Democrats Warn: Immunity Decision Will Let Presidents Go After Political Opponents

Yes this ruling is what I wanted and one i predicted. Anyone that understands basic civics understands there is something called sovereign immunity and since the president is the executive branch has immunity in his official acts.

Wasn’t even questioned until the demafasict got power and start trying to prosecute their polltical rival, who happened to be a former president
The opposite is true. Everyone assumed the president was subject to criminal prosecution. Hell, even Trump's own lawyers and his defenders in the impeachment trial believed so.

You're celebrating SCOTUS making it perfectly legal for the president to persecute their political enemies. This is a sad day for the country.
Conservatives actually have a much bigger problem with this because this probably won’t lead anywhere. Conservatives will then make up a boogeyman about the DoJ secretly trying to help Dems by avoiding prosecutions which would be baseless.

Durham was supposed to go after them, but failed. His two prosecutions were both acquitted and should have never happened.

Trump attempted to politicize the DoJ by getting them to make false claims about election interference. The DoJ is not politicized under Biden.

LOL, good luck with Joe...
Which will never happen. kidding. In fact please list all the Presidents before Trump that have ever been charged with a crime.

Obama drone strikes a 16 year old American Citizen without due process.

W. lied is into a war in Iraq where a million people died.

Biden had a quid pro quo with Ukraine, was likely making money on his son's nepotistic "board" positions and Chinese business dealings and he DEFINITELY had classified materials that there is NO WAY he had the power to declassify.

Clinton had Whitewater and Jessica Flowers and was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick AND we know for a fact he lied under oath.

I'm sure Bush Sr. the CIA master has skeletons in his closet stacked three deep...but nothing comes to mind.

Even Reagan violated the law in the Iran Contra scandal.

And that's just the shit we know about.

Where were the prosecutors???

Where are the indictments???

Guess it's only if you're last name is Trump and you take out a business loan or pay your lawyer to get an NDA, or investigate election fraud...then you just go straight to the gallows. :rolleyes:
So you made it up.
Haha no, I don’t know the names of a lot of people, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I mean who do you think is? You know more about the powers that be in your cult.

Obviously, we all saw xiden at the debate, he’s clearly not running the show. Hurr was clearly right he’s too senile
That sociopath Trump told his lackeys on the court what he wanted & they grabbed their ankles for him. Just like you MAGA freaks do.

Your day will come because no one is immune from what Trump, who you think is your savoiur & his uber wealthy cronies on that court & others are up to.

Deomcracy ended in this Country today.
Your tortured logic is not very convincing. You’re seeing what isn’t there because it’s convenient for you.

The DoJ investigations and prosecutions of Trump have nothing to do with Biden.
What's "tortured?" Biden clearly and unequivocally told his people: including Garland, Bragg, Fani ...: "We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by, if we, if he does run. I'm making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."

Their marching orders could not have been more clear - make "sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."
What's "tortured?" Biden clearly and unequivocally told his people: including Garland, Bragg, Fani ...: "We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by, if we, if he does run. I'm making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."

Their marching orders could not have been more clear - make "sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."
It's tortured logic to think that statement was an instruction to the DoJ to do anything.
Tell me who told the DoJ to go after Trump. Tell me when they said it. Tell me what they said.

Or admit you made it up.
Hahah why do I have to have all those details?

They all meet at different times with the White House counsel.
Tell me who told the DoJ to go after Trump. Tell me when they said it. Tell me what they said.

Or admit you made it up.
Biden. November 9th. ""We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by, if we, if he does run. I'm making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."
Obama drone strikes a 16 year old American Citizen without due process.
He was collateral damage. The drone strike was against terrorists in a combat zone.
W. lied is into a war in Iraq where a million people died.
Lying is not illegal.
Biden had a quid pro quo with Ukraine, was likely making money on his son's nepotistic "board" positions and Chinese business dealings and he DEFINITELY had classified materials that there is NO WAY he had the power to declassify.
Not illegal to be on a board through nepotism. Biden's actions in Ukraine were for US policy, not personal gain.
Clinton had Whitewater and Jessica Flowers and was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick AND we know for a fact he lied under oath.
Whitewater was investigated and had no criminal findings. Juanita Broaddrick had a sworn affidavit in 1998 saying it never happened. There was no way to press charges on something that occurred decades before. Clinton did lie under oath and that was adjudicated.
I'm sure Bush Sr. the CIA master has skeletons in his closet stacked three deep...but nothing comes to mind.
"I'm sure" doesn't count in prosecutions.
Even Reagan violated the law in the Iran Contra scandal.
Thoroughly investigated and unfortunately no one was ever able to find clear evidence Reagan knew what was going on.

The thought that presidents no longer need about the consequences of breaking the law with their presidential authority is appalling.
Biden. November 9th. ""We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by, if we, if he does run. I'm making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."
Investigations into Trump were occurring well before that statement.

Even using the warped logic you possess, there's a cause and effect problem here.
Because that's how you prove you didn't make it up.
Haha no, we all saw xiden on national tv, he’s clearly senile, the fact I don’t know the names of the. Lpowers that be that are running the puppet doesn’t mean they don’t exist

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