Democrats Will No Longer Allow GOP Lawmakers to View Transcripts from Impeachment Hearings

I have never understood why house democrats want to impeach Trump now when the likelihood of a Senate conviction is low at best.
2020 election. The imeachment process will gove cover to many individuals to come forward . the dems are compiling a mountain of information.
Regardless of what the investigations reveal, Trump would fight an impeachment in the Senate to the very end vowing to take down any republican that opposed him. With Trump, republicans have have a chance of staying in power. If they turn on Trump, he will do everything he can to destroy the party. Unlike Clinton and Nixon who really cared about the party, Trump cares only about winning and destroying those that oppose him. Senate republicans know this and that's why they are not going fight Trump regardless of what he did.
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I have never understood why house democrats want to impeach Trump now when the likelihood of a Senate conviction is low at best.
2020 election. The imeachment process will gove cover to many individuals to come forward . the dems are compiling a mountain of information.
Regardless of what the investigations reveal, Trump would fight an impeachment in the Senate to the very end vowing to take down any republican that opposed him. With Trump, republicans have have a chance of staying in power. If they turn on Trump, he will do everything he can to destroy the party. Unlike Clinton and Nixon who really cared about the party, Trump cares only about winning and destroys those that oppose him. Senate republicans know this and that's why they are not going fight Trump regardless of what he did.
Bull shit. President Trump wouldn't have to do a damn thing. The PEOPLE would turn on ANY republican voting to convict him because any vote for such would be a VOTE FOR THE DEMTRASH and their CORRUPT RAIL ROAD JOB, PERIOD, END OF STORY.

Get real.
Trump has already won 2020. The Democratic Party outed itself in its own 'Debates' as un-American racist scum. Trump isn't what is keeping the vermin out of the White House, but their fake 'media' isn't going to admit that fact.; they're too deeply compromised and discredited now, as are all nationally known Democrats. They should do the right thing and leave the country, but they will stay and try and burn the place down in their insane fits, so be ready for that by next summer. The WSJ Weekeend Edition ran an article on how they're organizing 'resistance cells' within the Federal bureaucracy to interfere with and refuse to obey orders at every turn now, so we can also be ready to arrest many Democrats employed in Federal govt. offices as well.
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What race are you?

Mr. Smollett AKA White MAGA Man, you are fooling only the worst idiots on USMB.

You aren't a supporter of David Duke. You are trying to equate supporting Trump with supporting Duke, and that is really offensive, since it is highly inaccurate, and here's why....






New standard practice:

When a party holds a simple majority in either house all elected members of any opposition party are excluded from all participation.

What a lunatic rule. Where are you getting this? After all, Republicans are present in all of these closed-door sessions.

Did your Stalinist cult not inform you of that?

Did your Stalinist cult not remind you that all those Benghazi hearings were closed-door?

You might want to ask them why they misled you with such propaganda. And you might want to explain why the Republican-written rules which the House is following now were fine when Republicans followed them, but which are totally awful now. But only if you don't want to look like a hypocrite.

Oh wait. I forgot. You're the psychotic uber-Stalinist who constantly posts here about torturing and killing political opponents. The historical Stalinists look like Ghandhi compared to you. Never mind.
Mamooth has never been bothered that Democrats steal. As a Democrat, it is almost certain that she has stolen from the US taxpayer.

What Mamooth really opposes is INVESTIGATING whether DEMOCRATS like her and Biden were stealing..

No no no, no investigating.... just stealing with no investigating, what the Democrat Platform is for 2020....
I have never understood why house democrats want to impeach Trump now when the likelihood of a Senate conviction is low at best.
2020 election. The imeachment process will gove cover to many individuals to come forward . the dems are compiling a mountain of information.
Regardless of what the investigations reveal, Trump would fight an impeachment in the Senate to the very end vowing to take down any republican that opposed him. With Trump, republicans have have a chance of staying in power. If they turn on Trump, he will do everything he can to destroy the party. Unlike Clinton and Nixon who really cared about the party, Trump cares only about winning and destroys those that oppose him. Senate republicans know this and that's why they are not going fight Trump regardless of what he did.
Bull shit. President Trump wouldn't have to do a damn thing. The PEOPLE would turn on ANY republican voting to convict him because any vote for such would be a VOTE FOR THE DEMTRASH and their CORRUPT RAIL ROAD JOB, PERIOD, END OF STORY.

Get real.
If you mean the Trump's base would follow him to hell and back regardless of his disregard for the constitution, our laws, and common decency, I would have to agree.
New standard practice:

When a party holds a simple majority in either house all elected members of any opposition party are excluded from all participation.

What a lunatic rule. Where are you getting this? After all, Republicans are present in all of these closed-door sessions.

Did your Stalinist cult not inform you of that?

Did your Stalinist cult not remind you that all those Benghazi hearings were closed-door?

You might want to ask them why they misled you with such propaganda. And you might want to explain why the Republican-written rules which the House is following now were fine when Republicans followed them, but which are totally awful now. But only if you don't want to look like a hypocrite.

Oh wait. I forgot. You're the psychotic uber-Stalinist who constantly posts here about torturing and killing political opponents. The historical Stalinists look like Ghandhi compared to you. Never mind.
They can't defend his illegal actions, so they attack the process which is the same process which has been used by both parties in congress countless times.
New standard practice:

When a party holds a simple majority in either house all elected members of any opposition party are excluded from all participation.

What a lunatic rule. Where are you getting this? After all, Republicans are present in all of these closed-door sessions.

Did your Stalinist cult not inform you of that?

Did your Stalinist cult not remind you that all those Benghazi hearings were closed-door?

You might want to ask them why they misled you with such propaganda. And you might want to explain why the Republican-written rules which the House is following now were fine when Republicans followed them, but which are totally awful now. But only if you don't want to look like a hypocrite.

Oh wait. I forgot. You're the psychotic uber-Stalinist who constantly posts here about torturing and killing political opponents. The historical Stalinists look like Ghandhi compared to you. Never mind.
They can't defend his illegal actions, so they attack the process which is the same process which has been used by both parties in congress countless times.
It has been used 3 times before once in 1866 once for Nixon and once for Clinton. I dont know how they did it in 1866 but for Nixon and Clinton the House had a vote to begin investigation of President for Impeachment and THEN both parties could call witness and depose people. This time it is in secret and the Republicans are shut out not allowed to call witness not allowed to issue subpoenas or depose people. So you sir are a BALD FACED LIAR.
New standard practice:

When a party holds a simple majority in either house all elected members of any opposition party are excluded from all participation.

What a lunatic rule. Where are you getting this? After all, Republicans are present in all of these closed-door sessions.

Did your Stalinist cult not inform you of that?

Did your Stalinist cult not remind you that all those Benghazi hearings were closed-door?

You might want to ask them why they misled you with such propaganda. And you might want to explain why the Republican-written rules which the House is following now were fine when Republicans followed them, but which are totally awful now. But only if you don't want to look like a hypocrite.

Oh wait. I forgot. You're the psychotic uber-Stalinist who constantly posts here about torturing and killing political opponents. The historical Stalinists look like Ghandhi compared to you. Never mind.
They can't defend his illegal actions, so they attack the process which is the same process which has been used by both parties in congress countless times.
It has been used 3 times before once in 1866 once for Nixon and once for Clinton. I dont know how they did it in 1866 but for Nixon and Clinton the House had a vote to begin investigation of President for Impeachment and THEN both parties could call witness and depose people. This time it is in secret and the Republicans are shut out not allowed to call witness not allowed to issue subpoenas or depose people. So you sir are a BALD FACED LIAR.

Flopper is just here to parrot the DNC's fictional narrative, is all.
Fake news.

Minority party Republicans can't call witnesses because of the rules they made in 2015. Now they're crying victim of their own rules.

And yes, Rescumlicans on inquiry committees can access transcripts. It's all the other ones who can't. And neither can Democrats also not serving on those committees. Do you really need "closed door" to be explained to you?
New standard practice:

When a party holds a simple majority in either house all elected members of any opposition party are excluded from all participation.

What a lunatic rule. Where are you getting this? After all, Republicans are present in all of these closed-door sessions.

Did your Stalinist cult not inform you of that?

Did your Stalinist cult not remind you that all those Benghazi hearings were closed-door?

You might want to ask them why they misled you with such propaganda. And you might want to explain why the Republican-written rules which the House is following now were fine when Republicans followed them, but which are totally awful now. But only if you don't want to look like a hypocrite.

Oh wait. I forgot. You're the psychotic uber-Stalinist who constantly posts here about torturing and killing political opponents. The historical Stalinists look like Ghandhi compared to you. Never mind.
They can't defend his illegal actions, so they attack the process which is the same process which has been used by both parties in congress countless times.
It has been used 3 times before once in 1866 once for Nixon and once for Clinton. I dont know how they did it in 1866 but for Nixon and Clinton the House had a vote to begin investigation of President for Impeachment and THEN both parties could call witness and depose people. This time it is in secret and the Republicans are shut out not allowed to call witness not allowed to issue subpoenas or depose people. So you sir are a BALD FACED LIAR.
So what? There's no rule mandating a House vote.
Fake news.

Minority party Republicans can't call witnesses because of the rules they made in 2015. Now they're crying victim of their own rules.

And yes, Rescumlicans on inquiry committees can access transcripts. It's all the other ones who can't. And neither can Democrats also not serving on those committees. Do you really need "closed door" to be explained to you?

Fri. Oct. 25, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote. You're laughable frauds, and a running joke.
Fake news.

Minority party Republicans can't call witnesses because of the rules they made in 2015. Now they're crying victim of their own rules.

And yes, Rescumlicans on inquiry committees can access transcripts. It's all the other ones who can't. And neither can Democrats also not serving on those committees. Do you really need "closed door" to be explained to you?

Fri. Oct. 25, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote. You're laughable frauds, and a running joke.
I'm not sure what your point is? It's been about one month since Pelosi initiated this inquiry. This process lasted about 9 months with Nixon; and Republicans spent about 4 years investigating Clinton.
Republicans want to be able to obstruct justice, by threatening opposition witnesses and launching slur campaigns. They also want to coach their own witnesses into telling all the same lies, based on seeing previous witness testimony.

They're being stopped from such reprehensible sleaze, so they're angry. Nothing pisses off Republicans more than someone preventing their criminal behavior.

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