Democrats Will No Longer Allow GOP Lawmakers to View Transcripts from Impeachment Hearings

A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.

He made a profit on a stick of gum he sold at one of his hotels!

Countries purchase blocks of rooms at Trump properties & never show up.
Really? Where's the evidence for that?
A Trump hotel mystery: Giant reservations followed by empty rooms
I wouldnt vote for impeachment... I was exhausted from the investigations during the Benghazi nonsense and instead of the dems being adults when got power they did the same thing they spent years criticizing.

well I criticized it then, I’m not supporting it now and in two years when the dems have power and republicans start in with their obstruction investigation none sense I’ll be right there calling you a hypocrite as you defend the investigators

On first blush, that looks like consistency.

Yet, in order to get there you have to equal - "investigations during the Benghazi nonsense and instead of the dems being adults when got power they did the same thing" - eight Benghazi "investigations", none of which uncovered any wrongdoing on Hillary's part, with the investigations into the obvious abuse of power and corruption in the Trump administration.

You will also remember that the last running Benghazi investigation was unceremoniously dropped as soon as Hillary was defeated - because getting to the bottom of it suddenly was no longer an urgent matter.

So, while aiming for consistency, do please make sure you are applying one and the same yardstick to matters that really are the same, or at least reasonably similar. Wildly different things require different yardsticks.
While all those investigations were valid and had cause they were also vastly over politicized by their perspective sides.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.

He made a profit on a stick of gum he sold at one of his hotels!

Countries purchase blocks of rooms at Trump properties & never show up.
Really? Where's the evidence for that?
A Trump hotel mystery: Giant reservations followed by empty rooms

The investigation began after the committee received information that two entities — a trade association and a foreign government — booked a large quantity of rooms but used only a fraction of them, according to a person familiar with the allegation who isn't authorized to speak for the committee.
Anonymous sources. Who would ever have suspected?

“If true, at minimum, this suggests there is a culture of corruption that the administration has created,” Khanna said. “There’s a sense that to curry favor you have to engage in pay to play. That’s exactly what the American people hate about Washington.”
In other words, the people pointing the finger have no idea whether these accusations are true.

Just as I thought, you haven't got a shred of evidence.
While all those investigations were valid and had cause they were also vastly over politicized by their perspective sides.

You probably meant "respective" sides. And you'd still be wrong. Eight investigations, dragged out right to election day, should give you a hint. After the initial State Department investigation, nothing relevant and new was uncovered. The factual findings were already there, and public.

Also, Trump trying to besmirch and discredit legal and constitutional tools to keep the Executive honest, should give you another hint. The current investigations continue to uncover new details about Trump's corruption and abuse of power, from Manafort to Guiliani's pals recently arrested to the exact workings of the Ukraine extortion just yesterday. That's yet another hint, namely, that the current investigations are centered on facts, whereas the Congressional Benghazi investigations were meant to keep the issue in the media.

Gain some proper perspective, and an adequate yardstick, please.
While all those investigations were valid and had cause they were also vastly over politicized by their perspective sides.

You probably meant "respective" sides. And you'd still be wrong. Eight investigations, dragged out right to election day, should give you a hint. After the initial State Department investigation, nothing relevant and new was uncovered. The factual findings were already there, and public.

Also, Trump trying to besmirch and discredit legal and constitutional tools to keep the Executive honest, should give you another hint. The current investigations continue to uncover new details about Trump's corruption and abuse of power, from Manafort to Guiliani's pals recently arrested to the exact workings of the Ukraine extortion just yesterday. That's yet another hint, namely, that the current investigations are centered on facts, whereas the Congressional Benghazi investigations were meant to keep the issue in the media.

Gain some proper perspective, and an adequate yardstick, please.
I’m not equivocating nor am I interested in determining whose shit is smellier. If you can’t have some objective criticism of your side the. Nobody is going to take you seriously. The impeach movement has been going on for years and there has been a faction on the left playing just as dirty as the Reps played against Obama.
Three years and all you have is hearsay from anonymous sources. Is this going to continue into to Pres. Trumps second term?
Karma is bitch slapping the living shit out of everyone these days.

Trump the birther who wanted Bush forcibly removed from office and Obama forcibly removed from office is feeling the impeachment heat.

All the pseudocons screaming for Obama's impeachment for eight years are now all indignant and shit.

Joe Biden has just lynched himself.

The Republicans are pounding on the very same closed doors they locked from the inside a couple years ago.!
New standard practice:

When a party holds a simple majority in either house all elected members of any opposition party are excluded from all participation.

Remember that in The Senate!
Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.

Nazi's called Hitler a "good man". You're doing the same and probably can't see it.
Poor thing.....Trump hasn't done a thing and you've been after him since election day. FAR too much CNN
You're so lost I'm surprised you can figure out which way to turn to use the potty.

PS....the lawless are Pelosi, Schiff and schumer & company.

And I can guarantee you this personally....
If "your side" ultimately prevails, YOU will personally be far worse off than you bargained for.
You can take that to the bank and deposit it.

No. I’ll be fine. Retired. Rent controlled housing. Guaranteed pensions for life, indexed to inflation. Government funded health care.

Canada takes care of its citizens first. Not Corporations, not the wealthy. The PEOPLE.

Ah, so now you're 'Canadian' again? You and your other socks posting under this name have trouble remembering what country you're supposed to be from.
No Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet! Never will be either, but it keeps the tards and pedophile Friendlies happy.
No Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet! Never will be either, but it keeps the tards and pedophile Friendlies happy.
I have never understood why house democrats want to impeach Trump now when the likelihood of a Senate conviction is low at best. It would take 18 republicans in the Senate to convict Trump. Although a number of republicans are not happy with Trump, only a few are likely to vote to convict him.

If republicans in the Senate voted to remove Trump from office, millions of Trump voters would abandon the party next November which is why they aren't going to convict him. Trump would be exonerated; a defeat for democrats that could well give Trump just the boost he needs to win another term.

IMHO, the better course of action for democrats is to continue to investigate. There is no doubt that Trump will continue to violate laws, defy congress, and mock the constitution because his supporters love it. To them, that's how you get things done in Washington.

Investigate and let the people decide next November.
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I have never understood why house democrats want to impeach Trump now when the likelihood of a Senate conviction is low at best.
2020 election. The imeachment process will gove cover to many individuals to come forward . the dems are compiling a mountain of information.
LOL no they are not or it wouldn't be secret. They have nothing and never did, THAT is why it is secret.
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I have never understood why house democrats want to impeach Trump now when the likelihood of a Senate conviction is low at best.
2020 election. The imeachment process will gove cover to many individuals to come forward . the dems are compiling a mountain of information.

Here you have it folks, the combined effects of tertiary syphilis and chronic drug abuse all in one Democrat pathology.

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