Democrats...Weiner on the Rise..

1) They all do it.
2) At this point what difference does it make?
4) Sept was a long time ago.

The Left's response to any egregious wrong doing on their side.

And this is very typical of the right. Refuse to address the very valid point that their side has people who do the same or worse and instead try to focus on some BS about the Left's response to everything. Deflection at it's finest.

Except it isn't true. It is only a deflection by the Left that "they all do it" (as if that somehow excuses the behavior). So instead of focusing and discussing the pathological behavior of some Democratic politicians, their supporters deflect to "they all do it" )as if that excuses it in their guy), At this point what difference does it make (as if that excuses it), BOOSH (as if that's an explanation), or Sept was a long time ago (as if it no longer matters because there is a time limit on bad behavior).

You'd have a point if the right didn't do the exact same thing. And to top it off they throw out the pathological behavior of some Democratic politicians while ignoring the very same behavior by some Republican politicians which is what my point was originally before you deflected to Liberal posters and how they behave.
You put in the word "and", that is what I was responding to.

And I stated it wasn't illegal before that.
Ignorance of the law has no bearing here.

Then why would you put it in there? Good grief.

Because she lied about her age.

And here is Washington state law.
"Affirmative Defenses as to Victims Age Generally, mistake as to age is not a defense to any of the above charges. However, under very specific circumstances, listed at 9A.44.030(3)(a)-(h), reasonable mistake as to age is a defense if victim misrepresented age."
I wonder at times why Democrats would be willing to forgive and forget Weiner's 422 indiscretions on-line. Could it be many Democrats identify with his behavior because they have similar on-line experiences.

Anthony Weiner moving up in NYC mayoral polls
The DIM con.

NORMALLY, silly con,
polls involve a cross section of the population.
cons included.
The better question would be
"why New Yorkers would be willing to forgive and forget Weiner's 422 indiscretions on-line."

The answer is simple.
A perverted Dem is better than ANY conservative.

WHAT does that say about the conservative message?
That in NYC no one wants to hear about self sufficiency and independence. Instead the election is about inner city Negroes deciding who is promising more gov't cheese.

You haven't been to NYC much have you?
And I stated it wasn't illegal before that.
Ignorance of the law has no bearing here.

Then why would you put it in there? Good grief.

Because she lied about her age.

And here is Washington state law.
"Affirmative Defenses as to Victims Age Generally, mistake as to age is not a defense to any of the above charges. However, under very specific circumstances, listed at 9A.44.030(3)(a)-(h), reasonable mistake as to age is a defense if victim misrepresented age."

However, did he is required to not accept the age on it's face. So if he did not use due diligence to get her age, he is in trouble. I can't imagine him really checking into her age while tweeting.
I find this terribly disturbing. At what point do we, as a society, finally put integrity over ideology? If faced with having one of the bigger dirtbags in my party's history or a Independent/Republican/Other who shows some real character, I'll take the Republican every time thank you very much.
Then why would you put it in there? Good grief.

Because she lied about her age.

And here is Washington state law.
"Affirmative Defenses as to Victims Age Generally, mistake as to age is not a defense to any of the above charges. However, under very specific circumstances, listed at 9A.44.030(3)(a)-(h), reasonable mistake as to age is a defense if victim misrepresented age."

However, did he is required to not accept the age on it's face. So if he did not use due diligence to get her age, he is in trouble. I can't imagine him really checking into her age while tweeting.

Actually I was wrong, the girl he sent the picture to was 21 and a college student. The 17 year old they brought up was never involved and he never sent her pics, which her parents backed up.
Surely there are members of the inner city govt plantation , hope and change crowd, and community organizing sleaze that will find wieners actions admirable and vote
Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.
If I lived in NYC I would want anyone other than Bloomberg. I went there recently. It is like a Police State.
If I lived in NYC I would want anyone other than Bloomberg. I went there recently. It is like a Police State.

Interesting..quite an impression..
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Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

This is how I see it....

The man was true to his ideology and always seemed to be truly for his constituents.

As for the sexting thing....stupid, immature, foolish...especially for a man in the publics eye.

As for the lying about it...typical reaction....almost all would have lied. I do not hold it against him.

However...what separates him from others?

He BLAMED others for it....he identified his "political opponents" as those committing a felony and hacking into his account....knowing full well that they didn't.

To me?

He should not be forgiven for it. That was where he crossed the line between being human and being evil.

That in itself is reason he should not be PERMITTED to run.

The man publicly blamed others for something they didn't do in an effort to protect his personal interests.

And he is to be trusted with New York City?
Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

It's not a question of "forgiving". In fact, it's not even our place to forgive him or not as he did not cheat on us. That's his wife's decision.

It's a question of character. Why would you want to elect a man to power who has proven he will fuck over the woman he loves and made a vow to in front of God and their friends and family. If he has such little integrity that he will do that, what do you think he will do to strangers like you and I when he's sitting in the office we elected him to?
If I lived in NYC I would want anyone other than Bloomberg. I went there recently. It is like a Police State.

A police state?

I live on Long Island and in the city often. It is far from a police state. To the contrary, the police seem to have their hands tied.
Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

This is how I see it....

The man was true to his ideology and always seemed to be truly for his constituents.

As for the sexting thing....stupid, immature, foolish...especially for a man in the publics eye.

As for the lying about it...typical reaction....almost all would have lied. I do not hold it against him.

However...what separates him from others?

He BLAMED others for it....he identified his "political opponents" as those committing a felony and hacking into his account....knowing full well that they didn't.

To me?

He should not be forgiven for it. That was where he crossed the line between being human and being evil.

That in itself is reason he should not be PERMITTED to run.

The man publicly blamed others for something they didn't do in an effort to protect his personal interests.

And he is to be trusted with New York City?

He did lie, but some tried to trap him by posing as underage girls online along with closely monitoring his account.
Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

It's not a question of "forgiving". In fact, it's not even our place to forgive him or not as he did not cheat on us. That's his wife's decision.

It's a question of character. Why would you want to elect a man to power who has proven he will fuck over the woman he loves and made a vow to in front of God and their friends and family. If he has such little integrity that he will do that, what do you think he will do to strangers like you and I when he's sitting in the office we elected him to?

Many men have done it.

But how many men identified and blamed others for it knowing it was they, themselves who were guilty?

That's the real issue with me.
Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

This is how I see it....

The man was true to his ideology and always seemed to be truly for his constituents.

As for the sexting thing....stupid, immature, foolish...especially for a man in the publics eye.

As for the lying about it...typical reaction....almost all would have lied. I do not hold it against him.

However...what separates him from others?

He BLAMED others for it....he identified his "political opponents" as those committing a felony and hacking into his account....knowing full well that they didn't.

To me?

He should not be forgiven for it. That was where he crossed the line between being human and being evil.

That in itself is reason he should not be PERMITTED to run.

The man publicly blamed others for something they didn't do in an effort to protect his personal interests.

And he is to be trusted with New York City?

He did lie, but some tried to trap him by posing as underage girls online along with closely monitoring his account.

One can not be trapped by those poising as underage girls unless one is interested in sexting with underage girls.

But is not that he lied. Heck...all men will lie if caught cheating.

He blamed others. Accused them of federal crimes.
If I lived in NYC I would want anyone other than Bloomberg. I went there recently. It is like a Police State.

A police state?

I live on Long Island and in the city often. It is far from a police state. To the contrary, the police seem to have their hands tied.

I spent a week in Harlem it was very obvious it was a Police State. And FYI most cities don't have Police towers everywhere. You obviously spend most of your time on Long Island and not in Manhattan.
There were cops everywhere, walking the streets, in the subways checking bags, entering businesses. I saw more cops the first night I was in Harlem than I would see in a month in my town.
And hands tied? Yeah right. Lol
The only place I didn't see a Cop every 30 seconds was The Village.

I really couldn't believe the bag checks in the subway. And the fact there were so many cops down there.
Werner did something stupid, it is up to the voters to decide whether to forgive or not.

I would vote for him based on ideology, as far as his poor judgement, I would not vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

It's not a question of "forgiving". In fact, it's not even our place to forgive him or not as he did not cheat on us. That's his wife's decision.

It's a question of character. Why would you want to elect a man to power who has proven he will fuck over the woman he loves and made a vow to in front of God and their friends and family. If he has such little integrity that he will do that, what do you think he will do to strangers like you and I when he's sitting in the office we elected him to?

I said I would not vote for him because of his poor judgement. I think you misinterpreted what I said.

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