of that fact.....So your statement is a half-truth.

No it isn't. They never stated in their OP that they never needed the government, just that it's controlling which is true.
We have all been dependent on the system for years. Cut the Fed pumping and watch people cry and start jumping out of windows.
Which political party is not controlling?

Well since the republicans have never really been the ones in charge of the government from my understanding I can't really tell you if they're controlling or not. They never even had a chance in the driver's seat.
Well since the republicans have never really been the ones in charge of the government from my understanding I can't really tell you if they're controlling or not. They never even had a chance in the driver's seat.
wasnt a guy named trump just recently in the drivers seat?....
Well since the republicans have never really been the ones in charge of the government from my understanding I can't really tell you if they're controlling or not. They never even had a chance in the driver's seat.
Really? That was a very short-sighted retort...I refer you to all states that are in control by the GOP and get back to me with more naïve retorts.
wasnt a guy named trump just recently in the drivers seat?....

Umm,.. the president doesn't have as much power as you think he (or possibly a future she) does. The government has more power than them. It's just an illusion that the president has the ultimate power over their country. However, with Biden it's not even an illusion that he's in power, it's just a figment of imagination.

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